Chapter 15-17: Compounding (NAPLEX) Flashcards
U.S Pharmacopeia: What are they?
U.S Pharmacopeia (USP) sets standards for compounding (preparation, strength, quality, and purity of human/ animal drugs - including manufactured and compounded drugs). USP 795, 797, and 800 are considered to be minimum acceptable standards for compounding for FDA.
Notes: Hopsital pharmacist relies on The American Society of Health System Pharm (ASHP) for detailed guidance on implementing USP standards
List the different USP and what they entail
Non-Sterile Compounding
Non-Sterile Compounding is primarily used to:
- prepare dose or formulation that is not commercially available such as: changing a solid tablet to liquid for a patient who cannot swallow, compounding a 10% ointment when only 5% and 15% is available
- Avoid an excipient (d/t sensitivity/ allergies like gluten or red dye)
- Add a flavor
Often include: meds that are PO, via tube, rectally, vaginally, topically, nasally or ear
Non-Sterile Compounding
Non-Sterile Compounding: Physical Space
Compounding space should be specifically designed for non sterile compounding. Non sterile compounding can be done in ambient air/ room air but must be separated from dispensing part.
Adequate space + shelves needed and all equipement, containers, components must be off the floor. Space should be clean and well lit.
There needs to be adequate plumbing and two types
of water:
1. Potable (drinkable - from the tap), for hand and equipment washing
2. Purified (e.g., distilled), for use in compounded formulations that include water, and for rinsing equipment and utensils.
Sink should also be clean and have single use towels (sanitary method to dry hands)
Sterile Compounding
Sterile Compounding
Sterile compounding involves stringent procedures to ensure contamination-free products, particularly crucial for intravenous drugs. Contamination risks include microorganisms and foreign particles.
Sterile compounding is use to prepare: Injections (IV, IM, SC), eye drops, Irrigations, pulmonary inhalation
USP Terminology
compound sterile products (IVs or other drugs that require sterile manipulation)
USP Terminology
small volume parenteral (IV bags < 100mL)
USP Terminology
LArge volume parenteral (IV bag > 100mL)
USP Terminology
Primary engineering control - sterile hood that provides ISO 5 air for sterile compounding
USP Terminology
Laminar Airflow Workbench - Type of sterile hood (PEC); parallel air steams flow in one direction
USP Terminology
Containment Primary Engineering Control - ventilated (negative pressure) chemo hood used for HDs
USP Terminology
Biological safety cabinet - chemo hood (class 2 or 3 for sterile HD)
USP Terminology
Second Engineering Control - ISO 7 buffer room where the sterile hood (PEC) is located
USP Terminology
Containment Secondary Engineering Control - Ventilated (negative pressure) buffer room for hDs (room where the C-PEC is located)
USP Terminology
Segregated Compounding Area - designated space that contains an ISO 5 hood but not part of a cleanroom suite (air is not ISO-rated)
USP Terminology
Containment Segregated Compounding Area - ventilated (negative pressure) room used for HDs; not in a cleanroom suite (air is not ISO- rated)
USP Terminology
Compounding Aseptic Isolator - “Glovebox” for non-HDs, a closed front sterile hood (PEC)
UPS Terminology
Compounding Aseptic Containment Isolator - Glovebox for HDs, a type of closed-front C-PEC
UPS Terminology
Restricted Access Barrier System - Glovebox/ closed front sterile hood (including CAIs and CACIs)
UPS Terminology
Closed System Transfer Device - device preventing escape of HD/ vapors when transferring
USP Terminology
Containment Ventilated Enclosure - ventilated “power hood” for non-sterile products
Sterile Compounding: Air quality and HEPA filters
- Clean air is crucial in the compounding area to minimize contamination risks. International Standards Organization (ISO) establishes air quality standards based on particle count per volume of air. The lower the particle count, the cleaner the air.
- In critical areas like inside sterile hoods, air must meet at least ISO 5, meaning no more than 3,520 particles per cubic meter of air, with particles of 0.5 microns or larger counted.
-Air quality requirements vary depending on proximity to exposed sterile drugs and containers: Inside the Primary Engineering Control (PEC) must be at least ISO 5. Buffer areas containing PECs must be at least ISO 7. The anteroom, where hand washing and garbing occur, must be at least ISO 8 if opening into a positive-pressure buffer area (non-HD sterile compounding), or ISO 7 if opening into a negative-pressure buffer area (HD sterile compounding).
Regular room air, or “ambient” air, is unclassified and not rated by ISO (~ISO 9)
Sterile Compounding
ISO ratings in the different compounding areas and particles/m3
High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA)
High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters effectively capture particles, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and dust, with an efficiency of over 99.97% for particles as small as 0.3 microns.
In vertical airflow biological safety cabinets (BSCs) or compounding primary engineering controls (C-PECs) the HEPA filter is positioned at the top, while in laminar airflow workbenches (LAFWs) or compounding primary engineering controls (PECs), it’s located at the back of sterile hood (horizontal airflow). A blower pushes air through the HEPA filter, trapping contaminants before entering the PEC. Compounding should ideally occur in the area directly receiving air from the HEPA filter, known as the direct compounding area (DCA), where the air is termed “first air.” HEPA filters require recertification every six months and whenever a PEC is relocated.
The dots in the image below show the relevant amount of particles in the air. Ambient (room) air is not rated; if it were, most room air would be about ISO 9 (look at pic)
Sterile Compounding
Air Pressure: What part requires negative vs positive pressure
Apart from maintaining ISO air quality standards, ensuring appropriate air pressure differentials between spaces is crucial. Differentials regulate air movement, either containing it within a space or allowing it to flow into adjacent areas. Positive air pressure is suitable for non-hazardous compounding areas like PECs and SECs, preventing contamination without toxicity concerns. However, for hazardous compounding, containment areas like C-PECs and C-SECs require negative pressure to confine toxic air. Non-sterile hazardous compounding in non-ISO-rated spaces necessitates negative air pressure rooms.
