NHPs Flashcards
When did Indian government cease exportation of rhesus macaques?
What group is involved in conservation by listing primates available from research facilities/suppliers within the US?
University of Washington National Primate Research Center publication = Primate Resource Referral Service
What does CITES stand for?
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
What are common characteristics of primates?
Unguiculate, claviculate, placental, orbits encircled by bone, 3 kinds of teeth at one point in life, brain has posterior lobe and calcarine fissure (for vision), opposable digits, hallux with flat nail or none, well-marked caecum, penis pendulous, testes scrotal, always 2 pectoral mammae
What are the primate suborders?
Simians, prosimians (Strepsirrhini and Haplorrhini), tarsiers (genus Tarsius)
What is used to differentiate Indian and Chinese origin macaques?
How are Tarsiers similar to and different from prosimians? How are they similar to simians?
Like prosimians: nocturnal, large eyes, mobile ears, ‘toilet claws’ on foot, 2 part mandible
Unlike prosimians: NO naked rhinarium and dental comb
Like simians: upright lower incisors and a dry, furry nose
What distinguishes monkeys and apes? What are the names of the superfamily monkey and ape?
Monkeys have external tail.
Monkey: Cercopithecoidea
Ape: Hominoidea
What are two families of apes?
Hylobatidae (lesser ape)
Hominidae (greater ape)
Which species are in Hylobatidae (lesser ape)? What characteristic separates them from Hominidae?
Gibbons (Four genera including Hylobates)
They are brachiators
Which species are in Hominidae (greater ape)?
Chimp (Pan troglodytes)
Bonobo (Pan paniscus)
What are the two subfamilies of Cercopithecidae? What is a characteristic distinguishes them?
Cercopithecinae - macaques, baboons, AGM, sooty Mangabey
Colobinae - Colobus monkey
Colobus monkey has pseudoprehensile tail
What is Catarrhini and Platyrrhini? What are some defining characteristics?
Catarrhini = OWP; downward nose, ischial callosity; can convert Vit D2 to D3; some have sex skin and perineal tumescence
Platyrrhini = NWP; flat, broad nose and require Vit D3 in diet
What is superfamily for Platyrrhini (NWP)?
What is Callithricoidea and what families does it contain?
Callithricoidea = superfamily in Platyrrhini infraorder (NWP)
Cebidae - Callitrichinae (marm, tamarin), Cebinae (capuchin), Saimirinae (squirrel)
Aotidae - Aotus (owl)
Pithecidae - contains Callicebinae (Titi monkey)
Atelidae - Alouattinae (Alouatta, Howler), Atelinae (Brachyteles, Ateles - spider, Lagothrix - wooly)
Name characteristics of prosimians e.g. lemurs.
Naked rhinarium, fissured upper lip, most are nocturnal, toilet claw hind limb D2, lower incisors make toothcomb, sublingual structure to clean toothcomb
What is dental formula for Catarrhini, Platyrrhini, and Prosimians
OWP: 2123
NWP: 2133 (except Callitrichids 2132)
Prosimians: 2133
What is placentation of prosimians and tarsiers?
Prosimians: epitheliochorial
Tarsiers: hemochorial
Name characteristics of Catarrhini (OWP).
- Muzzle elongated (degree varies by species)
- Narrowly spaced, turned-down nares
- Ischial callosities for sitting in some species
- Cheek pouches for storing food in some genera of Cercopithecidae
- All have menstrual cycles
- Can utilize Vit D2 in diet
- All diurnal
- All hemochorial placenta
Name characteristics of Platyrrhini (NWP).
- Broadly spaced and laterally flared nares
- Prehensile or pseudoprehensile tails in some species
- Require vitamin D3 in their diet; ingested vitamin D2 is not bioavailable
- All have estrous cycles, except Cebus spp. aka capuchin, which menstruate
- All diurnal, except Aotus spp. (the only nocturnal simian primate)
Characteristics of Callitrichids
- Hallux opposable, but thumb is not
- 2 distinct marking glands: sternal, circumgenital
What is estrous cycle length of marmoset vs tamarin?
