NM Law Qs (PharmExam) Flashcards
Persons who provide acceptable evidence of being currently licensed by examination under the laws of other states in the United
States and the District of Columbia, shall be authorized to practice pharmacy for a period of (90) days from the date on receipt of a
complete application as a Temporary Licensed Pharmacist.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [Occupational and Professional Licensing].
A. Persons who provide acceptable evidence of being currently licensed by examination under the laws of other states in the United
States and the District of Columbia shall be authorized to practice pharmacy for period of (90) days from the date on receipt of a
complete application and $50.
Fee which will go towards the eventual licensing fee. Persons must become duly licensed in this state within (90) days. The licensing
agency in each state in which the applicant holds or has held a license shall submit a statement to the board confirming the
applicant to be or have been in good standing in that state.
B. The temporary licensee shall not act as the pharmacist-in-charge (unless there is no other pharmacist in the designated facility), a
preceptor, or supervisor of interns or externs.
C. The temporary licensee shall be subject to discipline in the same manner as those holding a full license, and shall be subject to
immediate suspension upon reasonable evidence of false or incorrect statements in the documents submitted or if found not to be
in good standing in other states.
D. The temporary license shall not be renewed or extended.
The data processing system shall have the capacity to produce a daily hard-copy printout of all original prescriptions dispensed and
refilled. This hard-copy printout shall contain:
I. patient name.
II. quantity dispensed.
III. date of issuance of original prescription.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The computer shall be capable of producing a printout of prescription information within a 72 hour period on demand, with
certification by the practitioner stating it is a true and accurate record. Requested printouts include: patient specific; practitioner
specific; drug specific; or date specific reports.
The printout shall include:
(1). the original prescription number;
(2). the practitioner’s name;
(3). full name and address of patient;
(4). date of issuance of original prescription order by the practitioner and the date filled;
(5). name, strength, dosage form, quantity of drug prescribed;
(6). total number of refills authorized by the practitioner;
(7). the quantity dispensed is different than the quantity prescribed, then record of the quantity dispensed;
(8). in the case of a controlled substance, the name, address and DEA registration number of the practitioner and the schedule of the
(9). identification of the dispensing pharmacist; computer-generated pharmacist initials are considered to be the pharmacist of
record unless overridden manually by a different pharmacist who will be the pharmacist of record.
The partial filling of Morphine sulfate for outpatient prescriptions must be done within 72 hours from the initial filling.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC),(C)(3)].
A prescription for a controlled substance in Schedule II may be partially filled if the total quantity dispensed in all partial fillings does
not exceed the total quantity prescribed. Remaining portions shall be filled not later than 30 days (Not 72 hours) after the date on
which the prescription is written.
A prescription for a Schedule II controlled substance written for a patient in a Long Term Care Facility (LTCF) or for a patient with a
medical diagnosis documenting a terminal illness may be filled in partial quantities, to include individual dosage units.
(1). If there is any question whether a patient may be classified as having a terminal illness, the pharmacist shall contact the
practitioner prior to partially filling the prescription.
Both the pharmacist and the prescribing practitioner have a corresponding responsibility to assure that the controlled substance is
for a terminally ill patient.
The pharmacist shall record on the prescription whether the patient is “terminally ill” or an “LTCF patient”.
(2). A prescription that is partially filled and does not contain the notation “terminally ill” or LTCF patient” shall be deemed to have
been filled in violation of this regulation. For each partial filling, the dispensing pharmacist shall record on the back of the
prescription (or on appropriate record, uniformly maintained, and readily retrievable) the date of the partial filling, quantity
dispensed, remaining quantity authorized to be dispensed and the identification of the dispensing pharmacist.
(3). The total quantity of Schedule II controlled substances dispensed in all partial fillings shall not exceed the total quantity
Schedule II prescriptions, for patients in a LTCF or patients with a medical diagnosis documenting a terminal illness, shall be valid for
a period not to exceed 60 days from the issue date unless sooner terminated by the discontinuance of medication.
Which of the following shall NOT be classified under an “Automated Filling System”?
I. automated devices used solely to count medication that is then subject to final product check by a pharmacist prior to dispensing.
II. vacuum tube drug delivery systems.
III. automated dispensing and storage systems used to dispense medication directly to a patient.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. All
d. None of the above
Answer: (c) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
“Automated filling system” means an automated system used by a pharmacy in the state of New Mexico to assist in filling a
prescription drug order by selecting, labeling, filling, or sealing medication for dispensing.
An “automated filling system” SHALL NOT include automated devices used solely to count medication that is then subject to final
product check by a pharmacist prior to dispensing, vacuum tube drug delivery systems, or automated dispensing and storage
systems used to dispense medication directly to a patient or to an authorized health care practitioner for immediate distribution or
administration to the patient.
Automated filling systems may be stocked or loaded by a pharmacist or by an intern pharmacist or pharmacy technician under the
direct supervision of a pharmacist.
Which of the following statements is/are NOT TRUE about continuing education requirements according to New Mexico State
Pharmacy Law?
I. The pharmacist is required to complete 30 hours of continuing education every two years for renewing his/her license.
II. The pharmacist may obtain these hours by completing courses approved by the ACPE or CME-Category II.
III. A minimum of 0.5 CEUs of the 3.0 CEUs required for registration renewal shall be in the subject area of pharmacy law, as offered
by the N.M. Board of Pharmacy.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (c) II and III are not true, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Continuing pharmacy education, certified as completed by an approved provider will be required of a registered pharmacist who
applies for renewal of New Mexico registration as follows: 3.0 CEU (30 contact hours) every two years.
Effective January 1, 2013, pharmacist and pharmacist clinician renewal applications shall document:
(1). A minimum of 1.0 CEU (10 contact hours) excluding the law requirement , per renewal period shall be obtained through “live
programs” that are approved as such by the ACPE or the accreditation council for continuing medical education (ACCME). Live
programs provided by other providers (such as continuing nursing education) may be acceptable based on review and approval of
the board.
(2). A minimum of 0.2 CEU (2 contact hours) per renewal period shall be in the area of patient safety as applicable to the practice of
(3). A minimum of 0.2 CEU (2 contact hours) per renewal period shall be in the subject area of pharmacy law offered by the New
Mexico board of pharmacy.
(4). The board of pharmacy will accept CPE education units for programs or activities completed outside the state; provided, the
provider has been approved by the ACPE (NOT CME-II) under its' criteria for quality at the time the program was offered.
(5). Effective January 1, 2015, a minimum of 0.2 CEU (2 contact hours) per renewal period shall be in the area of safe and
appropriate use of opioids. An educational program consisting of a minimum of 0.2 CEU (2 contact hours) that addresses both
patient safety as applicable to the practice of pharmacy and the safe and appropriate use of opioids will satisfy requirements of
Paragraphs (2) and (4) of Subsection B of this section.
(6). Active Status: A minimum of 0.2 CEU (2 contact hours) of the 3.0 CEU (30 contact hours) required for registration renewal shall
be in the subject area pharmacy law as offered by the N.M. board of pharmacy.
In lieu of a board program, pharmacists not residing and not practicing pharmacy in New Mexico, may complete an ACPE accredited
course, in the subject area pharmacy law, meeting the CEU requirements of this paragraph.
(7). Licensees may obtain 0.1 CEU (1 contact hour) per year, in the subject area pharmacy law, by attending one full day of a
regularly scheduled New Mexico board of pharmacy board meeting or serving on a board approved committee.
(8). Licensees who successfully complete an open book test, administered by the board, shall receive credit for 0.2 CEU (2 contact
hours) in the subject area pharmacy law.
Which of the following is/are TRUE about Customized Patient Medication Packages?
I. In lieu of dispensing one, two, or more prescribed drug products in separate containers or standard vial containers, a pharmacist
may, with the consent of the patient, the patient’s care-giver, the prescriber, or the institution caring for the patient, provide a
customized patient medication package.
II. In the event a drug is added to or discontinued from a patient’s drug regimen, the pharmacist may repackage the patient’s patient
medication package and either add to or remove from the patient medication packaged as ordered by the physician.
III. Patient medication packages with more than two drugs within a container may not under any circumstances be returned to a
pharmacy stock.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. All
d. None of the above
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC),o)].
In lieu of dispensing one, two, or more prescribed drug products in separate containers or standard vial containers, a pharmacist
may, with the consent of the patient, the patients care-giver, the prescriber, or the institution caring for the patient, provide a
customized patient medication package.
The pharmacist preparing a patient medication package must abide by the guidelines as set forth in the current edition of the U.S.
Pharmacopoeia for labeling, packaging and record keeping.
In the event a drug is added to or discontinued from a patients drug regimen, when a container within the patient medication
package has more than one drug within it, the pharmacist may repackage the patients patient medication package and either add to
or remove from the patient medication packaged as ordered by the physician.
The same drugs returned by the patient for repackaging must be reused by the pharmacist in the design of the new patient
medication package for the new regimen, and any drug removed must either be destroyed, returned to the DEA or returned to the
patient properly labeled.
Under no circumstances may a drug within a container of a patient medication package which contains more than one drug (Not 2
drugs) be returned to the pharmacy stock.
A patient medication package stored in an institutional setting where the storage and handling of the drugs are assured and are
consistent with the compendia standards may be returned to the pharmacy stock provided the which of following conditions are
I. the drug is to be kept within the patient medication package and it is to remain sealed and labeled until dispensed.
II. the expiration date of drug shall become 50% of the time left of the expiration for the drug.
III. no Schedule II, III or IV drugs may be returned to inventory.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Patient medication packages with more than one drug within a container may not under any circumstances be returned to a
pharmacy stock.
Patient Medication Packages with only one drug within a container:
(1). Non-Institutional: A patient medication package stored in a non-institutional setting where there is no assurance of storage
standards may NOT be returned to pharmacy stock.
(2). Institutional: A patient medication package stored in an institutional setting where the storage and handling of the drugs are
assured and are consistent with the compendia standards may be returned to the pharmacy stock provided the following guidelines
are followed:
(a). the drug is to be kept within the patient medication package and it is to remain sealed and labeled until dispensed;
(b). the expiration date of drug shall become 50% of the time left of the expiration for the drug;
(c). no Schedule II drugs (Schedule III, IV and V are allowed) may be returned to inventory; and
(d). proper record keeping for the addition of other scheduled drugs into inventory must be done.
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, the prescription record should be kept on file for:
a. Two years from the date of dispensing.
b. Five years from the date of dispensing.
c. Three years from the date of dispensing.
d. A year from the date of dispensing.
Answer: (c) According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, the original paper prescription document must be maintained for a
minimum of three years and the electronic image of the prescription for ten years, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Any registrant or licensee shall report in writing any change of address or employment to the Board within 30 days.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Any registrant or licensee shall report in writing any change of address or employment to the Board within ten (10) days.
In New Mexico, the inventory of controlled substances should be done every:
a. Year
b. Two years
c. Three years
d. Five years
Answer: (a) Every year, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The annual inventory date shall be May 1 for the initial inventory by the registrant or on the registrant’s regular general physical inventory date, provided that date does not vary by more than 6 months before or after May 1.
The registrant shall notify the Board of Pharmacy of the date on which the annual inventory will be taken, if different from May 1.
The actual taking of the inventory should not vary more than four (4) days from the annual inventory date.
Controlled substances added to the Controlled Substances Act after date of enactment, which substance was, immediately prior to
that date, not listed on any schedule, every registrant who possesses that substance shall take an inventory of all stock of the
substance on hand and file this record with the other inventory records as required.
Who may accept new verbal prescription orders from a licensed physician?
I. a licensed pharmacist
II. a registered pharmacist-intern
III. a certified pharmacy technician
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The following responsibilities require the use of professional judgement and therefore shall be performed only by a pharmacist or
pharmacist intern:
(1). receipt of all new verbal prescription orders and reduction to writing;
(2). initial identification, evaluation and interpretation of the prescription order and any necessary clinical clarification prior to
(3). professional consultation with a patient or his agent regarding a prescription;
(4). evaluation of available clinical data in patient medication record system;
(5). oral communication with the patient or patients agent of information, as defined in this section under patient counseling, in
order to improve therapy by ensuring proper use of drugs and devices;
(6). professional consultation with the prescriber, the prescribers agent, or any other health care professional or authorized agent
regarding a patient and any medical information pertaining to the prescription;
(7). drug regimen review, as defined in 61-11-2L;
(8). professional consultation, without dispensing, will require that the patient be provided with the identification of the pharmacist
or pharmacy intern providing the service.
Which of the following acts may be performed by a registered pharmacist-intern?
I. any verbal communication with a patient or patient’s representative regarding a change in drug therapy or performing therapeutic
II. evaluation of pharmaceuticals for formulary selection within the facility.
III. final check on all aspects of the completed prescription including sterile products and cytotoxic preparations.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. All
d. None of the above
Answer: (d) None of the above, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Only a licensed PHARMACIST shall perform the following duties:
(1). final check on all aspects of the completed prescription including sterile products and cytotoxic preparations, and assumption of
the responsibility for the filled prescription, including, but not limited to, appropriateness of dose, accuracy of drug, strength,
labeling, verification of ingredients and proper container;
(2). evaluation of pharmaceuticals for formulary selection within the facility;
(3). supervision of all supportive personnel activities including preparation, mixing, assembling, packaging, labeling and storage of
(4). ensure that supportive personnel have been properly trained for the duties they may perform;
(5). any verbal communication with a patient or patients representative regarding a change in drug therapy or performing therapeutic interchanges (i.e. drugs with similar effects in specific therapeutic categories); this does not apply to substitution of
generic equivalents;
(6). any other duty required of a pharmacist by any federal or state law.
If a pharmacist has not been active in the area of pharmacy practice for 3 years, the pharmacist candidate shall do which of the following to reinstate his or her license?
I. submit proof of continuing education for each inactive renewal period.
II. successfully complete the MPJE.
III. submit proof of completed internship of minimum of 60 hours for each year of inactivity.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC),(D)].
C. If a pharmacist has not been active in the area of pharmacy practice for greater than one year but less than six years, the pharmacist candidate shall complete the following:
(1). submit renewal form;
(2). pay past renewal fees and reinstatement fees;
(3). submit proof of continuing education for each inactive renewal period;
(4). submit proof of completed internship of minimum of 60 hours for each year of inactivity;
(5). successfully complete the MPJE;
D. In lieu of past renewal fees, reinstatement fees and proof of continuing education an inactive pharmacist may successfully
complete the internship minimum of 60 hours for each year of inactivity, and successfully pass the NAPLEX and the MPJE.
E. If a pharmacist has not been active in the area of pharmacy practice for six years or more, the pharmacist candidate shall:
(1). complete the internship minimum of 60 hours for each year of inactivity; and
(2). successfully pass the NAPLEX and the MPJE.
What are duties of consultant pharmacists?
I. He shall develop the drug control procedures manual.
II. He shall assume responsibility for the destruction or removal of unwanted dangerous drugs and any controlled substances.
III. He shall make routine inspections of drug storage areas, patient health records, and review drug regimen of each patient at least once a month.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
(1). The consultant pharmacists agreement with the facility shall include but is not limited to the following duties and
(a). Serve as a member of appropriate committees, and attend these meetings.
(b). Development of the drug control procedures manual.
(c). Monitor on a routine basis all aspects of the total drug distribution system - to be accomplished in a manner designed to monitor
and safeguard all areas of the drug distribution system.
(d). Maintain active pharmacist status registration in the state.
(e). Assume responsibility for the destruction or removal of unwanted dangerous drugs and any controlled substances as prescribed
by law and regulations.
(f). Maintain a log of all visits and activities in the facility indicating dates and other pertinent data; such logs are to be available to
inspection by state drug inspectors upon request.
(g). Furnish and replenish emergency drug supply in acceptable containers. Maintain a log of use and replacement of drugs in the
emergency tray.
(h). Make routine inspections of drug storage areas, patient health records, and review drug regimen of each patient at least once a
month. Report irregularities, contraindication, drug interactions, etc., to the medical staff.
(i). Provide or make arrangements for provision of pharmacy services to the facility on a 24-hour 7 days a week basis, including stat
(j). Provide in-service training of staff personnel as outlined in the procedures manual.
(k). Meet all other responsibilities of a consultant pharmacist as set forth in the board regulations and federal or state laws and
which are consistent with quality patient care.
Which of the following statements is/are NOT TRUE about returning patient medication packages, containing more than one drug
within a container, to pharmacy stock in an institutional pharmacy setting?
I. The drug is to be kept within the patient medication package and it is to remain sealed and labeled until dispensed.
II. Schedule III to V drugs may be returned to inventory.
III. The new expiration date of the drug shall become 50% of the time left of the expiration of the drug.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All are not true, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, patient medication packages with MORE THAN ONE drug within a container may not
under any circumstances be returned to pharmacy stock.
Patient medication packages with only one drug within a container may be returned to pharmacy stock in an institutional pharmacy
setting if the following conditions are met:
1. Non-Institutional: A patient medication package stored in a non-institutional setting where there is no assurance of storage
standards may not be returned to pharmacy stock.
2. Institutional: A patient medication package stored in an institutional setting where the storage and handling of the drugs are
assured and are consistent with the compendia standards may be returned to the pharmacy stock provided the following guidelines
are followed:
(1). The drug is to be kept within the patient medication package and it is to remain sealed and labeled until dispensed;
(2). The expiration date of the drug shall become 50% of the time left of the expiration of the drug;
(3). No Schedule II drugs may be returned to inventory; and
(4). Proper record keeping for the addition of other scheduled drugs into inventory must be done.
The consultant pharmacist whose practice is not in the immediate vicinity of the facility for which he/she has entered into a written
service agreement shall have a written agreement with a local pharmacist to be available on any emergency basis. This said local
pharmacist is known as a co-consultant according to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The consultant pharmacist whose practice is not in the immediate vicinity of the facility for which he/she has entered into a written
service agreement shall have a written agreement with a local pharmacist to be available on any emergency basis.
The consultant pharmacist shall be responsible for the proper training and instruction of such local pharmacist. Said local pharmacist
shall be known as a “co-consultant.”
A copy of these agreements must be filed with the Board of Pharmacy and the facility. Any termination of such agreement shall be
reported in writing within ten (10) days of termination to the Board and to the administrator.
Should a local pharmacist (co-consultant) not be available, the consultant pharmacist must provide an alternative procedure
approved by the Board. If the consultant is also the vendor, then such alternative procedure must reasonably assure rapid delivery
of drugs, medical supplies and pharmacy service to the facility.
In New Mexico, pharmacy permits expire on which of the following dates each year?
a. November 30
b. January 31
c. October 30
d. December 31
Answer: (d) In New Mexico, a pharmacy permit expires on December 31 of each year, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Which of the following is/are TRUE about a licensed pharmacist clinician according to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law?
I. An applicant must complete a sixty-hour Board-approved physical assessment course.
II. An applicant must complete a 150-hour, 300 patient contact preceptorship supervised by a physician or other practitioner with
prescriptive authority.
III. A pharmacist clinician may prescribe controlled substance listed in Schedule II or Schedule III.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The Board may certify and register a pharmacist as a pharmacist clinician upon completion of an application for certification and
satisfaction of the following requirements.
To obtain initial certification and registration as a pharmacist clinician, she/he must submit the following:
(a). proof of completion of sixty (60) hour board approved physical assessment course, followed by a 150 hour, 300 patient contact
preceptorship supervised by a physician or other practitioner with prescriptive authority, with hours counted only during direct
patient interactions;
(b). the applicant will submit a log of patient encounters as part of the application;
(c). patient encounters must be initiated and completed within 2 years of the application;
(d). a pharmacist clinician requesting a controlled substance registration to prescribe controlled substance in Schedule II or Schedule
III shall be trained in responsible opioid prescribing practices.