Types of Sterile Compounding Areas
- Cleanroom suite: one or more sterile hood (ISO 5 PECs) inside an ISO 7 Buffer Room (SEC) that is entered thru an adjacent anteroom
- Segregated compounding area (SCA) with an ISO 5 PEC: a sterile hood, often an isolator (glovebox) with a closed front, located in a segregated space with unclassified air
PECs for Non-Hazardous Sterile Preparations: PECs used for nonhaz compounding have HEPA filtered air and positive air pressure
Talk about laminar airflow benchwork (LAFW)
It’s an open front PEC where air flows out in parallel lines from HEPA filter, typically from back of hood (ie horizantal laminar airflow). Laminar airflow keeps cleaner air in PEC from mixing with dirty air in buffer room
PECs for Non-Hazardous Sterile Preparations: PECs used for nonhaz compounding have HEPA filtered air and positive air pressure
Talk about Compounding aseptic isolator (CAI)
it’s a closed front PEC often located in the segregated compounding area (SCA). The clsoed front keeps unclassifed room air from mixng with clean air in the PEC
Sterile Compounding
Talk about Secondary Engineering control
SEC is the room that contains PEC. SEC is sometimes called the buffer area (buffer of relativly clean air of ISO 7 around the PEC which is ISO 5)
Talk about the segregated compounding area
SCA is an option when a cleanroom is not able to be installed. It’s a designed area with unclassified air, such as a corner of that pharmacy. The max BUD for a CPS made in an SCA is 12 hours (room temp) and 24 hr (fridge)
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) determines which drugs are hazardous. A drug is considered haz if it is:
- Carcinogenic
- Teratogenic
- Genotoxic
- Toxic to organ
- labeled by manufactures with special handling instructions
Safety Data Sheets (SDS): Talk about it
Series of safety documents required by OSHA to be accessible to all employees who are working with hazardous materials/ drugs.
Hazard Communication Program: Talk about it
Each facility must have desinated person responsible for creating worker safety procedures for handling hazardous drugs. This include a written plan for implementing safety measures, training, assessing competency, and maintaining documents.
Pharamcies must maintain a list of all HDs stocked, which should be reviewed annually or when new drugs or doseage forms are introduced.
Men and women capable of reproduction must provide written confirmation of their understanding of risk of handling HDs
Assessing Risk for Hazardous Drugs (HDs)
USP 797 and USP 800 have different definitions of risk. USP 797 focuses on the risk of contamination of sterile products, while USP 800 considers the risk of harm to workers exposed to hazardous drugs.
USP 800 has extensive requirements for the safe handling of hazardous drugs, but some activities are considered lower risk, such as counting and packaging tablets. Pharmacies can conduct an Assessment of Risk (AoR) for lower-risk drugs and develop Stand Operating procedures (SOPs) to limit staff exposure. This includes using distinctive shelf bins, wearing appropriate gloves, dedicating counting trays and spatulas, and using sealable bags for prepared hazardous drug containers. If any manipulation of the low-risk hazardous drug is required, full USP 800 requirements must be followed. The AoR documents must be reviewed annually and documented.
When compounding hazardous drugs, both sterile and non-sterile compounds must be prepared in a Containment Primary Engineering Control (C-PEC) that is located in a Containment Secondary Engineering Control (C-SEC) or Containment Secondary Control Area (C-SCA). There are different types of C-PECs available:
- Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs): These cabinets have vertical laminar airflow that flows down from a HEPA filter at the top of the hood. They provide negative air pressure to protect the worker from exposure to hazardous drugs. Class II or Class III BSCs are required for sterile hazardous drug compounding.
- Containment Ventilated Enclosures (CVEs): These are powder containment hoods with HEPA-filtered air and negative air pressure. They are used for non-sterile compounding only.
- Compounding Aseptic Containment Isolators (CACIs): These closed-front C-PECs, also known as gloveboxes, can be located in a buffer room (C-SEC) but are often placed in a C-SCA.
Non-Sterile and Sterile HD Compounding in the same space
While it’s prefer to keep non sterile and sterile compounding space seperate, exceptions can be made if requirements are met:
- C-SEC must maintain ISO 7
- if there are separate sterile amd non sterile C-PECs in the same C-SEC they must be 1 meter apart
Air Handling For Hazardous Drugs
What area/ things must have negative air pressure
C-PECSs, C-SCAs, and C-SECs must have negative air pressure
Air Handling For Hazardous Drugs
Air Changes: Air in space used for HDs compounding can get contaminated and needs to be regularly replaced. The air changes per hour (ACPH) is the # of times (per hour) that the air is replaced in the room..
What is the ACPH in these areas
1. Space where non sterile HDs are compounded
2. Sterile C-SEC
3. C-SCA
- Space where non sterile HDs are compounded: at least 12 ACPH
- Sterile C-SEC: at least 30 ACPH
- C-SCA: at least 12 ACPH
Compounding Staff Training: Inital and Continous
- Inital: includes didatic training, hands-on training which is observed by a desinated personin charge of compounding.
- Continous: on-going training. When work is new or different, the staff must recieve that new training.
Gloved Fingertip Test
The gloved fingertip test is required annually for compounding low- and medium-risk CSPs, or semiannually for high-risk CSPs. The compounder’s gloved fingertips are sampled using tryptic soy agar (TSA), which promotes microbial growth if contamination is present. After incubation for 2-3 days, any visible colony-forming units (CFUs) indicate glove contamination.
Passing a gloved fingertip test
- inital: passing requires 3 consecutive gloved fingertip samples (with 0 CFU)
- Ongoing: at least one sample taken from each hand immediately after completion of media fill test with goal of < 3 CFUs
Media-Fill Test
The media-fill test is used to determine if a compounder is preparing CSPs in an aseptic manner. Test must be done initially and annually for low/med risk level compounding.
Tryptic soy broth (TSB) is taking the place of the
drug in the preparation. TSB is a growth medium used by the organisms to replicate. A small Iv bad or vial can be used for the test. Multiple aseptic manipulations (transfers using the same syringe) are done and then the product is incubated and checked for bacterial growth. Turbidity/ cloudiness = contamination!.
Passing test: if the liquid stays clear after 14 days of incudation.
Temprature Monitoring:
1. Buffer room (SEC)
2. Refrigerator
3. Freezer
- Buffer Room (SEC): The SEC should be checked once daily and maintained at a temperature of 20°C (68°F) or cooler.