28-29 days marmosets, 23-26 days tamarins
Which simian has the most efficient reproduction due to postpartum estrus (lack of lactational anestrus) and twinning?
Marmoset (tamarins twin but do not have postpartum estrus)
What type of twins do Callitrichids have and what is the result?
Dizygotic (fraternal)
Twins are chimeras (even singletons chimeras bc often resorbed other fetus)
How do female callitrichids avoid freemartinism?
Blood chimerism occurs due to placental vascular anastomoses, but females have aromatizing enzyme system thaArt converts androgens to estrone
Are marmosets seasonal or nonseasonal breeders?
Seasonal in wild, nonseasonal in lab
What is gestation length of marmosets vs tamarins?
Marmosets: 148 days
Tamarins: 168 days
Why do callitrichids require a flat surface for sleeping (nest box)?
They need to be able to curl up together and conserve heat
Can marmosets be fed standard NWP diet?
No; they have higher metabolic rate than other NHPs. They would develop hepatic hemosiderosis (have high iron absorption efficiency)
How much Vit D3 do callitrichids need per kg of dry diet?
At least 1000-3000 IU of vit D3/kg dry diet
What causes callitrichid hepatitis?
Caused by feeding neonatal rodents for protein –> LCMV
Which primate is model of ulcerative colitis?
Tamarins. Develop IBD/UC
Which part of intestine is primarily affected in marmosets vs tamarins with IBD?
Marmosets: Small intestine
Tamarins: large intestine
Which primates develop a distinct torpor with hypothermia during sleep
Temp decreases to 93 F - 34.0°C
Which primate is a model of Parkinson’s disease, aging/age-related dz, idiopathic hemochromatosis, and experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (mimics multiple sclerosis in humans)
Which NWPs exhibit little to no sexual dimorphism?
Owl monkeys (Aotus) and Titi monkeys (Callicebus)
What is the only nocturnal simian?
Owl monkey (Aotus), but appears to have evolved from a diurnal ancestor because the eyes retain vestigial features characteristic of diurnal vision (i.e. retinal fovea) and they lack tapetum lucidum like other nocturnal spp
Which primate has varied chromosome number? What other species has this?
Owl monkey (Aotus)
Rice rat (Oryzomys)
What are the two types of owl monkeys?
Red-necked = south of Amazon river eg Aotus nancymaae
Gray-necked = north of Amazon river eg Aotus griseimembra
Which NWPs are monogamous?
Owl monkey (Aotus)
Titi monkey (Callicebus)
What is length of estrous cycle of owl monkey?
15-18 days
Which NWP is sexually receptive at all times of estrous cycle?
Owl monkey (Aotus)
What is gestation length of owl monkey?
Varies by species; eg A. griseimembra = 133 days
What infection is Aotus griseimembra (gray-necked) highly susceptible to?
Malaria - Plasmodium falciparum
How to visually distinguish male and female Saimiri?
(Squirrel monkey)
Peri-auricular hair coat - females > 5 years old have black spot
Which Saimiri species have roman vs gothic arch? What color head does each have?
Gothic: gray-green head; S. sciureus, S. oerstedii, S. ustus
Roman: black head; S. boliviensis, S. vanzolinii
How many chromosomes do Saimiri have?
Which NHP has karyotypic variations that can limit breeding success?
Squirrel monkeys (Saimiri)
Theoretically, 50% of conceptions in hybrid squirrel monkeys could be nonviable
Are females or males dominant in S. sciurius and S. bolivensis?
S. sciurius: males
S. boliviensis: females
Gestation length of Saimiri
150 days
Which NHP has seasonal enlargement of testes concomitant with spermatogenesis?
They also undergo “fatting” where they gain 15% of BW
Which NWP has large fetal size compared to mom (at term infant weights ~18% of dam) causing dystocia to be common (stillbirths) and the infant actively participates once shoulders are out?
Which NWP has allomaternal care of young (multiple females) and males do not contribute?
For squirrel monkeys perches should be greater than ___ in diameter to avoid pressure sores on the dorsum of the base of the tail.
