Non Verbal Communication Flashcards
Symbolic Representation
A process whereby an entity becomes a representation for something else
Ideograms and/or Pictograms / Egyptian hieroglyphs
Logographic / Non-alphabetic scripts
Kimura & Bryant (1983) Japanese
e.g. Chinese Large number of symbols & Learning takes a long time Kimura & Bryant (1983) – Japanese Kana – alphabetic - syllabic - easier Kanji – traditional logographic
Braille - Pring (1994)
Why does it take children over a year to learn the braille alphabet? (4 reasons)
- Letters more similar
- Discriminating by touch harder than by vision
- Early reading experience very different
- Exposure - Sighted children exposed to print from very early on. Blind children have little experience of Braille until they are introduced to it
Millar (1997) – great load on memory
Barlow-Brown (1996) – taught Braille to sighted children in 4 conditions. What did they find?
Learned more quickly in the visual conditions.
Habituation paradigm - Antell & Keating (1983)
Starkey, Spelke & Gelman (1983)
A method used for investigating the ability of infants to discriminate between stimuli by measuring preferential looking times.
Newborns can discriminate 2 objects from 3.
Starkey, Spelke & Gelman (1983) - also auditory
Wynn (1992) How many months old do infants have numerical understanding?
5 months
Looked longer when test condition violated rules of addition & subtraction
Understanding that if 1 object is added to another, there should be 2 there
Gallistel & Gelman (1992) - ‘accumulator’
Non-verbal counting mechanism
Sort of mental ‘measuring cup’
Impulses generated at a steady rate are accumulated according to the total to be counted
Which approach says we are born with a core number knowledge
Nativist approach
Alternative constructionist approach to counting - e.g. Sophian, Mix
Argues number knowledge acquired through knowledge of category – you need to know the category before you can count how many.
Subitising - how many objects can adults ‘subitise’ without counting?
Adults – 3 to 4 objects without counting
Subsitising - how many ms accroding to Mandler & Shebo (1982) to asses 3 rather than 2?
Aapprox 40ms to assess 3 rather than 2
380ms to assess 7 rather than 6
Counting 2.5ys, 3.5 yrs & 5.5yr olds - Starkey & Cooper (1995)
Do children’s counting skill arise from the ability to subitise?
2.5 yr olds not yet able to count
Show two displays – “Are there the same number of items?”
Reliable judgements up to 3 items
Four or more item – performance at chance
Improves to reliable up to 4 items by 3.5 yrs
No further improvement up to 5.5yrs
Argue that children’s counting skill arise from the ability to subitise.
What are Gelman & Gallistel (1978)’s 3 principles in learning to count?
One-to-one correspondence
Stable order
Durkin et al (1986) - what are children’s first number word and when is it produced? What can children do by 3 years?
First number word ‘two’ just after 1yr, before numbers part of expressions.
By 3yrs produce number sequences independently.
What makes counting easier according to Fuson (1988)? And how many can 5yr olds count in this case?
Who supports this?
Counting easier if objects lined in row. 5yr olds could count linear arrays up to 40.
Nunes & Bryant (1996) – linear arrays make one-to-one correspondence easier
What is the addition strategy used by 5 and 6 yr olds according to Riley, Greeno & Heller (1983)?
A counting ALL strategy if the numbers are small and they had blocks to represent the numbers.
What, according to Groen & Parkman, is a sign of an understanding of equivalence or commutativity?
Progress from ‘count on’ to ‘min’ in addition equations.
Microgenetic Method (Min stratergy) - Siegler & Jenkins (1989)
Longitudinal study of 4-5yr olds
Qualitative and quantitative Data collected on accuracy, speed & strategy use
Aims to infer underlying representations & processes involved
& Found multiple strategy usage - wave model
Counting aloud is replaced by subvocal counting, what is the next stage?
Replaced by retrieval – answer recalled from memory of previous additions.
Choice algorithm.
According to Nunes & Bryant (1996), 5-6yr olds who have problems writing numbers reflected confusions with what?
Zero as a place holder.
What is Place Value?
Place value = Understanding the relations between columns in multi-digit numbers.
What do children need an understanding of before successful at computing with multi-digit numbers
Place value and that 0 is a place holder.
What, according to Brown & Burton (1978) is a major predictor multi-digit maths success?
Place value and place holder knowledge a major predictor multi-digit maths success.
Why, according to Stevenson / Perry, are Asian children perform at higher level? (3 reasons)
Teachers more likely to ask conceptual questions
Spend longer receiving maths education
Number systems - Regular number system makes it easier to build understanding of place value and additive composition. E.g. Easier to know what ‘ten seven’ is compared with ‘seventeen’.
What is Dyscalculia?
Difficulty understanding simple number concepts
Lack an intuitive grasp of numbers
Problems learning number facts and procedures
Take much longer to do simple sums
Effects 3 – 6% population