Normal Labour Flashcards
What is normal labour?
It is the process in the foetus, placenta and membranes are expelled via the birth canal
Normal labour is said to be…
Spontaneous (spontaneous vaginal birth)
After what period of gestation should labour occur?
37-42 weeks gestation
How should the foetus present?
By the vertex
What is known about the physiosological factors which allow for labour to start?
- Cervix softens
- Myometrial tone changes to allow for coordinated contractions
- Progesterone decreases whilst oxytocin and prostaglandins increase to allow for labour to initiate
myometrium - middle layer of uterine wall
How many stages of labour are there?
•First stage of labour - early/latent phase, active first stage and transition
•Second stage of labour - passive, active
•Third stage of labour - active or physiological
Which 2 phases can the first stage of labour be divided into?
Latent (early) and active phases
What occurs in the latent phase?
- Can be the longest part of labour
- Irregular contractions
- Cervical changes and dilatation up to 4cm
What occurs in the active phase?
- Length of active labour can vary from 8-12hrs - depends parity
- Regular, painful contractions
- Cervix is 4-10cm
What is the transition stage?
- Between 1st and 2nd stages of labour
- Cervix is 8-10cm
- May experience physical changes such as shaking, vomiting or the need to empty her bowels
- May express that they can no longer cope
What occurs in the second stage of labour?
- Can have passive and active
- Full dilatation to birth
- Passive second stage of labour
- Active second stage of labour
- Length will vary between 2-3hours depending on if woman is nulliparous or multiparous
What occurs in the third stage of labour?
- From birth of the baby to the expulsion of the placenta and membranes
- Physiological management - no uterotonics, cord clamping, placenta is delivered by maternal effort (60mins)
- Active management - uterotonic drugs, clamp and cut the cord once blood has drained from the placenta (30mins)
What are the mechanisms of labour?
- Engagement and descent
- Flexion
- Internal rotation of the head
- Crowning and extension of the head
- Restitution
- Internal rotation of the head and external rotation of the head
- Lateral flexion of shoulders
Name 3 foetal lies
- Cephalic
- Breech
- Transverse
Name 5 foetal presentations
- Face
- Brow
- Vertex
- Breech
- Shoulder
How is foetal wellbeing monitored during labour?
- Intermittent auscultation can be done using a Pinards stethoscope or a handheld dopplar
- Continuous monitoring is done using a cardiotocograph
- A normal foetal heartrate is between 110-160bpm, with good variability (>5bpm) and accelerations (15bpms).
How is foetal wellbeing monitored during labour?
- Intermittent auscultation can be done using a Pinards stethoscope or a handheld dopplar
- Continuous monitoring is done using a cardiotocograph
- A normal foetal heartrate is between 110-160bpm, with good variability (>5bpm) and accelerations (15bpms).
How is the woman monitored during labour?
- Maternal observations
- Abdominal palpation
- Vaginal examination
- Monitoring of liquor (amniotic fluid)
- Palpation of contractions
- External signs e.g Rhomboid of Michaelis and anal cleft line
What are the pharmacological and non-pharmacological supports for a woman in labour?
- Maternal position and mobility
- Breathing and hypnobirthing techniques
- Massage
- Aromatherapy
- TENS - transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
- Oral analgesia
- Water
- Entonox - gas
- Opioids
- Remifentanil PCA - opioid, patient controlled
- Epidural