Automatic Flight and Communications Flashcards
With the center autopilot engaged and the APP switch selected, when do the left and right autopilots engage?
LAND 2 or LAND 3 on AFDS….. yes that is the answer
When V/S is the active pitch mode what possible autothrottle modes could be displayed on the FMA?
The active pitch mode VNAV ALT:
Airplane levels off due to ta conflict between VNAV profile and MCP altitude
The active pitch mode FLCH SPD:
Maintain IAS/Mach window speed with pitch commands
The active pitch mode ALT:
Maintains altitude when pressed, or captures MCP altitude from a V/S or FLCH climb or descent
The active pitch mode V/S:
Pitch commands maintain the rate of climb or descent selected in the V/S window
The active mode
AFDS follows ILS glideslope
The active pitch mode FLARE:
Activates between 60’ and 40’ RA during auto landing
The active pitch mode TO/GA:
Commands pitch attitudes for takeoff and go’around
In flight, when is TO/GA armed:
When flaps out of up or glideslope captured
When executing a missed approach, with the second push of either TO/GA switch, what autothrottle mode is activated?
Which pitch mode does not provide speed protection
IF the A/T flight mode annunciation is blank and the pitch mode is VNAV XXX or FLCH SPD, how can the autothrottles be activated without changing the pitch mode?
Cycling the A/T ARM switch to OFF and back to ARM
A/T activates when SPD switch is pushed only when which pitch modes are active?
After localizer and glideslope capture, how can the localizer and glideslope modes be deactivated?
- Select TO/GA,
or - both flight directors and autopilot OFF.
The amber >AUTOPILOT caution EICAS alert message indicates what?
Selected autopilot operating in degraded mode.
Engaged roll and/or pitch mode may have failed.
If VNAV SPD, FLCH SPD, or TO/GA is active pitch mode, how is AFDS speed protection provided?
Through the elevators
When is autopilot control of the rudder active?
LAND 2/3 annunciated on AFDS
During takeoff roll the autothrottles must be activated by what speed?
50 knots
If SPD is the active autothrottle mode, what are the possible pitch modes?
- ALT,
- G/S,
during takeoff with VNAV armed, at what altitude does VNAV engage?
During takeoff roll the autothrottle mode changes to HOLD at what speed?
65 kts
The BANK LIMIT selector is applicable with what roll mode?
In flight, with the A/P disengaged and both F/D switches OFF, the first F/D switch positioned to ON activates the F/D in which pitch and roll modes?
V/S as the pitch mode and HDG HOLD as the roll mode
The active autothrottle mode THR REF indicates what?
The autothrottle will set thrust to the reference thrust limit displayed on the EICAS
What happens when the APP switch is pushed
- ARM LOC in the roll mode
and - G/S in the pitch mode
The active pitch mode VNAV PTH:
Maintains the FMC altitude or descent path with pitch commands
The AFDS status annunciations are displayed on the PFD. What are the 5 AFDS status annunciations?
- FD,
- CMD,
- LAND 3
- LAND 2,
What does the AFDS status annunciation FD indicate?
Flight director ON, A/P not engaged
What does the AFDS status annunciation CMD indicate?
Autopilot is engaged
What does AFDS annunciation LAND 3 indicate?
3 autopilots engaged and operating normally for autoland
What does AFDS annunciation LAND 2 indicate?
AFDS redundancy reduced,
in some cases only 2 autopilots are available.
Reading from left to right, the FMA’s indicate the current what?
Autothrottle, roll, pitch modes
Which two flight modes always operate together
Autothrottle and pitch modes
The active roll mode LNAV:
Activates when above 50’ and within 2.5 NM of the active leg
The active A/T mode THR indicates what?
The autothrottle will apply thrust to maintain the climb/descent rate required by the pitch mode.
After localizer or final approach course capture, FD roll commands may appear inconsistent with A/P roll maneuvers for how long?
1 to 2 minutes
The active autothrottle mode IDLE indicates:
The thrust levers are moving to idle, IDLE mode is followed by HOLD mode
The active autothrottle mode SPD indicates:
The autothrottle will maintain the command speed set:
Using the
- MCP IAS/Mach selector, or
- the FMC
The active roll mode HDG SEL:
Airplane turns to or maintain the heading set in the MCP heading window
The active roll mode HDG HOLD:
Holds present heading,
when turning, holds the heading reached after rolling wings level.
