Nomenclature Flashcards
What’s in a name?
- Identity/Descriptor
- Scientific name
- Common name
- Scientific name vs. common names
- easier to pronounce and remember than scientific names.
- usually descriptive of the plant
common names
Problems with common names
- there are over 250,000 species of vascular plants and only a small percentage have common names;
- the same name is often used for different plants;
- common names are always in the local language, which prevents communication of plant identities between users of different languages;
- there is no formal process for the application of common names
- it is usually not possible to determine when a common name was first used and the identity of the plant or plants to which it was applied;
- the same plant may have different common names in different regions.
The advancement of our knowledge is dependent
upon the communication of ___.
accurate information
Information about a particular species is useless
if we cannot communicate first its ____
Beginnings of nomenclature (Pre-Linnaean)
De Candolle and Bauhin Brothers
Beginnings of nomenclature (Linnaean Era)
- Carolus Linnaeus
Species names have three components:
(1) the genus name;
(2) the specific epithet; and
(3) the authority or individual(s) responsible for the name.
Basic rules of nomenclature
- Components 1 and 2 are either italicized or underlined.
Since the time of ____, the system of nomenclature has become more formalized and codified.
ICBN meaning
The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
ICN meaning
International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants
provide a uniform set of rules to be followed in applying names to plants.
nternational Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants (ICN)
The rules contained in the ICN are revised during the _____, which are held ______.
International Botanical Congresses; every six years
ICZN meaning
Internation Code of Zoological Nomenclature
being the report of a committee for the consideration of the subject appointed by the British Association for the advancement of science in 1846
Series of propositions for rendering the nomenclature of zoology uniform and permanent (Hugh Strictland, 1842)
it became clear that there was a need for a formal international agreement to be made for rules to cover all zoological names, irrespective of which bodies or disciplines required to use them and applicable to both ___
fossil and extant animals.
naming of taxa and the application of taxon names within a phylogenetic context
a set of principles, rules, and recommendations governing phylogenetic nomenclature, a system for naming taxa by explicit reference to phylogeny.
How many principles are there in ICN
6 principles
Principle I of ICN (Independence Principle)
The nomenclature of algae, fungi, and plants is INDEPENDENT of zoological and prokaryotic nomenclature. This Code applies equally to names of taxonomic groups treated as algae, fungi, or
plants, whether or not these groups were originally so treated.
form the basis of the system of
nomenclature governed by this Code.
aims at the provision of a stable method of naming taxonomic groups, avoiding and rejecting the use of names that may cause error or ambiguity or throw science into confusion.
International Code of Nomenclature of Algae, Fungi, and Plants
What organisms are covered in the code of ICN?
Algae, Fungi, and Plants
Principle II of ICN
The application of names of taxonomic groups is determined by means of NOMENCLATURAL TYPES.
Principle III of ICN
The nomenclature of a taxonomic group is based upon PRIORITY OF PUBLICATION. (Principle of Priority)
In the components of the scientific name, what is not italicized/underlined?
What proposal did Charles Darwin support?
Each taxonomic group with a particular circumscription, position, and rank can bear only ONE CORRECT NAME, the earliest that is in accordance with the rules, except in specified cases.
Scientific names of taxonomic groups are treated as LATIN regardless of their derivation.
The rules of nomenclature are RETROACTIVE unless expressly limited.
extending in scope or effect to a prior time or to conditions that existed or originated in the past
How many Principles are there in ICZN
element to which the name of a taxon is permanently attached.
nomenclatural types
In ICZN, the Code refrains from __ upon taxonomic judgement, which must not made subject to regulation or restraint.
Nomenclature does not determine the __ of any taxon, nor the rank to be accorded to any
assemblage of animals, but, rather, provides the name that is to be
used for a taxon whatever taxonomic limits and rank are given to it.
inclusiveness or
The device of ___ allows names to be applied to taxa without infringing upon taxonomic judgment. Every name within the scope of the Code (except for the names of “___” and of ___) is permanently attached to a name-bearing type.
name-bearing types; collective groups; taxa above
the family group
biological type that determines the application of a name.
name-bearing type
For species and subspecies this name-bearing type is either a ___ that together constitute the name-bearer
single specimen or several specimens
for genera and subgenera the name-bearing type is a
___; for taxa at ranks of the family group it is a ___.
nominal species; nominal genus
Scientific names of species defined by type-specimens.
nominal species
The name-bearing type of a nominal family-group taxon
nominal genus
when a taxon at any rank is delineated by a taxonomist it may contain several name-bearing types, each with a name that is available for use at that rank. This ___ (which may be modified in its operation in the interests of stability and universality) is used to determine which of those names is the valid one
Principle of Priority
To avoid __, the use of the same name for different taxa must not occur and is prohibited. This is the __.
ambiguity; Principle of Homonymy
The Code also provides for its own __, by prescribing the constitution and operation of the __ and the conditions under which the Code may be amended.
interpretation and administration; International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
There is no __ in zoological nomenclature. Problems in nomenclature are decided by applying the Code directly, and never by reference to precedent. If the
Commission is called on to make a ruling on a particular case, the decision relates to that case alone
“case law”
Nomenclatural type
constituent element (a specimen,
or a description or a figure) of a taxon to which the name is
permanently attached.
