NMBOP:16.19.14 DEVICES Flashcards
as used in the New Mexico Drug and Cosmetic Act, is any health care product that does not achieve any of its principal intended purpose through chemical action within or on the body of man or other animal and which is not dependent upon being metabolized for achievement of any of its principal intended purposes.
“Medical gas”
“Medical gas” means:
(1) a drug that is manufactured or stored in a liquefied, nonliquefied, or cryogenic state and is administered as a gas; and
(2) that is labeled for medical use in compliance with federal law and is otherwise a designated medical gas as defined at 21 U.S.C. Section 360ddd(1) of the Federal Act, including each of the following that meets the standards set forth in an official compendium: oxygen, nitrogen, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, helium, and medical air.
“Medical gas repackager”
means a person that manufactures or repackages a medical gas, which includes producing, cascading, distributing, filling, mixing, purifying, separating, transferring, and transfilling medical gases. This includes original manufacturers as defined by the FDA that repackage medical gas and have a valid registration as a drug establishment with the FDA. A medical gas manufacturer shall be issued the license type medical gas repackager.
“Medical gas seller”
means a person licensed to distribute a medical gas to a person other than a consumer or patient, or to supply medical gases on drug orders to a patient or ultimate user.
“Repackage” means persons or entities manufacturing bulk medical gases or transferring gas or liquefied gas product from one container to another (e.g., liquid to gas, gas to gas, liquid to liquid).
Q: What is the classification of devices based on regulatory control?
A: Three regulatory classes are established based on the extent of control necessary to ensure safety and effectiveness of each device.
Q: What are the characteristics of Class I devices?
1. General Controls
2. Prohibiting adulteration or misbranding
3. Requiring federal registration and listing by the manufacturer
4. Requiring notification of risks, repairs, replacement, or refund
5. Requirement restricting sale, distribution, or use
6. Requirement with respect to good manufacturing practices, record keeping, reports, and inspections
7. Authority to ban the device
Q: What are the characteristics of Class II devices?
1. Performance Standards
2. General controls not sufficient to assure safety and effectiveness
3. Performance standards required by federal FDA
4. FDA regulations establishing the performance standard
Q: What are the characteristics of Class III devices?
1. Pre-Market Approval
2. Represents life sustaining, life-supporting, or implanted in the body or which presents a potential unreasonable risk of illness or injury
3. Requires investigational device exemption for research (IDE under federal act Sec. 520 (g))
ADULTERATION: A device may be considered to be adulterated:
A. It is subject to a performance standard and does not comply with all requirements of such standard.
B. Class II device FDA pre-market approval is not completed.
C. It is a banned device.
D. It is in violation of good manufacturing practice requirements.
E. It fails to comply with the IDE (Investigational Device Exemption) protocol.
MISBRANDING: A device may be deemed to be misbranded if:
A. Manufactured in a nonregistered establishment pursuant to federal requirements.
B. If advertising and description literature fails to meet minimum requirements for disclosure of product information.
C. Devices subject to performance standards set by FDA, whose labeling fails to meet those prescribed in the standard.
D. Devices that fail or whose manufacturer refuses to comply with requirements relating to notification and other remedies and requirements or fails to maintain adequate records and necessary reports as required under the federal act Section 518-519.
E. If its label does not bear adequate directions for use and adequate warning against unsafe use.
F. If the labeling is false or misleading.
G. If it is a restricted device and fails to bear required labeling.
Restricted Devices
Q: Under what condition may the FDA restrict the sale, distribution, or use of a device?
A: If there cannot be reasonable assurance of its safety and effectiveness.
Restricted Devices
Q: How is prescription status for devices determined?
A: Prescription status devices are determined based on its intended use and whether or not the device can be adequately labeled as usable by the layman (e.g., pacemaker, hearing aids, heart valves, etc.).
Restricted Devices
Q: What information must labeling of a restricted device contain?
A: Labeling must contain the name of the device, a statement of intended use, relevant warnings, precautions, side effects, and contraindications.
Restricted Devices
Q: What must the labeling of a restricted device, other than surgical instruments, bear?
A: The labeling must bear:
- “CAUTION: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a ______:” (e.g., physician, dentist, veterinarian, or with the descriptive designation of any other practitioner licensed by the laws of this State to prescribe or use the device in his practice).
