Nielsen's 1994 list of ten heuristics Flashcards
Name the first 5 of Nielsen’s heuristics
- Visibility of system status
- Match between system and the real world
- User control and freedom
- Consistency and Standards.
- Error Prevention
Name the last 5 of Nielsen’s heuristics
- Recognition rather than recall
- Flexibility and efficiency of use
- Aesthetic and Minimalist design.
- Help users recognised, diagnose and recover from errors.
- Help and Documentation
What does the heuristic visibility of system status refer to?
Maps to: N/A
The user should always be able to see what the interface’s progress through a given task is.
IE Progress bars
What does the heuristic Match between the system and the real world refer to?
Maps to: N/a
The interface should feel familiar to the user and, where possible, should use iconography and text to that correlate between real-life applications and what the item does on the system.
EG: basket, check what items you are wanting to buy.
What does the heuristic Users control and freedom refer to?
Maps to: (6,7)
Support undo and redo, users often make navigation errors and need a means to leave unwanted states.
What does the heuristic consistency and standards refer to?
Maps to: 1
“O, I know that”. Users like familiar things (IE shopping cart icon, and at the top right of the screen, will take the user to the shopping cart.
What does the heuristic prevent errors refer to?
Maps to: 5
The website should prevent errors, instead of expect users to fix them, where possible.
What does the heuristic recognition rather than recall refer to?
Maps to: 8
The user shouldn’t have to memorise lots of information. This can be avoided by having objects, actions and option visible to them.
What does the heuristic flexibility and efficiency of use refer to?
Maps to: N/a
System should cater to both experienced and novice users. This can be done by having accelerators, such as keyboard shortcuts.
What does the heuristic Aesthetic and minimalist design refer to?
Maps to: N/a
Dialogues shouldn’t contain information which is irrelevant or barely needed.
What does the heuristic help user recognise, diagnose and recover from errors refer to?
Maps to: N/a
Error messages should be expressed in plain language, precisely indicate the problem and constructively suggest a solution.
What does the heuristic Help and documentation refer to?
Maps to: N/a
User should be able to search for help they need and concrete steps should be in place to guide them through correcting their error.