- Refrigerator: The refrigerator should be monitored daily, unless it contains vaccines. In that case, monitoring should be done twice daily. The temperature range for the refrigerator should be between 2°C and 8°C.
- Freezer: If the freezer contains only compounded sterile preparations (CSPs) and no vaccines, the temperature should be maintained between -25°C and -10°C, as per USP 797 guidelines. However, if the freezer also stores vaccines, the required temperature range is -50°C to -15°C, according to CDC guidance.
Alongside personnel testing such as the gloved fingertip and media-fill tests, other tests ensure the compounding environment is free of contaminants. These tests include:
- Air sampling: preformed every 6 months
- Surface sampling: perfromed periodically; areas touched most frequently should be tested at the end of the day.
- Air pressure: preformed once daily (minimally or with every work shift, to confirm the correct differential pressure between 2 spacesand ensure that airflwo is unidirectional
- Humidity testing: once daily (minimally)
All PECs and C-PECs should ideally remain operational to maintain clean surfaces. In the event of a power outage, compounding must cease, and PECs require cleaning with germicidal detergent followed by disinfection with sterile 70% isopropyl alcohol before resuming activity. C-PECs necessitate a more complex sanitization process after power restoration. After power restoration, both PECs and C-PECs must be operational for at least 30 minutes before compounding resumes.
Clean the PEC continuously: Overview
The PEC undergoes frequent cleaning throughout the day and a final cleaning at day’s end before attending to the SEC and anteroom. Lint-free sterile wipes are utilized for cleaning, first with a germicidal detergent followed by 70% IPA disinfection. Pre-soaked wipes or a spray bottle can be employed, avoiding spraying inside the PEC. Cleaning involves unidirectional strokes with overlapping coverage, changing wipes regularly. PECs are cleaned from top to bottom, back to front . This means that the cleanest areas will be cleaned first, and the dirtiest areas will be cleaned last .
All areas and equipment handling Hazardous Drugs (HDs) require daily sanitation, involving deactivation, decontamination, and cleaning. Sterile compounding areas and equipment are disinfected last to prevent HD residue spread. Wetted wipes are preferred over spray bottles to avoid aerosolizing HD residue. Workers must wear appropriate PPE, including NIOSH-approved fit-tested respirators when opening containment devices. Commercial kits like Peridox RTU simplify the process, while bleach or peroxide can be used, but bleach may corrode stainless steel surfaces, necessitating neutralization with sodium thiosulfate or other agents. All HD-handling areas (receiving, compounding, administering, disposal) and reusable equipment must undergo routine deactivation, decontamination, and cleaning per USP 800 guidelines, with immediate decontamination required for spills.
Drug Exposure: what are the steps to take
Immediate action is crucial when a staff member experiences exposure, whether to a non-Hazardous Drug (HD), a workplace chemical, or an HD. The first 10 to 15 seconds post-exposure are critical. Urgent steps include removing the drug or chemical from the person promptly. Emergency protocols should be readily available in the pharmacy. Key actions to take include:
-Removing contaminated garments.
-Cleansing affected skin with soap and water.
-Flushing eyes with water or an isotonic eyewash for at least 15 minutes.
-Seeking medical attention as needed.
-Documenting the exposure in the employee’s record.
Respiratory Protection
When unpacking Hazardous Drugs (HDs) without plastic containment, staff should wear an elastomeric half-mask with a multi-gas cartridge and P100 filter until packaging integrity is confirmed. While an N95 respirator is sufficient for most HD compounding, it doesn’t protect against gases, vapors, or liquid splashes. Respiratory protection is necessary during direct HD exposure, such as:
-Cleaning up spills requiring more supplies than provided by a spill kit.
-Deactivating, decontaminating, and cleaning beneath the work surface of a C-PEC.
-Known or suspected airborne exposure to HD powders or vapors.
-Disposal of PPE contaminated with trace amounts of HDs.
For respiratory exposure risks, wear either a fit-tested respirator mask with attached gas canisters or a powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR), which blows filtered air to the user. PAPRs are more comfortable but require a charged battery for proper operation.
Administering Hazardous Drugs
When administering Hazardous Drugs (HDs), appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is essential. Two pairs of chemotherapy gloves are necessary for all HD administrations. A chemotherapy gown is required for IV HDs and recommended for other routes (e.g., oral). Closed-system drug transfer devices (CSTDs) should be utilized during drug administration if available, along with chemotherapy pins to prevent aerosolization during reconstitution and administration. Closed-system transfer devices are encouraged to contain HDs during transfers, reducing leaks and spills. Avoid manipulating oral HDs whenever possible; if necessary, do so in a plastic bag to contain particles.
Disposal: How should Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) be handled when dealing with Hazardous Drugs (HDs), and what are the disposal procedures for both trace and bulk antineoplastic waste?
All Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used during handling of Hazardous Drugs (HDs) is considered contaminated with trace amounts. Outer chemotherapy gloves worn during compounding are disposed of in a yellow trace chemotherapy waste bin inside the C-PEC or sealed in a bag if discarded outside. Remove outer gloves before handling and labeling compounded HDs. Trace antineoplastic waste (e.g., empty vials, syringes, IV bags, gloves, gowns, pads) is discarded in a yellow container for incineration.Bulk antineoplastic waste, including unused or partially empty IV bags, syringes, and vials, is disposed of in a black container for incineration.
Appropriate PPE is essential throughout HD handling processes, including receiving, storage, transportation, compounding, administration, sanitation, and spill control. Double ASTM D6978-rated (chemo rated) gloves are required for compounding and spill cleanup, while single gloves suffice for receiving and storage.
PPE for NON-sterile hazardous drug compounding includes:
■ Double gloves, a gown, a mask and
■ A disposable pad to protect the work surface
PPE for sterile hazardous drug compounding includes:
■ Head covers, a face mask and (if applicable) beard covers
■ Two pairs of shoe covers
■ A gown impermeable to liquids
■ Two pairs of ASTM D6978(chemotherapy)-rated gloves
■ A full-facepiece respirator or a face shield with goggles when there is a risk for spills or splashes
Garbing for Sterile Compounding: Garb is donned in the ante-area. The order in which the garb should be donned is from dirtest to cleanest
- Remove coats, rings, watches, bracelets, and makeup before entering the ante area. Artificial or long nails are not permitted. No makeup is allowed due to shedding.
