Normal Cardiac Electrophysiology Flashcards
How does hypercalcemia decreases muscle weakness
Muscles get less excitable
What happens when there are more Ca ions outside the cell
There are more divalent cations outside in the cell that changes the preception of resting potential as seen by the Na channels. Ca ions do not affect the resting potential, they only increase the threshold potential to more positive - the field effect
Path of wave of excitation in the heart
- Starts at SA Node
- Travels along the atrial myocytes
- Goes to the AV Node
- Bundle of his (above the median septum)
- Purkinje fibers
- Ventricular myocytes
Velocities are high in bundle of his and the purkinje node, very slow in the AV node
What are the different kinds of action potential that drive the rythm of the heart
In the SA and AV node it is calcium dependent action potential (maybe thats why they look different)
In the atrial myocytes, bundle of His, Purkinje fibers and ventricular myocytes it is Na drived action potential (maybe thats why they all are so rapid and look the same)
What kind of channels are in the SA and AV nodes
Calcium L channel
Define the different segments of EKG
- P Wave: atrial depolarization
- PR interval: P wave plus PR segment, AV node depolarization
- QRS segment: ventricular depolarization
- ST segment: phase 2 of ventricular action, action potential doesnt change
- T wave: ventricular repolarization, K current
QT interval = QRS + ST + T wave
What determines each of these segments
Voltage gated Na channel and Ca channel determines the PR segment
ST segment depends on a balance between Ca current and K current
T wave is by K current
QT segment is the entire time of ventricular depolarization and then complete repolarization
What are the different phases of the action potential in a cardiomyocyte that he kept talking about
Why are the Na channels on SA node called funny
They open at a membrane potential of -50mV and close when the potential is more positive to -50 mV. So they are on during phase 4 and turn off during phase 0
Explain what is happening in each of these phases
In phase 4 funny Na channels open at -50mV which causes the phase 4 depolarization trend. Na channels are open during phase 4 and closes during phase 3.
Phase 0 marks the opening of T type Ca channels which open initially and causes the opening of the L type Ca channels. Both of these channels drive the phase 0 depolarization current and as a result Ca flows into the SA node cell.
Phase 3 is marked by the opening of delayed rectifier K channels that open and causes repolarization of the cells. The membrane potential moves to -50 mV and the Na channels open again.
Important to note that towards the end of phase 3 Na funny channels start to open but their current is opposed by the K current which allows the potential to drop down to -50mV
What is the same and different about SA node and AV node
SA and AV node has the same ionic current and they dont have any resting membrane potential but the AV node has a lower intrinsic firing rate than the SA node. This means that if the SA node is damaged due to hypoxia or injury the AV node takes over the beating frequency of the heart.
Why does the AV node have a lower firing rate than the SA node
The slope of the phase 4 is less steep than the one in SA node
What is unique about funny Na channels and what is the significance of it
Funny Na channels have only one gate which is called the activation gate. What makes them “funny” is that they open during repolarization (slowly) which causes the I-Na to increase. During phase 3 I-Na increase steadily and I-K decreases steadily giving us the shape of the graph of the SA node
What is the definition of threshold
The balance between I-depolarizing and I repolarizing, when depolarizing is more there is a generation of action potential as the threshold is reached
What causes the depolarization of the SA node cells? Is it Na or Ca
Na does not cause the depolarization, it is Ca involved in phase 4 which causes depolarization of the SA node cells. So the threshold in this case depends on the balance between I-Ca and I-K, but how quickly the threshold is reached depends on the funny Na current
Define the structure of the Ca L channel
It is very similar to the Na channel, it has 2 gates one activation and the other inactivation gate. The activation gate opens and closes quickly whereas the Inactivation gate opens and closes slowly
What is different between the Ca channel and the Na channel
There is Calcium window that is present in the Ca channel as it is the area of overlap in the probability of gate open curve