Images, etiologies, and treatments of most diseases COPY Flashcards
What is this radiographic finding?
Periapical Cysts
►Would need to test both teeth for vitality.
What is the most common cyst of the jaw?
Periapical Cysts
radicular cyst, inflammatory cyst are other names for
Periapical Cysts
What is this radiographic finding?
Periapical Cyst
What is this radiographic & clinical findings?
Periapical cyst
shows inflammation at site
abscess developed fistula tract thru
soft tissue. Pt will have pain until
pressure is released
The wall of which cyst?
Periapical Cyst
Open clear areas = Cholesterol clefts where fat
used to be. Multinucleated cells (purple dots)
trying to break down cholesterol
What is this and what is it associated with?
keratin pearl – can be associated w/SCC
What are these radiographic findings?
Residual Cysts
What is the radiographic finding?
Residual Cyst
Periapical Cyst
- endodontic therapy or extraction of involved teeth
- larger lesions may require biopsy along with endodontic therapy
- lesions which fail to resolve should be biopsied
- follow-up at 1-2 years
Residual Cyst
- After tooth extracted, not properly cleaned ► the residual cells of the cyst lining and inflammatory cells continue to proliferate
- Has to be at site where tooth was previously removed
What is the radiographic finding?
Paradental Cyst
What is the radiographic finding?
Paradental Cyst
Residual Cyst
- Enucleation if small
- Marsupialization if large
- Note:*
- Enucleation* means: removal of an organ or other mass intact from its supporting tissues
Marsupialization means: surgical technique of cutting a slit into an abscess or cyst to empty its contents and suturing the edges of the slit to form a continuous surface from the exterior surface to the interior surface of the cyst or abscess.
Promotes Decompressing and shrinkage.
Paradental Cyst
Some controversy over this designation
‐ some think they are inflammatory cyst
‐ some think they are developmental cysts
▪ Etiology: remains unclear
What is the radiographic finding?
Buccal Bifurcation Cyst
as seen in occlusal radiographs
What is the radiographic finding?
Buccal Bifurcation Cyst
as seen in occlusal radiographs
Paradental Cyst
Extraction of the tooth along with the lesion
Buccal Bifurcation Cyst
is similar to what Cyst ?
Similar to a paradental cyst
‐ EXCEPT: location is central on the buccal of mandibular first molars
Buccal Bifurcation Cyst
Buccal Bifurcation Cyst is most commonly seen with eruption of what tooth?
The eruption of the permanent first molar
dentigerous cyst or
follicle ?
_dentigerous cys_t
b/c *attachment at CEJ
What is the radiographic finding?
Dentigerous Cyst
What are these radiographic findings?
dentigerous cyst
What are these radiographic findings?
dentigerous cyst
What is the radiographic finding?
dentigerous cyst
What is this gross finding?
Grossly image of
Dentigerous Cyst
Dentigerous Cyst
- Decompression: Try to open window in the jawand put tube into cyst lumen and have pt irrigate a few times a day for a few weeks ► release pressure and allows bone to grow back ► cyst will shrink
- If get rid of whole area surgically► c_an risk_ fracturing the jaw
Buccal Bifurcation Cyst
▪ Enucleation of cyst; tooth extraction unnecessary
▪ Some cases resolve w/o surgery
▪ Some resolve w/ daily irrigation of buccal pocket with saline/hydrogen peroxide
Dentigerous Cyst
also known as ?
Follicular Cyst
What is most common type of developmental odontogenic cysts?
20% of all epithelial lined cysts of the jaw
Dentigerous Cyst
What is the clinical finding?
Eruption Cyst
What is the clinical finding?
Eruption Cyst
Dentigerous Cyst
Origin & Etiology
Originates: by the separation of the follicle from the crown of an unerupted tooth
Pathogenesis: accumulation of fluid between the tooth and the reduced enamel epithelium
Small Dentigerous Cyst
are hard to differentiate radiographically from —?
enlarged/hyperplastic follicle
Rule of thumb:
- If 4‐5mm or more of radiolucency ► dentigerous cyst
- If <4mm of radiolucency► can be hyperplastic follicle
What is the clinical finding?
Cysts of the Newborn:
Palatal cysts
Gingival cyst of the newborn/ Dental lamina cysts/Cysts of the Newborn-gingival
Eruption Cyst
- Results from accumulation of fluid in the follicular space when the tooth has erupted over the alveolar bone *NOT in bone*
What is the clinical finding?
Gingival Cyst of the
What is the clinical finding?
Gingival Cyst of the
What is the clinical finding?
Gingival Cyst of the
notice the bluish hue
Eruption Cyst
- Unless symptomatic, no treatment required, cysts resolve upon eruption of teeth
Which is here is
Lateral Periodontal Cyst
Lateral Radicular Cyst
Lateral Odontogenic Kertocyst
- Could be differential for lateral Odontogenic keratocyst, except this does not grow in size
- Lateral radicular cysts from an accessory canal if tooth is non vital
- or it could be Lateral Periodontal Cyst if tooth is vital!
What is the radiographical finding?
Lateral Periodontal
What is the radiographical finding?
Lateral Periodontal
What is the histological finding?
Lateral Periodontal Cyst
see the alternating
thin to thick epithelium
a characteristic of these cysts
What is the histological finding?
Lateral Periodontal Cyst
Cysts of the Newborn:
Palatal cysts
No treatment is required
‐ Resolve (degenerate or rupture) on their own in a
few months
‐ Once baby eats solid foods, will go away
What is the radiographical finding?
Botryoid Odontogenic
well circumscribed, between 2 teeth (similar to
lateral odontogenic cyst), multilocular
What is the radiographical finding?
Botryoid Odontogenic
Gingival cyst of the newborn
▪ No treatment is necessary
▪ Spontaneously resolve (degenerate or rupture)
What is the soft tissue counterpart of the lateral periodontal cyst ?
Gingival Cyst of the Adult
What is the radiographical finding?
“Primordial” Cyst
Assuming histologically it is different from OKC
Gingival Cyst of the
has similar histology to which cyst?
lateral periodontal cyst
Gingival Cyst of the
- simple surgical excision
- Unlikely to recur/come back
Lateral Periodontal Cyst represents the intrabony counterpart of which cyst?
gingival cyst of the adult?
if you see a radilucency Lateral to a teeth
how would you know if it’s
Lateral Periodontal Cyst
Lateral Radicular Cyst
Lateral OKc
‐ If pulp alive► lateral periodontal cyst or Lateral Okc ( if huge lesion)
‐ If pulp dead► lateral radicular cyst
What is the radiographical finding?
What is the radiographical finding?
What is the radiographical finding?
What is the radiographical finding?
What is the radiographical finding?
similar to
periodontal cyst
but is actually
What is the histological finding?
Notice the daughter cysts
What is this radiographic finding?
✎A patient who has Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma
✎We can see multiple cystics areas and lesions in
the jaws, maxillary and mandible
✎Both 3rd molar displaced in the maxilla because of
the cyst
What is this radiographic finding?
✎Multiple lesions, impacted 3rd molar in mandible
and displaced 3rd molar up into the sinus,
✎These too many lesions hard to manage the issue
with a surgery
✎This large area on the left mandible – good example of why we do
decompression because if you just remove this lesion
and the entire area is left open, this would be an area
risk for fracture
What is this called
which can be seen with
Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma
✎An example of the pitting that can be seen palmar
and plantar
~ This is a side of a hand
✎This is an early stage of basal carcinoma which
never goes on (like it is aborted)
What are these findings that is associated with
Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma
- thousands of basal cell carcinoma is developing on the skin
-very difficult to manage with surgery,
~ That’s why they remove
the larger ones, the deeper ones ~ They leave the one
that’s less as an issue until they get to a larger size to
be removed
Lateral Periodontal
- consists of conservative enucleation
What cyst is a variant of lateral periodontal cyst?
Botryoid Odontogenic
Botryoid Odontogenic
Grossly and Microscopically
shows a grape‐like cluster of small
individual cysts
What is this radiographic finding?
**Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst (COC)**
- in the mandible and you can see it well circumscribed radiolucency
- a little bit of blunt root resorption in this area
- No calcifications in this one yet ►so this is still unilocular radiolucency
What are the clinical and radiographic findings here?
What is this lesion?
- Clinical finding for this patient was Obliteration of the vestibule space, because the mandible is showing expansion
- radiographically:we see radiolucency going as far as the first molar
- This is a mixed radiolucent radiopaque lesion in developing calcifications.
- This is an example of Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst (COC)
“Primordial” Cyst
is not a true ——-
- lesion, was actually some other type of cyst
- it is now thought that most of the reported Primordial cysts were actually OKCs
Keratocyst (OKC)
- Growth and expansion of this lesion due not only to osmotic effects/pressure, but to unusual gene expressions
Which unusal gene expression causes growth and expansion of OKC ?
- Expresses Ki‐67 (high rate of cell proliferation)
- O_verexpression of Bcl‐2_ (antipoptotic protein)
- Overexpression of MMP’s 2 and 9 (thought to allow growth into connective tissue)
Mutation of PTCH, a tumor suppressor gene
- when PTCH is non‐functional → cell proliferation
Reccurance Rate
- HIGH Recurrence Rate
- Benign, but locally aggressive biologic behavior
- Solitary OKCs have ~10% recurrence rate with appropriate treatment
- _Multiple OKCs hav_e ~ 30% recurrence rate
▪ Marsupialization (decompression)
▪ Peripheral ostectomy
‐ Carnoy’s solution
▪ Resection
▪ Medications targeted to PTCH
▪ Long term follow‐up
Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma
is also known as —– ?
