More diseaess-Kerr, Dry mouth Flashcards
○ Biopsy required for diagnosis
○ If a source of irritation can be identified and removed, biopsy may be delayed for 2 weeks to allow lesion to heal
○ Complete excision
What is this clinical presentation?
Well-circumscribed red patch on the
posterior lateral hard and soft palate
What is this clinical presentation?
Erythematous macule on the right
floor of the mouth.
Turned out to be early invasive squamous cell
What is this clinical presentation?
Smokeless tobacco keratosis/TOBACCO POUCH KERATOSIS
Smokeless Tobacco–related Gingival Recession.
Extensive recession of the anterior mandibular facial gingiv
What is this clinical presentation?
Smokeless tobacco keratosis/TOBACCO POUCH KERATOSIS
Tobacco Pouch Keratosis, Severe
What is this clinical presentation?
Smokeless tobacco keratosis/TOBACCO POUCH KERATOSIS
Tobacco Pouch Keratosis, Mild. A soft, fissured,
gray-white lesion of the lower labial mucosa located in the area of
chronic snuff placement.
Smokeless tobacco keratosis
typically resolves weeks after cessation
○ if persists 6+weeks -> biopsy to rule out dysplasia + SCC
What is this clinical presentation?
Pemphigus Vulgaris.
. Multiple erosions affecting the
marginal gingiva.
What is this clinical presentation?
Pemphigus Vulgaris.
Multiple erosions of the left
buccal mucosa and soft palate.
What is this clinical presentation?
Pemphigus Vulgaris.
Large, irregularly shaped ulcerations
involving the floor of the mouth and ventral tongue.
What is this clinical presentation?
Pemphigus Vulgaris.
What is this clinical presentation?
Pemphigus vulgaris
● Multiple, chronic, mucocutaneous ulcers
● Many patients also have
● Relatively non‐specific
● Very superficial, only in epithelium
● Occur on any mucosal surface: oral, ocular, nasal, GI, esophageal,
What is this clinical presentation?
Pemphigus vulgaris
PV Lesions can affect
virtually any mucosal
surface (oral, nasal,
ocular, pharyngeal,
esophageal, genital)
What is this clinical presentation?
Pemphigus vulgaris
usually suffer from Desquamative
gingivitis (DG)
More superficial erosion of the marginal gingiva, typically with an
intense erythema and inflammation, and very often in the absence of
local factors that would typically cause a gingivitis
o Hurts to brush their teeth
Immediately look for areas where there are no local factors and look for
inflammation there
o To check the possibility of systemic factors causing local
What is this clinical presentation?
Pemphigus vulgaris
Combination of PV
inflammation and
gingival inflammation
accumulating local
factors can result in
advanced loss of
attachment and tooth
Pemphigus vulgaris
Pemphigus vulgaris is not fully understood.
Experts believe that it’s triggered when a person who has a genetic tendency to get this condition comes into contact with an environmental trigger, such as a chemical or a drug.
In some cases, pemphigus vulgaris will go away once the trigger is removed.
Pemphigus vulgaris
Treatment has 3 stages:
● Stage 1: Control
○ Suppress inflammation / lesion activity with Systemic Corticosteroid: Remains initial / 1st‐line treatment…
○ Then quickly add steroid‐sparing agents (mycophenolate mofetil) to minimize dose and duration of corticosteroid treatment as well as improve disease control
● Stage 2: Consolidation
○ Reducing auto‐antibody production with the addition of Immunosuppressants
○ Assessed by the lack of development of NEW lesions
● Stage 3. Remission / Maintenance:
○ achieving complete remission of lesion activity OFF medication is the GOAL
○ When lesion activity OFF medications cannot be achieved, principle of MINIMALLY effective therapy is the goal, typically with combination of immunosuppressant medications
○ RITUXIMAB has become the FIRST CHOICE treatment after
○ the consolidation phase to achieve DISEASE REMISSION
○ o Can be used to help control limited number of lesions resistant to systemic therapy: it treats ONLY the disease
○ outcome (lesions) and not the systemic illness / pathologic antibody production
○ ex:clobetesol 0. 05% , halbetesol 0.05% (most potent)
What is this clinical presentation?
