Drugs Flashcards
Quinidine (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antiarrythmic
MOA: Na channel blocker. Also blocks K channels. Decreases phase 0 depolarization
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: decrease myocardial CV, excitability, and contractibility. Prolongs AP
INDICATIONS: Atrial arrhythmias, PSVT, WPW
SIDE EFFECTS: Torsades de pointes, cinchonism, thrombocytopenia, anticholinergic effects
Procainamide (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antiarrythmic
MOA: Na channel blocker; also blocks K channels. Decreases phase 0 depolarization
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: decrease myocardial CV, excitability, and contractibility. Prolongs AP
INDICATIONS: refractory ventricular fibrillation; pulseless ventricular tachycardia
SIDE EFFECTS: SLE like symptoms
Lidocaine (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antiarrhythmic
MOA: Na channel blocker. Inhibits influx of Na through fast Na channels
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: Purkinje fibers - depress automaticity; higher affinity for ischemic tissue. Suppresses spontaneous depolarization in ventricles by blocking reentry
INDICATIONS: Acute treatment of ventricular arrhythmia from MI; suppress ventricular tachycardia
SIDE EFFECTS: neurotoxicity including seizures
Metoprolol (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antiarrhythmicCLASS: II MOA: β-1 adrenergic receptor antagonist (β-blocker)
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: reduces HR and lessens contractility
INDICATIONS: treatment and prophylaxis of PSVT; prevent recurrent MI in pt recovering from MI; decrease myocardial O2 demand to lessen angina, HF
SIDE EFFECTS: fewer CNS effects than nonselective beta blockers, hypotension, bradycardia
Esmolol (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antiarrhythmic
MOA: β-blocker
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: reduces HR and lessens contractibility
INDICATIONS: short-term control of sinus, tachycardia, PSVT, and ventricular rate in pt with atrial fibrillation/flutter
SIDE EFFECTS: AV block and cardiac arrest
Amidarone (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antiarrhythmicCLASS: IIIMOA: Blocks Na, K, and Ca channels; blocks beta-1 receptorsPHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: properties of all 4 classes of antiarrhythmic drugsINDICATIONS: atrial and ventricular arrhythmiasSIDE EFFECTS: Torsades de pointes, pneumonitis, pulmonary fibrosis
Digoxin (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antiarrhythmicCLASS: Misc.MOA: inhibits the Na/K-ATPasePHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: Increased intracellular Na followed by greater Ca influx and greater contractionINDICATIONS: Antrial fibrillation (first-line with HF or sedation); SVTSIDE EFFECTS: N&V, mental status change, vision color and EKG changes
Antenolol (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: AntihypertensiveCLASS: sympatholiticMOA: β receptor agonistPHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: decreases BP, renin release, and sympathetic outflow from the brainINDICATIONS: decrease myocardial O2 demand to lessen angina, HFSIDE EFFECTS: fewer CNS effects than nonselective β-blockers, hypotension, bradycardia
Diltiazem (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antihypertensiveCLASS: vasodilatorMOA: Ca-channel blockerPHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: prevent vascular SM contractionINDICATIONS: arrhythmia, Prinzmetal’s anginaSIDE EFFECTS: edema, constipation, flushing, and dizziness
Nifedipine (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antihypertensiveCLASS: vasodilatorMOA: Ca-channel blockerPHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: prevent vascular SM contractionINDICATIONS: arrhythmia, Prinzmetal’s anginaSIDE EFFECTS: edema, constipation, flushing, and dizziness
Sodium Nitroprusside (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antihypertensiveCLASS: vasodilatorMOA: direct action relaxing arterioles and venules via NOPHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: peripheral vasodilation - lowers preload and afterloadINDICATIONS: hypertensive emergency, acute MI, aortic dissection, HFSIDE EFFECTS: hypotension, tachycardia, cyanide toxicity
Losartan (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antihypertensiveCLASS: ARBMOA: antagonizes angiotensin II receptorsPHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: lowers TPR, reduces plasma volumeINDICATIONS: HF and diabetic neuropathy SIDE EFFECTS: acute renal failure; NO angioedema and coughing associated with ACE inhibitors
Hydrochlorothiazide (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antihypertensive CLASS: diuretic MOA: inhibits Na reabsorption in distal tubulesPHYSIOLOGIC EFFECTS: lowers plasma and ECF volume, thus decreasing workload on heart and TPRINDICATIONS: first therapy for managing HTN; HFSIDE EFFECTS: hypokalemia, sexual dysfunction, hyperglycemia/lipidemia
Fenoldopam (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: antihypertensive CLASS: Misc. MOA: selective D1-receptor (DA) antagonistPHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: decreases TPR with increased renal blood flowINDICATION: acute treatment for severe HTNSIDE EFFECTS: flushing, hypotension, headache, nausea
Nitroglycerin (type, class, MOA, physiological effect, indications, and side effects)
TYPE: anti-anginalCLASS: nitrateMOA: activates GC which raises cGMP and lowers intracellular Ca in SMPHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: increases venous capacitance; decreases arteriole resistance; redistributes blood to ischemic areaINDICATIONS: angina attack and prophylaxis, HF, HTN emergencySIDE EFFECTS: transient dizziness, hypotension, flushing, severe headaches but tolerance occurs
ending for all ARBs
ending for all ACE inhibitors
Statins in order of potency, physiologic effect, and side effects
Lovostatin, Pravastatin, Simvastatin, Fluvastatin, Atorvastatin, Resuvastatin
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: LDL lowering and modest HDL raising and triglyceride lowering effects
SIDE EFFECTS: myalgias and possible blood sugar raising, memory impairment
PCSK9 normal function, PCSK9 inhibitors physiologic effect and side effects
NORMAL F(x): binds the LDL receptor and facilitates it’s degradationPHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: monoclonal Ab that lowers LDLSIDE EFFECTS: nasopharyngitis, injection site rxns, joint pains
Fibrates physiologic effect and side effects
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: HDL raising, TG lowering, modest LDL benefitSIDE EFFECTS: myopathy, especially in combo with statins
Niacin physiologic effect and side effects
PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECT: LDL lowering, good HDL and TG effectsSIDE EFFECTS: flushing (most common reason for discontinuation) and hepatotoxicity
Ex: Alteplase, reteplase, tenecteplase, streptokinaseMOA: converts proenzyme plasminogen to plasmin
Heparin (UFH)
ancillary to fibrinolytic therapy. Used for high risk embolization Pts after STEMI
Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH)
Ex: enoxaparin, dalteparin, tinzaparinalternative to UFH
Aldosterone Blockade
Ex.. Spironolactone, eplerenoneadd-on therapy to ACEI/ARB and β-blockers for HFSpironolactone has estrogenic effects and can cause gynecomastia
Hydralazine/Isosorbide Dinitrate
used in African American pts in combo with ACEI/ARB therapySIDE EFFECTS: dizziness, headache, and lupus-like syndrome at high doses
Loop Diuretics
Ex. furosemide, torsemide, bumetanideimprove renal performance to remove excess salt and H2O retention- provides symptomatic relief, but no proven mortality benefit
Drug classes with proven mortality benefit for HF patients
- β-blockers2. ACEI’s or ARBs3. Aldosterone antagonists4. hydralazine/isosorbide dinitrate combo
Drug classes for symptomatic relief, but nor mortality benefit in HF patients
- Vasodilators2. Loop Diuretics3. Nitrates4. Digoxin5. Inotropes/infusion therapy