Basal Cell Nevus or Bifid Rib Syndrome
Gorlin syndrome
Which cyst is assoicated with
Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma
Odontogenic Keratocyst
Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma
(Gorlin syndrome)
_modes of inheritanc_e
Autosomal dominant inheritance
Which Gene mutation and pathway
associated with
Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma
(Gorlin syndrome)
- Mutation of PTCH (tumor suppressor gene)
- in the Sonic Hedge Hog pathway
Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma
■ Prognosis depends on progression of skin tumors
Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma
✎Surgery (typically MOHS)
✎Sometimes curette them
✎ Radiation therapy (RT) is typically not the first line of therapy with small lesions RT
✎Cryotherapy which means they just use a little liquid nitrogen and freeze them
✎Photodynamic therapy with photosensitizer and topical medications
■ New medication: Vismodegib inhibits sonic hedgehog pathway by binding smoothened (SMO)
- suppressive rather than curative cause it seems to work for short time and after ~7-8 months ..may also helps suppress growth of OKC
What is the Most common type of skin cancer?
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Basal Cell Carcinoma
within 5 years of being diagnosed with
BCC►35%-50% of people develop a new skin cancer
The hallmark of Calcifying
Odontogenic Cyst COC Histology is
Ghost cells
They have that sort of polygonal shape or roundish shape with the pink that looks like the cytoplasm, but in
the location where the nucleus would have then, there’s an empty spot
Calcifying Odontogenic Cyst COC
■Enucleation with peripheral ostectomy ~ Very similar to odontogenic keratosis
■ Follow up is long term because s_ome of the solid tumors have a more aggressive behavior_
■ Peripheral lesions are treated with excision
Nasolabial Cyst
■ Thought to be caused by:
- either epithelial remnants of the nasolacrimal duct
- or cells left after fusion of the maxillary, medial and lateral nasal processes during development of the midface
Nasolabial Cyst
- Surgical Excision via intraoral approach,
- usually do not recur ~ very low risk of occurrence
What is this clinical finding?
Nasolabial Cyst
The lesion here just below the nose and you can tell that it’s sort of raising the edge of the nose slightly
What is this clinical finding?
Nasolabial Cyst
the lesion raising the edge of the nose slightly
Is this
Globulomaxillary Cyst
lateral granulomas
- we can see the displacement of the root
- A teardrop or pear shaped radiolucency between the lateral and the canine
- Well circumscribed maybe leaving a little sclerotic edge up here
- ended up being in a odontogenic keratocyst (OKC)
Is this Globulomaxillary Cyst , lateral granuloma or OKC?
~ it is kind of a teardrop or pear shaped size
~Little less well differentiated in this particular instance but again unilocular radiolucency between the roots of two teeth
This one ended up being an OKC
What are two different ways nasopalatine duct cyst arise?
- *A**. It can either be the cyst totally within bone
- *B**. It can actually cause widening of the orifice and causing the soft tissue expansion in this way
Most common non-odontogenic cyst of the oral cavity
Nasopalatine Duct Cyst
What is this radiographic finding?
Nasopalatine Duct Cyst
✎This person is edentulous
✎ an inverted pear shape
✎The nasal spine is superimposed
on your radiolucency ► a heart shape
What is this radiographic finding?
Nasopalatine Duct Cyst
✎Between the roots of the two teeth, a well circumscribed
radiolucency, not showing any changes to the adjacent structures
✎could be an enlargement of the incisive canal due to variation in size ~ early lesions can be hard to diagnose
✎the treatment in such cases: a follow up with another radiograph in six months to see if there’s been any change in size
✎ No surgical intervention until you see the cyst expanding
What is this oral finding?
This is showing you the how the
papilla can be enlarged if it’s only
in soft tissue or if there’s a partial
soft tissue partial bone expansion
Nasopalatine Duct Cyst
What is this radiographic finding?
Median Palatine Cyst
Is this Median Mandibular Cyst
Or something else
Median Mandibular Cyst is a term used to describe a cyst in a anterior mandible not a definitive diagnosis
So, this turned out to be an early ameloblastoma. It wasn’t a cyst
The lesion radiolucency in the anterior mandible and again
Nasopalatine Duct Cyst
■ a well-circumscribed unilocular radiolucency on the midline of the anterior hard palate
between and apical to the central incisors
■ The radiolucency often have an oval or inverted pear shape with a sclerotic border
■ Superimposition with the nasal septum can create an appearance of the classic “heart” shape
Nasopalatine Duct Cyst
- surgical excision
- recurrence is rare
What is this radiographic finding?
Surgical Ciliated
Cyst of the Maxilla
In this premolar shot (middle image) you can see a well-circumscribed lesion
✎Because the maxillary sinus is radiolucent, it almost looks like this is radiopaque but it’s not
✎ If you did a CBCT you would see that it’s an empty space within the bone of the maxilla. It’s not actually radiopaque
Surgical Ciliated
Cyst of the Maxilla
■ Occurs after trauma or sinus surgery (iatrogenic - reactive not neoplastic)
Surgical Ciliated
Cyst of the Maxilla
occurs frequently
which procedures?
- after a Caldwell-Luc procedure
- sometimes with difficult maxillary extractions
What does this person have?
- you might think that he has an odontogenic infection but he didn’t. You can see that there’s
a pretty significant swelling on the left side of his face
This is a Aneurysmal Bone Cysts
What is this radiographic finding?
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
you can see that there is kind of a
multilocular radiolucency in this particular area
What is this radiographic finding?
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
✎ There’s a radiolucency involving the second molar
that’s going as far anterior as the first molar and back
to the third molar
✎ There is a little bit of spiking root resorption and
that’s one of the signs that we associate with
✎ It’s a little bit ill-defined ~ hard to say exactly
where it begins and ends
What is this gross finding?
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
✎ It looks like a blood soaked sponge
✎ There’s these open sinusoidal spaces and then fibrous connective tissue surrounding them.
✎The sinusoidal spaces can vary in size; some of them are fairly small and others are large
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
■ Treatment is surgical enucleation and curettage
■ lesions can recur ~ Usually the recurrence is because
you didn’t get the entire thing out the first time around
■ Some surgeons follow enucleation with cryotherapy
■ Irradiation is contraindicated
What is this radiographic finding?
Antral Pseudocyst
- a Dome-shape swelling on the floor of the sinus.
- They can sometimes be fairly subtle
Antral Pseduocyst are NOT Mucoceles
Mucoceles would have more of meniscus-like
appearancewhere it would come up tothe edge of
the sinus
What are these radiographic findings?
Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
✎ A dome shape swelling on the floor of the sinus that’s associated with some _sort of inflammation of tooth of t_he premolar caused inflammation underneath the apex of the bone (right) and then that leads to accumulation of fluid which causes the sinus lining to elevate off the bone and fill with fluid
✎ After root canal therapy and once the infection gets under control, these will typically resolve on their own
What is this radiographic finding?
Simple Bone Cyst
✎A well-circumscribed with cortication in the body of the
mandible, affecting the posterior aspect (premolars and the molars )
✎Note the scalloping that happens up between the roots. It
doesn’t cause root resorption and actually the lesion will grow up between the roots of the teeth
What is this radiographic finding?
Simple Bone Cyst
- A well-circumscribedshowing the scalloping up between the roots of the teeth radiolucency
What is this radiographic finding?
Simple Bone Cyst
✎Big lesion example: It’s going back to the molar area here.
✎You can see that the lesion extends over to the canine on the other side
✎Most lesions are usually in the anterior mandible
Simple Bone Cyst
Etiology ununcertain, theories include:
- trauma
- ischemic necrosis of medullary space
- cystic degeneration of a primary bone lesion
Simple Bone Cyst
- exploration and curettage of space to create bleeding. Clot will organize and allow bone repair
- Recurrence is rare
What is this radiographic finding?
- You can see there’s a little bit of radiolucency.
- There happened to actually still be teeth in the area, but
- when it was biopsied it showed that it was a
- hematopoietic or osteopoietic bone marrow defect
Stafne Bone Cyst
■ An asymptomatic focal concavity of the cortical bone on the lingual aspect of the MD
■ A pseudocyst, not a true cyst
Osteoporotic Bone Marrow Defect
- Etiology unclear
- may be hyperplasia of marrow due to need for RBCs or
- abnormal regeneration of bone after an extraction or persistence of fetal marrow
What is this radiographic finding?
Stafne Bone Cyst
This is the classic look.
- a well-circumscribed corticated radiolucency
- below the inferior alveolar nerve, away from the teeth.
- They can be either oval, like this, or round in appearance
What is this radiographic finding?
Stafne Bone Cyst
Less common location
Check if the teeth were vital with vitality test
Get a CBCT in that area
to see what was going on first and then once you saw
the CBCT you’d be able to make the diagnosis.
Osteoporotic Bone Marrow Defect
■ Must biopsy to make a definitive diagnosis
■ No further treatment is then necessary
~ You don’t have to remove it; you can just leave it as it is
Stafne Bone Cyst
- Believed to be developmental in origin, but usually noted only in _adults_
Stafne Bone Cyst
- lesions in the posterior MD are usually pathognomonic
- no further treatment is necessary
Dermoid Cyst
- surgical excision
- recurrence is rare
Dermoid Cyst
a dome shaped
swellingin the floor of the
If these were left long
enough, they could cause issues
with swallowing
What is this clinical finding?
Dermoid Cyst
✎This is a larger lesion on the floor of the mouth, causing
elevation of the tongue
✎If you let this go/grow, it would be similar to Ludwig’s angina where you would basically eventually obstruct the airway
✎The difference is this is very slow growing while Ludwig’s happens rather quickly. with fever and other symptoms.
What is this clinical finding?
Dermoid Cyst
- This is showing you when they occur below the mylohyoid muscle.
- You get an elevation under the chin.
- This is a fairly small one but they can get much larger
Epidermoid Cyst
- Often occur after _inflammation of a hair follicl_e
What is this clinical finding?
Epidermoid Cyst
A dome-shaped swelling.
There’s no change in the
overlying skin color, no redness, no pain
Epidermoid Cyst
■ Treatment is excision
■ Recurrence is rare
What is this clinical finding?
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
This is NOT a goiter.
It looks like an enlargement of the thyroid, but this ended up being just
a cyst, so they had a thyroglossal duct cyst
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
- A developmental cyst that develops from epithelial remnants of a tract which forms when the thyroid anlage descends into the neck from an area that later forms the foramen caecum
- Follows a path that goes anterior to the hyoid bone and ends below the thyroid cartilage
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
■ surgical excision
■ recurrence are not uncommon
■ Rare cases of thyroid carcinoma developing in these cysts have been reported
What is the most common
developmental cyst of the neck?