- Don head and facial hair covers, face masks, and shoe covers upon crossing the line of demarcation. Use a second pair of shoe covers for compounding HDs. Verify hair coverage using a mirror in the ante area.
- Perform hand hygiene with soap and warm water, focusing on cleaning under fingernails and vigorously washing hands and forearms for 30 seconds. Dry with lint-free disposable towels.
- Don a non-shedding gown that fits snugly around the wrists and has a neck enclosure. Disposable gowns are mandatory for HD compounding and preferred for non-HD compounding. Launder reusable gowns before reuse.
- Enter the buffer area (SEC) and apply an alcohol-based surgical hand scrub for the recommended duration. Consider alternative options like povidone-iodine if allergic to chlorhexidine.
- Don sterile, powder-free gloves, with two pairs of ASTM D6978-rated gloves required for compounding HDs. Tuck one pair under gown cuffs and place the second pair over cuffs. Routinely sanitize gloves with 70% IPA during compounding.
- Ensure all garb is used when compounding with an isolator (glove box) unless the manufacturer states otherwise.
- When leaving the compounding area, dispose of all garb except the gown if not visibly soiled. The gown can be kept on the clean side of the ante area for reuse within the shift but cannot leave the area. Replace all other garb and repeat hand hygiene upon re-entering the compounding area.
Garbing for Hazardous Drugs: just know general stuff
Cylinder vs Conical Graduates: Measuring Volume
A graduate cylinder has the same diameter from top to bottom - which is more accurate than a conical graduate which has a wider mouth (making it easier for glass rod to mix) but the wider mouth has lower accuracy.
Some important things to consider/ keep in mind mind:
- a graduate should not be used to measure volume less than 20% of the graduates capacity = higher error
- To read volume must be view at eye level
- The liquid can curve downward from both sides = this is called meniscus
- The bottom of the meniscus (at the center) is the true volume!
Syringes used for non sterile compounding
- syringes are more accurate for smaller volumes
- useful for measuring viscous liquids
- If patient needs a VERY accurate dose, should use syringe
- all syringe packages should be wiped off with isopro alcohol 70%
- Recapping needles can lead to needle stick injuries. So in general, DO NOT recap syringes! It is preferred to use syringes with safety features
Pipettes: talk about them
Pipettes are thin plastic/ glass tubes used to measure small volumes.
A volumetric pipette draws up a set volume only, which is the amount a pipette can hold
A mohr pipette is graduated and is used to measure different volumes
Weighing Equipment: Class III (Class A) torsion balance
Older and not as common. These have sensitivity requirments and need calcualtion for the minimum weighable quantity (the amount that can be weighed) is calculated based on the sensitivity requirement and the acceptable error rate (typically 0.05 or 5%)
Weighing Equipment: top-loading electronic balance (aka analytical scale)
More commonly used. This balance is simple to use/ has higher sensitivity
When using, must remember to zero out (tare) the balance after placing a boat to ensure that you are only measuring the ingredients
List the 3 different types of mortars
- Glass Mortar: used for liquids (suspension/ solutions) that are oily and can statin
- Wedgewood mortars: have a rough surface + preferred for grinding dry crystals/ hard powder
- Porcelain mortars: smooth surface and are preferred for belding powder/ pulverizing gummy consistancy
Electric Mixing Equipment
Mixing can be done manually or with electric mixing equipment, which speeds up the process. Ointment mills, homogenizers, and grinders are used to mix ingredients. Ointment mills and grinders reduce particle size, increasing the surface area and rate of drug absorption. Ointment mills draw the preparation between rollers to grind and homogenize the ingredients. Homogenizers, similar to powerful blenders, are used to mix ointments and creams. They can be handheld and come in brands like Unguator, PharmaRAM, or Mazerustar Mixer. Electric grinders, similar to coffee bean grinders, can be used to grind hard tablets, but they should only be used for compounding purposes.
Heating Device: hot plates
A hot plate with a magnetic stirrer can save time by continuously stirring the mixture to dissolve and mix the ingredients. The stirrer has a rotating magnet under the ceramic plate, which moves the stir bar inside the glass to spin and stir the components. Hot plates can also be used without the stir bar for heating purposes, and a glass stirring rod can be used to mix contents manually.
Hot plates provide direct heat to soften and melt ingredients, and they can be used with a water bath to carefully control the temperature and prevent burning. The water bath involves placing the container with the ingredients into a larger container filled with water, which acts as a barrier between the direct heat source and the ingredients.
Molds, tablet presses and capsule machines: Molds are used to prepare tablets, lozenage, and suppositories. Talk about how the process is to make tablets and capsules
-A tablet press is two plastic or metal plates used to compress damp powder into tablets
- capsules can be soft gel or hard shells. The shells are made from gelatin (which is pork derived) or hypromellose (plant derived). Capsules sizes used for human ranges from 000 (largest) to 5 (smallest)
Surfactants - talk about it and it’ main purpose in compounding
Surfactants are used in preparations like salad dressings to prevent the separation of different phases, such as oil and water. When shaken, the oil and water in salad dressing quickly separate because of the high tension between their surfaces. However, adding a surfactant lowers this tension and keeps the phases from separating. Surfactants work by reducing the surface tension between the ingredients, making them more miscible and easier to mix together. They can form micelles, where the oil interacts with the lipophilic end of the surfactant and the water interacts with the hydrophilic end. Surfactants can also use other mechanisms, such as forming a film between the surfaces or creating an electrically-charged layer to keep the phases separate. In all cases, surfactants help with the preparation and stabilization of substances.
Types of Surfactants (part 1)
- Wetting Agents
- Emulsifiers
- Suspending Agent
1. Wetting Agents: susbtance use to lower surface tension between liquid and solid, allowing liquid ti spread more easily. They are used to wet fine powder before mixing it in to suspension, creating a thick paste
2. Emulsifiers: An emulsion is a mixture of two or more liquids which are not blendable (immiscible). Emulsifer is added to keep the liquid droplets dispersed throughout the liquid vehicle
3. Suspending Agent: A suspension consists of solid particles dispersed in a liquid, like amoxicillin powder in water. Suspending agents are added to prevent settling, but they don’t prevent separation for long. Before use, suspensions must be shaken to redistribute the solid. These agents can also be called dispersants or plasticizers, like sorbitol, which aids in shaping gelatin capsules.
