EFM Sets/Admin Flashcards
What checks must be completed on departure to the trg area for EFM?
(#18?) - FENCE
Weapon System and G Awareness Checks (WSGACs)
How should HASLL checks be conducted for EFM?
HASLL conducted as normal, heights as req. with datum
Inverted flt check must be carried out above aeros BH and you must ROLL AWAY from the other aircraft
How should FENCE checks be conducted for EFM?
“Swift, Fence in”
E - EWS mode selected
D - DAS, check chaff/flare
L - Lights - All on
S - Squawk - ON/STBY
“Swift 2 Fence in”
What are the WSGACs?
“Swift, for G-aware, check 90 L/R (TOWARDS HOSTILE)” - 4g
M - Master mode - A/A GUN
P - LCOS, 33ft wingspan, rounds remaining
Range check (sight on hostile)
“Swift, for G warm, hook L/R” - 5g
“Swift 1 sweet, 2 sweet”
“Swift, reference XXX”
“Swift BH xxxxft, xxxx set” - Acknowledge (datum = BH + 1000ft)
“Swift, position xx, yours”
[no steer for SMPM checks]
What must be done pre-combat on an EFM event?
- Reload? - Check fuel
- Start parameters gained (on height, on speed, in line abreast with correct spacing and pre-combat checks complete)
- “Swift, for serial X call ready”, “Swift 1 ready”, “Swift 2 ready”
[PRIOR to calling READY you must be TALLY with the other aircraft and have checked your fuel state]
- “Swift, check 60 L/R” or as req. for serial
How is EFM routinely knocked off and what checks must then be completed?
“Swift KIO”
“Swift 1 KIO”
“Swift 2 KIO”
Regain formation integrity (rear a/c)
“Swift reference XXX” (i.e. “reverse”
“Swift check XX L/R” (to achieve good Line Abreast)
M2, Fuel, Airspace
MM - Nav
MAS - Safe
Fuel - Sufficient, relate to Joker/BINGO
Airspace - Manage VATA/CAP datums, turn as req.
How is EFM knocked off in an emergency and what checks must then be completed?
“KIO, KIO, KIO, Swift KIO” (with reason, e.g. stranger 2 o’clock level)
“Swift 1 KIO”
“Swift 2 KIO”
Then regain formation integrity, checks and avoiding as req.
Who controls the formation post KIO to regain formation integrity for the next event and how will the HOSTILE fly to ensure separation?
Rear aircraft controls the formation to regain parallel fuselages
Hostile will maintain a 45 deg. AoB turn until the rear calls the reference heading.
Normally fighter rolls out and calls their roll out hdg as the reference to allow the hostile to reverse in to line abreast.
During this time accelerate to the datum of 210 KIAS.
What is the datum speed for the start of an EFM event?
210 KIAS
What steps must be taken for the formation ‘FENCE out’ and begin the recovery post EFM?
Tac lead handed back to hostile
“Swift Fence Out”
“Swift 2”
“Swift 2 Fenced Out”
“Swift Gyros”
“Swift complete” to ATC
Arrow formation (or close form)
What is serial 1?
Track Ex
How is serial 1 (track ex) flown as the fighter?
Check 60 L/R towards Hostile
F2, call out range (2500, 2000, 1800, 1500)
Rangex (1000ft, 700ft, 500ft)
Back to CZ @ 210KIAS
“Fights on”
Hostile, Height, Speed, (SS)
Kill picture? Bleed, regain, sustain
Control overtake, LCOS tracking
Hostile reverses, wingovers, rollercoaster
How is serial 1 (track ex) flown as the defender?
What is serial 2?
Turn circle entry
How is serial 2 (turn circle entry) flown as the fighter?
How is serial 2 (turn circle entry) flown as the defender?
What is serial 3?
Low aspect entry - therefore trapped outside the CZ and stuck in lag
Low yo-yo to resolve
How is serial 3 (low aspect entry to low yo-yo) flown as the fighter?
How is serial 3 (low aspect entry to low yo-yo) flown as the defender?
What is serial 4?
High aspect turn circle entry - Pure pursuit to fly through danger - High yo yo to resolve
How is serial 4 (high aspect TC entry) flown as the fighter?
How is serial 4 (high aspect TC entry) flown as the defender?
How is a high yo-yo flown?
How is a low yo-yo flown?
What is serial 5?
Flats - single circle
How is serial 5 (flats - single circle) flown as the fighter?
How is serial 5 (flats - single circle) flown as the defender?
What is serial 6?
Rate to base
How is serial 6 (rate to base) flown as the defender?