NICE 2ww referral criteria Flashcards
2ww for lung cancer if:
CXR suggests lung cancer
>40y + unexplained haemoptysis
Offer 2-week CXR to >40y with 2+ of:
Cough Fatigue Shortness of breath Chest pain Weight loss Appetite loss
Offer 2-week CXR to ever-smokers with 1+ of:
Cough Fatigue Shortness of breath Chest pain Weight loss Appetite loss
Consider 2-week CXR if >40y with:
Persistent/recurrent LRTI Clubbing Supraclavicular LN Persistent cervical LN Suspicious chest signs Thrombocytosis
2ww for mesothelioma if:
CXR suggests mesothelioma
Offer 2-week CXR to >40y with asbestos exposure + 1+ unexplained:
Cough Fatigue Shortness of breath Chest pain Weight loss Appetite loss
Consider 2-week CXR to >40y with
Chest signs of pleural disease
Offer 2-week direct-access OGD
Offer urgent direct-access OGD to >55y with weight loss and:
- Upper abdo pain
- Reflux
- Dyspepsia
Consider non-urgent direct-access OGD
> 55 + treatment-resistant dyspepsia
Consider non-urgent direct-access OGD
> 55 + upper abdo pain + low Hb
Consider non-urgent direct-access OGD
Consider non-urgent OGD in >55y with raised platelets and
- nausea
- vomiting
- weight loss
- reflux
- dyspepsia
- upper abdo pain
Consider non-urgent OGD in >55y with nausea/vomiting and
- weight loss
- reflux
- dyspepsia
- upper abdo pain
2ww referral for pancreatic cancer if:
> =40y + jaundice