Thyroglossal Duct Cyst
What is this clinical finding?
Branchial Cleft Cyst
a small one in a child.
You can see that
there’s a small cystic lesion here on the neck
What is this clinical finding?
Branchial Cleft Cyst
Then you can see it in an older person; this is getting
to be maybe 4-5 centimeters at least in size. He left
his for a little bit longer
Branchial Cleft Cyst
Etiology is disputed
- Some think it is from remnants of the branchial cleft
- Others think it is cystic change of parotid gland epithelium which became entrapped in a cervical lymph node during development
What is this clinical finding?
Oral Lymphoepithelial Cyst
A pale dome-shape swelling in the floor of the mouth. because the lesion is so close to the surface; you’re seeing little capillaries of the mucosa lining the lesion
Branchial Cleft Cyst
surgical excision, recurrence is rare
Oral Lymphoepithelial Cyst
- Surgical Excision
- Reccurance is Rare
What is the spectrum of benign and malignant lesions
What is this radiographic finding?
Unilocular and unicystic ‐ An example of a unilocular ameloblastoma that is
not associated with an impacted tooth
▪ Is between roots of two teeth, may be confused with lateral
periodontal cyst. Well‐circumscribed radiolucency
What is this radiographic finding?
▪ Typical appearance for ameloblastoma
Multilocular, very well‐circumscribed, associated with impacted tooth.
Can see bowing of inferior aspect of mandible
lateral oblique radiograph.was used here
What is this radiographic & clinical finding?
clinically: Have expansion of the buccal plate, obliterating the vestibule in this area.
Radiographically: Root resorption of molar, unilocular radiolucency in mandible
What is this radiographic finding?
- Small lesion distal to impacted tooth.
- Unilocular radiolucency with elevation of alveolar ridge + some expansion of soft tissue
What is this radiographic finding?
▪ Well‐circumscribed radiolucency with a sclerotic or
corticated margin.
▪ If you had a CBCT, it would probably show you that there
was a thin septa in this area of residual bone trabeculae.
▪ Fracture could be caused by very large cysts.
▪ Resolve by decompressing unless with odontogenic tumor – need to remove the mandible 1cm+ on either side of lesion
▪ Over expression of Bcl‐2 (anti‐apoptotic protein)
▪ Expression of fibroblast growth factor (FGF)
▪ Over expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs 9 and 20) – like in OKC, allowing tumor to grow into surrounding area
▪ Surprisingly, no significant increase in Ki‐67 expression (cell
proliferation marker) – ameloblastomas do NOT turn over rapidly
16yo female
Describe the lesion and what is the diagnosis?
▪Left mandible, multilocular radiolucency associated with impacted tooth
▪ It’s well circumscribed, edge may be a little bit sclerotic or corticated
▪ It has displaced an impacted tooth down towards the inferior
aspect of the mandible
▪ Appears to be expanding the cortex of the mandible in areas
▪ There’s blunt resorption of the teeth adjacent (PMs and molar)
▪ Well‐circumscribed radiolucency, no impacted tooth
▪ But notice that it’s coming up to posterior aspect of first molar
▪ Surgery done to remove lesion, left inferior aspect of mandible
Follow‐up image: conservative surgery but still removed bone up to mesial aspect. Less conservative would be removing entire mandible
▪ Concern with that is paresthesia (from removing the nerve as well)
Conventional/Solid Ameloblastoma
What is this radiographic finding?
Unicystic Ameloblastoma
but could be
Dentigerous Cyst
based on clinical presentation!
So radiograph is not diagonstic
What is this radiographic finding?
- Spherical growth. Within it, has both radiodense and radiolucent areas (is
- mixed radiolucent‐radiopaque)– similar appearance to benign fibro‐osseous lesions.
- Well‐circumscribed, corticated.
Conventional/Solid Ameloblastoma
- Resection (treatment depends on extent of the lesion and anatomy of involved bone)
- Segmental
- Composite
- Long term (decades) follow up is needed for these patients
Unicystic Ameloblastoma
- Treatment is typically enucleation and curettage
- Reports of lower rate of recurrence (10‐20%) than conventional ameloblastoma (50‐90%) with similar treatment
- Some recommend decompression prior to surgery
- Use of Carnoy’s solution after enucleation- resulted in a recurrence rate lower
Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor
Clinically: we see a little expansion on inferior aspect of mandible + lingual too
Radiographically: we see well‐circumscribed, a little corticated/sclerotic edge, impacted tooth
▪ we can see bowing of inferior aspect of mandible
▪ Within areas of radiolucency, see areas of opacity (calcified lesions = classic CEOT)
▪ When smaller► could have looked *unilocular*
What is this radiographic finding?
Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor(CEOT)
- flecks of calcifications.
- Calcifications all around crown is common
What is this radiographic finding?
Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor(CEOT)
- Multilocular radiolucency with calcifications.
- an expansion up to PMs and back to 2nd molar
- as well as bowing of mandible.
What is this radiographic finding?
Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor(CEOT)
- Fewer calcifications here, well‐circumscribed and corticated, impacted tooth.
- periosteal reaction causing elevation at the bottom of image!
Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor(CEOT)
- well‐circumscribed radiolucency with calcifications in lower anteriors
What is the DD?
well‐circumscribed radiolucency at crown of an impacted canine
Hard to tell if attaches at CEJ.
If further down, less likely a dentigerous cyst and more likely AOT, ameloblastoma, or OKC
What is this radiographic finding?
we see calcifications forming, with both radiolucent and radiolucent areas.
▪ Dentingerous cyst, ameloblastoma, and OKC are NO LONGER in the differential diagnosis.
This is clearly AOT
_(_Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor)
What is this clinical finding?
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
Swelling in maxillary vestibule
What is this clinical finding?
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
fibrous capsule of AOT is at least partially encapsulated.
Easy to remove; “popped right out”.
What is this clinical finding?
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
An expansion into lingual area as well as into vestibule
What is this radiographic finding?
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
Snowflake‐like calcifications within mixed, well‐circumscribed radiolucency
What is this radiographic finding?
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
- Teardrop shape / inverted pear between roots of teeth.
- Well-circumscribed, corticated margin & snowflake‐like calcifications within
What is this radiographic finding?
In addition to fracture, there is semilunar loss of bone around the molars ► (SOT)
Squamous Odontogenic Tumor
What is this radiographic finding?
Squamous Odontogenic Tumor
- Semilunar loss of bone.
- Alveolar bone is gone due to impacted canine that is visible
Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor
▪ Enucleation _with peripheral ostectom_y
▪ Resection with rim of normal bone
▪ Recurrence rate is ~12%
▪ ~ 2% demonstrate malignant transformation
What is this radiographic finding?
Central odontogenic fibroma (COF)
- well‐circumscribed radiolucency posterior to molar
What is this radiographic finding?
Central odontogenic fibroma (COF)
round mass of opacity due to FCT. Ground glass‐like appearance
What is this radiographic finding?
Odontogenic Myxoma
- Classic example of enlargement of the mandible caused by multilocular radiolucency.
- Enlarged into oral cavity ‐ alveolar ridge elevated
What is this radiographic finding?
Odontogenic Myxoma
Clinically: obliteration of vestibule on patient’s left mandible
Radiographically:lesion running from posterior by third molar all the way anterior to canine. Well‐circumscribed, multilocular radiolucency is scalloping up
between teeth, causing some root divergence
Grossly: gelatinous appearance of myxoma makes it hard to remove
After treatment: post‐surgery; had excised all the way to right 2nd PM
This is Odontogenic Myxoma
Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor
- Treatment is usually enucleation
- recurrence is rare
(True Cementoma)
- First molar has tumor attached to the root.
- Mostly radiopaque but has some less radiodense areas within = classic for cementoblastoma.
- Radiolucent halo around region.
What is this gross and histological finding?
Grossly continuous growth from tumor to the root of the tooth. Brownish
areas were more vascular.
Histologically: tubular dentin in tooth, attached to mass of tissue with calcifications
Squamous Odontogenic Tumor
- Treatment is conservative local excision
- Recurrence is rare
Compound Odontoma
Complex Odontoma
Compound Odontoma
- Mature normal appearing pulp, enamel and dentin
- Organization like teeth, with enamel surrounding dentin which surrounds pulp ( Well developed rudimentary “tooth” forms)
- appear as small tooth‐like structures in the Anterior jaws (esp. MX)
Complex Odontoma
- Mature pulp, enamel and dentin
- No organization, mass of dentin and enamel matrix and pulp tissue (**Poorly developed mass of calcified deposits)
- appear as masses of radiopaque material with
- variable densities in the Posterior jaws (esp. MD)
What is this radiographic finding?
Classic appearance of Odontoma
- multiple tooth‐like shapes aggregated together
- Typically with some sort of radiolucent halo around them
What is this radiographic finding?
Compound Odontoma
little teeth‐like structures blocking canine eruption
What is this radiographic finding?
Complex Odontoma
- 2‐2.5cm mass overlaying the molar.
- radiolucent rim/halo that is mixed, mostly radiopaque
Odontogenic Tumor
unilocular radiolucency
What is this radiographic finding?
Ameloblastic Fibroma
1‐3 potential locules, no impacted tooth associated
Central odontogenic fibroma
- Enucleation with curettage or excision
- usually don’t recur
What is this radiographic finding?
Ameloblastic Fibro-odontoma (AFO)
- well‐circumscribed radiolucency
- corticated edge + calcification
What is this radiographic finding?
Ameloblastic Fibro-odontoma (AFO)
has expansion into oral cavity. Flecks of calcification
in lesion with impacted tooth = odontoma
What is this radiographic finding?