The active roll mode LOC:
Captures and then follows the Loc when within range and within 120 degrees of the localizer course
The active roll mode TO/GA:
Provides guidance to maintain the ground track present at mode engagement
The active roll mode ROLLOUT:
Applies rudder and nosewheel steering;
To steer the airplane on the localizer centerline,
after touchdown.
The active pitch mode VNAV SPD:
Maintains the FMC speed displayed on the PFD;
the CDU CLIMB or DESCENT pages.
What does an amber horizontal line displayed through the affected ACTIVE pitch and roll modes with the autopilot engaged indicate?
A flight mode fault is detected
Which flight mode operates independently of the other two modes?
Roll mode
Assuming VHF L MIC is selected on the comm panel. How can the crew member talk with ground personnel without selecting the FLT position?
Either the INT position on PTT switch on comm panel or the INT (bottom) position on the control wheel switch.
What is the radio priority for ACARS data communication?
The offside radio tuning light will illuminate if what?
VHF L, HF L, or VHF C are selected on the right radio tuning panel and VHF R, HF R, VHF C are selected on the left radio tuning panel.
What position must the cabin interphone switch be in to make a call from the cockpit to the crew rest area?
Failure of the HF system to tune is indicated by a tone lasting longer than how many seconds?
Which VHF radios can be used for VHF ACARS data communication?
If both HF radios are tuned to the same frequency, is it possible to transmit on the L and R HF radios simultaneously?
If the oxygen mask left stowage door is open, which mic is enabled?
Oxygen mask microphone
The two HF radios share a common antenna and:
Simultaneous use of both HF radios is limited to receive only
For certain pitch modes, cycling the A/T ARM switch is required while others require selection of SPD.
What rule can be used to determine which one to use?
In the Rule of 4’s:
Select SPD if pitch mode has less than 4 letters
- ALT,
- G/S,
- V/S,
- G/P
Cycle A/T ARM switch if pitch mode has more than 4 letters:
Select TO/GA switch if pitch mode equals 4 letters:
To Engage A/T changing the active mode select?
or - FLCH
or - TO/GA if GA is armed
When executing a missed approach, with the second push of either TO/GA switch, what autothrottle mode is activated?
changes from THR to THR REF
What auto throttle mode matches the corresponding speed mode of FLCH SPD?
What auto throttle mode matches the corresponding speed mode of TO/GA?
- THR,
What auto throttle mode matches the corresponding speed mode of VNAV SPD?
- THR,
What are the roll modes?
- TO/GA (ground track)
- LNAV ( 50ft climb, 2.5NM)
- LOC (or APP selected)
There are two types of Pitch Modes, and they are?
- Speed on Pitch;
- Speed on Thrust.
Speed on Pitch works with two logics that are:
- Pitch mode selection adjusts thrust to fixed setting, than remains fixed,
and - The Elevator (stab) adjusts to maintain airspeed.
The VERTICAL modes are:
And the A/T modes are:
Speed on Thrust works with two logics that are:
- Pitch mode selection sets elevator, than remains fixed in position,
and - The Autothrottles continually adjust to maintain airspeed.
The VERTICAL modes are:
- V/S
- G/S
- G/P (-8 only)
And the only A/T mode is:
Vertical Speed mode V/S
Displays selected in _____ ft/min increments.
And, has a range of -/+ _____
100 ft/min increments.
Minus (-) 8000 ft/min
Plus (+) 6000 ft/min
FLCH SPD Logic :
An Algorithm set Thrust
in order to reach the the level in 125 seconds.
Autopilot servos adjust the elevator to maintain the IAS/MACH window selected speed.
With the center autopilot engaged and the Approach (APP) switch selected, when do the left and right autopilots engage?
LAND 2 or LAND 3 on AFDS
When Vertical Speed (V/S) is the active pitch mode, what possible autothrottle modes could be displayed on the FMA?
The Active Pitch mode VNAV ALT:
Airplane levels off due to a conflict between VNAV profile and MCP altitude
The Active Pitch mode FLCH SPD:
Maintains IAS/Mach Window speed with pitch commands
The Active Pitch mode ALT:
Maintains altitude when pressed, or captures MCP altitude from a V/S or FLCH climb or descent
The Active Pitch mode V/S:
Pitch commands maintain the rate of climb or descent selected in the V/S
The Active Pitch mode G/S:
AFDS follows the ILS Glideslope
The Active Pitch mode FLARE:
Activates between 60’ and 40’ RA during automatic landing
The Active Pitch mode TO/GA:
Commands pitch attitudes for takeoff and go-around
In flight, when is TO/GA armed?
