Normal Procedures ch. 7 & 8 Flashcards
Condition I
Each crew member proceeds immediately to predesignsted station. Headsets on.
Condition ll
Surveillance / High Alt ASW Ops/ transit
Observer stations Manned as necessary and observers periodically rotated. Continuous wearing of headsets not required.
Condition lll
Operational Check
All stations manned by primary operators. Perform ICS check. Obtain equipment status and report to TACCO. TACCO to PIC then set Condition 2
WARNING: at no time shall the MASTER ARM or SRCH PWR be on
NOTE: set by pilot after takeoff and signifies personnel are free to leave their ditching station and perform in flight performance checks.
Condition lV
Aircraft inspection
Crew members leave ditching station and inspect
- Doppler well, MLC, HSC
- Visible external surfaces
- Bomb bay
Don helmet with clear visor down
Condition V
Takeoff / Landing
Everyone takes assigned ditching stations
- rig station, stow equipment
- don helmet and gloves (as necessary by PIC)
- fasten seatbelt and headrest
- don’t move until released by PIC
AOA reference units
- 15
- 14
- 12
- 10.5
- ditching
- best climb angle (min fuel flow occurs in level flight)
- Max endurance, land or approach flaps gives 1.3 Vs
- chart loiter
TAC crew checklist
C: clearance (have IFR clearance) L: lineman A: Atis /ATAF / SFF (safe for flight, ATAF and ground start request from shooters) W: WX (have a dash 1 and updated wx) S: Starts (request)
Start Sequence
- Selecting Engine does what?
- Stater button in
- 16%
- “Light off”
- 35%
- 57-64%
- 94%
- Selecting engine: opens APU load / shutoff valve and bleed air start valve to pressurize the bleed air manifold
- Start button In: energizes start solenoid and allows air to open start valve illuminating start light “button in, light on, air drop” as engine starts to turn after manifold px drop and engine starts rotating (P) “rotation”
- 16%: check 25psi on bleed air manifold is “holding”. A switch in speed sense control opens fuel shutoff valve energizing ignition relay energizing IMP items
- Light off: between 16-33% and usually at 24%rpm and starter light turns off
- 35%: rising oil px in p/s and rgb, EDC light out and paralleling light on before (between 16-65% )“oil px rising, lights out, pumps in parallel”
- 57-65%: starter button pulled out denergizing start solenoid. Start light out as start valve closes and manifold px rises again. TIT spikes shortly after (usually 65%). Parallel light out and fuel press low light out by low rpm stabilizing rpm at 98%
- 94%: second TIT spike due to TD going from start limiting to temp limiting (start limits do not apply). Speed sensative control valve opens to allow 14th stage bleed air to close 5th and 10th compressor bleed air valves. Then normal rpm (96.3-99.1)
- within 60 secs of rotation: low rpm is attained (71.0-73.8)
When to discontinue start
1: Starting bleed air manifold px is less than 25psi at 16%
2: acceleration time from start of rotation to low rpm exceeds 60 secs
3: if peak TIT is between 720-750C continue start and record. If below 720, discontinue start, record and attempt a second start with TD in Null. If subsequent restart is below 720C, discontinue and Mx action required
4: if peak TIT between 830-850C, continue start and record over temp. If above 850, discontinue start, record and investigate before next attempt. If 850 is exceeded a second time, discontinue and Mx action required. If exceeding 965C, an overtemp inspection is required before flight
5: engine speed stagnates or begins to decay
6: engine fails to light off by 33% rpm or Max start motoring rpm, whichever occurs first
7: there is no oil px indicated at 35% for either the rgb or p/s
8: there is fuel speeding from nacelle drain
9: torching or excessive smoke. If torching more than 3 secs, call mx
10: abnormal vibration
11: on initial start, if either prop pump light remains on after low rpm is reached
Why is engine 2 started in normal rpm?