Ameloblastic Fibrosarcoma
in the mandible developed after two years from AF
Odontogenic Myxoma
- Surgical excision or resection
- Because the lesion is not encapsulated and has a gelatinous loose consistency► it is difficult to remove completely
- this is thought to be why myxoma has a fairly high recurrence rate
- Maxillary posterior lesions should be treated more aggressively
(True Cementoma)
- surgical extraction of the involved tooth with attached tumor
- Root amputation (with attached tumor) and endo is an option for smaller lesions
- Recurrence is unlikely
▪ Simple excision or enucleation
▪ Unlikely to recur
Odontogenic Tumor
- conservative excision/enucleation
- So far no recurrence
- Radical surgical excision as the tumor is very aggressive and infiltrative
- Prognosis is dependent on complete removal of tumor
What is the Differential Diagnosis D/D of Multilocular Radiolucency
- M odontogenic Myxoma
- O Odontogenic keratocyst
- C Central giant cell granuloma
- H Central Hemangioma
- A _A_meloblastoma
- Aneurysmal bone cyst
- early CEOT
- ameloblastic fibroma AF
- central MECa
What is this radiographic finding?
- its consistent widening as opposed to seen in periodontitis and inflammatory disease
CC of loose teeth wanted extractions and a
- Ill defined lesion of anterior maxilla
- Areas of radiolucency
- Classic area of moth‐eaten look
- Circular area of radiolucency with trabecular
- pattern
- Patient left without surgery, not heeding medical advice
Then patient came back
▪ Someone was willing to do the dentures for her
▪ CC‐ denture was not fitting
▪ Expansion of cortical plate
▪ Hyperkeratotic because of denture rubbing
▪ Still has malignancy
▪ Advise for surgery
▪ Refused again
Then the lesion kept on Lesion still growing
▪ Metastasize to lungs
▪ Admitted to breathing issues
▪ About 5 ½ years from initial dx to
pt passing away
What is this clinical finding?
- Alveolar process and floor of mouth affected
- Limitations of movement of the tongue
- 83 year old female with nodular areas under denture on anterior mandibular ridge
- ▪ c/c of her denture rocking
Can see in the anterior region there’s an
histology shows it’s not chondrosarcoma
because it contained Cutright lesion
papule or nodule on alveolar ridge
- Osseous and/or chondromatous metaplasia within the soft tissue of the gingiva
o Lesion is NOT central in bone or connected to bone
▪ NOT a malignant lesion
o Thought to be reactive metaplasia due to a poorly fitting denture
What is this clinical finding?
▪ Swelling on left side of face
▪ Difficult opening
What is this clinical finding?
- See something in the operculum
- Infection in third molar?
What is this radiographic finding?
- AP Plain Film
- Most of jaw was missing
- Radiolucency affecting entire ramus and condyle
What is this radiographic finding?
- Classic sunburst pattern
- Fuzzy appearance on outer edges of cortex
What is this radiographic finding?
- cloudy bone formation on surface of cortex on facial and lingual aspect
What is this clinical finding?
a patient with swelling with side of face
What is this radiographic finding?
▪ Lytic lesion
▪ Slightly ill defined
▪ Loss of bone in the inferior aspect of mandible
Radical surgical excision on initial treatment
- If anterior region they remove the entire anterior portion of the jaw
- These lesions don’t respond to radiation or chemotherapy
- Although used as adjuncts for lesions that can’t be treated surgically
For example a posterior sinus lesion since that is the base of the skull
- These patients have poorer prognosis than those with more accessible sites such as the mandible
- Prognosis is poorer than for osteosarcoma (which contrasts with the prognosis in extragnathicsites)
- Treatment failure (and mortality) is usually due to uncontrolled local disease not metastasis
Why any diagnosis of chondroma in the jaws should be viewed with suspicion?
- Since 20% of chondrosarcomas of the jaw are initially misdiagnosed as chondromas ► any diagnosis of chondromain the jaws should be viewed with suspicion
All cartilaginous tumors arising in the jaws should be excised widely
- (>60% of cartilaginous tumors of the jaw recur and ~7% metastasize to the lung and/or bone )
- Important to distinguish from chondrosarcoma as treatments are different
- Osteosarcoma is currently treated with pre-op multi-agent chemotherapy followed by surgery
Radiation therapy alone is insufficient for cure
- Favorable jaw site – MD symphysis
- Worst site – MX sinus
- 5 year survival is ~ 20% (up to 80% if caught early and treated with radical resection)
What is this clinical finding?
Langerhans Cell
Infant with Acute disseminated type
▪ See lesions on head/ear
What is this clinical finding?
Langerhans Cell
we see lesions on maxilla
What is this clinical finding?
Langerhans Cell Disease
▪ Older child
▪ Chronic disseminated form
▪ Alveolar ridge involvement
▪ Lot of bone loss and mobility
▪ Painful to brush
What are these clinical findings?
Langerhans Cell Disease
Torus and molar involvement
What is this clinical finding?
Erythematous area
What is this radiographic finding?
▪ Child with disseminated form
▪ Punched out radiolucency in the skull
What is this clinical finding?
▪ Child with bone loss surround the teeth
▪ Floating teeth
disseminated form
What is this radiographic finding?
▪ Floating teeth
▪ Only attached by soft tissue due to extensive bone loss
disseminated form
What is this radiographic finding?
Eosinophilic granuloma
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Etiology unclear
o Demonstration that LCH cells are clonal, along with the recent discovery of activating BRAF mutations in LCH cells, ►strongly suggests that LCH is a neoplastic disease
What is this radiographical finding?
- Punched out radiolucency
- Lytic radiolucency without cortication
Multiple Myeloma
What is this radiographical finding?
- more punched out radiolucency in iliac crest in the image
- Bone marrow biopsy usually done in this area since it’s frequently involved
multiple Myeloma
What is this radiographical finding?
Multiple Myeloma
▪ Radiolucency without sclerotic border
▪ Multiple and separated
What is this clinical finding
Swelling of gingiva
▪ Plasmacytoma
What is this gross finding?
Ewing Sarcoma
▪ Long bone
▪ Large expansion
What is this radiographical finding?
Ewing Sarcoma
- an _expansion of tissu_e
- Dissolution of bone in that area
What is this radiographical finding?
Metastatic Carcinoma to Jaw Bones
▪ A. Metastatic breast carcinoma surrounding the apical half of the second and third molar roots and extending inferiorly. It has destroyed the inferior border of the mandible.
What is this radiographical finding?
Metastatic Carcinoma to Jaw Bones
B. Bilateral metastatic lesions from the lung destroying the mandibular rami.
What is this radiographical finding?
Metastatic Carcinoma to Jaw Bones
D. Destruction of the left mandibular condyle (arrows) from a thyroid metastatic lesion
What is this radiographical finding?
Metastatic Carcinoma to Jaw Bones
A. Partial panoramic image of prostate metastatic lesions involving the body and ramus; note the sclerotic bone reaction (arrows).
What is this radiographical finding?
Metastatic Carcinoma to Jaw Bones
B. Occlusal image of prostate lesions causing sclerosis and spiculated periosteal reaction (arrows)
What is this radiographical finding?
Metastatic Carcinoma to Jaw Bones
C. Periapical image of a metastatic lesion of breast carcinoma; note the irregular widening of the periodontal membrane spaces and patchy sclerotic bone reaction, especially around the roots of the molars
Multiple Myeloma
Treatment can include :
- chemotherapy with or without Radtiaion Therapy
- bone marrow transplant
- interferon
- antibodies made against tumor cells
- thalidomide
- Even with treatment, many patients do not survive more than 18‐24 months, however treatment modalities are improving
- Older patients are treated less aggressively
Ewing Sarcoma
- Combined therapy with multi‐agent chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery has led to 40% ‐ 80% survival rates
- Gnathic Ewing sarcoma has a lower mortality rate than all other primary sites
Crohn Disease
Regional Ileitis
When it is diagnosed?
What are the oral implactions?
When it is diagnosed?
● Usually initially diagnosed in adolescents
● Etiology unknown‐ immunologically mediated?
o Theory of being too clean as a child and having a negative response as we grow older since we’re not used to normal bacteria
● Prevalence increasing, reason unknown
What are the oral implactions?
●Oral lesions can be first sign of disease
Crohn Disease
- Current strategies aim for deep and long‐lasting remission, with the goal of preventing complications, such as surgery, and blocking disease progression
- Immunosuppressant such as cyclosporine
- In more severe cases;
- *high dose corticosteroids and**
- chemotherapeutics to induce a remission
Nutritional supplements (iron, folate)
- Because they are unable to absorb nutrients
- If medical means do not keep patient under control► surgical removal of a portion or all of the intestine
- When intestinal symptoms are under control►oral ulcerations resolve
Which systemic disease manifests like this?
Crohn Disease
- Patients can also get angular cheilitis
- Above the Linear ulceration, can see a flap like structure which is the hyperplastic margin
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
- we see the ulceration and hyperplastic tissue surrounding it.
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
Crohn Disease
Nodular appearance of buccal mucosa
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
Crohn Disease
we see more nodules
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
Crohn Disease
Linear granulomatous ulcerations
But they are not the aphthous ulcerations but the more
linear type
● Treatment is not well standardized, fairly rare disease and good double blind studies rare
● Can use topical corticosteroids
● Werchniak et al had good results with topical tacrolimus
● Sulfasalazine or Prednisone for GI lesions
● If GI symptoms are under control► oral lesions will resolve
Oral Manifestations of which systemic disease?
Oral Manifestations of which systemic disease?
Oral Manifestations of which systemic disease?
Snail track
Ulcerative Colitis
● Use of anti‐inflammatory medications
o Sulfasalazine or Prednisone
● If medical means do not succeed► then removal of part or all of colon
Oral manifestation of which Systemic Disease?
Nodular “waxy” depositions in skin
deposition on the eyelid
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
orange, red, yellow tinge
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
Macroglossis and crenation of tongue (indentation near the teeth area)
skin deposits on the comissure,
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
Amyloid deposition on the tongue is amyloid, you have papule and nodule like area, can see the crenation of the tooth
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
Submucosal amyloid deposit
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
Amyloid deposition with ulceration and petechiae
Which systemic disease has these oral manifestations?