- The method of its application or use.
Q: What is a custom device?
A: A custom device is one that is sometimes ordered from manufacturers by practitioners to conform to their own special needs or to those of their patients (e.g., prosthetic devices, dental devices, and specially designed orthopedic footwear).
Q: Are custom devices subject to performance standards or pre-market approval requirements?
A: No, custom devices are exempt from performance standards or pre-market approval requirements. However, they are subject to FDA requirements for investigational use, banning, restriction of distribution, adulteration, and misbranding.
Q: What is the limitation of the exemption for custom devices?
A: The exemption applies only to devices which are not generally available in finished form for dispensing, or on prescription, or for commercial distribution, or generally available to other practitioners.
Q: What must an applicant submit to the board for licensure of a business for medical gas repackager or seller?
A: An applicant shall submit the required application and fee to the board. Applications for a license or license renewal must be made on a form furnished by the board. The board may require additional information as it deems reasonably necessary.
Q: What is required after preliminary approval of a new application for licensure located in New Mexico?
A: After preliminary approval, an applicant must submit a request for inspection and the inspection fee, where applicable, at least fourteen days before the requested date for inspection. All subsequent requests for inspection must also be submitted at least fourteen days in advance.
Q: What happens to the license upon the sale or transfer of ownership of a business?
A: The license terminates upon the sale or transfer of ownership. Operating the business after such transfer or sale without a new application and approval by the board constitutes a violation of the law under Subsection I of Section 61-11-14 NMSA 1978, and is subject to the penalties in the Pharmacy Act.
Q: What is required for a medical gas repackager or seller to operate in this state?
A: Every medical gas repackager or seller, wherever located, must be licensed by the board in accordance with the laws and regulations of this state before engaging in repackaging, distribution, or selling of medical gases in this state.
Q: Can a medical gas repackager or seller operate from a place of residence?
A: No, repackagers and sellers cannot operate from a place of residence. No primary business location may be operated out of a storage unit. Use of a storage unit must be consistent with accrediting body approval and allowance.
Q: What must be done if operations are conducted at more than one location?
A: Each location where operations are conducted must be licensed by the board.
Q: Can a manufacturer or wholesale drug distributor distribute medical gas without a separate medical gas license?
A: Yes, a manufacturer or wholesale drug distributor licensed by the board may distribute medical gas without a separate medical gas license. They may only distribute to an entity licensed to receive medical gas. A pharmacy, dentist, or licensed prescriber’s license verifies their authority to receive prescription-only medical gases.
Q: Under what conditions can a pharmacy provide medical gas without a separate medical gas license?
A: A pharmacy licensed by the board may provide medical gas pursuant to a drug order, or to nearby emergency medical services, such as ambulance companies and firefighting organizations in the same state or service area, or nearby licensed practitioners allowed to prescribe medical gases for acutely ill or injured persons; to nearby or contracted nursing homes or home care services; or to another pharmacy to alleviate a temporary shortage.
Q: What reasons might the board have to prohibit a person or entity from receiving or maintaining licensure?
A: The board may prohibit a person or entity from receiving or maintaining licensure if the person or entity:
- (1) Has been convicted of any felony for conduct relating to manufacturing or distribution, any felony violation of Subsection (i) or (k) of section 301, or any felony violation of Section 1365 of title 18, United States Code, relating to product tampering; or
- (2) Has been found by the board to have violated the requirements of this part or state requirements for licensure.
Q: What criteria might the board use to deny a license to an applicant?
A: The board may deny a license to an applicant if it determines that granting the license would not be consistent with public health and safety.
Q: What is required for compliance with laws for a medical gas repackager or seller?
A: Repackagers and sellers must operate in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations.
Q: What federal requirements must a medical gas repackager or seller meet?
A: Repackagers and sellers must meet federal requirements to handle medical gas, including the Prescription Drug Marketing Act at 21 U.S.C., Sec. 331 et seq., and any other applicable federal, state, or local laws and regulations. Applicants and licensees must be registered with the FDA if required.
Q: What guidelines must be followed by those handling medical gases?
A: Every person or entity subject to this part must conform to the Compressed Medical Gases Guidelines published by the FDA.