Which two NWPs interact in the wild with one another e.g. one uses the alarm system call of the other, and they may be housed together in captivity?
Saimiri (squirrel) and Cebus (capuchin)
How much Vit D3, Vit C, and Vit B9 is needed in diet of Saimiri?
Vit D3: 1 IU/g of diet to prevent rickets (1000 units per kg)
Vit C: 10 mg/kg per day to prevent scurvy
B9 (folic acid): 200 pg/day
Which primate is used to study glucocorticoid resistance?
Circulating free cortisol is 100x greater than humans or OWPs
Also higher testosterone bc steroid resistance
Which primate is a model of pelvic organ prolapse/human labor and delivery?
Which squirrel monkey species is the best model of Plasmodium falciparum?
S. boliviensis
Which primate is a model of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD)/other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies?
Squirrel monkey PrP (prion protein) gene sequence is 93.8% homologous to the human PrP sequence, which is associated with increased susceptibility
Name subspecies of Macaca mulatta that is Indian and Chinese origin.
Indian-origin: M. m. mulatta
Chinese-origin: M. m. brevicauda
How many chromosomes does Macaca have?
Gestation length of Macaca mulatta vs Macaca fascucularis
Rhesus: 164 days
Cyno: 163.5 days
Menstrual cycle length of macaque, baboon, AGM, and chimp?
Macaque: 28 days
AGM: 30-32 days
Baboon: 33 days
Chimp: 37 days
Are rhesus and cyno macaques seasonal or non-seasonal?
Rhesus: seasonal
Cyno: nonseasonal
Age of sexual maturity for rhesus and cynos.
Rhesus: females at 4.5 years old; males at 6.5 years old
Cynos: females at ~ 3.5 years old; males at 5.5 years old
Which primate has infants that are born black in color and transition to gray after the first few months?
Macaca fascicularis
What is the only CITES I macaque?
Macaca silenus (lion-tailed macaque)
Which macaque is used in HIV research?
Macaca nemestrina (pig-tailed)
Which macaque is a model of male pattern baldness?
Macaca arctoides
Fun fact: infants born white
Which macaque does not have a tail?
Macaca sylvanus (Barbary macaque)
Also: they have paternal care
Which macaque is the snow macaque?
Japanese macaque aka Macaca fuscata
Which macaque has no sex skin, develops NAFLD, and is highly susceptible to Kyasanur forest disease, caused by a tick-borne Flavivirus?
Bonnet macaque aka Macaca radiata
Which NHPs require special attention and enrichment?
- Great Apes
- Restricted Activity
- Infants
- Psychos
- Singly-housed
What temperature to house primates according to the Guide?
64-84F (same as dogs and cats)
What to feed orphaned macaque infants?
- Fed 5–10% dextrose in water q2h for the first 24 h followed by use of commercial formulas
- During the first week, infants should be fed 20–30 ml per feeding every 2–3 h
What is expiration for unstabilized and stabilized Vitamin C?
Unstabilized: 90 days
Stabilized: 180 days
Why should biscuits be soaked in fruit juice instead of water?
because water deteriorates vitamin C
Macaques should be fed ___% of body weight in commercial biscuits BID.
What CITES category are baboons?
Name different species of baboons
- Olive baboon = Papio anubis
- Yellow baboon = Papio cynocephalus)
- Chacma baboons = Papio ursinus
- Hamadryas baboons = Papio hamadryas (desert baboon; remainder are savannah)
How are ischial callosities different between male and female baboons?
- Females have a complete separation between the two ischial callosities
- Males have fusion of the two sides below the anus
What is social structure of savannah vs desert baboon?
Desert = hamadryas; 1-male social unit + females
Savannah = others; multi-male social unit + females
When is sexual maturity in baboons?
females 4-5 years old; males 4-7 years old
How long is gestation in macaques, baboons, AGM, and chimp?
Macaque: 164 days
AGM: 163-165 days
Baboon: 6 months (180 days)
Chimp: 7.5-8 months (227-235 days)
When is ovulation and optimal mating in baboons?