Educational programs shall include an understanding of the pharmacology and risks of controlled substances, a basic awareness of
the problems of abuse, addiction, and diversion, and awareness of the state and federal regulations of the prescribing of controlled
What are the requirements to become a certified preceptor according to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law?
I. An applicant has been actively engaged in the practice of pharmacy for one year.
II. An applicant has not been convicted of violation of any laws or regulations relating to pharmacy in any states.
III. An applicant has been working for at least 25 hours per week to qualify to become a licensed preceptor.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II are true, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Requirements for Preceptor:
Each Preceptor shall:
(1). Be certified as a preceptor by the Board or be an approved preceptor for intern training in another state, by that state Board of
(2). Have been actively engaged in the practice of pharmacy for one year.
(3). Be engaged in full-time (NOT PART-TIME) practice of pharmacy.
(4). Not have been convicted of violation of any laws or regulations relating to pharmacy, unless this provision is waived by the
Board on an individual basis.
(5). Submit all required forms, affidavits, and evaluations to the Board on or before the due date.
(6). Notify the Board of any change of address or employment in writing, within ten (10) days. Change of employment shall serve to
suspend certification as preceptor in the former place of employment where the individual was training as an intern.
Prior to dispensing any prescription, a pharmacist shall review the patient profile for the purpose of identifying:
I. therapeutic duplication.
II. drug-drug interactions.
III. incorrect duration of drug treatment.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Prior to dispensing any prescription, a pharmacist shall review the patient profile for the purpose of identifying:
(a). clinical abuse/misuse;
(b). therapeutic duplication;
(c). drug-disease contraindications;
(d). drug-drug interactions;
(e). incorrect drug dosage;
(f). incorrect duration of drug treatment;
(g). drug-allergy interactions;
(h). appropriate medication indication.
If any person knows or suspects that a licensee is impaired, that person shall report any relevant information to:
I. Impaired Pharmacist Program
II. Board of Pharmacy
III. District Pharmacist Manager (DPM)
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
If any person knows or suspects that a licensee is impaired, that person shall report any relevant information either to the Impaired
Pharmacist Program or to the Board of Pharmacy ("Board").
When the Board receives an initial report relating to an alleged impaired Board licensee, that authority may:
(i). refer the licensee to the Impaired Pharmacist Program for verification, intervention and subsequent evaluation and/or
treatment; or
(ii). verify the information provided on the alleged impaired licensee and assume the responsibility for intervention and referral for
evaluation and/or treatment; or
(iii). file a complaint to initiate disciplinary action.
The names of voluntary participants in the program and records relating to their referral and treatment are confidential pursuant to
Section 61-11A-3 and Section 61-11A-7, provided, however, that this information may be disclosed:
(a). in a disciplinary hearing before the Board and in court proceedings arising therefrom;
(b). to the Board and to the pharmacist's licensing/disciplinary authorities of other jurisdictions in accordance with law;
(c). pursuant to an order of a court of competent jurisdiction;
(d). injunctive proceedings brought by the Board; and
(e). as otherwise provided by law.
Impaired Pharmacist - a pharmacist who is unable to practice pharmacy with reasonable skill, competence or safety to the public
because of drug abuse, and/or mental illness, the aging process or loss of motor skills, sight or hearing.
When medications are prescribed and dispensed by the physician to the patient in the emergency room of the hospital, the
dispensing label shall contain all of the following information EXCEPT:
a. the name and address of the hospital
b. date the drug is dispensed
c. the name or initial of the dispensing pharmacist
d. the name of the patient
Answer: (c) the name or initial of the dispensing pharmacist, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
When medications are prescribed by the physician and dispensed to the patient in the emergency room of the hospital the
dispensing label shall contain the following information:
(a). the name of the patient;
(b). the name of the prescribing/dispensing physician (NOT the pharmacist);
(c). name of the drug;
(d). strength of the drug;
(e). quantity of the drug;
(f). name and address of the hospital;
(g). date the drug is dispensed;
(h). directions for use;
(i). expiration date of medication.
Which of the following is/are TRUE about refilling a prescription drug or device when the pharmacist fails to obtain authorization
from the prescriber?
I. A pharmacist can fill the prescription drug or device if he thinks that the drug or device is required for continuation of therapy for
chronic conditions.
II. A pharmacist can fill the prescription drug or device if he thinks that the interruption of the therapy may produce serious health
III. A pharmacist can only fill the prescription drug if the refill of the prescription is not for a controlled substance.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II are true, [Controlled Substances Act Chapter 61 Article 11 Section 7(A)(9)].
The pharmacist may fill the prescription drug (including controlled substances) or device when he fails to obtain authorization from
the prescriber if he thinks that:
1. The drug or device is essential for continuation of therapy for chronic conditions.
2. The interruption of the therapy may produce serious health consequences.
3. The pharmacist is unable to contact the licensed practitioner after reasonable effort.
4. The quantity of prescription drug dispensed does not exceed a seventy-two-hour (72-hour) supply.
5. The pharmacist informs the patient or the patient's agent at the time of dispensing that the refill is being provided without such
authorization and that authorization of the licensed practitioner is required for future refills.
6. The pharmacist informs the licensed practitioner of the emergency refill at the earliest reasonable time.
Which of the following statements are TRUE about pharmacist intern requirements according to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law?
I. A maximum of 40 hours per week shall be considered computed time for the purpose of completing the internship requirement of
1500 hours.
II. An applicant for registration as a pharmacist intern shall have satisfactorily completed not less than 30 semester hours or the
equivalent from the ACPE-approved pharmacy college.
III. The intern shall notify the Board of any change of address, employment or preceptor, in writing, within ten (10) days of such
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (c) II and III are true, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Requirements for Intern:
(1). Application shall be made to the Board on the required application form provided by the Board prior to the beginning of the
An applicant for registration as a pharmacist intern shall have satisfactorily completed not less than 30 semester hours or the
equivalent thereof, in a college of pharmacy curriculum accredited from the ACPE-approved pharmacy college.
(2). The intern shall wear the standard identification tag, approved and issued by the Board, during any pharmacy area employment.
(3). Employment and the internship training period are not to be interpreted as being the same. An intern may work in excess of his
computed time. A maximum of 48 hours (NOT 40 hours) per week, however, shall be considered computed time for the purpose of
completing the internship requirement of 1500 hours.
(4). The intern shall notify the Board of any change of address, employment or preceptor, in writing, within ten (10) days of such
(5). The intern certificate of registration and renewal shall be displayed in the training area where the intern is employed.
The intern registration must be renewed annually on/or before the last day of September.
For pharmacies delivering more than fifty percent of their prescriptions by mail or other common carrier, the hours of availability for
counseling shall be a minimum of 60 hours per week and not less than six days per week.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
When the patient or agent is not present when the prescription is dispensed including, but not limited to, a prescription that was
shipped by the mail, the pharmacist shall ensure that the patient receives written notice of available counseling. Such notice shall
include days and hours of availability, and:
(1). of his or her right to request counseling; and
(2). a toll-free telephone number in which the patient or patient's agent may obtain oral counseling from a pharmacist who has
ready access to the patient's record.
For pharmacies delivering more than fifty percent of their prescriptions by mail or other common carrier, the hours of availability
shall be a minimum of 60 hours per week and not less than six days per week. The facility must have sufficient toll-free phone lines
and personnel to provide counseling within 15 minutes.
In every pharmacy there shall be prominently posted in a place conspicuous to and readable by prescription drug consumers a
notice concerning available counseling.
A pharmacist shall request and review a prescription monitoring report covering at least a one year time period and another states’
report, where applicable and available if:
I. a pharmacist becomes aware of a person appears overly sedated or intoxicated upon presenting a prescription for an opiate.
II. a pharmacist receives an opiate prescription requesting the dispensing of opiates from a prescription issued by a prescriber with whom the pharmacist is unfamiliar.
III. a pharmacist providing opiates for a patient that is receiving chronic pain management prescriptions.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Prescription monitoring report for opiate prescriptions: When presented with an opiate prescription for a patient, obtaining and
reviewing a prescription monitoring report for that patient can be an important tool that assists the pharmacist in identifying issues
or problems that put his or her patient at risk of prescription drug abuse or diversion.
A pharmacist shall use professional judgment based on prevailing standards of practice in determining whether to obtain and review
a prescription monitoring report before dispensing an opiate prescription to that patient, and shall document his or her action
regarding such reports.
(1). A pharmacist shall request and review a prescription monitoring report covering at least a one year time period and another
states’ report, where applicable and available if;
(a). a pharmacist becomes aware of a person currently exhibiting potential abuse or misuse of opiates (i.e. over-utilization, early
refills, multiple prescribers, appears overly sedated or intoxicated upon presenting a prescription for an opiate or an unfamiliar
patient requesting an opiate by specific name, street name, color, or identifying marks, or paying cash when the patient has
prescription insurance);
(b). a pharmacist receives an opiate prescription requesting the dispensing of opiates from a prescription issued by a prescriber with
whom the pharmacist is unfamiliar (e.i. prescriber is located out-of-state or prescriber is outside the usual pharmacy geographic
prescriber care area);
(c). providing opiates for a patient that is receiving chronic pain management prescriptions.
(2). After obtaining an initial prescription monitoring report on a patient, a pharmacist shall use professional judgment base on
prevailing standards of practice, in deciding the frequency of requesting and reviewing further prescription monitoring reports and
other states’ reports for that patient. The pharmacist shall document the review of these reports.
(3). In the event a report is not immediately available, the pharmacist shall use professional judgment in determining whether it is
appropriate and in the patient’s best interest to dispense the prescription prior to receiving a report.
(4). A prescription for an opiate written for a patient in a long term care facility (LTCF) or for a patient with a medical diagnosis
documenting a terminal illness is exempt from Subsection D of NMAC.
If there is any question whether a patient may be classified as having a terminal illness, the pharmacist shall contact the practitioner.
The pharmacist shall document whether the patient is “terminally ill” or an “LTCF patient”.
Which of the following is/are classified as Schedule IV controlled drug(s)?
I. Barbital
II. Meprobamate
III. Paraldehyde
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [Controlled Substances Act Chapter 30 Article 31 Section 9].
List of Schedule IV controlled drugs:
Carisoprodol (Soma)
Tramadol (Ultram)
Alprazolam (Xanax)
Barbital (Barbitone)
Butorphanol (Stadol, Stadol NS, Torbugesic, Torbutrol)
Chloral hydrate (Noctec)
Chlordiazepoxide (Librium, Libritabs, Limbitrol, SK-Lygen)
Clonazepam (Klonopin, Clonopin)
Dexfenfluramine (Redux)
Diazepam (Valium, Valrelease)
Dichloralphenazone (Midrin)
Difenoxin 1 mg/ Atropine 25 mcg (Motofen)
Estazolam (ProSom, Domnamid, Eurodin, Nuctalon)
Ethchlorvynol (Placidyl)
Fenfluramine (Pondimin, Ponderal)
Flurazepam (Dalmane)
Fospropofol (Lusedra)
Lorazepam (Ativan)
Mazindol (Sanorex, Mazanor)
Meprobamate (Miltown, Equanil, Deprol, Equagesic, Meprospan)
Midazolam (Versed)
Modafinil (Provigil)
Oxazepam (Serax, Serenid-D)
Pemoline (Cylert)
Pentazocine (Talwin, Talwin NX, Talacen, Talwin Compound)
Phenobarbital (Luminal, Donnatal, Bellergal-S)
Phentermine (Ionamin, Fastin, Adipex-P, Obe-Nix, Zantryl)
Prazepam (Centrax)
Propofol (Diprivan)
Propoxyphene dosage forms with other ingredients
Quazepam (Doral, Dormalin)
Sibutramine (Meridia)
Temazepam (Restoril)
Triazolam (Halcion)
Zaleplon (Sonata)
Zolpidem (Ambien)
Zopiclone (Imovane)
Eszopiclone (Lunesta)
Which of the following is/are TRUE ABOUT Remote Pharmacy Technician Data Entry Sites?
I. All pharmacy technicians employed to work at a remote data entry practice site must be registered as a certified pharmacy
technician with the board and have a minimum of one year experience performing data entry functions as a certified pharmacy tech.
II. A New Mexico licensed pharmacy located in New Mexico may employ one or more certified pharmacy technicians for the purpose
of data input in remote practice sites.
III. Only non-controlled drug inventory shall be kept at any remote pharmacy technician data entry site.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. All
d. None of the above
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A. General requirements:
(1). A New Mexico licensed pharmacy located in New Mexico may employ one or more certified pharmacy technicians for the
purpose of data input in remote practice sites provided that all security requirements are met.
(2). All pharmacy technicians employed to work at a remote data entry practice site must be registered as a certified pharmacy
technician with the board and have a minimum of one year experience performing data entry functions as a certified pharmacy tech.
(3). All remote pharmacy technician data entry sites will operate under a New Mexico licensed pharmacy located in New Mexico
under the authority of its pharmacist-in-charge.
(4). No drug inventory shall be kept at any remote pharmacy technician data entry site and no dispensing shall take place from a
remote pharmacy technician data entry site.
(5). All remote pharmacy technician data entry sites will have a procedure for identifying the pharmacy technician and the
pharmacist responsible for each aspect of the prescription preparations.
(6). All remote pharmacy technician data entry sites will have quality monitoring and improvement programs in place.
Which of the following is/are classified as Schedule II controlled drug(s)?
I. Heroin
II. Hydrocodone
III. Alfentanil
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (c) Hydrocodone and Alfentanil are classified as Schedule II controlled drugs, [Controlled Substances Act Chapter 30 Article
31 Section 7]. Heroin is classified as a Schedule I controlled drug, [Controlled Substances Act Chapter 30 Article 31 Section 6].
List of Schedule II controlled drugs:
Alfentanil (Alfenta)
Amobarbital (Amytal, Tuinal)
Amphetamine (Dexedrine, Biphetamine)
Lisdexamfetamine (Vyvanse)
Coca Leaves
Dextropropoxyphene, bulk (non-dosage forms)
Dihydrocodeine (Didrate, Parzone)
Ecgonine (Cocaine precursor, in Coca leaves)
Ethylmorphine (Dionin)
Fentanyl (Innovar, Sublimaze, Duragesic)
Glutethimide (Doriden, Dorimide)
Hydrocodone (dihydrocodeinone)
Hydrocodone and isoquinoline alkaloid
Hydrocodone combination product (Tussionex, Tussend, Lortab, Vicodin, Hycodan, Anexsia)
Hydromorphone (Dilaudid, dihydromorphinone)
Levo-Alphacetylmethadol (LAAM, long acting methadone, levomethadyl acetate)
Meperidine (Demerol, Mepergan, pethidine)
Methadone (Dolophine, Methadose, Amidone)
Methamphetamine (Desoxyn, D-desoxyephedrine, ICE, Crank, Speed)
Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
Morphine (MS Contin, Roxanol, Duramorph, RMS, MSIR)
Opium poppy
Opium tincture
Opium, granulated
Opium, powdered
Opium, raw
Oxycodone (OxyContin, Percocet, Tylox, Roxicodone, Roxicet)
Oxymorphone (Numorphan)
Pentobarbital (Nembutal)
Poppy Straw Concentrate
Remifentanil (Ultiva)
Secobarbital (Seconal, Tuinal)
Sufentanil (Sufenta)
Tapentadol (Nucynta)
Which of the following is/are TRUE about a hospital pharmacy that utilizes another licensed pharmacy/pharmacist to provide
pharmaceuticals and/or other pharmacist services?
I. the pharmacist providing the services by the contracted pharmacy shall be licensed as a pharmacist in the state where the
contracted pharmacy is located.
II. the contracted pharmacy/pharmacist must have complete access to the patient’s profile in order to perform a drug regimen
III. the contracted pharmacy/pharmacist must have access to the licensed practitioners of the hospital.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (c) II and III only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Outsourcing of Pharmaceutical Services: A hospital pharmacy may contract or enter into an agreement with another licensed
pharmacy/pharmacist to provide pharmaceuticals and/or other pharmacist services under the following conditions:
(1). the contract pharmacy is licensed by the board of pharmacy;
(2). the pharmacist providing the services by the contracted pharmacy shall be licensed as a pharmacist in this state (not in the state
where contracted pharmacy is located);
(3). the contract is incorporated into the pharmacy’s policy and procedure manual and complies with the requirements of 16.19.7
(4). the contracted pharmacy/pharmacist must have complete access to the patient’s profile in order to perform a drug regimen
(5). the contracted pharmacy/pharmacist must have access to the licensed practitioners of the hospital;
(6). records of all pharmaceuticals transferred from the contracted pharmacy to the hospital pharmacy comply with the
(7). documentation of the services provided by the contracted pharmacy/pharmacist.
Which of the following is/are TRUE about patient counseling?
I. An offer to counsel shall be made to each patient or caregiver when the pharmacist fills, delivers or sends a new retail or
outpatient prescription.
II. A mail order pharmacy shall make the offer to counsel either by telephone or by sending a written offer together with the filled
III. If the pharmacist, in the exercise of professional judgment in the interest of a patient, believes that an oral offer would be less
effective than a written offer, the pharmacist may substitute a written offer.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
An offer to counsel shall be made to each patient or caregiver when the pharmacist fills, delivers or sends a new retail or outpatient
Patient counseling, as described above and defined in this regulation shall not be required for in-patients of a hospital or institution
where other licensed health care professionals are authorized to administer the drug(s).
The pharmacist or designee of the pharmacist shall orally make the offer in person if a patient or caregiver comes to the pharmacy.
If the pharmacist, in the exercise of professional judgment in the interest of a patient, believes that an oral offer would be less
effective than a written offer, the pharmacist may substitute a written offer.
The following are examples of situations in which a pharmacist might substitute a written offer:
(1). The patient or caregiver is hearing impaired.
(2). The patient or caregiver is not an English speaker.
If neither the patient nor caregiver comes to the pharmacy, the offer to counsel shall be made in one of the following ways:
(1). The pharmacist or designee may telephone the patient or caregiver.
(2). The pharmacy delivery person may orally make the offer to the patient or caregiver.
(3). The pharmacist may send a written offer to counsel together with the filled prescription, which is delivered or sent to the
(4). A written offer to counsel shall include the telephone number of the pharmacy.
(5). A pharmacy shall provide toll-free telephone service if its primary patient population is beyond the local or toll-free exchange.
(6). A mail order pharmacy shall make the offer to counsel either by telephone or by sending a written offer together with the filled
The written offer shall include a toll-free telephone number of the pharmacy which a patient or caregiver may use to obtain
Upon termination of the pharmacist-in-charge, each pharmacy owner shall immediately designate a successor pharmacist-in-charge
and immediately notify the state Board of Pharmacy within 10 days.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Upon termination of the pharmacist-in-charge, each pharmacy owner shall immediately designate a successor pharmacist-in-charge
and immediately notify the state Board of Pharmacy of such designation.
The owner shall request the license application form to be completed by the successor pharmacist-in-charge and filed with the
Board within 10 days.
The failure to designate a successor pharmacist-in-charge and notify the Board of such designation shall be deemed a violation of
the New Mexico Pharmacy Act.
Which of the following is required to order Schedule I and Schedule II controlled drugs?
a. DEA 222
b. DEA 106
c. DEA 41
d. DEA 351
Answer: (a) Schedule I and II controlled drugs can be ordered by filling out a DEA 222 form, [New Mexico Administrative Code
Each form contains three copies (i.e. Copy 1, Copy 2 and Copy 3). The purchaser completes the form and submits the Copy 1 and
Copy 2 of the form to the supplier, and retains Copy 3 for his/her own record.
The partially filled order must be filled within 60 days from the date of issuance. The order form is no longer valid after 60 days from
the time it was executed by purchaser.