Types of Surfactants (part 2)
- Levigating Agent
- Foaming Agent
1. Levigating Agent: Levigating agents, like glycerin or mineral oil, aid in grinding particles down in a process called levigation. Unlike trituration, which doesn’t involve liquids, levigation uses these agents to facilitate grinding. Mineral oil is preferred for lipophilic compounds, while glycerin or propylene glycol are used for water-soluble compounds.
2. Foaming Agent: Foaming agents reduce water’s surface tension for foam formation, as in soap. Surfactants, like detergents, utilize this to clean dirt. In non-sterile compounding, anti-foaming agents like simethicone are used to control excessive foam.
What is the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance?
the number determines the type of surfact required to make emulsion. The # ranges from 0-20. Lower HLB = more lipid soluble and Higher HLB is more H20 soluble.
Examples of sufactants and their HLB
- Gyceryl monostearate: 3.8
- Polyox. monooleate: 11.4
- Sorbitan tris: 2.1
List of reactions that can cause degradation: general
- Oxidation-Reduction
- Hydrolysis
- Photolysis
Oxidation: talk about it/ what compounds are likely to become oxidized?
Oxidation involves the loss of electrons, while reduction involves gaining electrons; these reactions occur simultaneously in redox reactions. Some drugs, like epinephrine, exhibit visible color changes during oxidation. Compounds with hydroxyl groups directly bonded to aromatic rings, such as catecholamines and phenolics, are prone to oxidation. For instance, epinephrine oxidation leads to an amber color.
How can oxidization be prevented?
- light protection: amber class
- Adequate Storage: fridge if needed
- Chelating agents: There are free redical which can catalyze oxidation change reaction..chealating agents prevent this! Common chelators = EDTA
- Antioxidants (free radical scavengers): vitamin C/ E
- Control pH
Hydrolysis: Talk about it, Which compounds can be hydrolyzed easily?
Hydrolysis occurs when water cleaves bond between molecule. Common fuctional groups tha tcan be hydrolyized = ester, amides, lactams
How can hydrolysis be prevented
compounds should be protected from moisture/ h2o, and other factors = light protection, metal ions, and changes in pH, and temp changes
Photolysis: Talk about it, what compounds are likely to be degraded by light?
Many drugs are sensitive to UV light exposure, which causes photolysis (breakage) of covalent bonds and drug degrade. This can be prevented by light protect.
Compounds that can likely be degraded by light: ascorbic acid, folic acid, nitropusside, and phytonadine
List of major excipients
- Binders: sugar, syrup, starch paste
- Fillers: lactose, starches, petrolum
- Disintegrants: starches, cellulose products
- Flavoring
- Lubricants: talc, oils
- Preservatives: EDTA, parabens
- Buffers
List the major solvents
- Water (sterile/ non sterile)
- Alcohols
- Glycerol (PEG)
- Fat/ oils (hydrophobic)
Excipients to be avoided in some patients:
1. Alcohol
2. Aspartame
3. Gelatin
4. Lactose
- Alcohol: children
- Aspartame: this contains phenylalanine, so avoid in Phenylketonuria (PKU) - these patients cannot metabolize it
- Gelatin - vegans/ vegtarians or anyone wishing to aovid pork
- Lactose - lactose allergies
Excipients to be avoided in some patients:
1. Preservatives (Benzyl alcohol)
2. Sorbital (used as sweetener)
3. Sucrose (table sugar)
4. Xylitol (used as sweetener)
- Preservatives (Benzyl alcohol): neonates
- Sorbital (used as sweetener): IBS
- Sucrose (table sugar): DM
- Xylitol (used as sweetener): cannot use in DOGS! and can irritate GI in humans
Documentation: Talk about it; what does it include
Two crucial records for compounded products are the master formula record and the compounding log. The master formula record serves as the recipe for compounding, while the compounding log documents all products made at the pharmacy in detail.
Preparation Step: Talk about it; what does it entails
Before compounding, the pharmacist assesses the prescription’s suitability for the patient and the proposed formulation’s stability and palatability. Standard initial steps involve equipment calibration and ingredient weighing. Final steps typically include packaging and quality control. However, the specific steps between these stages vary based on the formulation type. Quality ingredients are essential for a quality product, and it’s imperative to review Safety Data Sheets for each ingredient to ensure staff safety and determine necessary personal protective equipment.
What are the three main methods for comminution
1. Trituration:
Trituration is a process of thorough mixing to achieve homogeneity. It commonly involves grinding tablets with a mortar and pestle until a fine powder is obtained. However, trituration can also apply to liquids, such as shaking to triturate an emulsion.
2. Levigation and Spatulation:
Levigation incorporates a small amount of liquid, called a levigating agent or wetting agent, into the powder while triturating with a mortar and pestle. This process transforms the solid into a uniform paste.
Spatulation, similar to levigation, is performed on an ointment slab using a spatula instead of a mortar and pestle.
3. Pulverization by Intervention:
This method is employed for crystalline powders resistant to crushing. Crystals are dissolved in a solvent and mixed until the solvent evaporates. Upon recrystallization, the particles become finer and easier to handle.
Geometric Dilution
a method of mixing ingredient to ensure everything is evenly distributed in a diluent or delivery vehicle. A small amount of drug is mixed into an equal amount of dilutent…after the inital small amount is mixed…another equal amount of ingredients are mixed in again…and repeat !
Solution: what is it? examples?
A Solute dissolved in solvent (ie. NaCl dissolved in water)…Homogenous!
Include: Syrup, Elixirs, Tinctures (plant or animal extracts), Spirits (alcohol)
Emulsion: what is it?
Emulsions is a liquid dispersed in liquid. It is a 2 phase heterogenous mixture…Emulsions are oil in water or water in oil…An emulsifier is a type of surfactant that is used to reduced surface tension 2 liquids (oil and water). To make an emulsion the emulsifier will need to be carefully picked according to the hydrophillic lipophilic balance (HLB) number
Suspension: What is it?
is a solid dispersed in a liquid…it is 2 phases - heterogenous. A wetting/ levigating agent is a type of surfactant used to incorporate an insoluble drug into liquid- which makes a suspension - redispered by shaking it!