Q: What are the personnel qualifications required for a medical gas repackager or seller?
A: As a condition of receiving and retaining a license, the licensee or applicant must ensure that each person employed in any medical gas-related activity has education, training, and experience, or a combination thereof, sufficient to perform the assigned functions in a manner that assures the quality, safety, and security of medical gas is maintained at all times by law.
Q: What written policies and procedures must medical gas repackagers and sellers establish?
A: Repackagers and sellers must establish, maintain, and adhere to written policies and procedures for:
- Proper receipt, security, storage, handling, repackaging, labeling, inventory, distribution, quarantine, return, or disposition of medical gases
- Identifying, recording, and reporting losses or thefts
- Correcting errors and inaccuracies in inventories
- Maintenance of required drug records in proper form
- Handling recalls
Q: What are the facility requirements for medical gas repackagers and sellers?
A: The facility must be of suitable size and construction, with adequate:
- Lighting
- Environmental control
- Quarantine
- Cleanliness
- Pest control
Q: What recordkeeping practices are required for medical gas repackagers and sellers?
A: Medical gas repackagers and sellers must:
- Establish and maintain inventories and records of all transactions regarding the receipt and distribution or other disposition of medical gas
- Make inventories and records available for inspection and copying by Board inspectors for at least three years
Q: What must be publicly displayed or readily available at facilities in New Mexico?
A: All required licenses and the most recent inspection report administered by the board must be publicly displayed or readily available.
Q: To whom may medical gas repackagers distribute medical gases?
A: Medical gas repackagers shall distribute only to an entity licensed to receive medical gas. A pharmacy, dentist, or licensed prescriber’s license verifies their authority to receive prescription-only medical gases.
Before any person or entity subject to this part located in New Mexico changes the location of the facility, a new application shall be submitted to the board, setting forth such changes. Upon approval and completion of the change, a request for inspection will be submitted to the board. There will be no charge for the new application, but the inspection will carry the same fee as applies for a new facility inspection.
TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP: A transfer of ownership occurs upon.
A. The sale of the facility to another individual or individuals by the present owner.
B. The addition or deletion of one or more partners in a partnership.
C. The death of a singular or sole owner.
D. The change of ownership of thirty percent or more of the voting stock of a corporation since the issuance of the license or last renewal application.
E. A new license application will be required to be filed in each of the above circumstances. As stated in the Pharmacy Act, Subsection I of Section 61-11-14 NMSA 1978, licenses are not transferable, and shall expire on December 31 of every other year unless renewed.
Q: What is the general prescription requirement for a designated medical gas?
A: A designated medical gas is subject to the requirements of 21 U.S.C. section 353(b)(1) unless:
- The Secretary of the FDA removes it from these requirements under section 353(b)(3)
- The gas is approved for use without a prescription under 21 U.S.C. section 355 or 360b
- The use is authorized pursuant to another provision relating to medical products in emergencies
Q: When is a prescription not required for oxygen?
A: Oxygen may be provided without a prescription for:
1. Use in the event of depressurization or other environmental oxygen deficiency
2. Oxygen deficiency or emergency resuscitation, when administered by properly trained personnel
Q: What are the labeling requirements for oxygen provided without a prescription?
A: For oxygen provided without a prescription, the labeling must include a warning that it can be used for emergency use only. For all other medical applications, a prescription is required. The requirements of section 353(b)(4) of 21 U.S.C. shall be deemed met if this warning is included.
Q: What is the prescription requirement for medical gas sellers?
A: Except as provided above, medical gas sellers must not supply medical gas to a patient or consumer without a drug order.
Q: What are the requirements for maintaining a prescription drug order?
1. An original or copy of the prescription drug order must be kept at the licensed location supplying the medical gas.
2. A prescription drug order shall be valid for a period consistent with the indication for which it was prescribed.
3. Prescription drug orders must be maintained for three years and be readily retrievable and available for inspection.
Q: What should a medical gas repackager or seller in New Mexico do if involved in a robbery, fire, flood, or any unusual event where medical gases might be missing or damaged?
A: The owner must immediately file with the Board:
1. A signed statement detailing the circumstances of the occurrence.
2. Evidence that local authorities were notified, if applicable.