A pharmacist is adding 1000 mg of pure codeine powder to 100 cc of Tylenol with codeine Elixir (120 mg/12 mg/5 cc). The resultant
mixture should be classified as:
a. Schedule II
b. Schedule III
c. Schedule IV
d. Schedule V
Answer: (b) The compounded mixture should be classified as a Schedule III controlled drug. The amount of Codeine present in the
final mixture is 1.24 gms (1000 mg plus 240 mg), [Controlled Substances Act Chapter 30 Article 31 Section 8(D)(2)].
It has been stated under CSA that if a mixture contains less than 1.8 gms of Codeine per 100 cc, it should be classified as a Schedule
III controlled substance.
List of Schedule III controlled drugs:
Butalbital (Fiorinal and [Fioricet only for New Mexico])
Amobarbital and noncontrolled active ingredients
Amobarbital suppository dosage form
Anabolic steroids
Barbituric acid derivative
Benzphetamine (Didrex, Inapetyl)
Buprenorphine (Buprenex, Temgesic)
Butabarbital (Butisol, Butibel)
Codeine and isoquinoline alkaloid (Codeine with papaverine or noscapine)
Codeine combination product (Empirin, Fiorinal, Tylenol, ASA or APAP w/codeine)
Dronabinol in sesame oil in soft gelatin capsule (Marinol)
Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid
Lysergic acid
Lysergic acid amide
Methyltestosterone (Android, Oreton, Testred, Virilon)
Nalorphine (Nalline)
Nandrolone (Deca-Durabolin, Durabolin, Durabolin-50)
Norethandrolone(Nilevar, Solevar)
Opium combination product (Paregoric)
Pentobarbital and noncontrolled active ingredients
Pentobarbital suppository dosage form
Phendimetrazine (Bontril)
Secobarbital and noncontrolled active ingredients
Secobarbital suppository dosage form
Sodium oxybate (Xyrem)
Testosterone (Android-T, Androlan, Depotest, Delatestryl)
Thiopental (Pentothal)
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, a biological safety cabinet must be certified by an independent qualified contractor
prior to use and at six-month intervals; certification records will be maintained for 1 year.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
All compounded sterile products for human use shall be prepared in an appropriate aseptic environment which meets USP-797
standards. Devices used to provide an aseptic environment including laminar air flow workbenches, biological safety cabinets,
compounding aseptic isolators and compounding aseptic containment isolators will:
(a). be tested in the course of normal operation by an independent qualified contractor and certified as meeting the requirements
presented in USP-797 at least every 6 months and when relocated, certification records will be maintained for 3 years (Not 1 year);
(b). have pre-filters which are inspected periodically and inspection/replacement date documented according to written policy.
A pharmacist shall not be required to counsel a patient or care giver when the patient or care giver refuses such consultation and such refusal is documented.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A pharmacist shall in no way attempt to circumvent or willfully discourage a patient or patients agent from receiving counseling.
However, a pharmacist shall not be required to counsel a patient or patient’s agent when the patient or patient’s agent refuses such
Phenergan with Codeine syrup is classified as:
a. Schedule II
b. Schedule III
c. Schedule IV
d. Schedule V
Answer: (d) Phenergan with Codeine syrup is classified as a Schedule V controlled drug, [Controlled Substances Act Chapter 30
Article 31 Section 10].
List of Schedule V controlled drugs:
Codeine preparations - 200 mg per 100 ml or 100 gm (Robitussin AC, Phenergan with Codeine)
Difenoxin preparations - 0.5 mg Difenoxin + 25mcg Atropine sulfate (Motofen)
Dihydrocodeine preparations 100 mg per 100 ml or 100 gm
Diphenoxylate preparations- 2.5 mg Diphenoxylate + 25mcg Atropine sulfate (Lomotil, Logen)
Ethylmorphine preparations 100 mg per 100 ml or 100 gm
Opium preparations - 100 mg per 100 ml or gm (Parepectolin, Kapectolin PG, Kaolin Pectin P.G.)
Lyrica - Pregabalin
Vimpat - Lacosamide
Potiga - Ezogabine
Automated compounding devices shall:
I. have accuracy verified on a routine basis at least every 30 days per manufacturer’s specifications.
II. be observed every 30 days by the operator during the mixing process to ensure the device is working properly.
III. have accurate final documentation of compounded preparations to allow for verification of ingredients by a pharmacist prior to
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Automated compounding devices shall:
(1). have accuracy verified on a routine basis at least every 30 days per manufacturers specifications;
(2). be observed every 30 days by the operator during the mixing process to ensure the device is working properly;
(3). have data entry verified by a pharmacist prior to compounding or have accurate final documentation of compounded
preparations to allow for verification of ingredients by a pharmacist prior to dispensing; and
(4). have accuracy of delivery of the end product verified according to written policies and procedures.
Which of the following information about Pharmacist-In-Charge in hospital pharmacies is/are TRUE?
I. The pharmacist in charge may be employed part-time or full-time as the activity of service requires.
II. When services are provided on a part-time basis, the pharmacist-in-charge or designated pharmacist shall visit the facility at least
every 72 hours.
III. A pharmacy policy and procedure manual shall be reviewed by the pharmacist-in-charge annually for the purpose of establishing
its consistency with current hospital practices and the process documented.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A. There shall be a pharmacist-in-charge of the hospital pharmacy. The pharmacist in charge may be employed part-time or full-time
as the activity of service requires. When services are provided on a part-time basis, the pharmacist-in-charge or designated
pharmacist shall visit the facility at least every 72 hours. Visitation schedules exceeding 72 hours must request Board approval.
B. The pharmacist-in-charge shall be assisted by an adequate number of competent and qualified personnel.
C. Written job descriptions for all categories of pharmacy personnel shall be prepared and revised as necessary.
D. A pharmacy policy and procedure manual shall be prepared by the pharmacist-in-charge and readily available. The manual shall
be reviewed annually for the purpose of establishing its consistency with current hospital practices and the process documented.
A copy of this manual shall be submitted to the Board or its agent for review and approval at the time of the hospital license
application. Any subsequent changes shall be reviewed by the Board or its agent
In emergency situations, pharmacist clinicians may prescribe dangerous drugs including controlled substances for self-treatment or
treatment of immediate family members.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Pharmacist clinicians shall not prescribe dangerous drugs including controlled substances for self-treatment or treatment of
immediate family members, except under emergency situations.
This will not apply to pharmacist administered vaccinations.
Pharmacist clinicians shall not write a recommendation for the use of medical cannabis.
A pharmacy service unit:
I. is a separate entity from the central hospital pharmacy, within the same physical building.
II. provides limited and/or specialized inpatient pharmacy services with a minimum of 100 square feet.
III. shall be covered by the hospital pharmacy license.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A. A pharmacy service unit:
(1). is a separate entity from the central hospital pharmacy, within the same physical building;
(2). provides limited and/or specialized inpatient pharmacy services with a minimum of 100 square feet;
(3). has the necessary space, references and equipment to perform the pharmacy service to be provided.
B. If controlled substances are stored in and/or dispensed from the Pharmacy Service Unit, a locked storage space must be provided
and used to store all controlled substances.
C. The Pharmacy Service Unit shall be covered by the hospital pharmacy license.
D. A pharmacist shall be available to the Pharmacy Service Unit during operational hours.
E. A pharmacist shall control access to the Pharmacy Service Unit. Pharmacy technician(s) or intern(s) may be present in the
Pharmacy Service Unit during operational hours when the pharmacist is present in the facility.
Which of the following information is/are True under New Mexico State Pharmacy Law?
I. In hospitals without a pharmacy, prelabeled, prepackaged medications shall be stored in and distributed from a drug storage area
or automated medication management system.
II. All medications shall be issued for inpatients use pursuant to the review of the physicians order or direct copy thereof, prior to
III. If the hospital pharmacy is closed when the order is written; the pharmacist shall review the order within 72 hrs.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II are true, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) To (C)].
A. In hospitals without a pharmacy, prelabeled, prepackaged medications shall be stored in and distributed from a drug storage area
or automated medication management system, which is under the supervision of a pharmacist.
B. The pharmacist-in-charge shall have the responsibility for the procurement and storage of all drugs.
C. All medications, with the exception of those for emergency use, shall be issued for inpatients use pursuant to the review of the
physicians order or direct copy thereof, prior to dispensing. If the pharmacy is closed when the order is written, the pharmacist shall
review the order within 24 hrs (Not 72 hours).
Which of the following is/are required to renew pharmacist clinician registration?
I. A pharmacist clinician shall complete 20 contact hours of live CPE or continuing medical education (CME) approved by (ACPE) or
II. A pharmacist clinician shall provide a current protocol of collaborative practice signed by the supervising physician.
III. A pharmacist clinician with a controlled substance registration to prescribe controlled substances listed in Schedule II or Schedule
III shall complete a minimum of 8 contact hours per renewal period in the subject area of responsible opioid prescribing practices.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. All
d. None of the above
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Biennial renewal of pharmacist clinician registration:
(1). Renewal applications shall be submitted prior to the license expiration.
(2). Applications for renewal must include:
(a). Documentation of continuing education hours, including proof of completion of 2.0 CEU 20 contact hours of live CPE or
continuing medical education (CME) approved by (ACPE) or AACME and
(b). A pharmacist clinician with a controlled substance registration to prescribe controlled substances listed in Schedule II or
Schedule III shall complete a minimum of 0.2 CEU (two contact hours) per renewal period in the subject area of responsible opioid
prescribing practices, and
(c). a current protocol of collaborative practice signed by the supervising physician and
(d). a copy of the pharmacist clinicians registration with the supervising physicians board and
(e). other additional information as requested by the board.
Who may dispense drugs in a hospital emergency room?
I. a licensed prescriber
II. a licensed pharmacist
III. a licensed pharmacist intern
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
L. Medications dispensed in the emergency room will be dispensed only by a licensed pharmacist, a licensed pharmacist intern or a
licensed practitioner and shall comply with the following:
(1). a record shall be kept of all medications dispensed from the emergency room of a hospital; the record shall include:
(a). the date the drug was dispensed;
(b). name and address of the patient;
(c). name of the prescribing physician;
(d). the name of the drug;
(e). the strength of the drug;
(f). the quantity of drug dispensed;
(g). initials of the person recording the information if not a physician;
(2). a separate record shall be kept for schedule II controlled substances;
(3). the following will be recorded in the patients medical chart:
(a). the name of the drug(s) prescribed;
(b). the strength of the drug;
(c). the quantity of the drug dispensed;
(4). when medications are prescribed by the physician and dispensed to the patient in the emergency room of the hospital the
dispensing label shall contain the following information:
(a). the name of the patient;
(b). the name of the prescribing physician;
(c). name of the drug;
(d). strength of the drug;
(e). quantity of the drug;
(f). name and address of the hospital;
(g). date the drug is dispensed;
(h). directions for use;
(i). expiration date of medication.
Floor stock drugs, including those issued from automated medication management systems, shall be limited to drugs for emergency
use and routinely used items as listed in the pharmacy policy and procedure manual and approved by the pharmacy and
therapeutics committee.
Floor stock drugs shall be supplied in individual doses unless the bulk container cannot be individualized. Dangerous drug floor stock
must be reviewed by the pharmacist or pharmacist intern on a routine basis to insure appropriate use
Which of the following drugs is classified as a Schedule III controlled drug?
a. Fioricet
b. Pentazocine
c. Codeine
d. Lorazepam
Answer: (a) Fioricet (Butalbital + Acetaminophen + Caffeine) is classified as a Schedule III drug, [New Mexico Administrative Code
Under the Federal Law, Fioricet (Butalbital + Acetaminophen + Caffeine) is classified as non-controlled substance whereas Fiorinal (Butalbital + Aspirin + Caffeine) is classified as a Schedule III controlled substance.
However, under the New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, both, Fioricet and Fiorinal are classified under Schedule III controlled
(1). Any compound, mixture or preparation containing:
(a). amobarbital;
(b). secobarbital;
(c). pentobarbital;
(d). butalbital; or any salt thereof and one or more active medicinal ingredients which are not listed in any schedule.
The pharmacist-in-charge is responsible for maintaining up-to-date reference materials or electronic access to reference publications commensurate with the scope of practice. At a minimum, the healthcare facility pharmacy shall carry:
I. a drug interactions text.
II. New Mexico Pharmacy Law and Rules and Regulations.
III. an injectable drug text.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A. The pharmacist-in-charge is responsible for provision of drug information to the staff and patients of the healthcare facility. The
pharmacist-in-charge shall be responsible for providing in-service education to the facilitys professional staff. In-service activities
shall be documented.
B. The pharmacist-in-charge is responsible for maintaining up-to-date reference materials or electronic access to reference
publications commensurate with the scope of practice. At a minimum, these references will include the current editions of:
(1). a drug interactions text;
(2). an injectable drug text;
(3). a general drug information text; and
(4). New Mexico Pharmacy Law and Rules and Regulations and all available revisions.
C. The telephone number of a regional Poison and Drug Information Center shall be posted in all areas where medications are
An emergency oral prescription for Schedule II controlled drugs must be mailed to dispensing pharmacy by an authorized prescriber
a. 48 hours after an oral authorization.
b. 7 days after an oral authorization.
c. 10 days after an oral authorization.
d. 72 hours after an oral authorization.
Answer: (b) 7 days after an oral authorization. An emergency oral prescription for Schedule II controlled drugs must be written to
reduce and mailed to dispensing pharmacy by an authorized prescriber within 7 days after an oral authorization, [New Mexico
Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Emergency dispensing of Schedule II controlled substances. “Emergency situation” means the prescribing physician determines:
(1). that immediate administration of a controlled substance is necessary for proper treatment of the intended patient;
(2). that no appropriate alternative treatment is available, including administration of a drug which is not a controlled substance
under Schedule II; and
(3). that it is not reasonably possible for the prescribing practitioner to provide a written prescription to be presented to the person
dispensing the substance prior to the dispensing.
B. A pharmacy may dispense a Schedule II controlled substance in the above instance only if he receives oral authorization of a
practitioner or authorization via facsimile machine and provided:
(1). the quantity prescribed is limited to the amount needed to treat the patient during the emergency period;
(2). the pharmacist shall reduce the prescription to a written form and it contains all information required of a Schedule II controlled
substance prescription except the signature of the prescribing practitioner;
(3). the prescribing physician, within 7 days after authorization of the emergency dispensing, shall furnish a written, signed
prescription to the pharmacist.
The signed prescription shall have written on the face “AUTHORIZATION FOR EMERGENCY DISPENSING” and the date of the oral
order or facsimile order;
(4). the signed prescription shall be attached to the oral emergency prescription order or the facsimile emergency prescription order
and be filed as other Schedule II prescriptions.
What is the permissible ratio of pharmacy technicians to pharmacists on duty?
a. 2 to 1
b. 3 to 1
c. 4 to 1
d. Determined by Pharmacist-in-charge
Answer: (d) Determined by Pharmacist-in-charge, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The permissible ratio of pharmacy technicians to pharmacists on duty is to be determined by the pharmacist in charge.
The board reserves the right to impose a ratio of pharmacy technicians to pharmacists if circumstances so dictate.
After dispensing an emergency oral Schedule II drug, the pharmacist shall contact which of the following upon not receiving a
written prescription from the prescriber within 7 days?
I. The DEA Office
II. The Board of Pharmacy
III. The Patient
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
After dispensing an emergency Schedule II drug, the pharmacist shall contact the DEA office and New Mexico State Board of
Pharmacy upon not receiving a written prescription from the prescriber within 7 days of an emergency oral authorization.
All technicians are required to obtain board approved certification within one year of registration with the board as a technician.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The pharmacist-in-charge shall ensure that the pharmacy technician has completed initial training which includes:
(1). federal and state laws and regulations that affect pharmacy practice; specific regulations which address the use of supportive
personnel and technicians;
(2). ethical and professional standards of practice;
(3). medical and pharmaceutical terminology, symbols and abbreviations used in the practice of pharmacy and components of a
(4). pharmaceutical calculations necessary for the preparation and dispensing of drug products;
(5). manufacturing, preparation, packaging, labeling and proper storage of drug products;
(6). dosage forms and routes of administration; and
(7). trade and generic names for medications frequently dispensed by the pharmacy;
(8). basic comprehension of pharmacology;
(9). basic knowledge of appropriate pharmacy references.
B. If the duties of the technician will include the preparation of sterile products then, in addition to the training and education
requirements listed in this section, the technician will complete training outlined in Paragraph (2) of Subsection C of
C. A written record of training and education will be maintained by the pharmacy technician and contain the following:
(1). name of person receiving the training;
(2). date(s) of the training;
(3). description of the topics covered;
(4). names of the person(s) who provided the training; and
(5). signature of the technician and the technician training sponsor.
D. A written record of training and education must be submitted to the board with certification exam documentation to obtain
certified pharmacy technician registration.
E. All technicians are required to obtain board approved certification within one year of registration with the board as a technician.
F. The pharmacist-in-charge shall be responsible for the implementation of policies and procedures for additional training appropriate to duties and responsibilities performed by a pharmacy technician as well as an ongoing quality assurance plan to assure competency.
What are the requirements to become a licensed nuclear pharmacist, according to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law?
I. Must meet a minimum of 250 contact hours of didactic instruction in nuclear pharmacy and the safe handling and use of radioactive materials from a nationally accredited college of pharmacy.
II. Must have attained a minimum of 500 contact hours of experiential training in nuclear pharmacy under the supervision of a
qualified nuclear pharmacist.
III. Must obtain 50 hours in the clinical use of radiopharmaceuticals.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
“Qualified Nuclear Pharmacist” means a pharmacist currently licensed by the Board who meets either of the following criteria:
(1). Must be currently certified as a Nuclear Pharmacist by the Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties; or
(2). Must have met a minimum of 250 contact hours of didactic instruction in nuclear pharmacy and the safe handling and use of
radioactive materials from a nationally-accredited college of pharmacy or other training program sponsored by an ACPE-accredited
provider of continuing pharmaceutical education, with the minimum 250 contact hours.
(a). Must have attained a minimum of 500 contact hours of experiential training in nuclear pharmacy under the supervision of a
qualified nuclear pharmacist in, but not limited to, the following areas:
(i). Procurement of radioactive materials;
(ii). Compounding of radiopharmaceuticals;
(iii). Maintenance of a quality assurance program;
(iv). Dispensing of radiopharmaceuticals;
(v). Distribution of radiopharmaceuticals;
(vi). Implementation of basic health and safety practices and procedures;
(vii). Provision of information and consultation related to the practice of nuclear pharmacy and the use of radiopharmaceuticals;
(viii). Monitoring of outcomes in patients who receive radiopharmaceuticals and related ancillary medications;
(ix). Research and development of radiopharmaceuticals.
(b). 200 hours in the following five areas:
(i). Radiation physics and instrumentation;
(ii). Radiation protection;
(iii). Mathematics pertaining to the use and measurement of radioactivity;
(iv). Radiation biology;
(v). Radiopharmaceutical chemistry; and
(c). 50 hours in the clinical use of radiopharmaceuticals
Clinic drug stock may be dispensed by the pharmacy if:
I. the drugs are dispensed only to a clinic patient with a valid prescription from a practitioner of that clinic.
II. clinic prescriptions for clinic drugs are maintained separately from other prescriptions of the pharmacy.
III. the prescription is dispensed in a container with a label attached which reads “DISPENSED FOR (clinic name and address) BY
(pharmacy name and address)”.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Clinic drug stock may be transferred to, and maintained by, a pharmacy for dispensing to clinic patients as provided in this
regulation. Clinic drug stock may be dispensed by the pharmacy if:
(1). the drugs are dispensed only to a clinic patient with a valid prescription from a practitioner of that clinic;
(2). clinic prescriptions for clinic drugs are maintained separately from other prescriptions of the pharmacy;
(3). the prescription is dispensed in a container with a label attached which reads “DISPENSED FOR (clinic name and address) BY
(pharmacy name and address)”
(4). all packaging and labeling requirements for prescriptions dispensed by a pharmacy have been met; and
(5). patient records and counseling requirements have been maintained separately for all clinic patients whose prescriptions were
filled by the pharmacy from clinic drug stock.