▪ different color compared to normal tongue with amyloid
Secondary Amyloidosis
Etiology & Effects
- Due to chronic inflammatory process
- *(osteomyelitis, TB,** sarcoidosis)
- Affects liver, kidney, spleen, adrenals but not heart
- can affect multiple organs, heart is usually spared
Hemodialysis associated Amyloidosis
Etiology & Effects
o Accumulation of normal protein (beta‐2 microglobulin) in plasma
_o Deposits in bones and joint_s
o Carpal tunnel syndrome, cervical spine pain
o Tongue deposits can have macroglossia
- Medical work‐up to determine type of amyloidosis
- Treat underlying disease when possible
- No treatment available for most types
- Chemo drugs (Colchicine, Prednisone, Melphalan, Thalidomide, Cyclophosphamide) for multiple myeloma
- Serum electrophoresis – monoclonal gammopathy very complicated and time consuming treatment
- Renal transplant for dialysis‐associated type
- Death due to cardiac failure, arrhythmias or renal failure is not uncommon within a few year of dx
Diabetes Mellitus
- Decreased number of insulin receptors or defective receptors
- Genetic abnormalities, multifactorial
- Growing percent of the US population as well as around the world
Diabetes Mellitus
- Dietary modification and weight loss
Oral hypoglycemic agents
- ex. tolbutamide, glyburide, metformin
- Drugs may cause a lichenoid drug reaction
Oral Manifestation of which systemic disease
Diabetes Mellitus
Gingivitis = puffy red papillae here between the
central and lateral incisors
Oral Manifestation of which systemic disease ?
Diabetes mellitus
Anterior papillae are very puffy and red and fill of pus
Posterior gingiva are very
Oral Manifestation of which systemic disease ?
Hyperplastic gingiva
Oral Manifestation of which systemic disease ?
Diabetes Mellitus
Oral Manifestation of which systemic disease ?
Diabetes Mellitus
diabetic patient who
developed Mucormycosis
Notice it is causing necrosis in the palate
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
Lichenoid mucositis looks like lichen
-same reticular white pattern, but there are
areas of erosion and some ulceration as
-some diabetic medications can lead to this
- Treatment includes:
- Surgery – complete or partial removal of thyroid gland
- Propylthiouracil and methimazole block normal use of iodine by thyroid gland
- Radioactive iodine 131I
- Treatment often results in hypothyroidism
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
- enlargement of the neck
- characteristic stare
▪ Treatment is thyroid hormone replacement
▪ Prognosis is generally good
▪ If children are not treated in a timely fashion ► permanent CNS damage can occur (mental retardation)
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
woman who had
hypothyroidism, lips are thickened, thick creases in the face
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
in child, still has
deciduous teeth even though its an older child
Radiographically we see the teeth have not erupted in the oral cavity
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
Macroglossia and crenation (scalloping)
of the lateral tongue
Before and after tx of which systemic disease?
What happens in Hypothyroidism?
What it is called in children & adults?
How it is diagnosed?
What happens in Hypothyroidism?
- Decreased levels of thyroid hormone
What it is called in children & adults?
- cretinism in children
- myxedema in adults
How it is diagnosed?
- Diagnosed by measuring T4 (free thyroxine) in serum
An Oral Manifestaion of which systemic disease?
in young children
Classic triad
bones, stones, and groans (& moans)
Bones – Changes in the bones:
- Subperiosteal resorption of distal phalanges (early in disease)
- Loss of lamina dura around roots (early in disease)
- Loss/blurring of trabecular density in bone with resultant “ground glass” appearance in radiographs
- Brown tumor
- Stones – renal calculi (especially with primary disease) due to elevated serum calcium basically kidney stones
- Groans – duodenal ulcers
- Moans – changes in mental status mild dementia
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
pulp chambers are very
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
issues with eruption, no
pulp stones present
What systemic disease causes this oral symptoms?
Hypophosphatemia/vitamin D‐resistant rickets
teeth look fairly
normal, have a draining abscess with ulcers and perilous
What systemic disease causes this oral symptoms?
Hypophosphatemia/vitamin D‐resistant rickets
teeth look fairly
normal, have a draining abscess with ulcers and perilous
Enlarged pulp horns
o Can extend up to DEJ
Abnormal globular dentin
o Dentin may exhibit clefting
Enamel clefts
Bacteria noted in enamel, dentin and pulp
o Pulpal involvement leads to necrosis and development of the periapical pathology
What are the manifestation of Brown tumor in Hyperparathyroidism
- uni‐ or multilocular Radiolucency (pelvis, ribs, mandible)
- seen with persistent disease
- histology of giant cell lesion (like CGCG)
It is typically surgical removal of a portion or all of the
parathyroid glands
▪ Can be due to inadvertent surgical removal when thyroid gland is excised or to autoimmine destruction.
▪ DiGeorge syndrome (anomaly) and endocrine‐candidiasis syndrome can show this.
- Oral vitamin D precursor
- vitamin D2 (or ergocalciferol)
- Dietary supplements of calcium
- Teriparatide (a portion of PTH) injections twice daily
- Vitamin D and calcium supplements
- Serum and urinary calcium are monitored
Acromegaly – excess production of growth hormone after closure of the epiphyseal plates
Gigantism – excess production of growth hormone before
closure of the epiphyseal plates
▪ Usually due to a pituitary adenoma
Which systemic disease has these clinical manifestations?
Which systemic disease manfiest like this?
Addison’s Disease
Which systemic disease manfiest like this?
Addison’s Disease
Which systemic disease is associated with this symptom?
Deficience in Vitamine B3 (Niacin)
Deficience in Vitamine B3 (Niacin)
Dermititis of the skin
Which systemic disease manifests like this?
Deficience in Vitamine B3 (Niacin)
erythema of the tongue
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Deficiency known as
Classid Triad
Oral symptoms
Classic triad
Dermatitis, Dementia, Diarrhea
Oral symptoms
stomatitis and glossitis
Why it is a concern?
Why it is a concern?
Premalignant process
o ↑ incidence of oral and esophageal SCCa
Which systemic diseaswe associated with these oral manifestations?
denuded tongue
and angular chelitis
Which systemic diseaswe associated with these oral manifestations?
Angular chelitis (top) hard to get rid of them
Atrophic Glossitis (bottom) red beefy tongue
Vitamin C
Known as
Iron Deficiency
Treated with iron supplements, extreme cases with blood infusions
Which systemic disease manifests like this?
Pernicious Anemia
glossitis, denuded papillae
This is a before and after of which systemic disease?
Pernicious Anemia
denuded tongue and then the papillae is back again after the treatment. You have to get injections for the rest of your life
Which systemic disease has this oral manifestation?
Uremic Stomatitis
Iron Deficiency
- Treated with iron supplements
- Need long term follow up for eval of SCCa
Before and after treatment of which systemic disease?
Uremic Stomatitis
Before and
After Tx with Dialysis
changes on ventral and lateral side
of the tongue, better outcome after dialysis
Which systemic disease has these oral manifestations?
Reiter’s Syndrome (Reactive arthritis)
This not actually a geogrpahic tongue!
Which systemic disease has these oral manifestations?
Reiter’s Syndrome (Reactive arthritis)
Top: erythema on the palate and
areas of ulceration
Bottom: classic look of geographic
tongue, but it is not geo tongue. They are symptoms of Reiter’s
Which systemic disease has these clinical manifestations
Infective Endocardiatios
Janeway lesions
These are Septic Emboli
Which systemic disease is this?
Here we see we see
- a granular appearance of the max and mand bone everywhere, it is not localized.
- There is a loss of bone density and the loss of definition of cortical bone.
- Here we see a loss of definition of lamina dura as well because it is now granular, and is not as clear.
Which systemic disease shows radiographically like this ?
Hyperparathyroidism; this is the brown tumor which is sometimes well or ill defined, multi or unilocular radiolucency with granular septation.
If you have a patient that is younger than 15-20 years old that has a central giant cell granuloma ► you have to check that patient for hyperparathyroidism, because it could be a brown tumor.
Which systemic disease shows radiographically like this ?
This is another medical CT scan. You see the granular appearance of
the maxilla, skull, and well-defined multilocular radiolucency with
granulation. We call this a brown tumor because it is associated with
( systemic endocrine diseases)
Which systemic disease shows radiographically like this ?
On our intraoral radiographs, we see loss of definition of lamina dura because the bone now has a granular appearance which extends to the lamina dura.
The teeth are usually normal, but there is a loss of lamina
dura around the teeth. These teeth are not mobile.
Which systemic disease shows radiographically like this?
a medical CT scan of a patient with secondary hyperparathyroidism.
We see a lack of cortical bone – no normal cortical bone. Inside the skull
we have a granular appearance, with radiolucent and radiopaque dots, we call this a salt and pepper dots.
This is why we call this a salt and pepper appearance, there is no normal cortical bone.
( systemic endocrine diseases)
Pernicious Anemia
Type of Anemia?
What difficiency?
Type of Anemia?
Megaloblastic Anemia
What difficiency?
Vitamin B12 difficiency
- Poor absorption of vitamin B12 (extrinsic factor, cobalamin)
- These patients lack intrinsic factor, usually due to autoimmune destruction of parietal cells
- Intrinsic factor produced by parietal cells in the stomach is needed for absorption of B12
Which systemic disease shows radiographically like this?
we have 2 Pas of patients
with pseudohypoparathyroidism.
- hypoplasia of enamel, tooth material
- hypoplastic tooth bud ( hypoplastic means arrested development)
- delayed eruption,
- external root resorption.
Pernicious Anemia
- monthly IM injections of cyanocobalamin
- cannot take B12 orally, you need injections
Pernicious Anemia
1 – Generalized weakness
2 – Painful tongue
3 – Numbness or tingling of the
Uremic Stomatitis
▪ Usually clears within a few days after renal dialysis has begun
▪ Mildly acidic mouth rinses seem to clear oral lesions (ex. diluted hydrogen peroxide)
▪ Palliative treatment for pain includes ice chips or a topical anesthetic
Reiter’s Syndrome
also known as?
Corrlate with which antigen?
Associated with what?
also known as?
Reactive arthritis
Corrlate with which antigen?