To provide an engine driven Gen and high px 14th stage bleed air to start other engines
Backing procedures
1: post after observer
2: raise flaps to UP
3: operating engines should be in normal rpm
4: wing walkers positioned
5: at night, landing lights retracted
6: maintain speed with power levers. Use fwd thirst to stop backward movement
When lights should be on
- Wing and tail
- Wheelwell
- Taxi
- Landing and Taxi
- Anticollision
- anytime power is applied to aircraft
- during all night ground ops
- hours of darkentss when ac in motion on the ground unless they would blind others
- for all landings takeoffs and approaches and all ops below 10,000’ day or night, high density areas.
- anytime props spinning (off through clouds)
Climb schedule air speeds
4 engine
3 engine
2 engine
220kts to 10,000ft and decreasing 2kts per 1,000ft after
190kts to 20,000ft and decreasing 2kts per 1,000ft after
All two engine climbs are conducted at a constant airspeed of 180kts
NTS check and proper indications
Primary indication of proper check?
HP: -800SHP Min
Engine bleed air switch: open
Power lever: restart slowly to flight idle overserving HP
- Look for flashing feather valve light, negative SHP and noticeable yaw)
Engine bleed air switch: closed
Power lever: advance to set symmetric power
RPM stable below mechanical prop government RPM but above 95% with power lever at flight idle
Fuel log shall be kept…
Missions in excess of 500 nm or more than 6 hrs in duration entered either hourly or ever 5,000lbs
Engine restart during flight air speeds
210-345krs less 6 kts per 1,000’
170kts min
Pull E handle if any of the following occur during in flight restart
1: TIT exceeds 850C
2: no oil px rising by 35%
3: engine rpm stagnates or decays
CP general Duties (NATOPS 18-11)
B: Back up the pilot during all phases of the approach, providing assistance as required.
E: Ensure checklists are completed, nav and com receivers tuned to correct frequencies during approach
A: handle All Coms for terminal procedures
R: record the following info when recieved from ATC
- HDG’s and Alts, freqs, clearances, airport info
CP Specitic duties (NATOPS 18-11)
1: Notify pilot when 1,000ft prior to assigned alt
2: record approach/landing speeds when given on approach checklist
3: when pilot calls for landing gear, repeat approach/ landing speeds, DH or MDA
4: Call out anytime airspeed slower than specified
5: Call out “APPROACHING DH/MDA when 100 above mins
6: Call contact and runway location (L/R) when in sight (runway or approach lights)
7: Complete landing checklist with pilot/ FE and review 500ft AGL
8: Be prepared to assist the pilot as directed in the event a missed approach procedure must be executed
9: call out any rate of decent in excess of 1000fpm when on final
10: call out “APP MODE” During FMS app. When RNP value sequences to RNP.3 (2nm from FAF)
11: Set desired alt in ADDU and call out alt. Pilot shall repeat alt after verifying properly set
12: Make all necessary entries into the CDU. FLPN mods shall be verified by Pilot prior to execution.
How do you determine max range IAS while climbing to assigned level of altitude?
Configurations A,B, C
Configurations D and E
205 plus 1/2 of gross weight in thousands - the altitudes thousands
180 plus 1/2 of gross weight in thousands - twice the altitude in thousands
- for 3 engine ops: subtract 10kts from formula
- for 2 engines: subtract 20kts
How to compensate for wind in any configuration?
- Headwind
- Tailwind
Increase TAS by 30%
Decrease TAS by 25%
Step climb to 2,000ft when TIT is decrease too…
900C with a tailwind
890C with no wind
880C with headwind
Cold start logic
- If peak TIT between 720-750C
- If below 720C
- If subsequent restart below 720C
- Continue start and record discrepancy
- Discontinue start and try again with TD null
- Discontinue start and Mx action required
Hot start logic
- If peak TIT between 830 to 850C
- If above 850C
- If subsequent start above 850C
- If 965C exceeded
- continue start and record overtemp
- discontinue start and record and investigate
- discontinue start and Mx action required
- overtemp inspection required
Checking battery powered buses are powered SEAC SEDC APU ESS FEDC GOB
SEAC: SHP SEDC: Voltmeter APU ESS: Fire detectors FEDC: CMD Bell GOB: oil quantity test
Secure ground air hand signal
Point at air multiplier and perform “cut throat”
Brief the observer and ground observer on these three things 8.4
1: significant torching or excessive smoke during initial light off
2: no fuel appears to be coming from fuel manifold drip valve drain (could mean valve failed to close at 16 % rpm)
3: no personnel in the area (leaking starter px regulator and shutoff valve can cause rotation)
What 4 items do you need to have before turning on the fuel and ignition switches? (BURP)
B: beta light on
U: TIT under 200
R: RPM 0
P: prop no rotation and power lever at ground start
16 percent switch does what?
