Newspaper campaigns Flashcards
What are the 2 newspaper campaigns?
Sarah’s law
Don’t carry Don’t kill
What is the campaign about - Sarah’s law?
Sarah (child) was abducted and murdered by someone on the sex offenders register
Her family said that if they had known, they would’ve taken steps to protect her
What did it seek to change - Sarah’s law?
Change the law - make information about sex offenders available
Ensure parents can make informed decision to protect children
What methods were used in the campaign - Sarah’s law?
The news of the world supported - published news and pictures of people claimed to be sex offenders
A petition in the newspaper - 700,000 to 1,000,000 signatures
Help from politicians was given
What scheme was introduced?
The child sex offender disclosure scheme
What were the campaign successes - Sarah’s law?
700,000 to 1,000,000 signatures on petition
In 2008, there was a pilot (trial) scheme to test the policy
In 2011, the scheme was proven successful so the child sex offender disclosure scheme was introduced
700 paedophiles were identified
1 in 7 applications successful
What were the campaign weaknesses - Sarah’s law?
It was controversial, the news shared photos of people claimed to be paedophiles ( not necessarily true)
Some people’s didn’t like the campaign, found the info uncomfortable/upsetting
What is the campaign about - Don’t carry Don’t kill?
The high knife crime rates
Wants mandatory sentencing for under 18’s (16-17) for carrying knives
What does/did it seek to change?
The punishment for carrying knives
Would-be murderers were getting away with low punishments
Change the law - illegal for teens to carry knives and receive harsher sanctions
What methods were used in the campaign - Don’t carry Don’t kill?
Help from MP’s given
Petition in newspaper
What was the campaign success - Don’t carry Don’t kill?
The law was changed so the anyone over 16 caught with a knife would receive a mandatory 6 month sentence
What were the campaign weaknesses - Don’t carry Don’t kill?
It had a limited reach as it was only promoted through the newspaper ( wouldn’t reach a younger audience -main people it affects)
Knife crime is still a problem ( wasn’t effective enough, not a deterrent)
What can both these campaigns be used for questions on?
Campaigns that led to a change in law
Campaigns using the media/newspapers
What is the newspaper quote for don’t carry don’t kill?
would be killers