Ovulation usually occurs 1–2 days before deturgescence;
Third day prior to deturgescence is the optimal day for mating
How to diagnose pregnancy in baboons?
- 15-18 days by chorionic gonadotropin in plasma/urine
- 18-21 days U/S
- 20-21 days palpation
What type of placenta do baboons vs macaques have?
Baboons: single discoid placenta like humans.
Macaques: usually bidiscoid
How to monitor ovarian cyclicity in baboons?
- monitoring menses
- cyclic changes in sex skin
- hormone determinations of blood, urine, or feces
What are baboons a model for?
- coronary heart and lung diseases, esp. Bordetella pertussis (whooping cough)
- atherosclerosis, hypertension
- osteopenia
- Diabetes
- genetics (96% similarity to humans)
- stem cell therapies
- Organ transplantation
- reproduction
- hepatitis C (Flavi)
- Respiratory syncytial virus
- vaccine for HIV (Similar immune system to humans
Same IgG subclasses (1, 2, 3, 4) – good for vax development)
Which primate has distinct blue scrotum and red penis?
Chlorocebus (AGM)
How many chromosomes do AGM vs macaques vs baboons have?
Macaques/baboons: 42
AGM: 60
Which primate has matrilineal dominance hierarchy?
African Green Monkey (Chlorocebus)
What is use of AGM in research?
Vero cells (cell line derived from the kidney epithelial cells), Trypanosomiasis, vacces, HIV/AIDS, leishmania, Hypertension, neurologic disease, psychology/social behavior, atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome
Which primate is the best model of Hepatitis C?
Chimp (Pan troglodytes)
When was the NIH moratorium on breeding NIH-owned or supported chimpanzees?
What CITES appendix are Chimp (Pan troglodytes) and Bonobo (Pan paniscus)?
What is chromosome number of chimp?
48 (1 extra chromosome compared to human - human chromosome 2 is fused version of 2 ancestral ape chromosomes)
NIH-supported chimpanzees housing requirements.
- Social groups of no less than 7
- > 20 feet of vertical space
- Maximum density of 250 ft2 per animal
Most common mammalian prey of chimps.
red colobus monkey (Procolobus badius)
AWA Amendment of 1985 established which center that has a database for NHP enrichment?
AWIC (Animal Welfare Information Center)
For smaller NHPs what should pipes/enrichment items be made of?
Thermoneutral materials eg plastic (PVC)
NWPs need relative humidity of at least __%
NHPs are minimal ABSL-_
2 due to unique zoonotic risks
ABSL to study Herpes B virus (Macacine herpesvirus 1)
ABSL-4 in all species
ABSL to study SIV in macaques
ABSL-2 (not aerosol, not fatal)
ABSL to study Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
Mouse/guinea pig: ABSL-2
NHP: ABSL-3 (they cough)
How long is CDC quarantine of NHPs?
31 days
How many TB tests during CDC quarantine?
at least 3 tests at least 2 weeks apart
Tuberculin test reaction grades
0 - no reaction
1 - bruise
2 - erythema
3 - minimum swelling
4 - drooping of eyelid
5 - necrosis
For serodiagnostic testing, what would be first and second assays performed
First, high sensitivity (false positives): EIA (Enzyme Immunoassay), MFIA (Multiplexed Fluorometric Immunoassay)
Second, high specificity: Western Himmunoblot (WIB), indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA), PCR, hemagglutination inhibition
How much blood volume can be collected every 2 weeks?
10-15% of total blood volume
How is CSF different from cisterna magna vs lumbar?
Lumbar has higher total protein/albumin and IgG, lower glucose and potassium
What is preferred site of bone marrow collection in NHP?
Iliac crest
Where to place intraosseous catheter?
Small NHP eg owl monkey: trochanteric fossa of femur
Larger NHPS: proximal anterior tibia
When are the following PHYSICAL restraint techniques appropriate? hand capture with gloves, restraint net, pole-and-collar, tether and vest
Hand capture with gloves if NHP smaller than female rhesus
Restraint nets for NHPs up to 3.5 kg
Pole-and-collar only with PRT
Tether and vest for monitoring, sampling, drug infusion. Takes 1 week to train.