1: speed sense control opens the fuel shutoff valve
2: it energizes the ignition relay
Ignition relay energizes 3 things (IMP)
I: igniter plugs
M: fuel manifold drain valve solenoid
P: paralleling valve solenoid
At 65% what happens?
Speed sense control valve deenergizes ignition relay deenergizing IMP
(Fuel manifold drain valve solenoid held closed by fuel px)
At 94%…
Speed sense control shifts TD from start limiting to temp limiting
Proper indications for normal start
P: Prop pump lights out S: SHP positive T: TIT Normal or low R: normal or low RPM F: fuel press low light out by low rpm O: oil px in gearbox
Shifting engine rpm (ESPR items)
E: engine anti-ice OFF
S: speed below 50kts
P: power lever at or near min torque (ground start)
R: RPM selector switch as required
Three engine climb scheduled airspeed
190kts to 20,000 and - 2kts per 1,000ft after
Two engine climb scheduled airspeed
Setting up for NTS checks (rule of 8)
Alt: 8k’ or below
A/S: 180kts +- 10
SHP: no less than 800SHP
How to help get NTS SHP more negative
1: open fuselage bleed air shutoff valves
2: slightly yaw the aircraft
Setting up for NTS (north south east west)
N: NTS fx valve switch to fx valve position
S: sync master ans servo switches off
E: engine anti-ice on
W: wing deice off
Stabilized NTS Indications
1: stabilized rpm below mechanical governing range with power lever at flight idle
2: one of other indications
- noticeable yaw
- flashing fx valve light
- negative SHP
What SHP does NTS occur?
1&4: -150 to -500
2&3: -100 to -500
Loiter considerations (NATO)
N: Gen 2 and 3 normal
A: all buses energized
T: top 3 or bottom 3 guages
O: icing conditions (no vis moisture less than 10 degrees C) or not below 0 degrees C
When to do a Battery shutdown and steps
When no operating APU or ext pwr available
1: shutdown outboard engines
2: five single Gen brief
3: shut down engine 2
4: open main cabin door and lower ladder
5: select an engine with start selector (to have TIT)
6: NTS light should come on as the last fuel and ignition switch is turned off
7: the generator trips offline at 95%
8: Brief crew you’ll loose all lighting after next step
9: shutdown last motor with fuel and ignition switch in normal rpm
10: complete secure checklist
What does pushing in PCO do?
- prop pump runs (caused by deenergized fx cutout relay)
- fx valve solenoid is energized positioning fx valve to fx
- all oil is sent to increased pitch side of dome
- aux pump is running (indicated by fx button light on and prop pump light extinguished)
What does pulling the feather button to the unfeather position do?
1: energizes feather pump but not the fx valve solenoid
2: prop gov senses an under speed and ports hyd fluid to decreased side of dome
3: blade angle and rotation
Hot start causes
W: wind up tail pipe P: poor ground air supply F: faulty fuel control I: incorrect prop blade angle S: stalled compressor T: malfunctioning temp trim system
On the ground when you shift normal to low, shut down engine if TIT exceeds…
850C or rpm drops below 71%
What does the Fuel and Ignition cb do vs what the speed sense cb does
- provides power for the switch (off is powered)
APU inflight arming (GFASG)
G: APU Gen switch off F: Fuel bp on and xf as required A: inflight arm switch on S: Start APU on electrical power system G:
Refueling Panel
- Make sure master power switch on
- Tank 5 control valve down, everything else up
1 and 4: 9,500
2 and 3: 5,500
5: 2,000 - Check vents for air so that there is no trapped air causing damage to the foam
- Checking quantity. Tellerance multiply .04 and add 240 (in the FE’s 6 dash 1 guide)
A sheet color codes
C=no IFR (blue), Z is downing (red)