Precipitation/Sedimentation: what is it?
when dispersed phase settles (clumps) together…this can happen with suspension and emulsions! so gently shake or roll to re-dispersed
How to prepare a solution
- prep the ingredient and reduce particle size to form a fine powder…initial step should be to determine if solute (drug) will dissolve in solution..drug should ramine soluble even at dif temp..if drug is not soluble in water? then a suspension or dif solvent is prefered.
- Dissolution rate can be used to determine time it will take for solute to dissolve = Ficks First Law of Diffusion ( larger surface area “smaller particle” , stiring, and using heat will increase dissolution rate!
- Solution may beed buffer system, preservative, flavoring, coloring, etc
How to prepare suspension
- Prep ingredients and reduce drug to fine powder.
- Wet the powder, and levigate to form paste
- Continue to add liquid in portions
- Add a surfactant to help keep suspension dispersed
- Transfer mixture to conical graduate or container in which it will be dispensed and QS to final volume..A homoginizer will help make a uniform suspension…a preservative may be needed as well as flavoring and such….suspension will need to be redispered/ shaken prior to use
Emulsion Ratio
Emulsion can be made by either continental or english gum method; mixing oil, water, an emulsifier (gum) in a 4:2:1 ratio
How to Prepare Emulsion: Continental (Dry gum) method
- Levigate gum with oil
- Add the water all at once!
- Triturate by shaking in a bottle or mixing in a mortar until cracking sound is heard and mixture is creamy white
- Add other ingredients by dissolving them first in solution and adding a quantity of water to make (QS) up to final volume
- Homogenize (with a homogenizer machine)
How to Prepare Emulsion: English (Wet gum) method
- Triturate the gum with water to form a mucilage (thick/sticky like mucus)
- Add oil slowly while shaking or mixing
- Add other ingredients as in dry gum method
Powders often include excipients such as:
- Glidant/ Lubricant (Mg Stearate) to improve flow
- Surfactant (sodium lauryl sulfate) to neutralize static charges and keep powder from floating away!
How to prepare capsule
- Triturate the dry ingredients and geometrically mix with the fillers/ other excipients..Powder is put into capsule by either hand filling (“Punch Method”) or by using capsule filling machine
HAND FILLING/ PUNCH METHOD: powder is placed on powder paper or ointment slab. Pile of powder is smoothed with spatula to a height that is 1/3 of the length of capsule. The open end of capsule is “punched” into pile of powderuntil capsule is filled. Then fitted with the cap
MANUAL CAPSULE FILLING MACHINE: Small devices that load 50, 100 or 300 capsules. Plate help sort capsule body and hold them upright..the plastic spreader is used to move powder into them. the ncap is put on capsule
Tablets! What type is the most common and where?
Molded tablet = most common in COMPOUNDING
Compressed tablet = most common in MANUFACTURING
How to prepared molded tablet
- Triturate the dry ingredients and mix by geometric dilution. Alcohol and/ or water should be added to moisten powder
- Pasty consistency = molded into tablets using molds
- allowed to dry
- coloring and coating may be added
The different bases for Lozenges
Hard lozenges: sucrose or syrup
Soft lonzenges: Polyethylene glycol (PEG)
Chewable lonzenges: glycerin or gelatin
Lotion vs Ointment vs Cream
Lotions contain the most water, Ointment contain the least water, cream is in the middle
How to prepare ointment
- Powders should be triturated well, using levigating agent (levigating agent must be miscible with base)
- The powder will be mixed into the ointment base, using geometric dilution
- Certain ointment will require heat in order to mix the components together well (aka fusion method) - a water bath used to heat ointment will help prevent overheating
What is PLO Gel
Poloxamer (Pluronic) lecithin organogel - can be used for transdermal drug admin.
It contains hydrophobic chain with 2 hydrophillic chains so it can be use for both hydrophillic/ hydrophobic drug delivery
it’s liquid when refrigerated…and it forms a gel at room temp! changes form based on the temperature (i.e., thermoreversible)
Suppository base: oil soluble base vs. water soluble base
Oil-soluble base: cocoa butter (theobroma oil), hydrogenated veggie oil
water-soluble base: PEG and gelatin
Cavet with cocoa butter base suppository
melts easiliy! mold need to be stored in fridge! Also, will melt in hand so need to be sotred in fridge before using!
There are 3 ways to prepare suppositories: HAND MOLDING
used when only a few suppositories needed to be prepared using cocoa butter base.
Cocoa butter is not melt but it is grated and mized with drug in pestle/ mortar or on pill tile with spatula. The mass is rolled and cut into suppository pieces
There are 3 ways to prepare suppositories: FUSION MOLDING
Commonly used.
Base is gently heated, the ingredients are added, the mixture is poured into ROOM TEMP molds + left to harded (pouring into cold mold can cause suppository to crack and split). If suppository does not harden it can be put in fridge.
There are 3 ways to prepare suppositories: COMPRESSION MOLDING
Will need to know the weight of each mold and drug’s DENSITY FACTOR!
Amount of base is calculated, grated, mixed with drug, put into cold compression mold
BUD for non-sterile compounded products: Nonaqueous Formulation (eg. drugs in petrolatum)
Not later than 6 months (180 days). Store at room temp.
Eg. Diclofinac powder in PEG, progestrone suppository in oleginous base, topical prep of zinc in white petrolatum)
BUD for non-sterile compounded products: Water-containing oral formulation (ie. oral suspension)
Not later than 14 days when stored at controlled cold temp. Store in fridge.
