NMJ and Muscle Disorders Flashcards
mechanism of myasthenia gravis
AB against muscle type nAChR
so less receptors for ACh binding –> decr depol and decr muscle contraction
2 clinical forms of myasthenia gravis
1) ocular = weakness limited to eyelids and extraocular muscles
2) generalized = weakness (also affects ocular) but also bulbar, limb, and resp muscles
hallmark of myasthenia gravis
acute onset of fluctuating weakness
progressively weaker during activity and improve after rest
physical exam of myasthenia gravis
can be normal
weakness often asymmetric
progression of disease and signs and symptoms
2/3 start with diplopia (double vision or ptosis (droop eyelid)
1) facial weakness, dysphagia
2) slurred speech
3) shortness of breath –> resp arrest
4) neck muscle weakness
5) prox arm/leg weak –> quadriplegia
6) ophthalmoparesis (paralysis of EOM)
immunopath of myasthenia gravis
effects of diff antibodies
autoantibodies against
1) muscle type nAChR
2) impair ability of ACh to bind R
3) destruction of receptor from complement fixation or induce muscle cell to elim recepotrs via endocytosis
mechanism of antibody production
1) B cells make plasma cells via T helper stim
2) T helpers first activated via binding of TCR to AChR epitope
what do myasthenia gravis patients often have assoc (another organ problem)
thymoma due to involvement of T cell production and TCR
thymectomy in MG effective
drugs used in MG
1) edrophonium
super fast onset and short acting
used to dx MG
should be marked improvement in muscle tone (Tensilon test)
drugs used in MG
2) prednisone
immunosuppression but often make patients worse via NMJ block before better
drugs used in MG
3) azathioprine
antimetabolite that blocks cell prolif to inhib T lymphocytes
decr AChR antiboides
side effects of azathioprine
1) fever, anorexia, nausea, vomit, abd pain (like flu)
2) takes 3 mo to 1 yr for response
drugs used for MG crisis
define Duchenne/Becker
disorder of proximal muscle weakness
1) age of onset
2) early signs
3) late signs
1) 2-4 y/o
2) lordosis, pseudohypertrophy, Gower’s, awk gait
3) toe walk, tripping, slow run, waddle, mental retard (70%), big tongue
progressive scoliosis & contractures