Repackaging of drug from bulk containers into multiple dispensing units for future distribution to clinic patients at the site of
repackaging may be done by:
I. a physician
II. a pharmacist
III. a pharmacy technician
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Repackaging of drug from bulk containers into multiple dispensing units for future distribution to clinic patients at the site of
repackaging may be done by a physician, dentist, pharmacist, or by a pharmacy technician under the supervision of the pharmacist
as defined in Subsection B of NMAC. All drugs repackaged into multiple dispensing units by a pharmacy technician must
undergo a final check by the pharmacist.
(3). A record of drugs repackaged must be maintained, to include the following.
(a). Date of repackaging.
(b). Name and strength of drug.
(c). Lot number or control number.
(d). Name of drug manufacturer.
(e). Expiration date (per USP requirements).
(f). Total number of dosage units (tabs, caps) repackaged (for each drug).
(g). Quantity per each repackaged unit container.
(h). Number of dosage units (tabs, caps) wasted.
(i). Initials of repackager.
(j). Initials of person performing final check.
(4). All dispensing units of repackaged medication must be labeled with the following information.
(a). Name, strength, and quantity of the drug.
(b). Lot number or control number.
(c). Name of manufacturer.
(d). Expiration date.
(e). Date drug was repackaged.
(f). Name or initials of repackager.
(g). Federal caution label, if applicable.
(5). Repackaged units must be stored with the manufacturers package insert until relabeled for dispensing.
Repackaging from bulk containers to dispensing units for distribution at locations other than the site of repackaging requires FDA
registration, whether or not the repackaged drugs enter interstate commerce.
A pharmacist clinician DOES NOT have to obtain and review a PMP report before prescribing, ordering, or dispensing a controlled
substance in Schedule II, III or IV for a patient:
I. residing in a skilled nursing facility.
II. residing in a hospice care.
III. picking up a prescription from hospital outpatient pharmacy.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. All
d. None of the above
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A pharmacist clinician does not have to obtain and review a PMP report before prescribing, ordering, or dispensing a controlled
substance in Schedule II, III or IV;
(i). to a patient in a nursing facility; or
(ii). to a patient in hospice care.
The Nursing-Home facility shall have a Medication Administration Record (MAR) documenting medications administered to residents. This documentation shall include:
I. Name of the OTC products used by residents.
II. Route of administration of prescribed drugs.
III. Dates when the medication is discontinued or changed.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The facility shall have a Medication Administration Record (MAR) documenting medications administered to residents, including
over-the-counter medications. This documentation shall include:
(i). Name of resident;
(ii). Date given;
(iii). Drug product name;
(iv). Dosage and form;
(v). Strength of drug;
(vi). Route of administration;
(vii). How often medication is to be taken;
(viii). Time taken and staff initials;
(ix). Dates when the medication is discontinued or changed;
(x). The name and initials of all staff administering medications.
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, a prescription may be issued in order for a practitioner to obtain controlled
substances for supplying the practitioner for the purpose of general dispensing to patients.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A. A prescription for a controlled substance may be issued for a legitimate medical purpose by an individual practitioner acting in the
usual course of his professional practice, and who is registered under the Controlled Substances Act.
The responsibility for the proper prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances is upon the prescribing practitioner, but a
corresponding responsibility rests with the pharmacist who fills the prescription.
B. A prescription may not be issued in order for a practitioner to obtain controlled substances for supplying the practitioner for the
purpose of general dispensing to patients.
C. A prescription may not be issued for the dispensing of narcotic drugs listed in any schedule to a narcotic dependent person for the
sole purpose of continuing his dependence upon such drugs.
D. A prescription may not be issued for the dispensing of the narcotic drugs listed in any schedule to a narcotic drug-dependent
person in the course of conducting an authorized clinical investigation in the development of a narcotic addict rehabilitation
What are approved dangerous stock drugs for a Nursing Home facility?
I. Hepatitis B vaccine
II. Tuberculin testing solution
III. Sterile normal saline and water - irrigation
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Stock dangerous drugs acquired, maintained and administered by the nursing home shall be listed in the nursing home policy and
procedure manual and approved by the Board of Pharmacy. The stock dangerous drugs shall be used when a licensed nurse (LPN or
RN) is on duty. The following is the approved list of stock dangerous drugs:
(i). Sterile normal saline and water - injectable;
(ii). Sterile normal saline and water - irrigation;
(iii). Tuberculin testing solution;
(iv). Vaccines as recommended by the centers for disease control (CDC) and prevention’s advisory committee on immunization
practices and appropriate for the facility population served;
(v). Any additional dangerous drugs must be defined and listed in the policy and procedure manual and must be approved by the
Board of Pharmacy prior to obtaining or using.
Which of the following indicates a controlled substance abusing by a patient while reviewing the patients PMP report by a pharmacist?
I. opioids from multiple prescribers.
II. opioids and benzodiazepines concurrently.
III. requests to pay cash when insurance is available.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The following indicates or suggests that the patient may be abusing controlled substances while reviewing his/her PMP report by the
(i). opioids from multiple prescribers;
(ii). opioids and benzodiazepines concurrently;
(iii). opioids for more than 12 consecutive weeks;
(iv). more than one controlled substance analgesic;
(v). opioids totaling more than 90 morphine milligram equivalents per day;
(vi). exhibiting potential for abuse of misuse of opioids and other controlled substances, such as over-utilization, requests to fill
early, requests for specific opioids, requests to pay cash when insurance is available, receiving opioids from multiple pharmacies.
Upon recognizing any of the above conditions the pharmacist clinician using professional judgement based on prevailing standards
of practice, shall take action as appropriate to prevent, mitigate, or resolve any potential problems or risks that may result in opioid
misuse, abuse, or overdose.
These steps may involve counseling the patient on known risks and realistic benefits of opioid therapy, prescription and training for
naloxone, consultation with or referral to a pain management specialist, offering or arranging treatment for opioid or substance use disorder; the pharmacist clinician shall document actions taken to prevent, mitigate, or resolve the potential problems or risks.
May a skilled nursing facility stock the sample of prescription drugs to be administered by the facilities designated personnel?
a. Yes
b. No
Answer: (b) No, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Licensed Facility: Any facility, skilled nursing facility, intermediate care or any other upper level of care facility as defined by Health
and Human Services Department that is required to maintain custody of patients drugs in a drug room, and such drugs are
administered by the facilities' designated personnel.
No drug samples shall be stocked in the licensed facility.
What minimum equipments are required to operate a nuclear pharmacy?
I. Radionuclide Dose Calibrator
II. Lead-shielded drawing station
III. Laminar air flow hood and/or biologic safety cabinet
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The minimum equipments require for a nuclear pharmacy are:
(1). Radionuclide Dose Calibrator;
(2). Refrigerator;
(3). Single or multiple channel scintillation counter with well-type NaI(T1) or Ge(Li) detector ;
(4). Radiochemical fume hood and filter system;
(5). Area rate meter;
(6). At least two (2) GM survey meters;
(7). Microscope and hemacytometer;
(8). Laminar air flow hood and/or biologic safety cabinet;
(9). Syringe and vial radiation shields;
(10). Lead-shielded drawing station;
(11). Decontamination supplies
I. A purchaser shall produce a driver’s license or other government-issued photo identification showing the date of birth of the
II. A purchaser shall sign a log after reading the purchaser statement for pseudoephedrine receipt.
III. A quantity shall be limited to no more than 3.6 grams per day, or more than a total of 9 grams of a product, mixture or
preparation containing pseudoephedrine, within a thirty-day period.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
(2). Unless pursuant to a valid prescription, a person purchasing, receiving or otherwise acquiring the compound, mixture or
preparation shall:
(a). Produce a driver’s license or other government-issued photo identification showing the date of birth of the person;
(b). Sign a log after reading the purchaser statement for pseudoephedrine receipt or other program or mechanism indicating:
1. the date and time of the transaction,
2. name of the person, address, driver’s license number or government issued identification number,
3. name of the pharmacist, pharmacist intern or pharmacy technician conducting the transaction,
4. the product sold and the total quantity, in grams or milligrams, of pseudoephedrine purchased;
this log will be only for exempt pseudoephedrine products and shall be kept separate from all other records; the log is to be
produced in a way that a customer’s personal information is not available to other purchasers;
(c). Be limited to no more than 3.6 grams per day, or more than a total of 9 grams of a product, mixture or preparation containing
pseudoephedrine, within a thirty-day period.
(3). The pseudoephedrine purchaser statement must state, in addition to any federal requirements, “I have not purchased more
than 3.6 grams today or more than a total of 9 grams of pseudoephedrine as a single entity or in a combination with other
medications in the last 30 days. Entering false statements or misrepresentations in this logbook may subject me to criminal
A patient brings a new prescription for Alprazolam with 5 eligible refills. The prescription is written on April 1, 2018. The prescription
Alprazolam 1 mg: 1 tablet by mouth at bed time x 30 days. Refills: 5 times
A patient has requested medication to be partially filled. Below is the list of partially filled transactions:
1. 04/04/2018: 20 tablets
2. 05/05/2018: 40 tablets
3. 05/25/2018: 18 tablets
4. 06/09/2018: 23 tablets
5. 06/21/2018: 5 tablets
6. 08/11/2018: 35 tablets
7. 09/05/2018: 11 tablets
8. 10/11/2018: 36 tablets
9. 10/28/2018: 21 tablets
10. 11/05/2018: 6 tablets
Based on above information what shall be the dispensed quantities (legally)?
a. 180 tablets
b. 152 tablets
c. 150 tablets
d. Cannot be partially filled
Answer: (b) 152 tablets, [http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/faq/general.htm].
Partial refills of schedules III and IV controlled substance prescriptions are permissible under federal regulations provided that each
partial filling is dispensed and recorded in the same manner as a refilling (i.e., date refilled, amount dispensed, initials of dispensing
pharmacist, etc.), the total quantity dispensed in all partial fillings does not exceed the total quantity prescribed, and no dispensing
occurs after six months past the date of issue.
In above example, the prescription expires on 10/01/2018 (six months from an issue date of 04/01/2018). Therefore, all partial filling
before this date should be considered legal.
The second thing the pharmacist has to observe that the total quantity dispensed in all partial fillings shall not exceed the total quantity prescribed.
The prescription is written for 180 tablets, 1 tablet by mouth qd x 30 days with additional 5 refills. When adding all the partial filling
starting from 04/04/2018 to 09/05/2018, the total quantities that the pharmacist can dispense legally come about 152 tablets.
Pharmacist clinician’s licensed to practice in an opioid treatment program shall review a PMP report upon a patient’s initial
enrollment into the opioid treatment program and every _________ thereafter while prescribing, ordering, administering, or
dispensing opioid treatment medications in Schedule II for the purpose of treating opioid use disorder.
a. two weeks
b. month
c. three months
d. six months
Answer: (c) three months, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Pharmacist clinician’s licensed to practice in an opioid treatment program shall review a PMP report upon a patient’s initial enrollment into the opioid treatment program and every three months thereafter while prescribing, ordering, administering, or dispensing opioid treatment medications in Schedule II for the purpose of treating opioid use disorder.
Faxing a prescription for Schedule II controlled drugs may serve as the original prescription only if:
I. A licensed practitioner prescribes the Schedule II controlled substances for a patient undergoing home infusion/IV pain therapy.
II. A licensed practitioner prescribes the Schedule II controlled substances for a patient living in an LTCF.
III. A licensed practitioner prescribes the Schedule II controlled substances for a patient living in a hospice care as certified by the
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Normally, a C-II prescription drug order may be transmitted by the practitioner or the practitioner’s agent, but not by the patient or
patient’s agent, to a pharmacy via facsimile machine or equipment.
The original written, signed prescription drug order must be presented by the patient to the pharmacist prior to the actual
dispensing of the schedule II (C-II) drug.
Faxing a prescription for Schedule II controlled drugs may serve as the original prescription only if:
1. A licensed practitioner prescribes the Schedule II controlled substances for the patient undergoing home infusion/IV pain therapy.
2. A licensed practitioner prescribes the Schedule II controlled substances for the patient residing in an LTCF.
3. A licensed practitioner prescribes the Schedule II controlled substances for the patient residing in a hospice care as certified by the
Medicare under Title XVIII.
4. Licensed practitioner prescribes the Schedule II controlled substances for the direct administration to the patient by parenteral, intravenous, intramuscular, subcutaneous, or intraspinal infusion route.
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, a remote tele-pharmacy is limited to filling no more than ______ prescriptions per
a. 50
b. 100
c. 200
d. 450
Answer: (c) 200 prescriptions, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A remote tele-pharmacy is limited to filling no more than 200 prescriptions per day. If filling more than 200 prescriptions per day,
the remote tele-pharmacy shall be converted to a retail pharmacy and is subject to all applicable requirements of 16.19.6 NMAC.
No drug compounding shall occur at any remote tele-pharmacy.
All records required by this part shall be kept on-site at the tele-pharmacy for a period of at least three years and shall be readily
retrievable for inspection by the board or the board’s agent.
“Hub pharmacy” means a board licensed pharmacy located in New Mexico operating under the direct control of a board registered
pharmacist from which computer-aided pharmacist supervision of a remote telepharmacy occurs.
“Remote tele-pharmacy” means a board licensed pharmacy located in the state of New Mexico staffed by a remote tele-pharmacy
technician who practices under the direct, computer aided and supervision of a hub pharmacist working from the hub pharmacy by
electronic link during all hours of operation.
The number of pharmacy technicians that a hub pharmacist shall oversee shall be limited according to NMAC. Any
pharmacy technician on duty at the hub pharmacy site shall be taken into account along with any remote tele-pharmacy technicians
working at a remote tele-pharmacy site, when computing the ratio of pharmacists to pharmacy technicians.
The consultant pharmacist working for a licensed EMS shall:
I. Review all instances in which controlled substances were used, at least every week.
II. Review all or samples of instances in which non-controlled drugs were used, at least every 90 days.
III. Report in writing any exceptions to the Medical Director and the chief executive within 24 hours upon learning of same.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (c) II and III only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Emergency Medical Service or EMS refers to an organization which: transports patients and/or in which patient care is delivered off-
site primarily by mobile units in which one or more licensed practitioners assesses or diagnose and treat patients; and in which drugs
are stored, distributed, dispensed, or administered for patient treatment.
Any EMS licensed by the Board is required to have a consultant pharmacist. In addition, the consultant pharmacist shall:
A. Review all instances in which controlled substances were used, and review all or a sample of instances in which other drugs were
used, at least every 90 days;
B. Report in writing any exceptions to the Medical Director and the chief executive within 24 hours upon learning of same;
C. Otherwise make a written report to the Medical Director and chief executive at least annually on the EMS’s drug handling
practices, including corrective action taken on exception; and
D. Such reports shall be available for review by the Board upon request.
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, any pharmacist exercising prescriptive authority for vaccines shall complete a
minimum of 0.2 CEUs of live ACPE-approved vaccine-related continuing education every two years.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, any pharmacist exercising prescriptive authority for vaccines shall complete a
minimum of 0.2 CEUs of live ACPE-approved vaccine-related continuing education every two years. Such continuing education shall
be in addition to requirements in NMAC.
Prescriptive authority for vaccines shall be exercised solely in accordance with the written protocol for vaccine prescriptive authority
approved by the board.
Any pharmacist exercising prescriptive authority for vaccines must maintain a current copy of the protocol for vaccine prescriptive
authority approved by the board.
(1). The pharmacist must successfully complete a course of training, accredited by the accreditation council for pharmacy education
(ACPE), provided by:
a). the centers for disease control and prevention (CDC); or
b). a similar health authority or professional body approved by the board.
(2). Training must include study materials, hands-on training and techniques for administering vaccines, comply with current CDC
guidelines, and provide instruction and experiential training in the following content areas:
(a). mechanisms of action for vaccines, contraindication, drug interaction, and monitoring after vaccine administration;
(b). standards for pediatric, adolescent, and adult immunization practices;
(c). basic immunology and vaccine protection;
(d). vaccine-preventable diseases;
(e). recommended pediatric, adolescent, and adult immunization schedule;
(f). vaccine storage management;
(g). biohazard waste disposal and sterile techniques;
(h). informed consent;
(i). physiology and techniques for vaccine administration;
(j). pre and post-vaccine assessment and counseling;
(k). immunization record management;
(l). management of adverse events, including identification, appropriate response, documentation and reporting;
(m). reimbursement procedures and vaccine coverage by federal, state and local entities.
A practitioner is required to keep records of controlled substances listed in Schedules II through V that he prescribes or administers
in the lawful course of his professional practice.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [Controlled Substances Act Chapter 30 Article 31 Section 16(E)].
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, a practitioner is not required to keep records of controlled substances listed in
Schedules II through V that he prescribes or administers in the lawful course of his professional practice. He shall keep records of controlled substances that he dispenses other than by prescribing or administering.
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, pharmacies may prepare compounding drug products for a duly authorized
prescriber’s office use.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Compounding for a prescriber’s office use:
(a). Pharmacies may prepare compounding drug products for a duly authorized prescriber’s office use.
(b). An order by the duly authorized prescriber indicating the formula and quantity ordered will be filed in the pharmacy.
(c). The product is to be administered in the office.
(d). A record of the compounded drug product may be kept as a prescription record in the pharmacy computer or by hard-copy
(e). A label may be generated and a number assigned by the pharmacy computer for the compounded drug product.
Compounding pharmacies/pharmacists may advertise and promote the fact that they provide non-sterile prescription compounding
services that may include specific drug products and classes of drugs.
Pharmacies shall prepare limited quantities of prescription drug orders in anticipation based upon a history of receiving valid
prescriptions issued within an established practitioner-patient-pharmacist relationship in the course of professional practice.
Which of the following statements are TRUE about the prescription monitoring programs under the New Mexico State Pharmacy
I. Each dispenser shall report to the Board at least every thirty days, between the 1st and 15th of the month, following the month
the prescription was dispensed.
II. The Board shall monitor the dispensing of all Schedule II, III, and IV controlled substances by all pharmacies licensed to dispense
such substances to patients in this state.
III. Information to be reported shall conform to the standards developed by the ASAP.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (c) II and III are true, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The board shall monitor the dispensing of all Schedule II - V controlled substances by all dispensers licensed to dispense such
substances to patients in this state.
B. Each dispenser shall submit to the Board, by electronic means, information regarding each prescription dispensed for a drug
included under Subsection A of this section. Information to be reported shall conform to the standards developed by the American
society for automation in pharmacy (ASAP).
Information submitted for each prescription shall include:
(1). dispenser NPI number;
(2). dispenser NCPDP number;
(3). dispenser DEA number;
(4). patient name;
(5). patient address;
(6). patient date of birth;
(7). patient gender;
(8). reporting status (new, revised, void);
(9). prescription number;
(10). date prescription written;
(11). refills authorized;
(12). date prescription filled;
(13). refill number;
(14). product ID (NDC) + product ID qualifier;
(15). quantity dispensed;
(16). days supply;
(17). drug dosage units;
(18). transmission form of Rx origin;
(19). payment type;
(20). prescriber NPI number;
(21). prescriber DEA number.
C. Each dispenser shall submit the information in accordance with transmission methods and frequency established by the board;
but shall report at least within one (1) business day of the prescription being filled.
The PMP director shall have the authority to approve submission schedules that exceed one (1) business day.