Eg. APAP oral suspension, nystain in strawberry flavored popsicles with purified water solution
BUD for non-sterile compounded products: Water containing topical/ dermal and mucosal liquid and semisolid formulation (ie. creams or lotions)
Not later than 30 days stored at room temp
Eg. Calamine powder prepared with glycerin in 70% isopropyl alcohol for poison ivy; Lidocaine and diphenhydramine in poloxamer gel with lecithin/isopropyl palmitate; Ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone in Versabase lotion
Reducing particle size of substance into a fine power
Trituration in a mortar with a pestle or spatula on an ointment slab with a small amount of liquid in which the substance is insoluble to make a paste
Blending powders or substances on an ointment slab with a spatula
Pulverization by intervention
Crystals are dissolved in solvent and the nspread out on surface where solvent evaporates and the substance then recrystallized into smaller particles
The following are excipients with multiple purpose:
diluent, disintegrate
The following are excipients with multiple purpose:
Coating, dilutent, gelling agent
The following are excipients with multiple purpose:
dilutent, sweeting agent, humectant, levigating agent, lubricant
The following are excipients with multiple purpose:
dilutent, sweetener
The following are excipients with multiple purpose:
Mg Stearate
Gildant, Lubricant
The following are excipients with multiple purpose:
Mineral Oil
Levigating agent, lubricant
The following are excipients with multiple purpose:
Hydrophilic solvent, levigating agent, lubricant, suppository base
The following are excipients with multiple purpose:
Propylene glycol
humectant, levigating agent
The following are excipients with multiple purpose:
Dry diluent, disintergrate, gelling agent
The following are excipients with multiple purpose:
Coating, enteric coating
Excipients Used in Compounding
Adsorbents: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: keep powder dry
- Ex: Mg Oxide/carbonate; Kaolin
Excipients Used in Compounding
Anti-Foaming Agent: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: breaks up/ inhibit formation of foaming
- Ex: Simethicone, Dimethacone
Excipients Used in Compounding
Antioxidants: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: prevents oxidation
- Ex: Ascorbic Acid, ascorbyl palmitate, vitamin E
Excipients Used in Compounding
Binders: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: Adhesive material used to hold powders together
- Ex: Acacia, starch paste, sucrose syrup
Excipients Used in Compounding
Buffers: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: Maintain pH range
- Ex: Potassium phosphate, Sodium acetate/ citrate
Excipients Used in Compounding
Coatings: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: Prevents degradation from light, oxygen, and moisture and mask bad taste
- Ex: gelatin, gluten, shellac
Excipients Used in Compounding
Coloring Agent: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: Provides color
- Ex: RD&Red No.3; Yellow No. 6; Caramel, Ferric Oxide (red)
Excipients Used in Compounding
Dilutant (Fillers): Purpose, examples
- Purpose: adds volume to smaller doses
- Ex: Liquid - water, glycerin, alcohol; Dry - starches, calcium salts, lactose (mannitol, sorbitol), cellulose, gelatin; Topical: mineral oil, petrolatum, lanolin
Excipients Used in Compounding
Disintergrates: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: absorbs water to cause tablet to swell or burst
- Ex: Alginic acid, polacrilin potassium (Amberlite), cellulose, starches/ compressible sugar (Nu-Tab)
Excipients Used in Compounding
Enteric Coating: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: Acid resistent protective layer that prevents dissolution in stomach
- Ex: cellulose acetate phthalate, shellac
Excipients Used in Compounding
Flavoring/ Sweetener: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: Give sweetness
- Ex: Syrup, oils; sugercoating for tabs with sucrose and glucose; sugar free option: aspartame. saccharin; glycerin; dextrose; mannitol; sorbitol; phenylalanime, stevia, xylitol
Excipients Used in Compounding
Gelling/ Thickening Agents: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: increase viscosity
- Ex: Agar, gums (guar, acacia, xantham); gelatins, tragacanth; bentonite, carbomer, cellulose, starches, Mg aluminum (Veegum); Poloxamer gels, polyvinyl alcohol (eye drops)
Excipients Used in Compounding
Gildant: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: Improves flow of properties of the powder mixture by reducing friction
- Ex: Mg stearate; colloidal silica
Excipients Used in Compounding
Humectant: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: Prevents preparations from becoming dry
- Ex: Glycerin, sorbitol, propylene Glycol
Excipients Used in Compounding
Hydrophilic Solvent: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: Liquid with high miscibility with water; use to dissolve solute
- Ex: PEG, Alcohol, terpenes
Excipients Used in Compounding
Hydrophobic Solvent: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: Liquid with low miscibilioty with water; used to dissolve solute
- Ex: Oils (borage, canola, coconut, castor); Fats (omegas)
Excipients Used in Compounding
Levigating (wetting) Agent: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: Liquid used in process of reducing particle size ( to make paste!)
- Ex: PEG, Mineral oil, glycerin, glycols
Excipients Used in Compounding
Emollient: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: acts as a barrier and a vehicle for drug delivery (oleaginous - oil containing; aqueous - water-containing; water in oil or oil in water emulsion)
- Ex: aquaphor, aquabase, vaseline, petroleum jelly (petrolatum), polybase, eucerin, cetaphil
Excipients Used in Compounding
Lubricant: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: Prevents ingredients from sticking to each other and equipment
- Ex: Mg stearate; calcium; PEG; talc; mineral oil; glycerin; stearic acid
Excipients Used in Compounding
Preservatives: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: prevent bacterial/ pathogen growth
- Ex: Oral (parabens; sodium benzonate; benzonic acid) Topical/nasal (alcohols, acids, chlorhexidine); Opthalamics (EDTA. sodium benzonate, benzonic acid, benzalkonium chloride, thimerosal
Excipients Used in Compounding
Suppository Base: Purpose, examples
- Purpose: Stay intact for insertion but melts once inserted
- Ex: cocoa butter (theobroma oil); veggie oil; PEG polymers; Glycerinated gelatin
Air Pressure
For Non-Hazardous compounding, the air pressure inside PEC and SEC are ______________.
POSITIVE! This will help protect the compounded sterile product (CSP) from contamination
Air Pressure
For Hazardous compounding the C-PEC and C-SEC must have __________________
NEGATIVE pressure! To contain and exhaust the toxic air in the space..Negative pressure protects the staffs
PECs for Non-Hazardous Sterile Products
LAFW - open front PEC, air flows out parallel from HEPA which is in the BACK of the hood - horizontal laminar airflow.
CAI - closed front PEC…can be located in SEC but it’s usually located in SCA! …ie. Glove box!