Mucous membrane pemphigoid
What is this clinical presentation?
Mucous membrane pemphigoid
▪ Ocular
▪ Esophageal
result in functional
What is this clinical presentation?
Mucous membrane pemphigoid
Oral Hygiene: Plaque
related gingival
contributing to
continued VB
What is this clinical presentation?
Mucous membrane pemphigoid
▪ Plaque and calculus can be the consequence of painful MMP lesions
▪ When assessing MMP lesions/desquamative gingivitis, look for areas of intense inflammation WITHOUT local factors as evidence of VB disease
Mucous membrane pemphigoid
Mucocutaneous autoimmune disease characterized by sub‐epithelial
blisters (bullae) which ruptures to form large, non‐healing ulcerations
Mucous membrane pemphigoid
o Approach is similar to PV – but generally not as aggressive unless
hi‐risk areas ( ocular, esophageal ) where more intense immunosuppression indicated
▪ NON‐immunosuppressive treatments uniquely effective:
- *o** Dapsone
- *o Tetracycline + nicotinamide**
take two different sites
○ For H&E, still must be perilesional
○ If you get only ulcer just because the clinician thinks
○ that is the pathology → there is no epithelium!
○ The sample is useless and no diagnosis can be made
What is this clinical presentation?
Actinic cheilitis
(Solar cheilosis)
Typical presentation of angular cheilitis with erythema, crusting and mild fissuring of the angles of the mouth bilaterally.
What is this clinical presentation?
Actinic cheilitis
(Solar cheilosis)
Early presetation:
Smooth, blotchy, pale, dry areas
Diffuse, irregular white plaque around line of the lip
Crusted, Scaly
Actinic cheilitis
malignant transformation
Actinic cheilitis has 2 times of risk for developing SCC of the lip.
SCC on the lips is 11 times as likely to metastasize compared to SCC found on other parts of the body
Actinic cheilitis
due to chronic ultraviolet light exposure.
Actinic cheilitis
- avoid sun exposure
- Laser ablation is preferred for severe actinic cheilitis
- surgical excision is recommended for severe actinic cheilitis with evidence of high-grade dysplasia
- Lip Shaving” (Vermilionectomy)
- can also use cryotherapy, electrodesiccation
It requires long term follow up and prognosis is good if caught early
What is this clinical presentation?
arising from Actinic Cheilitis
What is this clinical presentation?
Oral Melanoma
a highly malignant neoplasia, arising from melanocytes, the cells that produce the brownish pigment melanin.
What is this clinical presentation?
Oral Melanoma
an ulcerated, blue-black, slightly elevated lesion in the edentulous, posterior right maxilla. The lesion extends across the residual alveolar ridge onto the palate and onto the facial aspect of the ridge.
What is this clinical presentation?
Oral Melanoma
patient with extensive, black-pigmented and irregularly bordered macule in the maxillary labial mucosa and midline facial gingiva, (teeth 8 and 9). (The patient’s fingers are depicted.)
What is this clinical presentation?
Oral Melanoma
Large, blue-black, irregularly bordered lesion on the upper lip of a male Japanese patient. The diagnosis is oral melanoma.
What is this clinical presentation?
Amalgam tattoo
This image depicts two diffusely bordered, dark gray macules in the left posterior buccal mucosa adjacent to molar teeth that have been restored. .
What is this clinica presentation?
Oral melanoacanthoma.
the buccal mucosa of a middle-aged, black woman with a brown-black, irregularly bordered macule that arose suddenly. The patient was unaware of its presence.
What is this clinical presentation?
Oral melanotic macule
an irregularly shaped, tan-brown macule on the left hard palate in an edentulous patient.
Oral Melanoma
Unknown. Ultraviolet radiation is an important causative factor for skin melanoma
Acute sun damage can cause it more than chronic exposure
Oral Melanoma
Risk Factors
Fair skin
A history of sunburn
Excessive ultraviolet (UV) light exposure.
Living closer to the equator or at a higher elevation
Having many moles or unusual moles
A family history of melanoma
Weakened immune system.
Oral Melanoma
- Surgical excision
- Radiotherapy
- Chemotherapy