No drug that has been dispensed pursuant to a prescription and has left the physical premises of the facility licensed by the board
shall be dispensed or reused again except the re-labeling and reuse of pharmaceuticals may be permitted in a correctional facility.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
No drug that has been dispensed pursuant to a prescription and has left the physical premises of the facility licensed by the board
shall be dispensed or reused again except the re-labeling and reuse of pharmaceuticals may be permitted in the following situations:
in a correctional facility, licensed by the board, under the following circumstances dangerous drugs, excluding controlled
substances, may be re-used:
(1). the patients must reside in the same facility;
(2). the reused medication must have been discontinued from the original patient’s drug regimen;
(3). the drug was never out of the possession of the licensee “keep on person pharmaceuticals may never be reused”;
(4). the drugs were originally dispensed in packaging that is unopened, single-dose or tamper-evident containers;
(5). the patient receiving the re-labeled medication must have a valid prescription/order for the medication that is to be reused;
(6). repackaging and re-labeling may only be completed on site by the consultant pharmacist designated for that facility.
A licensed nuclear pharmacy, upon receiving a verbal prescription for a radiopharmaceutical, shall immediately have the prescription
reduced to writing or recorded in a data processing system. The writing and/or record shall contain at least:
I. the name of the procedure
II. the name and dose of the radiopharmaceutical
III. the requested date/time of calibration of the prescribed radiopharmaceutical
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A licensed nuclear pharmacy, upon receiving a verbal prescription for a radiopharmaceutical, shall immediately have the prescription
reduced to writing or recorded in a data processing system. The writing and/or record shall contain at least the following
information, in addition to other requirements of the Board:
(1). the name of the institution represented;
(2). the date of the prescription;
(3). the name and dose of the radiopharmaceutical;
(4). the name of the procedure;
(5). the requested date/time of calibration (tentative date/time of administration) of the prescribed radiopharmaceutical;
(6). the name of the patient (required for radiolabeled blood components and all radiopharmaceuticals intended for therapeutic
(7). any specific instructions, if required.
Which of the following is/are approved dangerous drugs by the Board for Home care services?
I. Acetic Acid – irrigation
II. Diphenhydramine injectable
III. Metronidazole injection
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
"Home care services" means any organization licensed by the New Mexico Department of Health and the Board of Pharmacy to
provide skilled nursing services and at least one other therapeutic or supportive service to patients/clients in their place of
The dangerous drugs acquired, maintained, and administered by the Home Care Services shall be listed in the agency policy and
procedure manual and approved by the Board of Pharmacy. The following is an approved list of dangerous drugs:
(1). Sterile Normal Saline and water - injectable
(2). Sterile Normal Saline and water - irrigation
(3). Acetic Acid – irrigation
(4). Heparin flush solution
(5). Tuberculin testing solution
(6). Hepatitis B vaccine
(7). Flu vaccine
(8). Topical anesthetic
(9). Diphenhydramine injectable
(10). Epinephrine injectable
Drugs, medicines, sickroom supplies and items of personal hygiene shall not be accepted for return by any pharmacist or pharmacy
after such articles have been sold or distributed from the premises.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A. Drugs, medicines, sickroom supplies and items of personal hygiene shall not be accepted for return by any pharmacist or
pharmacy after such articles have been sold or distributed from the premises.
B. Prescriptions returned to stock: The pharmacy shall maintain a record of prescriptions which are returned to stock. The record
shall include patient name, date filled, prescription number, drug name, drug strength, and drug quantity. The record shall be
retrievable within 72 hours.
What are duties of a licensed pharmacist-in-charge?
I. to develop and write policies and procedures for procurement, storage, compounding and dispensing of drugs.
II. to notify the board immediately upon his knowledge that his service as pharmacist-in-charge have been or will be terminated.
III. to supervise all of the non-professional employees of the pharmacy in so far as their duties relate to the sale and storage of
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The term "pharmacist-in-charge" means a pharmacist licensee in the state of New Mexico who has been designated pharmacist-in-
charge. Failure to perform any of the following duties will constitute a violation law.
It shall be the duty and responsibility of the pharmacist-in-charge consistent with the regulations governing professional conduct
and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations:
(1). to establish for the employees of the pharmacy, written policies and procedures for procurement, storage, compounding and
dispensing of drugs:
(a). the procurement, storage, compounding and dispensing of drugs;
(b). the operation and security for remote pharmacist drug utilization review sites where applicable;
(c). error prevention and reporting procedures;
(2). to supervise all of the professional employees of the pharmacy;
(3). to supervise all of the non-professional employees of the pharmacy in so far as their duties relate to the sale and storage of
(4). to establish and supervise the method and manner for the storing and safekeeping of drugs;
(5). to establish and supervise the record keeping system for the purchase, sale, possession, storage, safekeeping and return of
(6). to notify the board immediately upon his knowledge that his service as pharmacist-in charge have been or will be terminated;
(7). inform the board in writing, within 10 days, of the employment or termination of any pharmacy technician; the information shall
include name and location of pharmacy, name of employee, social security number, and date of hire or termination;
(8). to complete the New Mexico board of pharmacy self-assessment inspection form as provided by the board and to submit the
signed and dated form with the pharmacy renewal application to the board office.
Which of the following information about the Home Health Care Services is/are TRUE?
I. Home Care services are required to have a consultant pharmacist who shall visit the service no less than a weekly basis.
II. In order to store any controlled substances, the services must obtain a separate state controlled substance registration and DEA
controlled substance registration.
III. "Home care services" means any organization licensed by the New Mexico Department of Health and the Board of Pharmacy to
provide skilled nursing services and at least one other therapeutic or supportive service to patients/clients in their place of
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (c) II and III are true, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) and,(H)].
"Home care services" means any organization licensed by the New Mexico Department of Health and the Board of Pharmacy to
provide skilled nursing services and at least one other therapeutic or supportive service to patients/clients in their place of
In order to purchase and store any controlled substances, the services must obtain a separate state controlled substance registration
and DEA controlled substance registration. These registrations are to be issued under the name of the facility and physician.
Home Care services are required to have a consultant pharmacist who shall visit the service no less than a quarterly (Not weekly)
In pharmacies without computerized prescriptions information, the prescriptions for Schedules II, III, IV and V shall have the name of
the dispensing pharmacist and the date filled inscribed on the face of the prescription.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A. Prescriptions for Schedule II shall be maintained in a separate file.
B. In pharmacies without computerized prescriptions information, the prescriptions for Schedules II, III, IV and V shall have the name
of the dispensing pharmacist and the date filled inscribed on the face of the prescription, (Typewritten, printed or rubber stamp are
C. Prescriptions for Schedule III, IV and V shall be maintained either in a separate file only, or in such form that they are readily
retrievable from other records of the pharmacy. “Readily retrievable” means at the time of filing, the face of the prescription is
stamped in red ink in the lower right hand corner with the letter “C” no less than 1” high, or the records comply with
NMAC “Computerized Prescription Information”.
D. Prescriptions so marked may then be filed with prescriptions for Schedule II substances, or in the usual consecutively numbered
prescription file for non-controlled drugs.
A registrant who is registered to dispense controlled substances may distribute a quantity of such substances to a registered
practitioner for general dispensing to his patients if:
I. the distribution is recorded by the pharmacist indicating the number of units or volume of such finished forms and/or commercial
containers dispensed the date and manner of disposition.
II. if the substance is listed in Schedule I or II, an order form is used.
III. the total number of dosage units of all controlled substances distributed by the pharmacy by this method during the 12 month
period in which the practitioner is registered to dispense does not exceed 10% of the total number of dosage units of all controlled
substances distributed and dispensed by the pharmacy during the 12 month period.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A registrant who is registered to dispense controlled substances may distribute a quantity of such substances to a registered
practitioner for general dispensing to his patients if:
A. the distribution is recorded by the pharmacist indicating the number of units or volume of such finished forms and/or commercial
containers dispensed, the date and manner of disposition;
B. the same information is recorded as procurement by the registrant receiving the substance;
C. if the substance is listed in Schedule I or II, an order form is used as required by the federal regulations;
D. the total number of dosage units of all controlled substances distributed by the pharmacy by this method during the 12 month
period in which the practitioner is registered to dispense does not exceed 5% (Not 10%) of the total number of dosage units of all
controlled substances distributed and dispensed by the pharmacy during the 12 month period.
A 53-year-old patient comes to the pharmacy and presents a prescription for Ambien written by his podiatrist. A pharmacist shall:
a. not fill the prescription.
b. fill the prescription.
c. ask the patient to get a new prescription from an authorized prescriber.
d. fill Ambien only after filling out the DEA 222 order form.
Answer: (a) A pharmacist shall not fill the prescription, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) (A)].
For a controlled substance prescription drug order to be legal, it must be issued for a legitimate medical purpose by an authorized
individual practitioner acting in the usual course of his or her professional practice.
The responsibility for the proper prescribing of controlled substances is upon the prescribing practitioner, but the pharmacist is
responsible for the proper filling of the prescription drug order.
A registered physician, dentist, veterinarian, or podiatrist authorized by this state to prescribe controlled substances can issue a
prescription for controlled substances only in the usual course of his or her professional practice. Therefore, a pharmacist shall
question the prescription for sleeping pill (Ambien) prescribed by a registered podiatrist.
Prospective DUR means the part of the drug utilization review program that:
I. is to occur before the drug is dispensed.
II. is designed to screen for potential drug therapy problems based on explicit and predetermined criteria and standards that are
developed on an ongoing basis with professional input.
III. is to provide for the counseling of recipients about the proper use of drugs.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [OBRA-90, 42USC 1396r-8(g)(2)(B)].
Prospective DUR means the part of the drug utilization review program that:
I. Is to occur before the drug is dispensed.
II. Is designed to screen for potential drug therapy problems based on explicit and predetermined criteria and standards that are
developed on an ongoing basis with professional input.
III. Is to provide for the counseling of recipients about the proper use of drugs.
Whereas Retrospective DUR means the part of the drug utilization review program that assesses or measures drug use based on an
historical review of drug use data against predetermined and explicit criteria and standards that are developed on an ongoing basis
with professional input.
In New Mexico, all technicians are required to obtain Board approved certification within two years of registration with the Board as
a Certified Technician.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
In New Mexico, all technicians are required to obtain Board approved certification within one year of registration with the Board as a
Certified Technician.
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, a new telephone prescription for any Schedule III, IV, or V opiate shall not exceed:
a. 3-day supply
b. 5-day supply
c. 10-day supply
d. None of the above
Answer: (c) 10 day supply, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) (F)].
A pharmacist may dispense directly a controlled substance listed in Schedule III or IV, which is a prescription drug as determined
under the New Mexico Drugs and Cosmetics Act, only pursuant to either a written prescription signed by a practitioner or a facsimile
of a written, signed prescription transmitted by the practitioner or the practitioner’s agent to the pharmacy or pursuant to an oral
prescription made by an individual practitioner and promptly reduced to written form by the pharmacist containing all information
required for a prescription except the signature of the practitioner.
A telephone order for a new therapy for an opiate listed in Schedule III, IV, or V shall not exceed a 10 day supply, based on the
directions for use, unless a written prescription is on file at this pharmacy from any practitioner for the same opiate within the past
six months. A telephone order for this new opiate therapy may not be refilled.
For a hospital served by CONSULTANT or PART-TIME pharmacists, controlled substances listed in Schedule II, III, IV and V can be dispersed throughout the stock of non-controlled substances in such a manner as to obstruct the theft or diversion of the substances.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
For hospital served by CONSULTANT or PART-TIME pharmacists, clinics and physicians, controlled substances listed in Schedule I
through V shall be stored ONLY in a securely locked, substantially constructed cabinet.
A prescription for a Schedule II controlled substance may be transmitted by the practitioner’s agent to a RETAIL pharmacy via
facsimile equipment.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) (B)].
A. All prescriptions for controlled substances shall be dated as of, and signed on, the day when issued and shall bear the full name
and address of the patient, the drug name, strength, dosage form, quantity prescribed, directions for use, and the name, address
and registration number of the practitioner.
Information on the prescription may be added or clarified by the pharmacist after consultation with the practitioner. A practitioner
may sign a paper prescription in the same manner as he would sign a check or legal document (e.g., J.H. Smith or John H. Smith).
Where an oral order is not permitted, paper prescriptions must be written with ink or indelible pencil, typewriter, or printed on a
computer printer and shall be manually signed by the practitioner. A computer-generated prescription that is printed out or faxed by
the practitioner must be manually signed.
Electronic prescriptions shall be created and signed using an application that meets the requirements of Part 1311 of the Code of
Federal Regulations.
An individual practitioner may sign and transmit electronic prescriptions for controlled substances provided the practitioner meets
all of the requirements of Part 1306.08 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
B. A prescription for a Schedule II controlled substance may be transmitted by the practitioner or the practitioner’s agent to a
pharmacy via facsimile equipment, provided the original written, signed prescription is presented to the pharmacist for review prior
to the actual dispensing of the controlled substance, except as noted in Subsections C and D of NMAC and Subsection E
of NMAC.
In which of the following instances, is an identity verification of a patient receiving a new prescription for a controlled substance listed in Schedule II, III, or IV not required?
I. a patient is known to the pharmacist or pharmacist intern.
II. a controlled substance prescription filled for home delivery.
III. a controlled substance prescription filled for and delivered to a licensed facility.
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) (G)].
A pharmacy employee must verify the identity of the patient or the patient’s representative before a new prescription for a
controlled substance listed in Schedule II, III, or IV, is delivered.
Acceptable identification means a state issued driver’s license, including photo, or other government issued photo identification.
The identification number of the government issued identification and the name imprinted on that identification must be recorded
in a manner to be determined by a written policy developed by the pharmacist-in-charge.
Exceptions are, a new controlled substance prescription filled for a patient known to the pharmacist or pharmacist intern, whose
identification has already been documented in a manner determined by a written policy developed by the pharmacist-in-charge; a
controlled substance prescription filled for home delivery; or a controlled substance prescription filled for and delivered to a licensed
Which of the following is/are TRUE about Schedule III or Schedule IV controlled substances?
I. Prescriptions for Schedule III or IV substances shall not be filled or refilled more than six (6) months after the date of issue or be
refilled more than five (5) times.
II. Controlled substance prescriptions dispensed directly to a patient shall not be refilled before 75% of the prescription days’ supply
has passed.
III. Controlled substance prescriptions delivered to a patient through mail order shall not be refilled before 66% of a 90-day supply
has passed or 50% of a 30-day supply has passed.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Prescriptions for Schedule III or IV substances shall not be filled or refilled more than six (6) months after the date of issue or be
refilled more than five (5) times unless renewed by the practitioner and a new prescription is placed in the pharmacy files.
(1). Controlled substance prescriptions dispensed directly to a patient shall not be refilled before 75% of the prescription days’
supply has passed, unless the practitioner authorizes the early refill, which must be documented by the pharmacist.
(2). Controlled substance prescriptions delivered to a patient indirectly (as mail order) to a patient shall not be refilled before 66% of
a 90 day supply has passed or 50% of a 30 day supply has passed, unless the practitioner authorizes the early refill, which must be
documented by the pharmacist.
B. Schedule V prescriptions may be refilled only as expressly authorized by the prescribing physician on the prescription. If no such
authorization is given, the prescription may not be refilled.
When a pharmacy is involved in a robbery, burglary, fire, flood or any unusual event in which dangerous drugs might be missing or
damaged, the owner shall within 10 days of such event file with the board a signed statement of the circumstances of such
occurrence and evidence that local authorities were notified.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
When a pharmacy is involved in a robbery, burglary, fire, flood or any unusual event in which dangerous drugs might be missing or
damaged, the owner shall IMMEDIATELY (not within 10 days) file with the board a signed statement of the circumstances of such
occurrence and evidence that local authorities were notified.
Patient dispensed legend and OTC medications that are unwanted or expired may be returned to an authorized pharmacy for
destruction. Which of the following products shall NOT BE ACCEPTED by the authorized pharmacy for the destruction?
I. dangerous drugs
II. veterinary medications
III. thermometers
a. None of the above
b. II and III only
c. III only
d. All
Answer: (c) III only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A. Dispensed pharmaceuticals, collection and disposal: Patient dispensed legend and OTC medications that are unwanted or expired
may be returned to an authorized pharmacy for destruction.
The pharmacy must submit a protocol or subsequent changes to the board or the board’s agent, for approval. Once approved the
pharmacy is authorized to collect pharmaceuticals for destruction.
A protocol is to be submitted to the board of pharmacy for staff approval. Such protocol must include:
(1). Secure and enclosed collection unit that does not allow for unauthorized access.
(2). A description of the dedicated area for collection unit inside the pharmacy within site of the authorized pharmacy staff.
(3). Direction of collection that allows for safe and secure disposition.
(4). Name of contracted disposal company that is licensed for pharmaceutical destruction.
(5). Frequency of collection and destruction by the disposal company.
(6). Records of collection and destruction supplied by the disposal company.
B. Items accepted at a take back site may include:
(1). dangerous drugs (prescription drugs);
(2). controlled substances if authorized under federal law or rule;
(3). over-the-counter medications;
(4). veterinary medications;
(5). medicated ointments and lotions;
(6). liquid medication in glass or leak-proof containers.
C. Items NOT accepted at a take back site may include:
(1). needles;
(2). thermometers;
(3). bloody or infectious waste;
(4). personal care products;
(5). controlled substances (unless authorized by federal law);
(6). hydrogen peroxide;
(7). empty containers;
(8). business waste.
D. Collected medications are not for re-dispensing.
E. Directions for take back for patients and list of accepted and non-accepted products must be posted on the collection unit.
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, the electronic image of the prescription must be maintained for a minimum of ten
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)]
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, the original paper prescription document must be maintained for a minimum of
three years and the electronic image of the prescription for ten years.
Electronically archived prescription records of scanned images of indirect written or faxed prescriptions are permitted provided the
following requirements are met:
(1). images of scanned prescriptions are readily retrievable and can be reproduces in a manner consistent with state and federal
laws within a seventy-two hour period;
(2). the identity of the pharmacist approving the scanned imaging and of the pharmacist responsible for destroying the original
document after three years is clearly documented;
(3). the electronic form shows the exact and legible image of the original prescription;
(4). the original paper prescription document must be maintained for a minimum of three years and the electronic image of the
prescription for ten years;
(5). the prescription is not for a controlled substance except as allowed by federal law;
(6). reliable backup copies of the information are available and stored in a secure manner as approved by the board;
(7). all elements required on a prescription and record keeping requirements are fulfilled including identification of the dispensing
pharmacist of record;
(8). the original paper prescription document for a non-controlled substance must be maintained on the licensed premises for a
period of 120 days from the initial date of dispensing;
(9). the original paper prescription document for a controlled substance must be maintained on the licensed premises for a period
of two years from the initial date of dispensing.
Who may dispense, sell or distribute schedule V OTC pseudoephedrine products?
I. a licensed pharmacist
II. a licensed pharmacist-intern
III. a registered pharmacy technician
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Any pseudoephedrine containing product listed as a Schedule V Controlled Substance shall be dispensed, sold or distributed only by
a licensed pharmacist, pharmacist intern, or a registered pharmacy technician.
Which of the following drugs is classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance under the New Mexico State Pharmacy Law?
a. Lyrica
b. Vimpat
c. Ultram
d. Potiga
Answer: (c) Tramadol (Ultram), [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Unless specifically exempt or unless listed in another schedule, any material, compound, mixture or preparation which contains any
quantity of the following substances, including its’ salts
In New Mexico, how many times can a prescription for Nalbuphine (Nubain) be refilled?
a. Cannot be refilled
b. 5 times
c. As Needed within 1-year
d. Maximum 10 times
Answer: (b) 5 times within a period of 6-months, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Under New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, Nalbuphine (Nubain) is classified as a Schedule IV controlled drug, and can be refilled 5
times within a period of 6 months.