Correlation with HLA B27 (> 70%)
Associated with what?
Typically seen after patient has either a bacterial dysentery or an STD sometimes chlamydia
Reiter’s Syndrome (Reactive Arthritis)
- Thought to be due to an abnormal immune response to the infection
Reiter’s Syndrome
Classic Triad
Reiter’s Syndrome
Classic Triad
▪ 1 – Polyarthritis (lasting more than one month)
▪ 2 – Conjunctivitis or uveitis
▪ 3 – Urethritis
Which systemic disease is this?
Here we see we see
- a granular appearance of the max and mand bone everywhere, it is not localized.
- There is a loss of bone density and the loss of definition of cortical bone.
- Here we see a loss of definition of lamina dura as well because it is now granular, and is not as clear.
Which systemic disease shows radiographically like this ?
Hyperparathyroidism; this is the brown tumor which is sometimes well or ill defined, multi or unilocular radiolucency with granular septation.
If you have a patient that is younger than 15-20 years old that has a central giant cell granuloma ► you have to check that patient for hyperparathyroidism, because it could be a brown tumor.
Which systemic disease shows radiographically like this ?
This is another medical CT scan. You see the granular appearance of
the maxilla, skull, and well-defined multilocular radiolucency with
granulation. We call this a brown tumor because it is associated with
( systemic endocrine diseases)
Which systemic disease shows radiographically like this ?
On our intraoral radiographs, we see loss of definition of lamina dura because the bone now has a granular appearance which extends to the lamina dura.
The teeth are usually normal, but there is a loss of lamina
dura around the teeth. These teeth are not mobile.
Which systemic disease shows radiographically like this?
a medical CT scan of a patient with secondary hyperparathyroidism.
We see a lack of cortical bone – no normal cortical bone. Inside the skull
we have a granular appearance, with radiolucent and radiopaque dots, we call this a salt and pepper dots.
This is why we call this a salt and pepper appearance, there is no normal cortical bone.
( systemic endocrine diseases)
Which systemic disease shows radiographically like this?
we have 2 Pas of patients
with pseudohypoparathyroidism.
- hypoplasia of enamel, tooth material
- hypoplastic tooth bud ( hypoplastic means arrested development)
- delayed eruption,
- external root resorption.
Which systemic disease shows radiographically like this?
Acromegaly (Hyperpituitarism)
- enlargement of the mandibular bone with a high degree of enlargement
- a class III appearance
- enlargement of sella tursica because of the pituitary gland enlargement
Associated with
Clinical features
• Definition: mucocele-like lesion that forms unilaterally on the floor of the mouth
• associated with: the ducts of the sublingual & submandibular glands
• clinical features:
• treatment: surgical excision
Which systemic disease shows radiographically like this?
- reduction in bone density,
- larger bone marrow spaces.
We need more tests to confirm osteoporosis besides dental radiographs.
Which systemic disease shows radiographically like this?
medical CT scan with a patient with osteopetrosis- very dense. Not a
nice definition of the cortical bone. We see decreased in size of skull
Which systemic disease shows radiographically like this?
pt with Osteopetrosis
we see
Hypovascular bones so they are more prone to osteomyelitis. This is a sign of sequestrum which is a sign of osteomyelitis.
pt with Osteopetrosis
- Generalized increase in bone density, increased trabeculation, loss of large bone marrow spaces.
- These patients are more prone to osteomyelitis because they are Hypovascular.
- We have to be careful in extractions because they don’t have the same vascularity as other healthy patients have.
- We see an onion skin appearance by the white arrow.
Which systemic disease has this radiographic manifestation?
Ricket / Osteomalacia
hyperplasia or thinning of mineralization of teeth. We
can see hyperplasia of enamel in patients.
Which systemic disease manifest radiographically like this?
Osteodystrophy 1
Presentation is variable. Sometimes you see denser or granular
appearance of bone. You see increase here
but you sometimes will also see loss of definition of lamina dura, sometimes a sclerotic appearance
and trabeculation.
Which systemic disease manifest radiographically like this?
Osteodystrophy 2
sometimes you see:
- increase in bone density
- loss of definition of lamina
- dura and cortical bone
What is it?
Why it happens?
What the bone are like?
What is it?
▪ Generalized decrease in bone mass in which the histologic appearance of bone is normal, it is a metabolic bone diseases (MBD)
Why it happens?
- Aging process (postmenopausal women) bone mass usually increases until 30 years of age, and then there is a gradual decrease- about 8% loss in females and 3% loss in males
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Hormonal imbalance
- Inactivity
- Corticosteroid or heparin therapy
What the bone are like?
▪ More prone to fracture (distal radius, proximal femur, ribs, and vertebrae)
Which systemic disease manifests radiographically like this?
Which systemic disease manifests radiographically like this?
large root canal structures, large root chambers, premature loss of
teeth = hypophosphatasia.
Which systemic disease manifests radiographically like this?
- Periapical lesions with radiolucency but no caries on the crown.
- There is loss of definition of cortical bone.
- On the teeth, you have:
- large pulp chambers
- hypoplasia of enamel and dentin
- periodontal and periapical lesions.
Which systemic disease manifests radiographically like this?
Progressive Systemic
sharp areas of resorption in the bones near muscles attached to the
angle of the mandible= masseter and medial pterygoid. You see
resorption at the coronoid process at the attachment of the temporal
bone as well.
Which Systemic disease manifests radiographically like this?
Progressive Systemic
- presence of widening of the PDL space everywhere around the root of the tooth.
Which systemic disease mainfest radiographically like this?
On a sickle cell anemia patient, you see:
- loss of this cortical bone area
- the hair-on-end appearance on the skull
Which systemic disease mainfest radiographically like this?
Sickel Cell Anemia
enlargement of bone marrow spaces, less trabeculation, more
osteoporotic bone. You see periapical pathology associated with teeth
with no obvious reason. You see the radioluscencies around the apex of
the mandibular teeth.
Which systemic disease mainfest radiographically like this?
- osteopenic bone (loss bone mass and bones get weaker)
- radiolucent appearance of bone
- thinning of cortical bone around the mandible and maxilla.
- Usually there is hypoplasia of the paranasal sinuses.
Which systemic disease manifests radiographically like this?
- hypopituitarism*
- We see* multiple dental anomalies: hypodontia, radicular fusion, fused roots of left lateral incisor and left canine and impacted permanent teeth.
- (from google)*
Common factors?
Dental manfestations?
Common factors?
- Low levels of tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase
- High blood and urinary phosphoethanolamine
- Rickets-like skeletal malformations
Dental manfestations?
- Premature shedding of primary incisors
- Enamel hypoplasia
- Enlarged pulp chambers and root canals
Progressive Systemic
Treatment for generalized symptoms may involve:
- corticosteroids
- immunosuppressants, such as methotrexate or Cytoxan
- nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Depending on your symptoms, treatment can also include:
- blood pressure medication
- medication to aid breathing
- physical therapy
- light therapy, such as ultraviolet A1 phototherapy
- nitroglycerin ointment to treat localized areas of tightening of the skin
(from google)
Sickle Cell Anemia
What is it?
What causes it?
What is it?
Chronic hemolytic blood disorder
What causes it?
▪ Abnormal hemoglobin, resulting in anemia -> by increasing the production of red blood cells -> requires compensatory hyperplasia of the bone marrow
What is it?
What causes it?
What is it?
- Defect in hemoglobin synthesis
What causes it?
- RBC with reduced hemoglobin content and short life span
What is this clinical finding?
Palatine Torus/Torus Palatinus
What is this clinical finding?
Palatine Torus/Torus Palatinus
What is this clinical finding?
Mandibular Torus:
Torus Mandibularis
What is this clinical finding?
Mandibular Torus:
Torus Mandibularis
What is this clinical finding?
Buccal Exostoses
What is this clinical finding?
Unencapsulated Lymphoid Aggregates
What is this clinical finding?
we see a tiny yellowish cyst. we see the blood vessels on the surface; this is quite characteristic.
What is this clinical finding?
Can even develop these on area of tonsils.
(left pic) Red/salmon is a lymphoid aggregate (unencapsulated lymphoid tissue). This is someone
who had a tonsillectomy , and you can see these
lymphoid aggregates on posterior pharyngeal wall (salmon color).They move around the area.
(right pic) It grew back even in post-tonsillectomy patients.
What is this clinical finding?
Fordyce Granules
What is this clinical finding?
Fordyce Granules
What is this clinical finding?
What is this clinical finding?
Frenal tag
What is this clinical finding?
Sublingual Varices
What is this clinical finding?
Sublingual Varices
What is this clinical finding?
Sublingual Varices
What is this clinical finding?
Circumvallate papillae
What is this clinical finding?
Parotid Papillia (Stenson duct)
What is this clinical finding?
Parotid Papillia (Stenson duct)
What is this clinical finding?
Linea Alba
What is this clinical finding?
What is this clinical finding?
Palatal Rugae
Irritation Fibromas
- AKA – Fibroma, Traumatic Fibroma
- Occurs as a result of chronic trauma
- Locations: buccal mucosa, tongue, lips, gingiva
- Treatment: You don’t have to remove them, but the surgical Tx = to excise them bc pts will stop biting them and they’ll heal and stop the irritation
What is this clinical finding?
Irritation Fibromas
What is this clinical finding?
Irritation Fibromas
What is this clinical finding?
Chronic Hyperplastic Pulpitis (pulp polyp)
Giant Cell Fibroma
Chronic Hyperplastic Pulpitis
What is it?
- AKA: pulp polyp
- An e_xcessive proliferation of chronically inflamed dental pulp tissue_
• Treatment: RCT or extraction of tooth
What are these clinical findings (what is the name of the syndrome or complex?)
Tuberous sclerosis complex
we see A lot of gingival enlargement – is this overgrowth from disease or from seizure medication? Multi organ system involvement
What is this clinical finding?
Epulis Fissuratum
What is this clinical finding?
Inflammatory Papillary Hyperplasia of the Palate
What is these clinical findings? (what is the name of the syndrome or complex?)
Cowden Syndrome
Very rare!
