Non Odontogenic Cysts Flashcards
Fissural Cysts
❑ Nasolabial cyst
❑ Globulomaxillary cyst (historic)
❑ Nasopalatine (incisive canal) cyst
❑ Incisive papilla cyst
❑ Median palatal cyst
❑ Median mandibular cyst (historic)
where a number of the visual cysts would develop
(1) That’s the nasopalatine, which is sort of up in the labial nasal fold and it’s in the soft tissue.
(2) Sort of where the nasal alveolar cyst would occur.
(3) Where the globular maxillary cyst would occur between the canine and the lateral sometimes between the lateral and the first premolar
(4) The nasopalatine in the cyst of the nasopalatine papilla
(5) Is the median palatal
Nasolabial Cyst
also known as
aka Nasoalveolar cyst
Nasolabial Cyst
■ Thought to be caused by:
- either epithelial remnants of the nasolacrimal duct
- or cells left after fusion of the maxillary, medial and lateral nasal processes during development of the midface
Nasolabial Cyst
Rare soft tissue cyst of the upper lip, lateral to the midline (right under the ala of the nose) *NOT in bone*
■ Clinically see a swelling which can cause elevation of the ala of the nose ■ Intraorally see a swelling in the maxillary vestibule lateral to the midline (usually sort of in the canine area or just a little bit distal to the canine area) ■ Pain is uncommon, unless cyst becomes infected
Nasolabial Cyst
Clinically & Intraoray
■Clinically we see a swelling which can cause elevation of the ala of the nose
■ Intraorally see a swelling in the maxillary vestibule lateral to the midline (usually sort of in the canine area or just a little bit distal to the canine area)
■ Pain is uncommon, unless cyst becomes infected
Nasolabial Cyst
■ Peak in 4th and 5th decades
■ 3 to 4 times more common in females
■ ~ 10% of cases are bilateral
Nasolabial Cyst
- We see a pathologic space lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium
- often with cilia and goblet cells
Nasolabial Cyst
- Surgical Excision via intraoral approach,
- usually do not recur ~ very low risk of occurrence
_Nasolabial Cys_t has a a respiratory type epithelium and so it’s very similar to what you would see in ?
either in the sinus or in the nasopalatine ducts
Nasolabial Cyst
The lesion here just below the nose and you can tell that it’s sort of raising the edge of the nose slightly
Nasolabial Cyst
the lesion raising the edge of the nose slightly
Nasolabial Cyst Histology
✎When you look at the cyst itself, you can see that there’s a fibrous connective tissue wall and pathologic space that you see in the middle
✎The lining of the cysts looks like pseudostratified columnar epithelium with cilia which is classic for respiratory epithelium
Nasolabial Cyst Histology
✎On a high power you see pseudostratified columnar with cilia on the surface and so that’s respiratory epithelium
✎The connective tissue has a little bit of surgical hemorrhage
“Globulomaxillary Cyst”
Origin controvesy
why the name in quotations?
- it’s in quotations, because really there is no such thing as a globulomaxillary cyst
- because it was thought that this was remnants after fusion of the globular portion of the nasal process with the maxillary process, and now we know that these two processes are always united from the start and that there is no fusion
- When biopsied these cysts are odontogenic in origin
what does it mean for Globulomaxillary Cyst to be odontogenic in origin?
✎This is term used to describe a cyst in a particular anatomic location it is not a diagnosis
✎An odontogenic cyst (inflammatory cyst, lateral periodontal or even sometimes OKC) that forms in the area between the maxillary lateral incisor and the canine roots
~ It’s really associated with a_n anatomic location not with any particular cyst._
✎So it can be any of the odontogenic lesions such as lateral granulomas or cysts, OKCs, COCs, etc.
Globulomaxillary Cyst
✎Presents as a “inverted pear” shaped well-circumscribed radiolucency
✎Frequently causes displacement of the roots
Is this
Globulomaxillary Cyst
lateral granulomas
- we can see the displacement of the root
- A teardrop or pear shaped radiolucency between the lateral and the canine
- Well circumscribed maybe leaving a little sclerotic edge up here
- ended up being in a odontogenic keratocyst (OKC)