When are the following CHEMICAL restraint techniques appropriate? Pole syringes, hand injection, CO2-powered rifle, CO2-powered pistol, blowpipe
Pole syringes: up to 2m
Hand injection: with restraint cage
CO2-powered rifle: >20m
CO2-powered pistol: <20m
Blowpipe: <15m
According to Animal Care Policy from USDA, when is it acceptable to reduce canine teeth?
As long as pulp not exposed.
Scientifically or medically necessary.
Most frequent isolate of Shigella in NHPs
Shigella flexneri
Non-enteric Shigellosis in macaques
Gingivitis, abortion, air sac infection, post-infective immune-mediated arthritis 3-4 weeks after
What are clinical signs of marmosets with Shigella?
Lethargy, dehydration (no diarrhea)
Gross pathology of Shigella in macaques
Pseudomembranous enterocolitis
Which type of E. coli causes infant diarrhea? What toxins are produced?
EPEC; no toxins
Common marmosets and tamarins are also susceptible
Common type of E. coli in SIV-infected macaques
What is the triad in Yersinia infection?
- Multifocal hepatic/splenic necrosis or abscess formation
- Mesenteric lymphadenopathy
- Ulcerative enterocolitis
How to culture Yersinia
Cold enrichment
Two tests used to identify Strep pneumoniae
- Quellung reaction (capsule swelling causing clearing when add antibodies)
- Optochin test (it’s susceptible –> see clearing around disk)
What species are affected by Pasteurella multocida?
Squirrel and owl monkeys
Squirrel monkeys: unsteady gait, nystagmus, head tilt/circling; meningitis, Otitis media, lymphadenitis, myocarditis (EAR, LYMPH NODES, HEART)
Owl monkeys: pneumonia, pleuritis, meningitis (LUNG, BRAIN)
What is the most common respiratory isolate in NHPs and what special stain can be used? How is it transmitted
Cutaneous (can infect wounds), ingestion, aerosol
Epistaxis in macaques caused by ___ and is associated with ___.
Moraxella catarrhalis
Low humidity
Which NHP infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis closely mimics human disease?
Causes of false positive and false negative for TB test.
FALSE NEGATIVES: Early OR advanced disease, Measles infection OR vaccination d/t immunosuppression, Isoniazid treatment (used for TB)
Freuds complete adjuvant, Trauma of test, Atypical mycobacterium such as M. avium or M. kansasii, Nonspecific reactivity to the vehicle, Vaccination
Ddx for cavitary lesions on thoracic radiographs in NHPs
Tb, Nocardia, Cryptococcus
What is the most common disseminated bacterial infection in simian AIDS?
Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare
What is transmission of Mycobacterium kansasii and M. gordonae?
Environmental; NO animal to animal transmission
Pneumocystis species
P. carinii = rat
P. jirovecci = human
P. murina = mouse
NHP with 1) white plaques in oral cavity and 2) onychomycosis (nail infection) with shortening, erosion, deformation of the nails. Primary differential?
Which fungus visualized with India ink?
What is the scientific name of simian varicella virus and what disease does it cause?
Cercopithecine herpesvirus 9 (alpha); vesicular dermatitis in aberrant host (AGM, Patas, macaque) –> death in 48 hours; Cowdry type A intranuclear inclusion bodies
What is the scientific name of macaque cytomegalovirus? What is hallmark on histo?
Macacine herpesvirus 3. Owl eyes (big cell, INIB)
What is the scientific name of macaque lymphocryptovirus and what syndrome does it cause?
Rhesus LCV (Macacine herpes 4) + SIV = malignant B cell lymphomas + oral lesions resembling hairy leukoplakia (white patch on tongue from Epstein Barr virus)
How to differentiate poxvirus from measles in macaques?
Measles - face, axilla, ventrum
Poxvirus - hands, feet
What are hosts for Kyasanur Forest Disease Virus? What is vector?
Bonnet Macaque - Macaca radiata (MODEL), Langurs (Semnopithecus)
Ixodid tick