Epulis Fissuratum
- AKA: denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia, fibrous inflammatory
- Cause: ill-fitting denture
• Treatment: surgical excision (scalpel vs CO2 laser -laser is better)
and reline then remake of denture
What is the clinical finding?
Pyogenic Granuloma
We can see the corresponding radiograph;
-although the radiograph suggests generalized bone loss, there is a lot of calculus on
the distal of #16 > it makes sense that this is a pyogenic granuloma
What is this clinical finding?
Pyogenic Granuloma:
What is this clinical finding?
A parulis
It is not a pyogenic granuloma
A parulis is a proliferation of granulation tissue at the opening of a sinus tract
When the infection breaks through the alveolar bone and presents itself,
it will sometimes cause this proliferation of granulation tissue
Inflammatory Papillary Hyperplasia of the Palate
Majority occur with what disease?
Associated with what?
- Majority occur with denture stomatitis
- Associated with a removable full or partial denture or orthodontic appliance (Something you see in patients who wear denture all the time, don’t take it out, chronic denture wear)
- Treatment:Treat underlying candidiasis, fix denture. These bumps can be removed, take electrosurgery loop, and scrape off the bumps – heals well
What is this clinical finding?
Peripheral Ossifying or Cementifying Fibroma
Lesion in the image is pedunculated – put a periodontal probe on normal gingiva and glide along underneath it, there’s a stalk
What is this clinical finding?
Peripheral Giant Cell Granuloma
What are the 3P
or 4P?
• Pyogenic granuloma/pregnancy tumor
• Peripheral ossifying**_or_**cementifying fibroma
• Peripheral giant cell granuloma
• Peripheral fibroma (4P)
Memorize these well!
All benign soft tissue lesions
Pyogenic Granuloma
What a differential diagonsis to consider if we see it
- if it’s on the gingival tissues, take a radiograph
- always consider SCC as a differential diagnosis
What is this clinical finding?
Inflammatory Gingival Enlargement
Example of someone with true hyperplastic gingivitis
Maybe related to very poor plaque control
In this case, either porcelain or porcelain fused to metal full coverage restorations that have very
bulky margins, and that may play a role for food to pick up
Pyogenic Granuloma
What is it?
Assossiated with which demographics?
- What is it? Reactive connective tissue hyperplasia - exuberant granulation tissue; Misnomer – not pyogenic and not a true granuloma
- Etiology: Response to injury - calculus or overhang restoration
- Assosiated with? Often occurs in pregnant women (“pregnancy tumor”), also associated with puberty
- Treatment: Excision and removal of irritant (eg calculus, overhanging restorations)
What is the Differential diagnosis of gingival enlargement
Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML)
Wegener’s Granulomatosis
Kaposi Sarcoma
Plasma Cell Gingivitis
Generalized gingival enlargement – all different cases and diseases
How to differentiate Pyogenic Granuloma from the other 2Ps ?
(Peripheral ossifying or cementifying fibroma & Peripheral giant cell granuloma)
- They often occur in the gingival, but can occur in multiple areas
- that’s the one thing that distinguishes this from the other 2 P’s: pyogenic granuloma can occur on ANY oral site, most commonly on the gingival tissues
What is this clinical finding?
Hereditary Gingivofibromatosis
(“strawberry” hemangioma).
Infant with two red, nodular masses on
the posterior scalp and neck
Neville Cr
How to recogonize a capillary Malformation?
When you apply pressure to it, it evacuates the lesion (disappears!), when you pull away, it refills and you see it again – that tells you it’s a vascular lesion
What is this clinical finding?
Malformation (Low
What is this clinical finding?
malformation (low
Many pts can live with this without treatment
What are these clinical findings ( which syndrome or complex is this)?
What are these clinical findings? (What is the syndrome or complex)?
Sturge-Weber syndrome
What are these clinical findings (What is the syndrome or complex)?
Sturge-Weber syndrome
Notice how the vascular malformation is only one side..
Remember: Vascular changes follow trigeminal nerve, so it doesn’t cross midline
What is this clinical finding?
What is this clinical finding?
Cystic Hygroma
a type of Lymphangioma
Peripheral Ossifying or Cementifying Fibroma
What is it?
Clinical appearance
Derived from
Reccurance rate
- a reactive benign soft tissue lesion
- Clinical appearance: Well-demarcated, sessile or pedunculated lesion that appears to originate from the gingival interdental papilla
- Derived from: cells of the periodontal ligament
- Age: children and young adults
- Sex: females more than males
- Recurrence rate – about 16%
- Treatment: Surgical excision
What is this clinical finding?
(Traumatic Neuroma)
Not a benign true neoplasm, it’s reactive lesion
This is an edentulous patient, so resorbed bone, so flange of denture is impinging in the area of mental foramen – develop from repeated trauma
Sometimes have to cut into nerve, peel the neuroma from nerve, careful not to sever nerve
What are these clinical findings (Which syndrome or complex)?
Multiple Endocrine
Neoplasia (MEN)
What is this clinical finding?
-it looks like lymphoepithelial cyst, but this is further anterior and not where you would get
lymphoid tissue – so it’s not lymphoepithelial cyst, it’s neurofibroma
Yellow – nerves typically yellow
What is this clinical finding?
What are these clinical findings (which syndrome or complex)?
Neurofibromatosis syndrome
von Recklinghausen’s Disease
- Lisch nodules on iris, pigmented (eye picture)
- Neurofibromatosis in mouth (bottom left picture)
- Café au lait (bottom right picture)
What is the clinical finding?
Schwannoma/ Neurilemoma
What is this clinical finding?
Schwannoma/ Neurilemoma
What is this clinical finding?
Granular Cell Tumor
What is this clinical finding?
Granular Cell Tumor
Diagnosis and Treatment
of the 3Ps
•Diagnosis: All 3 “P” lesions usually occur on gingival interdental papillae ( however pyogenic granuloma can occur anywhere)
• Since they can look similar clinically, excisional biopsy necessary to
determine diagnosis
• Treatment: complete excision and removal of local irritant (scaling
and root planing)
What is this clinical finding?
Congenital Epulis
Gingival Enlargement
- Response to chronic inflammation
- Hormonal changes (pregnancy/puberty)
- Immune-mediated/plasma cell gingivitis
- Drug induced
- Genetic/ Inherited
NOTE: Gingival enlargement is not always hyperplastic tissue
What is this clinical finding?
Neuroectodermal tumor of infancy
look how they removed it here surgically
is rare, rapidly growing, pigmented neoplasm of neural crest origin. It is generally accepted as a benign tumour despite of its rapid and locally destructive growth.
What is it?
- What is it: Benign tumor of mature fat cells; Relatively rare
- Histologically: a well-delineated tumor composed of mature fat cells with a thin capsule
- Treatment: surgical excision,does not recur
What is this clinical finding?
Usually very orange looking lesion in site where there’s adipose tissue
Very obvious, nothing as orange as lipoma
Drug Induced Gingival
What are the famous drugs that are known to cause it?
- Phenytoin: (or Dilantin) – the drug that used to be given to every single person that had seizures
Calcium-channel blockers
- Nifedipine not as prescribed anymore
- Dilitiazem still prescribe
- Amlodipine: is prescribed as one of the first line therapy for hypertension (very commonly prescribed); it doesn’t typically cause gingival overgrowth except in some selected patients, usually
those with pretty poor oral hygiene
Cyclosporine A (used for for bone marrow transplant, graft vs host disease, solid organ transplant)
- Cyclosporine is universally recognized as causing gingival hyperplasia
- Cyclosporine is largely replaced with Tacrolimus, which typically doesn’t cause gingival overgrowth
- Some drugs have more connective tissue component, others have more epithelial component
Not all identical under the microscope - Cyclosporine provides more epithelial change, Dilantin causes more of a connective tissue change
What is this clinical finding?
Vascular leiomyoma
High-power view showing spindle-shaped cells with bluntended
nuclei. Immunohistochemical analysis shows
strong positivity for smooth muscle actin (inset).
What is this clinical finding?
Will see the striated muscle
Differential diagnosis… looks like granular cell tumor – don’t know til you remove it
If patient presents with relatively slow growing tumor like this, will I get incisional biopsy or
excisional biopsy? Hard to say
If confident benign tumor and it’s this size and I don’t think it’s vascular (no pulse, can do
aspiration), feels firm – try to excise it
If it looks different, like you think it’s malignant minor salivary gland neoplasm (won’t find it in this
site, but if it’s on hard palate) – incision?
What is this clinical finding?
Hereditary Gingivofibromatosis
What causes it?
How common?
What causes it?
- Various genes that are implicate (Putative inherited mutations are in the SOS1 or CAMK4 genes.) Linked to both autosomal dominant and recessive patterns of inheritance
How common?
- Very rare
- Need surgical (usually laser) treatment – just grows back, so have to get it done periodically
What are these clinical findings?
In this case, hasn’t broken through epithelium
They don’t all break through
When do they appear?
Rate of Development
Clinical presentation
- When do they appear? They are rarely present at birth, infants are Born with this in place.
- Rate of development: the tumor will demonstrate rapid development that occurs at a faster pace than the infant’s overall growth in the first few weeks of life,
- Treatment: Typically will involute with time, Some cases don’t involute, so need to be removed
- It is a vascular Anomaly
What is this clinical finding?
What is this clinical finding?
Kaposi Sarcoma
Solitary vascular lesion on hard palate – it was so small so he decided to just excise it in this case^
What are these clinical findings?
Kaposi Sarcoma
- Widespread Kaposi, can see cutaneous lesions
- Oral images of this patient: on palate, starts with macule on patient’s left posterior palate –macular stage
- Then in becomes proliferative – exophytic nodular stage (seen on patient’s right anterior palate,surrounding canine and some incisors)
- Can see engorged blood vessels in area on histology slide
What is this clinical finding?