How often shall the data related to sale, distribution or dispensing of Schedule V pseudoephedrine products be submitted to the
a. Every 15 days
b. Every 5 days
c. Every 48-hour
d. Every 7 days
Answer: (d) Every 7 days, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Which of the following is/are correct filing method(s) for controlled substances?
I. One file for CII, second file for III, IV and V and a third file for non-controlled substances.
II. One file for CII and a second file for III, IV, V and non-controlled substances.
III. One file for controlled and a second file for non-controlled substances.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC),(C),(D) and Chapetr 30, Article 31, Section 30-31-
The filing for controlled substances can be done by the following:
Three Separate Files
One file for CI and CII, second file for III, IV and V, and a third file for non-controlled substances.
Two Separate Files
One file for CI and CII and a second file for III, IV, V and non-controlled substances.
Records shall be maintained for a period of at least three years from the date of the record and may be inspected as required by
authorized agents of the board.
The pharmacist-in-charge shall report to the Board on the Board approved forms for any dispensing error within:
a. 72-hour of the discovery.
b. 7 days of the discovery.
c. 10 days of the discovery.
d. 15 days of the discovery.
Answer: (d) 15 days of the discovery, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The pharmacist-in-charge shall:
A. Develop and implement written error prevention procedures as part of the Policy and Procedures Manual.
B. Report incidents, including relevant status updates, to the Board on Board approved forms within fifteen (15) days of the
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, “Jump Kit”; SHALL NOT contain any Schedule II controlled substances.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC), and].
Emergency Medical Service or EMS; refers to an organization which: transports patients and/or in which patient care is delivered
off-site primarily by mobile units in which one or more licensed practitioners assesses or diagnose and treat patients; and in which
drugs are stored, distributed, dispensed, or administered for patient treatment.
Any EMS licensed by the Board is required to have a consultant pharmacist.
"Jump Kit" means portable carrying devices that contain emergency medical supplies and drugs.
A. All dangerous drugs must be stored with appropriate security to limit access when authorized personnel are not present. Extra
precautions shall be provided for security of controlled substances.
B. Jump kits shall be kept in the possession of a licensed emergency practitioner or in a locked compartment of a mobile unit when
not in use.
C. Jump kits shall be stored in the facility if the mobile unit is parked outside of a secure vehicle bay.
D. Drugs shall be stored in an area: providing proper ventilation, lighting, and temperature controls as specified by the drug
E. Drugs that are outdated or which have been exposed to adverse conditions shall be segregated from the inventory and held for
disposition by the consultant pharmacist.
EMS shall keep SCHEDULE II controlled substances administration and receipt records separately from other drug records.
EMS may keep SCHEDULE III - V controlled substances receipt and administration records in the same record in which dangerous
drugs are recorded, provided a mechanism is employed to identify these records (such as a red “C” marked in the margin of these
All drug receipt and administration records must be readily retrievable and retained for a period of at least three years.
Which of the following drugs can a prescriptive authority certified pharmacist prescribe?
I. Tobacco cessation drug therapy
II. Emergency contraception drug therapy
III. Naloxone drug therapy for opioid overdose
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) to].
A prescriptive authority certified pharmacist may prescribe:
1. Tobacco cessation drug therapy
2. Emergency contraception drug therapy
3. Naloxone drug therapy for opioid overdose
4. Vaccines
5. Tuberculosis (TB) testing
The pharmacist must successfully complete a course of training, accredited by the accreditation council for pharmacy education
(ACPE), provided by:
a). the centers for disease control and prevention (CDC); or
b). a similar health authority or professional body approved by the board.
Any pharmacist exercising prescriptive authority shall complete a minimum of 0.2 CEU of live ACPE approved continuing education
on the prescriptive authority related subject every two years.
Which of the following is/are NOT TRUE about dispensing Schedule V OTC controlled drugs?
I. The purchaser should be at least 21 years of age.
II. Dispensing should be done by a pharmacist or registered pharmacist intern.
III. A record of dispensing must be entered in a Schedule V bound book.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (a) I is not true, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A controlled substance listed in Schedule V and a substance listed in Schedules II, III, or IV, which is not a prescription drug as
determined by the FDA and the Drug and Cosmetic Act, may be dispensed by a pharmacist without a prescription provided:
(1). Such dispensing is made by a pharmacist or registered pharmacist intern and not by a non-pharmacist employee;
(2). Not more than eight (8) ounces of any controlled substance containing opium, or more than 48 dosage units, is dispensed at
retail to the same person in any given 48-hour period;
(3). Not more than four (4) ounces of any other controlled substance, or more than 24 dosage units, may be dispensed at retail to
the same person in any given 48-hour period;
(4). The purchaser is at least 18 years of age;
(5). The pharmacist requires every purchaser of such substance, not known to him/her, to furnish suitable identification (including
proof of age where appropriate);
(6). A bound record book for dispensing such substances is maintained requiring
1. the signature and address of the purchaser,
2. the name and quantity of the controlled substance purchased,
3. the date of each purchase, and
4. the name or initials of the pharmacist who dispensed the substance;
The book shall contain a statement on each page where the purchaser is required to sign, stating no purpose of such substance has
been made within the given 48-hour period at another pharmacy, and the purchaser shall be made aware of such statement before
signing the record.
Which of the following requires a tamper-evident packaging?
a. Cold EZ lozenges
b. Tolnaftate cream
c. Prilosec capsules
d. Sensodyne fluoride tooth paste
Answer: (c) Prilosec capsules. Each manufacturer and packer who packages an OTC drug product (except a dermatological,
dentifrice, insulin, or lozenge product) for retail sale shall package the product in a tamper-evident package, if this product is
accessible to the public while held for sale.
A tamper-evident package is one having one or more indicators or barriers to entry which, if breached or missing, can reasonably be
expected to provide visible evidence to consumers that tampering has occurred.
To reduce the likelihood of successful tampering and to increase the likelihood that consumers will discover if a product has been
tampered with, the package is required to be distinctive by design or by the use of one or more indicators or barriers to entry that
employ an identifying characteristic (e.g., a pattern, name, registered trademark, logo, or picture).
A tamper-evident package may involve an immediate-container and closure system or secondary-container or carton system or any
combination of systems intended to provide a visual indication of package integrity.
The tamper-evident feature shall be designed to and shall remain intact when handled in a reasonable manner during manufacture,
distribution, and retail display.
Who can affix the label to the immediate container of the prescription drug?
I. Pharmacist
II. Pharmacist-intern
III. Pharmacy Technician
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The act of affixing, applying or attaching a display of written, printed or graphic matter upon or in the immediate container of any
human use drug, repackaging or dispensed on the order of a practitioner, shall be defined as “labeling” or “to label”
function restricted to registered pharmacists and registered pharmacist interns.
Who may sell or dispense a contact lens?
I. a licensed optometrist
II. a licensed physician
III. a licensed pharmacist
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) to].
A. A person who is not a licensed optometrist or a licensed physician shall not sell or dispense a contact lens to a resident of this
state unless he is registered with the board of pharmacy.
B. Pharmacies, hospitals and clinics licensed by the board are exempt from this regulation.
C. A contact lens may not be sold, dispensed, or distributed to a patient in this state by a seller of contact lenses unless one of the
following has occurred:
(1). the patient has given or mailed the seller an original, valid, unexpired written contact lens prescription;
(2). the prescribing licensed optometrist has given, mailed or transmitted by facsimile transmission a copy of a valid, unexpired
written contact lens prescription to a seller designated in writing by the patient to act on the patient’s behalf; or
(3). the prescribing licensed optometrist has orally or in writing verified the valid, unexpired prescription to a seller designated by
the patient to act on his behalf.
Pharmacy technicians shall report in writing or through the online process available on the board’s website of any change of address
or employment to the board within 30 days.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Pharmacy technicians shall report in writing or through the online process available on the board’s website of any change of address
or employment to the board within ten (10) days.
Registration for certified pharmacy technicians will expire biennially on the last day of their birth month and must be renewed prior
to expiration. Registration renewal applications must include documentation of current national certification.
A pharmacist may release a confidential report only to:
I. A patient’s prescriber
II. The State Pharmacy Board.
III. An insurance carrier.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A confidential record is privileged and a pharmacist may release a confidential record only to:
(1). The patient or the patient's authorized representative;
(2). A practitioner or another pharmacist if, in the pharmacist’s professional judgment, the release is necessary to protect the
patient’s health and well-being;
(3). The board or to a person or another state or federal agency authorized by law to receive the confidential record;
(4). A law enforcement agency engaged in investigation of a suspected violation;
(5). A person employed by a state agency that licenses a practitioner, if the person is performing the person’s official duties; or
(6). An insurance carrier or other third party payor authorized by the patient to receive the information
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, controlled substances listed in Schedule II, in outpatient retail pharmacies, shall be
dispersed throughout the stock of non-controlled substances in such a manner as to obstruct the theft or diversion of the
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Controlled substances listed in Schedule I shall be stored in a securely locked, substantially constructed cabinet.
Controlled substances listed in Schedule II, III, IV and V, in pharmacies or hospitals employed by staff pharmacists, shall be stored
either in securely locked, substantially constructed cabinets or dispersed throughout the stock of non-controlled substances in such
a manner as to obstruct the theft or diversion of the substances.
Original paper prescription documents may be stored offsite after the minimum period of storage on the licensed premises has been
reached, provided that original paper prescription records must be able to be produced within 7 business days upon the request of the board or an authorized officer of the law.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) and].
The original paper prescription document for a non-controlled substance must be maintained on the licensed premises for a period
of 120 days from the initial date of dispensing.
Original paper prescription documents may be stored offsite after the minimum period of storage on the licensed premises has been
reached, provided that the following requirements are met:
(1). the storage area is maintained so that records are secure and prevented from unauthorized access;
(2). the storage area is maintained with appropriate fire suppression safeguards and climate control capabilities;
(3). all Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and board of pharmacy patient privacy requirements are met;
(4). the pharmacist-in charge maintains a record-keeping system that records storage location(s) and documents an inventory of
original paper prescription documents that are maintained offsite;
(5). original paper prescription records must be able to be produced within 3 business days (not 7 business days) upon the request of
the board or an authorized officer of the law.
A pharmacy technician may perform all of the following duties EXCEPT:
a. initiating and receiving refill authorization requests.
b. entering prescription data into a data processing system.
c. taking a stock bottle from the shelf for a prescription.
d. taking a new order from a prescriber.
Answer: (d) Pharmacy technicians may perform only nonjudgmental technical duties associated with the preparation and
distribution of prescription drugs, including but not limited to the following, [New Mexico Pharmacy Act Chapter 61 Article 11
Section 11.1(A),(B)]:
(1). initiating and receiving refill authorization requests;
(2). entering prescription data into a data processing system;
(3). taking a stock bottle from the shelf for a prescription;
(4). preparing and packaging prescription drug orders (i.e. counting tablets/capsules, measuring liquids and placing them in the
prescription container);
(5). affixing prescription labels and auxiliary labels to the prescription container provided by the pharmacy technician:
(6). reconstituting medications;
(7). prepackaging and labeling prepackaged drugs;
(8). loading bulk unlabeled drugs into an automated dispensing system provided a pharmacist verifies that the system is properly
loaded prior to use;
(9). compounding non-sterile prescription drug orders; and
(10). bulk compounding.
A pharmacist, dispensing prescriber, or veterinarian who dispenses a prescription drug which is a controlled substance listed in
schedules 2 to 5 shall transmit the data by electronic media or other means as approved by the State Pharmacy Board. The
requested data shall be transmitted in the format established by the:
Answer: (c) American Society for Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP), [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A pharmacist, dispensing prescriber, or veterinarian who dispenses a prescription drug which is a controlled substance listed in
schedules 2 to 5 shall transmit the data by electronic media or other means as approved by the State Pharmacy Board.
The requested data shall be transmitted in the format established by the American Society for Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP)
telecommunications format for controlled substances.
Any pharmacist exercising prescriptive authority for emergency contraception drug therapy shall complete a minimum of 0.2 CEU of
live ACPE approved emergency contraception drug therapy related continuing education every two years.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
(1). Prescriptive authority for emergency contraception drug therapy shall be exercised solely in accordance with the written
protocol for emergency contraception drug therapy approved by the board.
(2). Any pharmacist exercising prescriptive authority for emergency contraception drug therapy must maintain a current copy of the
written protocol for emergency contraception drug therapy approved by the board.
(1). The pharmacist must successfully complete a course of training, accredited by the accreditation council for pharmacy education
(ACPE), in the subject area of emergency contraception drug therapy provided by:
a). the department of health; or
b). planned parenthood or
c). a similar health authority or professional body approved by the board.
(2). Continuing education: Any pharmacist exercising prescriptive authority for emergency contraception drug therapy shall
complete a minimum of 0.2 CEU of live ACPE approved emergency contraception drug therapy related continuing education every
two years.
Such continuing education shall be in addition to requirements in NMAC.
(1). Prescriptive authority shall be limited to emergency contraception drug therapy and shall exclude any device intended to
prevent pregnancy after intercourse.
(2). Prescriptive authority for emergency contraception drug therapy shall be limited to those drugs delineated in the written
protocol for emergency contraception drug therapy approved by the board.
(1). The prescribing pharmacist must generate a written or electronic prescription for any dangerous drug authorized.
(2). Informed consent must be documented in accordance with the approved protocol for emergency contraception drug therapy
and a record of such consent maintained in the pharmacy for a period of at least three years.
E. NOTIFICATION: Upon signed consent of the patient or guardian, the pharmacist shall notify the patients designated physician or
primary care provider of emergency contraception drug therapy prescribed.
Which of the following is/are classified as dispenser(s)?
I. a licensed hospital pharmacy that distributes controlled substances for the purpose of inpatient hospital care.
II. a wholesale distributor of a Schedule II - V controlled substance.
III. an emergency departments dispensing no more than 12 dosage units to an individual patient within a 72 hour period.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. All
d. None of the above
Answer: (d) None of the above, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
“Dispenser” means the person who delivers a Schedule II - V controlled substance as defined in Subsection E to the ultimate user,
but does not include the following:
(1). a licensed hospital pharmacy that distributes such substances for the purpose of inpatient hospital care;
(2). a practitioner, or other authorized person who administers such a substance; or
(3). a wholesale distributor of a Schedule II - V controlled substance;
(4). clinics, urgent care or emergency departments dispensing no more than 12 dosage units to an individual patient within a 72 hour
Under New Mexico Pharmacy Law, prescription information retrieved by a pharmacist from an answering machine or voice
recording device from an authorized practitioner or approved agent is considered to be a direct transmission of a prescription order.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Prescription information retrieved by a pharmacist from an answering machine or voice recording device from an authorized
practitioner or approved agent is considered to be a direct transmission of a prescription order.
Which of the following should be part of a patient’s counseling?
I. The name and description of the drug.
II. Techniques for self-monitoring of therapy.
III. Action to be taken in the event of a missed dose.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [OBRA-90, 42USC 1396r-8(g)(2)(B)].
To optimize drug therapy, a pharmacist shall counsel the patient or patient’s agent regarding:
1. the name and description of the drug or device.
2. dosage form, dosage, route of administration, and duration of drug therapy.
3. special direction and precautions for preparation, administration, and use by the patient.
4. common severe side or adverse effects or interactions and therapeutic contraindications that may occur with the therapy.
5. techniques for self-monitoring of drug therapy.
6. proper storage of medication.
7. refill information.
8. action to be taken in the event of a missed dose.
The data processing system shall be capable of producing a hard copy of the prescription record upon request of the board, its’
representative, or other authorized local, state, or federal law enforcement or regulatory agencies within ________.
a. 24 hours
b. 48 hours
c. 72 hours
d. a week
Answer: (b) 48 hours, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The data processing system shall be capable of producing a hard copy of the prescription record upon request of the board, its’
representative, or other authorized local, state, or federal law enforcement or regulatory agencies within 48 hours.
Commercially available product may be compounded for dispensing to individual patients provided the prescribing practitioner has
requested that the drug be compounded.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
(3). Commercially available product may be compounded for dispensing to individual patients provided the following conditions are
(a). the commercial product is not reasonably available from normal distribution channels in a timely manner to meet patient’s
needs; and
(b). the prescribing practitioner has requested that the drug be compounded; or
(c). if the compounded product is changed to produce for that patient a significant difference, as authorized by the prescriber,
between the compounded drug and the comparable commercially available drug product, or if use of the compounded product is in
the best interest of the patient; “significant difference” would include the removal of a dye for medical reason such as an allergic
reaction; when a compounded product is to be dispensed in place of a commercially available product, the prescriber and patient
shall be informed that the product will be compounded.
A New Mexico licensed pharmacy may employ one or more pharmacists for the purpose of conducting drug utilization reviews in
remote practice sites. All pharmacists employed to work at a remote DUR practice site must be New Mexico licensed pharmacists.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
(1). A New Mexico licensed pharmacy may employ one or more pharmacists for the purpose of conducting drug utilization reviews in
remote practice sites provided that all security requirements are met.
(2). All pharmacists employed to work at a remote DUR practice site must be New Mexico licensed pharmacists.
(3). All remote pharmacist DUR sites will operate under a New Mexico licensed pharmacy and under the authority of its pharmacist-
(4). No drug inventory shall be kept at any remote pharmacist DUR site and no dispensing shall take place from a remote DUR site.
(5). The remote pharmacists will not be considered in the computation of the technician to pharmacist ratio.
(6). Procedure identifying the pharmacist responsible for each aspect of the prescription preparations.
Which of the following should be part of Drug Utilization Review?
I. Drug-food interaction.
II. Duplication of therapy.
III. Direction for use.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [OBRA-90, 42USC 1396r-8(g)(2)(B)].
A Drug Utilization review may include:
1. known allergies.
2. rational therapy-contraindication.
3. reasonable dose, direction for use and route of administration.
4. duplication of therapy.
5. drug-drug, drug-food and drug-disease interactions.
6. adverse drug reactions.
7. overutilization or underutilization of prescribed drugs.
An emergency temporary pharmacist license shall be valid for a period as determined by the executive director of the board not to
exceed 12 months.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A. Emergency temporary pharmacist license. In an emergency situation, the board may grant a pharmacist who holds a license to
practice pharmacy in another state an emergency temporary pharmacist license to practice in New Mexico. The following is
applicable for the emergency temporary pharmacist license.
(1). An applicant for an emergency temporary pharmacist license under this section must:
(a). hold a current pharmacist license in another state and that license and other licenses held by the applicant in any other state
may not be suspended, revoked, canceled, surrendered, or otherwise restricted for any reason; and
(b). be sponsored by a pharmacy with an active license in New Mexico.
(2). To qualify for an emergency temporary pharmacist license, the applicant must submit an application including the following
(a). name, address, and phone number of the applicant;
(b). name and license number of the pharmacist-in-charge of the sponsoring pharmacy;
(c). name and license number of the sponsoring pharmacy; and
(d). any other information that is required by the board.
(3). An emergency temporary pharmacist license shall be valid for a period as determined by the executive director of the board not
to exceed six months. The executive director, in his/her discretion, may renew the license for an additional six months, if the
emergency situation still exists.
(4). The board will notify the sponsoring pharmacy of the approval of an emergency temporary pharmacist license.
B. Limitations on practice. A holder of an emergency temporary pharmacist license:
(1). may only practice in the sponsoring pharmacy; and
(2). must notify the board in writing, prior to beginning employment in another sponsoring pharmacy.
The compounding of Cisplatin shall be performed under the:
a. Vertical laminar flow
b. Horizontal laminar flow
Answer: (a) Vertical laminar flow, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
(1). All anti-neoplastic drugs shall be compounded in a vertical flow, Class II, biological safety cabinet, or similar preparation area.