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Determines whihc drugs are hazardous
Hazardous Drugs on NIOSH list
- Mifepristone, Misoprostol
- Chloramphenicol
- Warfarin
- Fluconazole, Voriconazole
- Literally all chemo/ transplant drug
- Abacavir, Entecavir, Zidovudine
- Cidofovir, Ganciclovir, Valganciclovir
- Isotretinoin
- Dronedarone
- Acitertin, Azathioprine, Leflunomide, Fingolimod
- Finasteride, Dutasteride
- Pamidronate, Zoledronic Acid
- Dexrazoxone
- Paroxitine
- Exenatide, Liraglutide
- Clobazam, Clonazepam, phenytoin, topiramate, etc…SZ drugs
- Colchicine
- Ivabradine, spirnolactone
- Ribavirin
- Hormone agents
- Methimazole, Propylthiouracil
- PAH drugs
- ….etc
Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Series of safety documents reported by OSHA to be made accessible to all employee who are working with hazardous drug..provide drug specific safety infoincluding: PPE, first aid, spill clen up procedures
Most sterile preps (IV, opthal, ect) should be….
ISOTONIC to human blood! with osmol: ~285 mOsm/L
How to set up items in the sterile hood
- only required items can be placed in hood
- work must be done within the sterile hood at least 6 INCHES from front to prevent ISO5 hood air from mixing with ISO7 air from buffer
- Place all items side-by-side
- Nothing should be between the sterile object and the HEPA filter in a horizontal airflow hood
- DO NOT tear open components (open along seal)
How to transfer solution and inject into IV bag
- for greatest accuracy - use smallest syringe that can hold desired amount
- Powders are reconsitituded by introducting a dilutent like sterile water for injection
- swab the rubber top of vial with 70% IPA
- Inject a volume of air equal to volume of fluid to be removed (DO NOT INJECT AIR PRIOR TO REMOVING HAZARDOUS DRUG! negative pressure / close system transfer to be used)
- puncture rubber top with bevel up at 45 degree. then bring needle straight up to 90 degree while penetrating stopper , empty air, then invert vial
- Volume is measured between rubber piston and side of syringe barrel
Coring can occur when small peice of rubber aspirate into needle! So inspect that shit … if med is from glass ample…break neck away from you and use a filtered needle…needled must be changed out before injecting syringe into IV bag
Visual Inspection of Compounded product?
Should verify tha tthe correct volume of product is in the syringe before compounding. This is the safest method cuz the pharmacist can see the actual volume in the syringe…..Pull back method? that’s verifying empty syringe after compounding is done…NOT RECOMMENEDED! CUZ THIS RELIES ON MEMORY!
Finished CSP are visually inspected agaisnt dark background, for particulates, cored pieces, cloudiness/ precipitates….lightly squeeze to check for leak
Terminal Sterilization: when is it required
For CSPs that are compounded with any non-sterile ingredients. Methods include: Autoclave (steam), dry-heat, gas sterilization, and ionizing radiation. DO NOT USE HEAT FOR HEAT SENSITIVE DRUGS (ie Insulin, protiens, hormones - yes levothyroxine is a hormone)
Bubble Point Test and Filter Integrity
CSP that are heat labile (protiens/ hormones) can be sterilized with filtration using 0.22 micron filter!
If filtering is used…need to do bubble point test = this test uses pressure to force liquid to “bubble” out of filter to test for FILTER INTEGRITY
Certain CSP must be tested for endotoxins. The reagent for the ________________________ is called the _____________________
The reagent for the bacterial endotoxins test (BET) is called the Limulus Amebocytes Lysate (LAL)
What are the different risk categories?
Immediate Use: Prep in emergency!!! THE HIGHEST OF RISK!
Category 1 (high risk): CSP prepared in ISO 5 PEC in SCA (glovebox)
Category 2: CSP prepared in cleanroom suite (ISO 5 PEC in ISO 7 SEC)
Category 3 (Lowest risk): CSP prepared in cleanroom suite (ISO 5 PEC in ISO 7 SEC) + additional requirements (eg. sterility testing required, enviromental monitoring, personnal requirement, etc)
BUD for Sterile compounded products based on categories
Required labeling for CSP
- name/ amount of each ingredients
- total volume
- dosage form/ route
- ID #/ barcode
- Storage requirement
- auxillary and or warnings
Garbing Steps
- remove coats, rings, watches, makeup, bracelets (long nails/ nail polish not allowed)
- Don head/ feet garb; apply head/ facial hair cover + face mask
- Apply shoe cover (one at a time while stepping over line of demarcation)
- wash hands with soap for 30 sec; wash up to elbow!/ under nails + dry with low lint towel
- Don low lint gown (can be reused! in same shift)
- Apply alcohol rub to hands
- Apply sterile/ powder free gloves
Sterile Compounding
Cleaning, Disinfecting, Sporicidal: when to clean each sites/ how often
Enviromental monitoring + cleaning: where and how often
Sterile Compounding
Personnel Training Schedule
During a 12-hour work shift preparing intravenous chemotherapy (assuming no breaks), what is the minimum number of gowns that will be needed for the entire shift assuming that no additional manufacturer information is available?
Gowns must be changed per the manufacturer’s schedule. If no information is provided, gowns should be changed every 2–3 hours and immediately after a spill or splash. Since the shift is 12 hours and the gown must be changed at least every 3 hours, a minimum of 4 gowns will be needed during the shift.
An alternative option to an external exhaust for non-sterile, hazardous drug compounding is to use ________
An alternative option to an external exhaust for non-sterile, hazardous drug compounding is to use redundant HEPA filters. This is not an option for sterile hazardous drugs, which must be externally vented.
A pharmacy can conduct an Assessment of Risk (AoR) that permits modification of the USP 800 requirements for HDs with lower risk by developing a plan to limit staff exposure….example of such activity?
Activities that do not require manipulation, such as counting and packaging, can be covered under an AoR. If manipulation is required, the full USP 800 requirements must be followed.
The surfaces of the HD handling area and patient administration areas should be tested for HD contamination. A moistened wipe is used to wipe the surface and this wipe is then analyzed for any HD residue. This is called environmental wipe sampling and should be performed_______________________
performed routinely (e.g., initially as a benchmark and at least every 6 months).
While compounding hazardous drugs, gloves should be changed every __________
While compounding hazardous drugs, gloves should be changed every 30 minutes and additional times if torn, punctured or contaminated