Non-custodial alternatives Flashcards
What are the 3 alternatives for reducing prison population?
Front door strategy
Back door strategy
Reducing prison terms
What is the front door strategy?
Decriminialises certain offences. Intervenes earlier to divert people from CJS. Change prosecution policies. Place restriction on sentencing powers. Use community based alternatives to prison
What is the back door strategy?
Aims to reduce prison population and associated overcrowding.
Reduce length of time in custody and gradual transition back into society e.g. parole, house arrest, education, resettlement programmes
What is reducing prison terms?
Aims to reintegrate people in prison, prepare them for release. Facilitates their social reintegration.
e.g. prison leave for education, training, home leave, half-way houses and other re-entry programmes
In Eng and Wales, what was the increase in custody rates for indictable offences from 2010 to 2017/18?
Rose from 24% to 32%
70% of custodial sentences are imposed with those with how many previous convictions?
4400 custodial sentences were imposed for a sexual offence. What percentage of these received a sentence?
What does the restorative justice council (RJC) do?
Prevent and manages conflicts in schools, work places, hospitals, communities and prison
What is restorative justice?
Brings victim and offender together
Helps victims recover from impact of the crime
Enables offender to understand implications of their actions and make amends
What are the aims of probation?
Protect public
Reduce reoffending
Proper punishment of offenders in the community
Ensuring offenders awareness of the effects of crime on the victims of crime and the public
What are the differences between national probation services and community rehabilitation companies?
Probation services: Serious/prolific offenders. High risk offenders. Longer supervision periods
Rehab companies: Med/low risk offenders. Shorter supervision periods
What is the cost per person per year of sending a prisoner to prison/probation
£37,000 pppy in prison
£3,000 pppy in probation
What are the reoffending rates per person per year from prison/probation
59% prison
46% probation
What are advantages of using probation?
Reduces prison population Avoid prison problems Lower recidivism rates Cheaper Humanitarian Keeps offenders in society Offenders can make amends Offenders can be productive and responsible Reserve prison for 'worst' offenders
What are the language changes for: Client Community service order Probation order Probation officer Advise, assist and befriend Nothing works
Offender Community punishment Community rehabilitation Offender manager enforcement, rehabilitation and public protection What works
Who are community services effective for?
People with large number of criminal convictions and mental health problems (MoJ)