Dysfunctional Labor - Moulton Flashcards
- *Minimal rate of baby descent:
- Nulliparous
- Multiparous
1 cm/hr
2 cm/hr
For all phases of labor, except the latent phase, a “disorder of labor” can either be ___ or ___
- Protraction (slower than normal)
- Arrest (complete cessation of progress) - for 2+ hours
- *Normal upper limit of latent phase:
- Nulliparous
- Multiparous
20 hours
14 hours
Causes for prolonged latent phase (3)
- No cervical change
- Excessive sedatives or analgesics
- Fetal malposition
Therapeutic rest (Morphine) - will eventually move to active phase (85%)
Causes of active phase problems (4)
**How to remember?
- Poor uterine activity
- Cephalopelvic disproportion
- Fetal malposition
- Anesthesia
3 Ps - Power, Passenger, Passage (pelvic bones)
Treating active phase issue - if what?
Augmentation (if less than 3 contractions per 10 minutes and/or intensity is under 25)
Can oxytocin be given during an early abortion to help stop bleeding?
NO - not responsive to it until 20-40 weeks
*****Relationship between oxytocin and ADH
If dehydrated, ADH binds to oxytocin receptors and causes premature contractions
If given too much oxytocin, will bind ADH receptors and cause fluid overload
Transverse arrest of descent - define
Persistent OT position w/ arrest of descent for 1+ hrs
How to treat persistent OT position, IF pelvis is adequate and baby is normal (2)
IF pelvis is inadequate or baby is huge? (1)
Manual rotation
Giving labor in OP position is associated with what 2 things?
Management options? (3)
- Prolonged 2nd stage
- LOTS of back pain
Monitor, vacuum, forceps
Definition of macrosomia
4500 grams
- Erb-Duschenne palsy
- Klumpke palsy
- Paralysis of entire arm
C5-C6 injury (waiter’s tip)
C8-T1 injury (claw hand)
ALL brachial plexus injured
***A pregnant woman is progressing well, then stalls. Do what next?
Assess 3 P’s
***Shoulder dystocia - define
***Sign that it may be occurring?
A delivery that requires additional obstetric maneuvers after failure to get shoulders out from pelvis
Turtle sign - baby’s delivered head retracts back toward shoulders
***Managing a shoulder dystocia (5)
- ***McRobert’s maneuver (hyperflex, abduct mom’s hips)
- ***Suprapubic pressure - push shoulder from outside
- Rotational/deliver posterior arm/fracture baby clavicle
- Proctoepisiotomy
- Zavanelli maneuver (put head back into mom) - WORST
Risk of artificially rupturing the membrane - as a mechanism of augmenting the labor, etc
Cord prolapse
***4 qualifications for forceps or vacuum
- Epidural
- Bladder drained
- Know baby position
- Completely dilated