With flaps out of up or glideslope captured
When executing a missed approach, with the second push of either TO/GA switch, what autothrottle mode is activated?
Which pitch mode does not provide speed protection?
If the A/T flight mode annunciation is blank and the pitch mode is VNAV XXX or FLCH SPD, how can the autothrottles be activated without changing the pitch mode?
Cycling the A/T ARM switch to OFF and back to ARM
A/T activates when speed (SPD) switch is pushed only when which pitch modes are active?
After localizer and glideslope capture, how can the localizer and glideslope modes be deactivated?
Select TO/GA or both Flight Directors and Autopilot off.
The amber “>AUTOPILOT” caution EICAS alert message indicates what?
Selected autopilot operating in degraded mode. Engaged roll and/or pitch mode
may have failed
If VNAV SPD, FL CH SPD, or TO/GA is the active pitch mode, how is AFDS speed protection provided?
Through the elevators
When is autopilot control of the rudder active?
LAND 2 or LAND 3 annunciated on AFDS
During takeoff roll the autothrottles must be activated by what speed?
50 knots
If SPD is the active autothrottle mode, what are the possible pitch modes?
During takeoff with VNAV armed, at what altitude does VNAV engage?
400’ AFE
During takeoff roll the autothrottle mode changes to HOLD at what speed?
65 knots
The BANK LIMIT selector is applicable with what roll mode(s)?
In flight, with the A/P disengaged and both F/D switches OFF, the first F/D switch positioned to ON activates the F/D in which pitch and roll modes?
Vertical speed (V/S) as the pitch mode and heading hold (HDG HOLD) as the roll mode.
The Active Autothrottle mode THR REF indicates what?
The Autothrottle will set thrust to the reference thrust limit displayed on the EICAS
What happens when the APP switch is pushed?
Arms localizer (or FAC) in roll mode and glideslope (or glidepath) in pitch mode
The Active Pitch mode VNAV PTH:
Maintains the FMC altitude or descent path with pitch commands
The Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) status annunciations are displayed on the Primary Flight Display. What are the five AFDS status annunciations?
What does the Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) status annunciation FD indicate?
Flight Director ON, Autopilot not engaged
The Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) status annunciation CMD indicates what?
Autopilot engaged
The Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) status annunciation LAND 3 indicates what?
Three Autopilots engaged and operating normally for Autoland
The Autopilot Flight Director System (AFDS) status annunciation LAND 2 indicates:
AFDS redundancy reduced, in some cases only two Autopilots available.
Reading from left to right, the Flight Mode Annunciations (FMAs) indicate the current what?
Autothrottle mode, Roll mode, and Pitch mode
The Active Roll mode LNAV:
Activates when above 50’ and within 2 1⁄2 NM of the Active Leg
The Active Autothrottle mode THR indicates what?
The Autothrottle will apply thrust to maintain the climb/descent rate required
by the Pitch mode.
After localizer or final approach course capture, flight director roll commands may appear inconsistent with A/P roll maneuvers for how long?
1 to 2 minutes
The Active Autothrottle mode IDLE indicates:
The Thrust Levers are moving to idle, IDLE mode is followed by HOLD mode
The Active Autothrottle mode HOLD indicates:
The Autothrottle Servos are inhibited and the pilot can set the Thrust Levers manually
The Active Autothrottle mode SPD indicates:
The Autothrottle will maintain the command speed set using the Mode
Control Panel (MCP) IAS/Mach Selector or the FMC
The Active Roll mode HDG SEL:
Airplane turns to or maintains the heading set in the MCP Heading Window
The Active Roll mode HDG HOLD:
Holds present heading. When turning, holds the heading reached after rolling
wings level
The Active Roll mode LOC:
Captures and then follows the Localizer when within range and within 120 degrees of the Localizer Course
The Active Roll mode TO/GA:
Provides guidance to maintain the ground track present at mode engagement
The Active Roll mode ROLLOUT:
Applies Rudder and Nose Wheel Steering to steer the airplane on the Localizer centerline after touchdown
The Active Pitch mode VNAV SPD:
Maintains the FMC speed displayed on the PFD and/or the CDU CLIMB or
What does an amber horizontal line displayed through the affected ACTIVE pitch and roll modes with the autopilot engaged indicate?
A flight mode fault is detected
Which Flight Mode operates independently of the other two modes?
Roll mode