(2). Protective apparel shall be worn by personnel compounding anti-neoplastic drugs.
(3). Prepared doses of anti-neoplastic drugs must be dispensed, labeled with precautions inside and outside, and shipped in a
manner to minimize the risk of accidental rupture of the primary container.
(4). Disposal of cytotoxic waste shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local requirements.
(5). A “Chemo Spill Kit” shall be readily available in the work area, and shall consist of appropriate materials needed to clean up spills
of hazardous drugs. Personnel shall be trained in its appropriate use for handling both minor and major spills of cytotoxic agents.
“Remote tele-pharmacy technician” means a board registered pharmacy technician employed by the hub pharmacy, with a
minimum of _____hours of experience working as a certified registered pharmacy technician who under the computer aided
supervision of an off-site pharmacist, handles the day to day operation of a remote tele-pharmacy, including the preparation and
dispensing of prescription drugs.
a. 500 hours
b. 1000 hours
c. 2000 hours
d. No such requirement
Answer: (c) 2000 hours, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
“Remote tele-pharmacy technician” means a board registered pharmacy technician employed by the hub pharmacy, with a
minimum of 2000 hours of experience working as a certified registered pharmacy technician who under the computer aided
supervision of an off-site pharmacist, handles the day to day operation of a remote tele-pharmacy, including the preparation and
dispensing of prescription drugs.
Which of the following is/are TRUE about Remote Tele-Pharmacy?
I. A remote tele-pharmacy may use the same license holds by the hub pharmacy if both operates under the same ownership.
II. A remote tele-pharmacy that operates under different ownership than the hub pharmacy to which it is attached; shall have a
written contractual agreement outlining the responsibilities of each pharmacy.
III. The remote tele-pharmacy may only remain open as long as the designated pharmacy technician is present in the remote tele-
pharmacy and the hub pharmacist is present at the hub pharmacy.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (c) II and III are true, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The license holder of the hub pharmacy must apply for a license to operate a remote tele-pharmacy. A remote tele-pharmacy license
is established for the purpose of conducting a remote tele-pharmacy. The license is issued to a remote tele-pharmacy connected to a
hub pharmacy via an electronic link.
A remote tele-pharmacy that operates under different ownership than the hub pharmacy to which it is attached shall have a written
contractual agreement outlining the responsibilities of each pharmacy.
This written agreement shall be submitted with the initial licensure application for a remote tele-pharmacy. Any subsequent changes
to that contractual agreement shall be submitted to the boards’ executive director for approval.
A remote tele-pharmacy shall be connected to a hub pharmacy via an electronic link. All links must be fully operational during all
hours of operation of the remote tele-pharmacy. If the link malfunctions, the remote tele-pharmacy must be closed unless a
pharmacist is physically present at the remote tele-pharmacy site.
Video equipment must be capable of providing an adequate number of simultaneous views of the pharmacy operation at the
remote tele-pharmacy.
The video equipment at the remote tele-pharmacy site must be capable of resolution sufficient to allow for pharmacist identification
of medication dosage forms and the reading of bottle labels via video camera.
The video equipment at the remote tele-pharmacy site must be capable of recording and maintaining at least one hundred-eighty
(180) days of video surveillance of the remote tele-pharmacy site and operations for future review.
Only a remote tele-pharmacy technician designated for that site or a pharmacist who is physically present at the remote tele-
pharmacy may access a remote tele-pharmacy site, linked to a hub pharmacy via an electronic link.
The remote tele-pharmacy may only remain open as long as the designated pharmacy technician is present in the remote tele-
pharmacy and the hub pharmacist is present at the hub pharmacy or at the remote site.
The name of each certified pharmacy technician that works at a remote tele-pharmacy shall be recorded with the New Mexico board
of pharmacy.
Under the New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, a remote tele-pharmacy cannot keep any controlled substances at the remote site.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
(13). A remote tele-pharmacy may have a dangerous drug inventory. Any controlled substances shall be kept at the remote site in
accordance with 16.19.20 NMAC.
(a). If controlled substances are kept, the remote tele-pharmacy shall be registered with the drug enforcement administration and
obtain a DEA number.
(b). If controlled substances are kept, the remote tele-pharmacy shall have a valid New Mexico controlled substance registration as
required in 16.19.20 NMAC.
(c). All controlled substances kept in inventory by the remote tele-pharmacy shall be listed on a perpetual inventory log, which shall
be updated upon the dispensing of each controlled substance prescription or other disposition.
(d). The pharmacist shall perform monthly inventory of all controlled substances during pharmacist site visits to the remote tele-
pharmacy. If a perpetual reconciliation is not achieved through the use of technology, the pharmacist shall perform and document a
complete monthly reconciliation.
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy law, which of the following is/are TRUE about patient counseling?
I. An offer to counsel shall be made to each patient or caregiver when the pharmacist fills, delivers or sends a new retail or
outpatient prescription.
II. A mail order pharmacy shall make the offer to counsel either by telephone or by sending a written offer together with the filled
III. Only a pharmacist may counsel.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC) and OBRA-90, 42USC 1396r-8(g)(2)(B)].
Upon receipt of a new prescription drug order and following a review of the patient’s record, a pharmacist or pharmacist intern shall
personally offer to counsel on matters which will enhance or optimize drug therapy with each patient or the patient’s agent.
Upon receipt of a refill prescription drug order a pharmacy technician may query the patient or patient’s agent regarding counseling
by the pharmacist or pharmacist intern concerning drug therapy.
Such counseling shall be in person, whenever practicable, or by telephone, and shall include appropriate elements of patient
counseling which may include, in their professional judgement, one or more of the following:
(a). the name and description of the drug;
(b). the dosage form, dosage, route of administration, and duration of drug therapy;
(c). intended use of the drug and expected action;
(d). special directions and precautions for preparation, administration and use by the patient;
(e). common severe side or adverse effects or interactions and therapeutic contraindications that may be encountered, including
their avoidance and the action required if they occur;
(f). techniques for self-monitoring drug therapy;
(g). proper storage;
(h). prescriptions refill information;
(i). action to be taken in the event of a missed dose;
(j). the need to check with the pharmacist or practitioner before taking other medication; and
(k). pharmacist comments relevant to the individual’s drug therapy, including any other information peculiar to the specific patient
or drug.
In which of the following situations is a PDR not required?
I. A patient visits a physician in the physician’s office and receives a prescription. The patient has the prescription filled in a retail
II. A pharmacist in a hospital pharmacy fills an outpatient prescription for a hospital employee.
III. A pharmacist fills a prescription for a patient who lives in a personal care home.
IV. A pharmacist fills a prescription for a patient in a nursing home.
a. I only
b. II only
c. III only
d. IV only
Answer: (d) A pharmacist fills a prescription for a patient in a nursing home.
The Prospective Drug Review (PDR) is required for retail or outpatient prescriptions, [OBRA-90, 42USC 1396r-8(g)(2)(B)].
The PDR does not extend to the following:
(1). An order for a drug for an inpatient of an institution.
(2). A drug dispensed in an emergency room.
(3). A drug dispensed by a medical practitioner.
(4). A drug dispensed by a pharmacist to a medical practitioner who will administer it to a patient.
The following are examples of situations in which a PDR is required:
(1). A patient visits a physician in the physician’s office and receives a prescription. The patient has the prescription filled in a retail
(2). A pharmacist fills a prescription for a patient who lives in a personal care home.
(3). A pharmacist in a hospital pharmacy fills an outpatient prescription for a hospital employee.
(4). A patient is treated on a non-emergency basis in an outpatient clinic of a hospital and is given a prescription.
(5). The patient has the prescription filled either in the hospital pharmacy or in a retail pharmacy.
The following are examples of situations in which a PDR is not required:
(1). A pharmacist fills a prescription for a patient in a nursing home.
(2). A pharmacist in a hospital dispenses a drug that will be administered to a patient in the hospital.
(3). A physician dispenses a drug to a patient being treated in the emergency room.
(4). A pharmacist dispenses a radiopharmaceutical to a physician who will administer it to a patient.
Which of the following shall be in the vicinity of prescription departments in full view of patrons?
I. the pharmacy license
II. the current board of pharmacy inspection report
III. the prohibition of the return of drugs sign
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Every person shall have his or her license or registration and the license for the operation of the business conspicuously displayed in
the pharmacy or place of business to which it applies or in which he or she is employed.
All articles, including the following shall be in the vicinity of all prescription departments in full view of patrons:
(1). the pharmacy license
(2). the prohibition of the return of drugs sign
(3). the current board of pharmacy inspection report
(4). the current controlled substance registration
(5). the “patient’s bill of right’s” as approved by the board.
B. Name tags, including job title and the designation R.Ph., shall be required of all pharmacists while on duty.
C. Pharmacies permanently closing shall notify the public and the board of pharmacy of the closure at least 30 days prior to the final
day of service.
The notice shall include the last date of service and the name, address, and phone number of the location where patient records will
be transferred and /or stored.
Notice must also occur by one of the following; newspaper notice, radio broadcast, or other method as approved by the executive
director of the board.
Prescriptions may be received, entered and filled or re-filled by the hub pharmacy and sent to the remote tele-pharmacy for
distribution to the patient during hours when the technician is present in the remote tele-pharmacy.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC),(15)].
(14). Prescriptions may be received, entered and filled or re-filled by the hub pharmacy and sent to the remote tele-pharmacy for
distribution to the patient during hours when the technician is present in the remote tele-pharmacy. A pharmacist at the hub
pharmacy must approve each prescription before it leaves the remote tele-pharmacy site.
(a). The pharmacist’s initials and the technician’s initials shall be recorded.
(b). The pharmacist shall compare the stock bottle, drug dispensed and drug strength. The entire prescription label must be checked
for accuracy. All prescriptions distributed by the remote- tele-pharmacy must have the label affixed to the prescription container
prior to being inspected by the pharmacist via electronic link.
(15). Patient counseling shall be done by a hub pharmacist via patient-pharmacist audio-visual link.
Under the New Mexico State Pharmacy law, which of the following duties shall be performed by a pharmacist intern?
I. Professional consultation with a patient or his agent regarding a prescription.
II. Receipt of all new verbal prescription orders and reduction to writing.
III. Final check on all aspects of the completed prescription.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A. The following responsibilities require the use of professional judgment and therefore shall be performed only by a pharmacist or
pharmacist intern:
(1). receipt of all new verbal prescription orders and reduction to writing;
(2). initial identification, evaluation and interpretation of the prescription order and any necessary clinical clarification prior to
(3). professional consultation with a patient or his agent regarding a prescription;
(4). evaluation of available clinical data in patient medication record system;
(5). oral communication with the patient or patient's agent of information, as defined in this section under patient counseling, in
order to improve therapy by ensuring proper use of drugs and devices;
(6). professional consultation with the prescriber, the prescriber’s agent, or any other health care professional or authorized agent regarding a patient and any medical information pertaining to the prescription.
B. Only a Pharmacist Shall Perform The Following Duties:
(1). final check on all aspects of the completed prescription including sterile products and cytotoxic preparations, and assumption of
the responsibility for the filled prescription, including, but not limited to, appropriateness of dose, accuracy of drug, strength,
labeling, verification of ingredients and proper container;
(2). evaluation of pharmaceuticals for formulary selection within the facility;
(3). supervision of all supportive personnel activities including preparation, mixing, assembling, packaging, labeling and storage of
(4). ensure that supportive personnel have been properly trained for the duties they may perform;
(5). any verbal communication with a patient or patient’s representative regarding a change in drug therapy or performing therapeutic interchanges (i.e. drugs with similar effects in specific therapeutic categories); this does not apply to substitution of
generic equivalents;
(6). any other duty required of a pharmacist by any federal or state law.
Which of the following is/are TRUE about withdrawing limited doses of a drug for administration in emergencies when the hospital
pharmacy is closed, and drugs are not available from floor or emergency drug supplies?
I. Only one designated licensed nurse per shift may remove drugs from the hospital pharmacy.
II. The pharmacist shall verify the withdrawal after a reasonable interval, but in no event may such interval exceed 72 hours from
time of withdrawal.
III. The quantity of drugs shall not exceed 72-hour supply of drugs.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The pharmacist-in-charge shall control access to the pharmacy and develop an emergency access procedure that may include the
following situations or conditions:
(1). The hospital administrator or designee may possess a key to the pharmacy for emergency access.
(2). For the purposes of withdrawing limited doses of a drug for administration in emergencies when the pharmacy is closed, if the
drugs are not available in floor or emergency drug supplies, the following is applicable:
(a). Only one designated licensed nurse per shift may remove drugs from the pharmacy. The quantity of drugs shall not exceed the
quantity needed to last until the pharmacist is in the facility:
(b). A record shall be made at the time of withdrawal by the authorized person removing the drugs. The record shall contain the
(i). name of patient;
(ii). name of drug, strength, and dosage form;
(iii). dose prescribed;
(iv). quantity taken;
(v). time and date; and
(vi). signature (first initial and last name or full signature) or electronic signature of person making the withdrawal.
(c). The original or direct copy of the medication order may substitute for such record, providing the medication order meets all of
the requirements of NMAC (record).
(d). The nurse withdrawing the drug shall place upon the record of withdrawal an example of the medication removed.
(e). An electronic record of the withdrawal is required when the nurse is withdrawing more than a 72 hour supply.
(f). The pharmacist shall verify the withdrawal after a reasonable interval, but in no event may such interval exceed 72 hours from
time of withdrawal.
Verification may be accomplished electronically from a remote site, if approved by the board.
(g). A drug regimen review, pursuant to a new medication order, will be conducted by a pharmacist either on-site or by electronic
transmission within 24 hours of the new order.
(h). Another duly registered pharmacy may supply medications pursuant to a patient specific medication order provided:
(i). supplying pharmacy is licensed in this state;
(ii). supplying pharmacist is licensed in this state;
(iii). all pharmacy preparations of sterile products (including total parenteral nutrition and chemotherapy) shall be performed in
accordance with board of pharmacy NMAC.
The pharmacy shall maintain a record of prescriptions which are returned to stock. The record shall include patient name, date filled,
prescription number, drug name, drug strength, and drug quantity. The record shall be retrievable within:
a. 24 hours
b. 48 hours
c. 72 hours
d. Immediately
Answer: (c) 72 hours, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The pharmacy shall maintain a record of prescriptions which are returned to stock. The record shall include patient name, date filled,
prescription number, drug name, drug strength, and drug quantity.
The record shall be retrievable within 72 hours.
A pharmacist has substituted generic Metoprolol (Mfg: Mylan) for the prescribed brand name Lopressor (Mfg: Pfizer). Which of the
following shall be placed on the dispensing label?
a. Metoprolol, (Mylan)
b. Metoprolol, Lopressor (Mylan)
c. Metoprolol, (Lopressor)
d. Lopressor (Pfizer), Metoprolol
Answer: (c) Metoprolol, (Lopressor), [Chapter 26 Drug and Cosmetics Article 3 Section 26-3-3(D)].
C. Drug product selection shall be permitted only under circumstances and conditions set forth in the law unless the licensed practitioner prescribing prohibits drug product selection. A licensed practitioner shall prohibit drug product selection by writing with his hand the words “no substitution” or the diminution
“no sub”; on the face of a prescription.
D. If drug product selection occurs as permitted in Subsections A and B of this section, the pharmacist shall indicate on the label of
the dispensed container the brand of drug prescribed and the name of the drug dispensed.
E. A pharmacist may not select a therapeutically equivalent drug unless he passes on to the patient all savings between the net cost
of the product prescribed and the product dispensed.
In a hospital, who may dispense medications in an emergency room?
I. a licensed pharmacist
II. a licensed practitioner
III. a licensed pharmacist intern
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
1. In hospitals where there is not a pharmacy, prelabeled, prepackaged medications shall be stored in and distributed from a drug storage area or automated medication management system, which is under the supervision of a pharmacist.
2. The pharmacist-in-charge shall have the responsibility for the procurement and storage of all drugs.
3. All medications, with the exception of those for emergency use, shall be issued for inpatients use pursuant to the review of the
physician’s order or direct copy thereof, prior to dispensing.
If the pharmacy is closed when the order is written, the pharmacist shall review the order within 24 hrs.
4. In a hospital setting, all schedule II controlled substances that are stored in the pharmacy will be kept in a locked storage area in
the pharmacy.
5. Medications dispensed in the emergency room will be dispensed only by a licensed pharmacist, a licensed pharmacist intern or a
licensed practitioner.
Compounding products contain more than three drugs may be labeled "Compound" at the discretion of the pharmacist or
prescribing physician instead of itemizing an individual component on the label.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The label attached to the dispensing container shall identify the contents by generic or trade name, or a compounded prescription
containing more than three drugs or trade name products, may be labeled “Compound” at the discretion of the pharmacist or
prescribing physician, and shall contain the expiration date, per USP/NF’s guidelines, as well as the quantity dispensed.
This information required by NMSA Drug and Cosmetic Act 26-1-16 B; except, to those instances where the prescribing practitioner
specifically requests that such information be omitted from the label.
A registered Hospital Pharmacy may fill a prescription for outpatients without separately being registered as a retail pharmacy.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [New Mexico State News Letter June 2014].
If a pharmacy is registered as a hospital pharmacy, it may fill discharge prescriptions and prescriptions as an employee benefit only.
The pharmacy shall not fill prescriptions for the general public unless the pharmacy is also registered as a retail pharmacy.
A new pharmacy license application will be required to be filed in which of the following instances?
I. The addition or deletion of one or more partners in a partnership.
II. The change of ownership of 30% or more of the voting stock of a corporation since the issuance of the license.
III. The death of a singular or sole owner.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A transfer of ownership occurs upon:
A. The sale of the pharmacy to another individual or individuals by the present owner.
B. The addition or deletion of one or more partners in a partnership.
C. The death of a singular or sole owner.
D. The change of ownership of 30% or more of the voting stock of a corporation since the issuance of the license or last renewal
A new license application will be required to be filed in each of the above circumstances. As stated in the Pharmacy Act Section 61-
11-14(I), licenses are not transferable, and shall expire on December 31 of each year unless renewed.
Before a licensed pharmacy changes the location of the business, or the physical dimensions or elements of physical security, a new
application shall be submitted to the Board, setting forth such changes.
Upon approval and completion of the change, a Request for Inspection will be submitted to the Chief Inspector.
There will be no charge for the new application, but the inspection will carry the same fee as applies for a new pharmacy inspection.
Under the New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, the signed by the practitioner includes which of the following?
I. handwritten signature
II. electronic signature
III. stamped or printed images of the practitioners handwritten signature
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A valid prescription is an order for a dangerous drug given individually for the person for whom prescribed, either directly from the
prescribing practitioner to the pharmacist, or indirectly by means of a written order signed by the practitioner.
Signed by the practitioner includes handwritten signature, stamped or printed images of the practitioners handwritten signature or
electronic signature as defined in Paragraph (1) of Subsection F of NMAC.
Every prescription record shall contain the name and address of the prescriber, the name and address of the patient, the name and
strength of the drug, the quantity prescribed directions for use, the date of issue, and preferably the diagnosis or indication.
Prescription information received from a patient, other than a signed written prescription from a practitioner, has no legal status as
a valid prescription. A pharmacist receiving such prescription information must contact the prescribing physician for a new
Proprietors of pharmacies must report on the annual application for renewal of pharmacy license the names and registry numbers of
all registered pharmacist employees and registered interns and shall notify the secretary of the Board of Pharmacy within ten (10)
days, in writing, of any change in personnel.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Proprietors of pharmacies must report on the annual application for renewal of pharmacy license the names and registry numbers of
all registered pharmacist employees and registered interns and shall notify the secretary of the Board of Pharmacy within ten (10)
days, in writing, of any change in personnel.
The prescription area of a retail pharmacy in New Mexico WITHOUT the preparation of sterile products capabilities must be
minimum of:
a. 50 square feet
b. 150 square feet
c. 240 square feet
d. 500 square feet
Answer: (c) 240 square feet, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC),(C) and (D) and].
The restricted area to be occupied by the prescription department shall be an undivided area of not less than 240 square feet. The
floor area shall extend the full length of the prescription compounding counter.
This area shall provide for the compounding and dispensing and storage of all dangerous or restricted drugs, pharmaceuticals, or
chemicals under proper condition of sanitation, temperature, light, ventilation, segregation and security.
No space in this area shall provide for an office, auxiliary store room or public restroom(s).
The prescription compounding counter must provide a minimum of 16 square feet of unobstructed compounding and dispensing
space for one pharmacist and a minimum of 24 square feet for two or more pharmacists when on duty concurrently.
The counter shall be of adequate height of at least 36 inches, if necessary, five-percent or at least one work station will comply with
the American with Disabilities Act. D. The restricted floor area shall be unobstructed for a minimum width of 30 inches from the
prescription compounding center.
The room or area in which compounded sterile preparations (CSP’s) are prepared:
a. must be physically designed and environmentally controlled to meet standards of compliance as required by USP/NF 797.
b. must have a minimum of 100 square feet dedicated to compounding sterile preparations;
c. the minimum size of a retail pharmacy must be 240 square feet; a retail pharmacy with preparation of sterile products capabilities
must have 340 square feet with 100 square feet exclusive to compounding sterile preparations;
d. the stand-alone CSP facility must have a minimum of 240 square feet with 100 square feet exclusive to compounding sterile
e. must be clean, lighted, and at an average of 80-150 foot candles; and
f. must minimize particle generating activities.
Which of the following is/are TRUE about remote DUR practice site?
I. If the remote DUR site is located within a home there must be a designated area in which all of the pharmacist’s work will be
II. Computer equipment must be locked or shut down whenever the pharmacist is absent.
III. Remote equipment must be configured so that patient information is not stored at the remote site electronically or in printed form.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
(1). If the remote DUR site is located within a home there must be a designated area in which all of the pharmacist’s work will be
(2). All computer equipment used at the remote DUR sites must be able to establish a secure connection which the site is operating.
Remote equipment must be configured so that patient information is not stored at the remote site electronically or in printed form.
(3). Computer equipment may only be used for remote DUR. No other use of equipment will be allowed.
(4). Computer equipment must be locked or shut down whenever the pharmacist is absent.
(5). All remote DUR sites are subject to unannounced inspection by representatives of the New Mexico board of pharmacy during
established hours of operation.
(6). Remote pharmacist DUR sites shall have adequate security to maintain patient confidentiality.
(7). Must utilize equipment that prevents unauthorized storage or transfer of patient information.
(8). If the remote site is in a home, the equipment must be located in a designated area where patient information cannot be viewed
by anyone other than the remote pharmacist.
Which of the following shall be placed on the dispensing container for the centralized prescription dispensing?
I. the name and address of the pharmacy dispensing the prescription
II. the name and address of the pharmacy which receives the dispensed prescription
III. the name and address of the physician who originates the prescription
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Centralized prescription dispensing means the dispensing or refilling of a prescription drug order by a retail or nonresident pharmacy.
(1). A retail pharmacy may outsource prescription drug order dispensing to another retail or nonresident pharmacy provided the
(a). have the same owner or;
(b). have entered into a written contract or agreement which outlines the services to be provided and the responsibilities and
accountabilities of each pharmacy in compliance with federal and state laws and regulations; and
(c). share a common electronic file or have appropriate technology to allow access to sufficient information necessary or required to
dispense or process a prescription drug order.
A pharmacy that out-sources prescription dispensing to another pharmacy shall:
(a). prior to outsourcing the prescription, notify patients that their prescription may be outsourced to another pharmacy; and
(b). prior to outsourcing the prescription, give the name of that pharmacy or if the pharmacy is part of a network pf pharmacies
under common ownership and any of the network of pharmacies may dispense the prescription, the patient shall be notified of this
fact; such notification may be provided through a one-time written notice to the patient or through the use of a sign in the
pharmacy; and
(c). if the prescription is delivered directly to the patient by the dispensing pharmacy upon request by the patient and not returned
to the requesting pharmacy, the pharmacist employed by the dispensing pharmacy shall ensure that the patient receives written
notice of available counseling.
Prescription labeling:
(1). The dispensing pharmacy shall:
(a). place on the prescription label the name and address or name and pharmacy license number of the pharmacy dispensing the
prescription and the name and address of the pharmacy which receives the dispensed prescription;
(b). indicate in some manner which pharmacy dispensed the prescription (e.g., filled by ABC pharmacy for XYZ pharmacy); and
(c). comply with all other prescription labeling requirements.
The fax prescription shall include:
I. time and date of transmission
II. name and fax number of the pharmacy
III. the prescriber’s phone number
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Fax prescription means a valid prescription which is transmitted by an electronic device which sends an exact image of a written
prescription signed by the practitioner to a pharmacy.
The prescribing of controlled substances by fax must comply with all state and federal laws. No pharmacist may dispense a drug
solely on the basis of a prescription received by fax except under the following circumstances:
(1). the pharmacist shall exercise professional judgment regarding the accuracy and authenticity of the prescription consistent with
existing federal and state statutes and regulations;
(2). the original fax prescription shall be printed and stored in the pharmacy as required by state and federal law and board rules,
and may serve as the record of the prescription;
(3). the fax prescription shall include name and fax number of the pharmacy, the prescriber’s phone number, for verbal
confirmation, time and date of transmission, as well as any other information required by federal and state statute or regulation;
(4). in institutional practice, the fax machine operator must be identified by a statement in the facility policy and procedures manual;
(5). the receiving fax machine must be physically located in a restricted area to protect patient confidentiality;
(6). electronically generated prescriptions may be transmitted directly to the pharmacy via telephone lines or indirectly through one
or more “contracted” parties via valid “network vendors” directly to a pharmacy’s fax machine;
(7). electronically generated prescriptions faxed from a practitioner’s office computer shall include the prescriber’s name, phone and
fax number, time and date of transmission as well as any other information required by federal and state statutes or regulation;
(8). electronically generated prescriptions faxed from a practitioner’s “contracted” “point of care vendor” directly to the pharmacy
must include the name and phone number of the “point of care vendor”;
(9). “point of care vendors”, “network vendors” or other prescription transmission intermediaries not compliant with the
requirements of this section will be considered an invalid source;
(10). the pharmacist shall exercise professional judgment regarding the accuracy and authenticity of prescriptions consistent with
federal and state statutes and regulations; in the absence of unusual circumstances requiring further inquiry, the pharmacy and each
of its associated pharmacists is entitled to rely on the accuracy and authenticity of electronically transmitted prescriptions from a
“point of care vendor” or “network vendor” which has not been prohibited by the board.
Which of the following information is/are TRUE ABOUT an Automated Drug Distribution System under the New Mexico State
Pharmacy Law?
I. A managing pharmacy may use an automated drug distribution system to supply medications for patients of a health care facility.
II. When located within a health care facility, the system is considered to be an extension of the managing pharmacy.
III. When the automated drug distribution system is used to deliver routine doses of controlled substances, the managing pharmacy
submits and maintains a separate registration with the drug enforcement administration.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
“Automated drug distribution system”, or “automated medication system” or, “system” means a mechanical system that performs
operations or activities, other than compounding or administration, related to the storage, packaging, or dispensing of drugs, and
collects, controls, and maintains transaction information and records.
A managing pharmacy may use an automated drug distribution system to supply medications for patients of a health care facility.
The automated drug distribution system may be located in a health care facility that is not at the same location as the managing
When located within a health care facility, the system is considered to be an extension of the managing pharmacy.
When the automated drug distribution system is used to deliver routine doses of controlled substances, the managing pharmacy
submits and maintains a separate registration with the drug enforcement administration.
A prescription may be communicated to the pharmacist by an employee or agent of the registered practitioner.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A prescription may be prepared by a secretary or agent, i.e., office nurse under supervision, for the signature of the practitioner and
where applicable; a prescription may be communicated to the pharmacist by an employee or agent of the registered practitioner.
The prescribing practitioner is responsible in case the prescription does not conform in all essential respects to the law and
Prescription information received from a patient, other than a signed written prescription from a practitioner, has no legal status as
a valid prescription.
A pharmacist receiving such prescription information must contact the prescribing physician for a new prescription.
Which of the following is/are TRUE about electronically transmitted prescriptions?
I. The receiving computer or other similar electronic device used to view the prescription shall be located within the pharmacy.
II. The electronically transmitted prescriptions may serve as the hard copy record of the prescription.
III. Electronically transmitted prescriptions or drug orders shall be sent only to the pharmacy of the patient’s choice.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Electronic Transmission of Prescriptions:
(1). Requirements for electronically transmitted prescriptions or drug orders, including controlled substances as permitted by federal
(a). The receiving computer or other similar electronic device used to view the prescription shall be located within the pharmacy or
pharmacy department with only authorized personnel having access.
(b). The electronically transmitted prescription or drug order shall contain all information required by state and federal law including
the prescriber’s name, address and phone number, time and date of transmission.
(c). The prescribing practitioner’s electronic signature, or other secure method of validation shall be provided with the electronically
transmitted prescription or drug order.
(d). The electronically transmitted prescriptions may serve as the hard copy record of the prescription so long as the electronically
transmitted prescription information can be stored in the original format as when received and is readily retrievable so as to comply
with federal and state recordkeeping requirements.
(e). The electronic transmission of a prescription or drug order shall maintain patient confidentiality with no intervening person or
other entity accessing or altering the prescription content.
The accessing or altering prohibition does not include format modification for transmission purposes by approved secure electronic
prescribing networks.
(f). Electronically transmitted prescriptions or drug orders shall be sent only to the pharmacy of the patient’s choice.
What shall a record of controlled substances administered from a floor stock contain?
I. name of drug
II. date and time administered
III. name of prescribing physician
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A record of controlled substances administered from the floor stock shall contain the following information:
(1). name of patient;
(2). date and time administered;
(3). name of drug;
(4). strength of drug;
(5). amount administered;
(6). name of prescribing physician;
(7). name of person administering the controlled substance.
At least 60 days prior to the initial use of an automated drug distribution system, the pharmacist-in-charge of the managing
pharmacy must provide the board with written notification about:
I. the health facility’s board of pharmacy registration type and number.
II. the managing pharmacy’s registration number, address, and pharmacist-in-charge.
III. the physical address at which the automated drug distribution system will be located.
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
At least 60 days prior to the initial use of an automated drug distribution system, the pharmacist-in-charge of the managing
pharmacy must provide the board with written notification of the following:
(1). the physical address at which the automated drug distribution system will be located;
(2). the health facility’s board of pharmacy registration type and number;
(3). the managing pharmacy’s registration number, address, and pharmacist-in-charge;
(4). written policies and procedures that govern the operation of the system; the policies and procedures must address the
requirements of Subsection F of this section and the rules of the board;
(5). the managing pharmacy pharmacist-in-charge must notify the board within 10 days whenever an automated drug distribution
system is taken permanently out of service.
Stocking and Restocking of an Automated Medication System:
(1). responsibility for accurate stocking and restocking of an automated medication system lies with the pharmacist-in-charge and
with any pharmacist tasked with supervising such functions;
(2). the stocking or restocking of an automated medication system, where performed by someone other than a pharmacist, shall
follow one of the following procedures to ensure correct drug selection:
(a). a pharmacist shall conduct and document a daily audit of drugs placed or to be placed into an automated medication system,
which audit may include random sampling;
(b). a barcode verification, electronic verification, or similar verification process shall be utilized to assure correct selection of drugs
placed or to be placed into an automated medication system;
(c). the utilization of a barcode, electronic, or similar verification process shall require an initial quality assurance validation, followed
by a quarterly quality assurance review by a pharmacist;
(d). when a barcode verification, electronic verification, or similar verification process is utilized as specified in this section, stocking
and restocking functions may be performed by a pharmacy technician or by a registered nurse trained and authorized by the
pharmacist-in charge.
Which of the following preparation(s) of Chlordiazepoxide is/are EXEMPT from a Schedule IV controlled substance requirement
under the New Mexico State Pharmacy Law?
I. Librax
II. Menrium
III. Librium
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (b) I and II only, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
Librax (Chlordiazepoxide and Clidinium) and Menrium are preparations which contain Chlordiazepoxide (Librium), a depressant
listed in Schedule IV, and other ingredients in such combinations, quantity, preparation or concentration as to vitiate the potential
for abuse of Chlordiazepoxide, and are hereby exempt Schedule IV controlled substance preparations.
(1). Librax
(2). Menrium, 5-2
(3). Menrium, 4-5
(4). Menrium, 10-4
A significant loss or theft of a controlled substance shall be reported in writing to the Board of Pharmacy within five (5) days of
becoming aware of the loss.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
The registered supplier shall be responsible for reporting in-transit losses of controlled substances by a common carrier or contract
carrier selected by the supplier upon discovery of such loss or theft.
Registrant shall complete DEA Form 106 as required and furnish a copy to the Board of Pharmacy.
A significant loss or theft of a controlled substance shall be reported in writing to the Board of Pharmacy and DEA on Form 106 as
required by federal regulations.
“Significant loss” includes suspected diversions, in-transit losses or any other unexplained loss and must be reported to the Board of
Pharmacy within five (5) days of becoming aware of the loss. DEA Form 106 may be obtained from the Board of Pharmacy or DEA.
Before filling prescriptions written by veterinarians, a pharmacist shall ask an NPI number from veterinarians.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [New Mexico News Letter December 2013].
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has become aware of cases in which veterinarians are told, incorrectly, that they
must provide a National Provider Identifier (NPI) number for prescriptions they have written to be dispensed.
The agency has issued a clarification, stressing that veterinarians do not meet the regulatory definition of “health care provider,”
and thus may not obtain NPI numbers. The clarification also states that “Any entity that insists veterinarians obtain an NPI [is]
attempting to require veterinarians to obtain NPIs fraudulently.”
CMS also notes that “if a veterinarian fulfills the definition of ‘health care provider’ in a profession other than furnishing veterinary
services,” such as if they are also a nurse practitioner, “the veterinarian would be eligible for an NPI but would select a Nurse
Practitioner code (not a Veterinarian code) from the Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Code Set when applying for an NPI.”
A person other than a licensed optometrist or physician who fills a contact lens prescription shall maintain a record of prescription
for five years.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (b) False, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
A contact lens may not be sold, dispensed, or distributed to a patient in this state by a seller of contact lenses unless one of the
following has occurred:
(1). the patient has given or mailed the seller an original, valid, unexpired written contact lens prescription;
(2). the prescribing licensed optometrist has given, mailed or transmitted by facsimile transmission a copy of a valid, unexpired
written contact lens prescription to a seller designated in writing by the patient to act on the patient’s behalf; or
(3). the prescribing licensed optometrist has orally or in writing verified the valid, unexpired prescription to a seller designated by
the patient to act on his behalf.
B. The prescription contains all the information necessary for the replacement contact lens prescription to be properly dispensed,
including the:
(1). lens manufacturer;
(2). type of lens;
(3). power of the lens;
(4). base curve;
(5). lens size;
(6). name of the patient;
(7). date the prescription was given to the patient;
(8). name and office location of the licensed optometrist who writes the replacement contact lens prescription; and
(9). expiration date of the replacement contact lens prescription.
C. A person other than a licensed optometrist or physician who fills a contact lens prescription shall maintain a record of that
prescription for three years (not 5 years).
Class A clinic drug permit is issued to clinics where more than 12,500 dispensing units of dangerous drugs are dispensed or distributed annually.
a. True
b. False
Answer: (a) True, [New Mexico Administrative Code (NMAC)].
"Clinic", means any facility where one or more licensed practitioners diagnose and treat patients, and where drugs are stored,
dispensed, distributed or administered for the diagnosis and treatment of the facility's patients; provided that this definition shall
not include the privately owned practice of any licensed practitioner or group of licensed practitioners exempt under Section 61-11-
22 of the Pharmacy Act.
All clinics where dangerous drugs are administered, distributed or dispensed shall obtain a Limited Drug Permit (as described in
Section 61-11-14 B (6) of the Pharmacy Act) which consists of the following types:
(a). Class A clinic drug permit for clinics where:
(i). dangerous drugs are administered to patients of the clinic;
(ii). more than 12,500 dispensing units of dangerous drugs are dispensed or distributed annually.
(b). Class B clinic drug permit for clinics where dangerous drugs are:
(i). administered to patients of the clinic; and
(ii). dispensed or distributed to patients of the clinic. Class B drug permits shall be issued by categories based on the number of
dispensing units of dangerous drugs to be dispensed or distributed annually, as follows:
1. CATEGORY 1 up to 2,500 dispensing units;
2. CATEGORY 2 from 2,501 - 7,500 dispensing units;
3. CATEGORY 3 from 7,501 - 12,500 dispensing units.
(c). Class C clinic drug permit for clinics where dangerous drugs are administered to patients of the clinic.
(1). Any facility licensed as a clinic by the Board which does not employ a staff pharmacist must engage the services of a consultant
pharmacist, whose duties and responsibilities are described in Part 4, Section 11, Sub-Section (2).
(2). The consultant pharmacist shall wear an identification badge listing his name and job title while on duty in the clinic.
According to New Mexico State Pharmacy Law, which of the following mid-level practitioners may prescribe and/or dispense a
Schedule II controlled substance in the course of their professional practices?
I. Physician’s assistant
II. Nurse practitioner
III. Registered Pharmacist
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. All
Answer: (d) All, [http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/drugreg/practioners/mlp_by_state.pdf].
Pursuant to Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 1300.01(b28), the term mid-level practitioner means an individual
practitioner, other than a physician, dentist, veterinarian, or podiatrist, who is licensed, registered, or otherwise permitted by the
United States or the jurisdiction in which he/she practices, to dispense a controlled substance in the course of professional practice.
Examples of mid-level practitioners include, but are not limited to, health care providers such as nurse practitioners, nurse midwives,
nurse anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists and physician assistants who are authorized to dispense controlled substances by the
state in which they practice.
1. AMB (Ambulance Service)
2. AS (Animal Shelters)
3. DOM (Doctors of Oriental Medicine)
4. ET (Euthanasia Technicians)
5. HMD (Homeopathic Physician)
6. MP (Medical Psychologists)
7. ND (Naturopathic Physician)
8. NP (Nurse Practitioners)
9. NH (Nursing Homes)
- OD (Optometrists)
- PA (Physician Assistants)
- RPH (Registered Pharmacists)
For the State of New Mexico, only following mid-level practitioners can either prescribe or administer or both, schedule
controlled substances. - AS (Animal Shelters): Schedule II to V controlled substances (Only Law Enforcement or City Animal Shelter).
- NP (Nurse Practitioner): Schedule II to V controlled substances (Prescribe, Procure and Dispense).
- PA (Physician's assistants): Schedule II to V controlled substances (Prescribe, Procure and Dispense).
- AMB (Ambulance Service): Schedule II to V controlled substances.
- DOM (Doctors of Oriental Medicine): Schedule III Testosterone only (Administer, Procure and Dispense).
- ET (Euthanasia Technicians): Schedule II to III controlled substances (Administer and Procure).
- MP (Medical Psychologists): Schedule II to V Psychotropic controlled substances (Prescribe only).
- OD (Optometrists): Schedule III to V controlled substances, Schedule II Hydrocodone Products Only.
- RPH (Registered Pharmacists): Schedule II to V controlled substances (Administer and Prescribe).