Plasmacytoma in Multiple Myeloma
- They already had multiple myeloma then developed plasmacytoma
- When you biopsy this, it’s filled with plasma cells bc they’re producing the abnormal immunoglobulins, which are the cause of the devastating issues of multiple myeloma
Acute myelogenous
- *Complaining of lump inside of her cheek**
- *Notsomuch worried about her gingiva**, despite her overgrowth – leukemic infiltrates that got into gingival tissues
- *Left buccal mucosa**, kept biting on it, feeling incredibly fatigued though she was always working out
- *Oral surgeon biopsied** her buccal mucosa and read by pathologist as pyogenic granuloma
- *Physician** sent her for bloodwork, dental school sent her for bloodwork too
What is this clinical finding?
- Well circumscribed ulceration in area
- Associated swelling in periphery
- White change in the patient’s left area
- Been there for 3 weeks
- It’s lymphoma
What is this clinical finding?
Looks like it could be a salivary gland neoplasm, but it’s not
It was another lymphoma
Manifest in a number of different ways
40 year old male
Completely healthy otherwise
Not taking any medications
Presents with bump on the tongue
First question: did you do anything that might have led to this? Bite your tongue?
“possible I bit my tongue, or it could be when I had a dental procedure, maybe they accidentally
cut into the side of my tongue” – then it developed
This tells us, is this a reactive lesion?
Is it pedunculated or sessile? It’s pedunculated, larger at the top than the base
Let’s look at the surface: it’s ulcerated
When palpating, it’s only on the surface - don’t feel any submucosal presentation
Tongue underneath feels relatively normal
This bump is kind of firm and it bleeds like crazy when you touch it
When you look at teeth, no area where they’re too sharp
Do you think it’s a fibroma? No. Why?
Fibroma is covered with normal coloring epithelium – sometimes see a little white change on surface or see tiny traumatic ulcer on surface This is not like that, this is completely ulcerated
Not fibroma; fibroma is a chronic bump that patient is aware of
Is it squamous cell carcinoma? Interesting, it is indeed very friable; but no
Sometimes SCC can develop and can be exophytic and don’t have deep invasion, But this is pedunculated, SCC would not be pedunculated
History says there could be some kind of trauma, biting, or nick with bur – not squamous cell
Mucocele? No
Would you typically develop mucocele on lateral border of tongue? No
Not going to be as many mucoceles in this area, but there are the glands of Blandin and Nuhn, so it’s possible to develop on ventral surface of tongue
This bump doesn’t look like a fluid filled bump though, it has surface ulceration, redness ;Mucoceles have intact surface, would not bleed, or be red
Granular cell tumor? No
Granular cell tumor would have normal overlying epithelium (it’s pushing up from underneath)
This does not have normal overlying epithelium
Hemangioma reserved for congenital; not a vascular malformation either
Neurofibroma? No, not the same surface
Salivary gland neoplasms? Possible, there are salivary glands in that area; keep this in differential
The one that this is is pyogenic granuloma: usually red, ulcerated, and bleeds easily
What is it ?
Type of Herditary and Etiology
What can it cause?
• Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
What is it ?
• disorder of development of the vasculature characterized by telangiectases and arteriovenous malformations in specific locations.
Type of Herditary and Etiology
•Autosomal dominant with mutations i_n at least five gene_s but mutations in two genes (ENG and ACVRL1/ALK1) cause approximately 85% of cases.
What can it cause?
• Can cause hemorrhage
What is it?
What is it?
• Benign tumor of lymphatic vessels
monitor, surgery if needed, recurrence common
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN) Syndrome
What is it?
Inhertiance type?
Which type is associated with multiple mucosal neruoma?
What other presentations?
Increase risk of which cancer?
What is it?
Group of rare conditions
Inhertiance type?
Autosomal dominant
Which type is associated with multiple mucosal neruoma?
Type 2B
Increase risk of which cancer?
• Increased risk for medullary thyroid cancer (prophylactic thyroidectomy)
Common board questions
What is it?
What is it?
- A benign tumor arising from peripheral nerve tissue
Treatment: surgical excision
Malignant transformation reported, but rare
Schwannoma/ Neurilemoma
What is it?
transformation ?
What is it?
• Benign neoplasm of Schwann cell origin
• Uncommon lesion: 28-48% occur in the
head and neck
• Treatment
• surgical excision
reported, but rare
Granular Cell Tumor
What is it?
What is it?
Benign tumor derived from
Schwann cells
• Treated by surgical excision (Be careful with excision! no need
to get all of it out, just most of it)
rarely recurs
Congenital Epulis
Cell resemble?
Cell origin?
- AKA: Congenital epulis of the newborn
- Cells resemble cells of the granular cell tumor
• Cell of origin is unknown, not derived from nerve
• Treatment:Surgical excision, does not recur
Neuroectodermal tumor of infancy
Rate of development?
Rate of development?
So fast developing that it envelops and moves the teeth
Needs to be surgically excised
Thought to be of neuroectodermal source
what is it?
Rate of growth?
Survival rates?
•What is it? Malignant tumor of fibroblasts
• Age? Most common in young adults and
• Rate of growth? Slow growing lesion that is usually not
painful (Can be slow growing, can be rapidly growing – different criteria determining high or low grade)
• Treatment: surgical excision, recurrence is common(Aren’t always easy to surgically remove, because already metastasized into other reservoirs, spread into contiguous areas) Aren’t always radiosensitive, don’t always respond to radiation treatment
• 5-year survival rates range from 40-70%
Kaposi Sarcoma
Etiology:Caused by HHV-8 (human herpesvirus 8) /part of herpes family
- Surgical excision, radiation therapy or systemic chemotherapy for multiple nonoral lesions, if it gets large, dose-radiation therapy!
What is this clinical finding?
- Well circumscribed ulceration in area
- Associated swelling in periphery
- White change in the patient’s left area
- Been there for 3 weeks
- It’s lymphoma
What is this clinical finding?
Looks like it could be a salivary gland neoplasm, but it’s not
It was another lymphoma
Manifest in a number of different ways
40 year old male
Completely healthy otherwise
Not taking any medications
Presents with bump on the tongue
First question: did you do anything that might have led to this? Bite your tongue?
“possible I bit my tongue, or it could be when I had a dental procedure, maybe they accidentally
cut into the side of my tongue” – then it developed
This tells us, is this a reactive lesion?
Is it pedunculated or sessile? It’s pedunculated, larger at the top than the base
Let’s look at the surface: it’s ulcerated
When palpating, it’s only on the surface - don’t feel any submucosal presentation
Tongue underneath feels relatively normal
This bump is kind of firm and it bleeds like crazy when you touch it
When you look at teeth, no area where they’re too sharp
Do you think it’s a fibroma? No. Why?
Fibroma is covered with normal coloring epithelium – sometimes see a little white change on surface or see tiny traumatic ulcer on surface This is not like that, this is completely ulcerated
Not fibroma; fibroma is a chronic bump that patient is aware of
Is it squamous cell carcinoma? Interesting, it is indeed very friable; but no
Sometimes SCC can develop and can be exophytic and don’t have deep invasion, But this is pedunculated, SCC would not be pedunculated
History says there could be some kind of trauma, biting, or nick with bur – not squamous cell
Mucocele? No
Would you typically develop mucocele on lateral border of tongue? No
Not going to be as many mucoceles in this area, but there are the glands of Blandin and Nuhn, so it’s possible to develop on ventral surface of tongue
This bump doesn’t look like a fluid filled bump though, it has surface ulceration, redness ;Mucoceles have intact surface, would not bleed, or be red
Granular cell tumor? No
Granular cell tumor would have normal overlying epithelium (it’s pushing up from underneath)
This does not have normal overlying epithelium
Hemangioma reserved for congenital; not a vascular malformation either
Neurofibroma? No, not the same surface
Salivary gland neoplasms? Possible, there are salivary glands in that area; keep this in differential
The one that this is is pyogenic granuloma: usually red, ulcerated, and bleeds easily
What is this clinical finding?
What is this clinical finding?
Classic presentation: includes swelling in the parotid region
What is this clinical finding?
Palatal presentation: since salivary glands are only in lateral sides of the palate, usually
swellings are in one side and not the midline. Lateral swelling is a clue that you are
looking at a salivary gland lesion (left pics)
On the right pic, it involved midline and crossed over to other side, so there are
exceptions. But more commonly found in lateral side of the palate.
What is this clinical finding?
- Upper lip presentation: sometimes swelling can be seen extra orally and intraorally.
- Remember the swelling will be movable, not tender, not fixed to underlying structures.
What is this clinical finding?
Untreated pleomorphic adenoma
slow growing, but can grow to enormous sizes
What is this clinical finding?
Canalicular Adenoma
What is this clinical finding?
Canalicular Adenoma
- Mucocele might look this way, but what would make it lower on
- differential diagnosis is the location of the swelling. Mucocele is mostly seen on lower lip and this pic shows upper lip. Salivary gland tumors and mucoceles
- can have the same clinical presentation, so always do a biopsy for formal histopathology diagnosis.
What is this clinical finding?
Basal Cell Adenoma
What is this clinical finding?
Can be mistaken for
Most common malignancy of salivary glands
Most common malignant SG tumor in children
Can be mistaken for mucocele
Histopathology: note the cells growing into adjacent tissue, showing infiltration
Monomorphic Adenomas
What is it?
What is it?
Proliferation of 1 type of cell makes up the tumor.
Types? Includes:
o Canalicular Adenoma
o Basal Cell Adenoma
Treatment for all monomorphic adenomas is surgical excision & diagnosis is done with biopsy
What is this clinical finding?
What is this clinical finding?
Request all for biopsies!
What is this radiographical finding?
- Intrabony presentations, may have extraoral swelling depending on the stage
- Started as small swelling and progressed rapidly:, need to pick it up early!
- Patient recovered, but might need radiation, lost salivary glands, needed reconstruction of palate
What is the clinical finding?
What is the clinical finding?
blue‐ish tint
What is this clinical finding?
Untreated acinic cell adenocarcinoma
Because it is slow growing, and a low grade tumor, the
patient is alive and not dead with a tumor this size.
Similar presentation to pleomorphic adenomas, but there is a lot of ulceration on the surface and prominent vascularization in acinic cell
What is this clinical finding?
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
What are these clinical findings?
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma