Normal Labor and Delivery - Moulton Flashcards
Labor vs False Labor
Labor - regular uterine contractions that cause progressive cervical dilation
False labor - Irregular contractions, no cervical dilation
***Fetal head should be in what position at birth?
***What “axis” is the shortest and associated w/ this?
Well flexed
***Most common pelvis shape
Baby position?
Gynecoid (50%) - round inlet, wide transverse in middle, wide suprapubic arch
OA (occiput anterior)
Woman, delivering well, baby is occiput posterior. Most likely pelvis shape?
Anthropoid (20%) - large A-P axis, long narrow oval shape
2 pelvis shapes w/ poor prognosis for delivery
Platypelloid (transverse)
Android (OP)
Diagonal conjugate
Good value?
Inferior of pubic symphysis to sacral promentory = close to size of pelvic inlet
11.5 cm
Measuring pelvic inlet
- Distance between ischial tuberosities (> 8.5)
- Infrapubic arch (> 90)
**Fetal lie vs. Fetal presentation
Lie = longitudinal, transverse, or oblique
Presentation = vertex, breech, transverse
Fully dilated = ___ cm
Effacement = what?
Thinning of cervix, reported as % of change in length
Station = what?
- Values?
Degree of descent of baby
- Zero = at ischial spines
- (-1) to (-5) = above that
- +1 to +5 = below that
- **Duration of first stage of labor…
- 1st pregnancy
- 2nd + pregnancy
6-18 hours
2-10 hours
- **Rate of cervical dilation…
- 1st pregnancy
- 2nd + pregnancy
- 2 cm per hour
1. 5 cm per hour
***2 types of fetal monitoring
***Uncomplicated vs. complicated?
- Continuous
- Intermittent
- Uncomp. = q30 min 1st stage, q15 min 2nd stage
- Comp. = q15 min 1st stage, q5 min 2nd stage
- **Durations of 2nd stage…
- 1st vs. 2nd +
- Epidural?
1st = 2 hours 2nd = 1 hour Epidural = ADD 1 HOUR
***7 cardinal movements of labor
How to remember?
- Engagement (station = 0)
- Descent
- Flexion (to get SOB diameter)
- Internal rotation (to OA/OP)
- Extension (crowining = +5, then rapid extension to birth)
- External rotation (back to TV)
- Expulsion (shoulders)
“Every decent family in England eats eggs”
If placenta doesn’t come out after 30 minutes…
“Retained placenta” - must go get it
***Signs of placental separation
- Gush of blood
- Lengthening of cord
- Fundus rises up
- Fundus becomes globular
3 most common causes of postpartum hemorrhage
MOST common one?
- Uterine atony
- Retained placenta
- Unrepaired laceration
***3 ways to ripen a cervix
- Dinoprostone (PGE2 insert)
- Misoprostol (PGE1)
- Foley bulb catheter (mechanical dilation)
**When can you NOT use Cervidil (Dino) or Cytotec (Miso)?
Previous C section