Nice to know Flashcards
When is a reduced thrust takeoff not authorized?
-Runway contaminated by standing water, ice, slush, snow
-Windshear conditions are suspected
Prohibited by MEL/CDL
Stabilized approach criteria (1000’)
- Landing configuration
- checklist complete
- speed +20/-5 kts of Vapp
- ROD < 1000’fpm and stable
- vertical path that will result in landing within the TDZ
*Vert speed up to 1200’ per minute may be acceptable under approach conditions that require higher airspeeds/ground speeds due to non-normal aircraft system configuration. This will be discussed during the approach briefing.
Stabilized approach criteria (500’)
- Speed within 5kts of Vapp
- Engine thrust is stabilized at a level that results in target speed
Stabilized approach criteria (200’)
Aircraft is aligned with the lateral confines of the runway
US holding airspeeds
SL-6000’:200kts (1min)
6001-14000’:230kts (1 min)
14001-above:265kts (1.5 min)
ICAO holding airspeeds
SL-6000’:200kts (1min)
6001-14000’:230kts (1min)
14001’-FL200: 240kts (1.5min)
20001-FL340: 265kts (1.5 min)
Emergency fuel (-400/-800)
-800: 11K
Minimum fuel (-400/-800)
-400: 14K
-800: 15K
When should you use autobrakes MAX?
Should be used when minimum stopping distance is required. Deceleration rate is less that that produced by full manual braking on a dry runway
When should you use autobrakes 3 or 4?
Should be used for wet or slippery runways or when landing rollout distance is limited
When should you use autobrakes 1 or 2?
These settings provide a moderate deceleration suitable for all routine operations
The selected autobrake setting should provide at least _____ feet less landing distance than runway length.
Conditions required for LAHSO?
RW must be dry
Weather minimum 1000’ and 3SM vis
Tailwind max of 3 kts
Winshear not reported
Minimum width for 180 turn (-400/-800)
-400: 153’
-800: 172’
Do not attempt to turn away from an obstacle within ____ ft of wingtip.
Do not attempt to turn away from an obstacle within ____ ft of the nose (-400/-800)
-400: 56 ft
-800: 58 ft
Under what conditions would you abort an autostart (-400)?
No N1 rotation by idle N2
Fuel control switch is in RUN, the engine RPM is low, and the autostart switch is OFF
Oil pressure indication is not normal by the time the engine is stabilized at idle
When does the PF call for the After Takeoff checklist?
When flaps are called to be retracted up
What is Vapp with autothrottles disengaged?
Vref+1/2 HW+full gust not to exceed 20 kts
What is the minimum Vapp?
Maximum landing weight (MLDW) is the most restrictive of:
Brake energy
Climb weight
Field (landing distance)
Tire speed
Maximum runway takeoff weight (MRTW) is the most restrictive of:
Brake energy
Field (Accel stop/go)
Tire speed
What will trigger take off warning horn
Stab trim not in takeoff range
Speedbrake lever not in DN detent
Flaps not in takeoff position
Body gear not centered
Parking brake set
Regarding early and late departures, when is an ARTR required?
More than 15 minutes early or
6 hours late (int)
1 hr late (dom)
(-400) Flaps up maneuvering speed
- Vref30+80,
- Above 680k lbs full maneuvering capability is not attained until reaching Vref30+100
(-400 & -800) Flaps 1 maneuvering speed
(-400 & -800) Flaps 5 maneuvering speed
(-400 & -800) Flaps 10 maneuvering speed
(-400 & -800) Flaps 20 maneuvering speed
Maneuvering speed guarantee ____ bank angle
40 degrees
(-800) Flaps up maneuvering speed
At gross weights greater than 680,000 lbs, limit bank angle to ___ until 20 knots above the flaps up speed
15 degrees
PF takeoff briefing
We will plan on a flaps ______takeoff
using TO ______,
with an assumed temperature of ____°
From RWY ______.
It will be an NADP2 departure flown in _______and VNAV.
We are cleared via the _______ departure up to _______ft.
Initial heading is ________
and we’ll expect radar vectors to ______
Transition altitude is ______
I’ll have weather radar displayed on my ND and you display terrain.
In the event of an engine failure after V1, we will accomplish the Engine Failure Procedure for RWY ___ which is a ___ (Standard, special, complex) and requires ____. We’ll accelerate for clean up at 1000’ then continue the climb to 3000’ and plan on a visual approach to runway 35L and back it up with the ILS. Any questions?
Minimum items for takeoff brief
Flap setting, thrust setting, runway, ATC clearance with altitude, lateral and vertical modes, transition altitude, EFP, any update to CRM/safety brief
Approach and landing brief parts
Approach, Missed approach, landing conditions
Advance thrust levers to approximately ___ % N1 prior to engaging throttles for takeoff.
70% (-400)
45% (-800)
Desired pitch attitude for rotation
15° (-400)
11-14 (-800)
Pilot monitoring calls on takeoff roll
Thrust set (by 80 knots)
80 knots
Positive rate (on altimeter and VSI)
What is an NADP1 and when is it used
Thrust reduction at 1500 and clean up at 3000 use is listed in ABG when required
What is an NADP2 and when is it used
Standard maneuver 1000 feet for clean up and acceleration
When shall PF have hands on the yoke and throttles and feet on rudder pedals?
Takeoff- from gear up until completion of After Takeoff Checklist
Approach- from initial slat/flap extension until a safe taxi speed is achieved
Go around- from initiation of go around until completion of the after takeoff checklist
Max weight for 3 engine taxi
Max weight for 2 engine (symmetrical) taxi
Call outs visual approach
PM: 1000ft stable
PF: RW in sight
PM: 500 ft stable
PF: Landing
Autoland callouts
PM: 1000 FT Stable
PF: Mins _ LAND _
PM: 500 FT stable
PF: Continuing
PM: Approaching Minimums
PM: Minimums
PF: Landing
Best angle (-400)
Best angle (-800)
Max rate (-400)
Vref30+140 to 0.82 or UP+60
Max rate (-800)
Vref 30 + 120
Until 0.83
Why is the initial cruise altitude used on the FMC
3 packs remain in high flow until FMC cruise altitude