Night Flying Emergencies Flashcards
What should you do if you have an RT failure on the ground?
Continue to the hold point.
If unable to rectify, attract the attention of the caravan controller.
On receipt of a flashing white light, taxy down the runway back to dispersal.
What should you do if you lose your external lights on the ground?
Inform ATC
Obtain permission to return to dispersal
What should you do if you have brake failure on the ground?
Attempt to stop
Inform ATC
Leave Nav and ANTI COLL lights on
What should you do if you have an RT failure in the air at night and you are able to recover VFR?
Use FRCs to attempt to solve the situation. If unable, squawk 7600 and make all radio calls blind.
Join as normal, ATC will signal clearance to land using pyrotechnics (steady white = land at this aerodrome after receiving a steady green, steady green = cleared to land, steady red = continue circling)
What should you do if you have an RT failure in the air at night and you are able to recover IFR?
If unable to sort using FRCs, squawk 7600 and self-position on the ILS for RWY 13 from Point X.
If 13 is not the runway in use, the approach will be to circle and position for the in use runway - be vigilant of other traffic.
Look for lights/pyros from ATC to indicate permission to land.
What should you do if you have an engine failure at night?
Same actions as during the day
What should you do if you experience a total electrics failure at night?
Carry out a visual recovery to the airfield, descending to 300ft QFE when abeam the caravan.
Vary the power to attract the attention of the caravan controller.
Fly a low level circuit (remember to delay the turn downwind as req. at night) and look for the pyro indications for good gear and permission to land. Land off a green Verey.
When on the ground, what does a steady RED light from ATC/the caravan mean?
When on the ground, what does a flashing RED light from ATC/the caravan mean?
MOVE CLEAR of the landing area
When on the ground, what does a steady GREEN light from ATC/the caravan mean?
You may take-off
When on the ground, what does a flashing WHITE light from ATC/the caravan mean?
RETURN to starting point (dispersal)
When in the air, what does a steady RED light from ATC/the caravan mean?
GIVE WAY to other aircraft and continue circling
When in the air, what does a flashing RED light from ATC/the caravan mean?
TOTAL REFUSAL of permission to land
When in the air, what does a steady GREEN light from ATC/the caravan mean?
You may land
When in the air, what does a flashing WHITE light from ATC/the caravan mean?
Land at this aerodrome after receiving steady green light
How would you get a gear inspection at night?
Inform ATC
Carry out a normal join for 31/13 and turn to fly a slightly wider downwind - all other traffic will be instructed to climb to 1500ft QFE or above
Fly a ‘final turn’ to roll out lined up with the rwy check lights (in front of ATC)
Gently descend to overfly the lights level at 200ft QFE
In case of RT failure, green/red Vereys will be fired to indicate the gear position in the order left, nose, right
If 01/19 in use - carry out a normal or low level join for rwy 31/13 and fly as above