Nomenclatural type
The Nomenclatural types need not be the most typical or representative element but is __ on which the description of the taxon
is based.
the original material
How many of types of specimens are there?
Specimen or other element designated by the author or used by him as the nomenclatural type.
the duplicate of holotype
When more than one specimen are cited by the author without mentioning which is the holotype, each specimen is designated as a
specimens cited along with the holotype are designated as
This is a substitute of the holotype when that is lost and is to be selected from the isotypes.
When no holotype was designated by the author a specimen from the original material is selected to be the
when all original materials are missing a ___ is selected from other materials
specimen of a species collected at the same locality as the
Rule #2
Rule of Priority
In the case of a family or a taxon below the rank of a family the ___ should be considered as valid (or correct).
earliest legitimate name
taken as the earliest date for all
plants except the Fungi, some Algae, and the Musci other than the Sphagnaceae
May 1, 1753
This means the names appearing in ___ are the earliest names for the purpose of consideration of the ___; those published earlier are
not to be given priority.
Linnaeus’s Species Plantarum; Rule of Priority
Rule #3
Names of Taxa
The name of a species is a ___ consisting of the name of the ___ followed by a ___.
binary combination; genus; single specific epithet
The name of a __ is a substantive in the singular number
The ___ is an adjective and is of the same gender as the generic name, or is a noun in apposition to the generic name.
specific epithet
must not exactly repeat the generic name
specific epithet
The name of an __ is a combination of the name of a species and an infra-specific epithet connected by a term denoting its rank.
infra-specific taxon
The name of a genus or of a taxa of higher rank is spelt with a __ initial letter.
All specific and infra-specific epithets should be written with a __ initial letter.
The name of a family is derived from the name of the __ which is the type for the family.
The name of a __, a __
or a __ is derived from the name of the type-genus belonging to that of those.
subfamily; tribe; sub-tribe
Type genus: Rosa
Family Rosaceae
Endings of the names of taxa: Order
“-ales” (e.g. Rosales)
Endings of the names of taxa: Suborder
“-ineae” (e.g. Rosineae)
Endings of the names of taxa: Family
“-aceae” (e.g. Rosaceae)
Endings of the names of taxa: Subfamily
“-oideae” (e.g. Rosoideae)
Endings of the names of taxa: Tribe
Endings of the names of taxa: Subtribe
Rule #4
Effective and Valid Publication
Any printed matter when widely circulated is regarded as ____. It is sufficient if the printed matter is distributed at least to the ___ with libraries accessible to botanists generally.
effectively published; botanical institutions
The date of effective publication is the date on which the ___.
printed matter became available
_____ of a name of new taxon is necessary to have it effectively published, to have a correct form, and to be accompanied by a description or diagnosis or a reference to a previously published description.
Valid publication
For the name of a new taxon to be valid it is necessary that the description or the diagnosis should be in ___.
Those published ____ are considered valid even if the description or diagnosis were not in Latin.
earlier than 1st Jan. 1935
In the case of Algae, the date has been fixed as ____ instead of ____, the Latin description or diagnosis of a new taxon must be accompanied by an _____
1st Jan. 1958; 1st Jan. 1935; illustration or figure.
Publication of a new name of the rank of family or below on or after 1st January 1958 is ____ if the type is not indicated.
not considered valid
The name of a taxon below the rank of a genus is not validly published unless the name of the ___ to which it is assigned is validly published.
genus or species
He who first validly published the name of a taxon is the __ of that name. It is necessary to cite the name of the ___ after the name of the ___.
author; author; taxon
Rule #6
Rejection of Names
A name is to be rejected if it is used in ____and for that reason has become a source of error.
different senses
A name is to be rejected if it is based on a type consisting of _____.
two or more entirely discordant elements
discordant element means
not agreeing: not in harmony
A name is to be rejected also if it is based on a ____.
Rule #7
Splitting of Names
When a genus is divided into 2 or more genera the original generic name must be ____ which includes the type species of the undivided genus. This rule applies equally to cases of ___.
retained for one of the smaller genera; division of species
Rule #8
Synonym and Basionym
All names of a taxon other than the valid names are ___ of that taxon.
When the name of a species or of an infra-specific taxon is changed, the synonym of which the epithet is to be taken for the valid name is the ___ for that taxon
There are two primary resources for finding out the correct spelling of a name: the authors who published it, and the journal in which it was published.
- TROPICOS, of the Missouri Botanical Garden
- International Plant Name Index (IPNI) maintained by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew which is also presented in Plant List
Revision of Names/Taxa
- First, decide which species belong to that genus (circumscription)
- Investigation of members of related genera must be done
- Once the genus has been circumscribed, the next step is to decide how many infrageneric taxa are required, and designate infraspecific taxa (subspecies and varieties).
- Once species circumscriptions are done, the species descriptions can be prepared. All the type specimens
associated with the genus must be studied in order to determine the correct name for each species. - Then, descriptions, which include the designation of nomenclatural types and the listing of synonyms, are
prepared and submitted for publication in a scientific journal.
Rule #5
Retention of Specific and Infra-
specific Epithets