New Words Encountered (up to Jan 9 2017) Flashcards
Obdurate (adj)
unable to be persuaded, stubborn
Adjudicate (v)
to make a decision judicially
Surmise (v)
suppose something is true without evidence
Unwarranted (adj)
lacking justification or reasonable support
Belie (v)
fail to give a true notion or impression of something; disguise or contradict
Dearth (n)
scarcity or lack of something
Tacit (adj)
understood without being explicit
Fervent (adj)
great enthusiasm, intensity
Punitive (adj)
designed for the purpose of punishment (e.g. punitive damages)
Stultify (v)
cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a strict or tedious routine
Credence (n)
accepting of something as true
Forebear (n)
an ancestor
Indignation (n)
anger or annoyance provoked by what is perceived as unfair treatment
Mete (v)
to distribute, to give (esp. justice, punishment & harsh treatment)
Inextricable (adj)
impossible to disentangle or separate
Exhort (v)
to urge or advise, or warn
Stymied (v)
to hinder or block
Praxis (n)
practice, as distinguished from theory
Absolve (v)
to set free, pardon
Parity (n)
the state or condition of being equal, analogous
Parochial (adj)
narrow in viewpoint or scope
Warranted (adj)
acceptable, justified, reasonable
Partisan (n/adj)
supporter of a particular ideology, typically to the point of bias or prejudice
Impetus (n)
inciting action, stimulus or cause
Preclude (v)
to make impossible, to exclude from consideration
Eschew (v)
deliberately avoid using; abstain from
Inversely (adj)
directly opposite (in relationships, one goes up while the other goes down)
Didactic (adj)
instructive, teaching (particularly when moral instruction is an ulterior motive)
Redress (v)
to set right a wrong, to correct
Inexorable (adj)
unyielding, unchangeable, impossible to stop or prevent
Formative (v)
serving to form something; esp. in development
Admonish (v)
to scold, or advise against something
Holistic (adj)
comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to a whole
Forbear (v)
to refrain from, to withhold
Explication (n)
explanation, to describe in depth
Circumvent (v)
to go around, to avoid
Impropriety (adj)
inappropriate, unseemly, improper
Impugn (v)
to dispute the truth of
Proscribe (v)
to forbid, to prohibit, or to denounce as harmful and dangerous
Deference (n)
respectfully yielding to something
Ostensibly (adverb)
seeming or appearing to be, apparent
Jurisprudence (n)
the theory or philosophy of law; a legal system
Propriety (n)
conforming to the normal standards of current society, appropriate
Abate (v)
to lessen, to reduce, to become smaller
Derision (n)
insults, mockery, taunts
Unequivocal (adj)
unambiguous and clear of meaning, absolute
Sclerotic (adj)
becoming rigid and unresponsive; losing the ability to adapt
Excoriate (v)
criticize someone severely
Draconian (adj)
(of laws and their application) excessively harsh and severe
Abstruse (adj)
difficult to understand; obscure
Bulwark (n)
a person or thing that acts as a defence
Providence (n)
timely preparation for future eventualities
Nefarious (adj)
(typically of action or activity) wicked or criminal
Cachet (n)
the state of being respected or admired; prestige
Bower (n)
leafy shelter or recess; arbor. Rustic dwelling; cottage
Scourge (n)
cause great suffering to
Verily (adverb)
in truth; really; indeed
Raiment (n)
clothing; apparel
Fetter (n)
anything that confines or restrains
Fain (adj)
gladly; willingly
Bifurcate (v)
to divide or fork into two branches
Loath (adj)
unwilling; reluctant
Imperative (adj/n)
absolutely necessary or required
Exalt (v)
to raise in rank, honor, power etc.; to praise
Clout (n)
strong influence (especially political); or a blow (esp. with hand)
Dichotomy (n)
division in two parts, kinds, etc.
Husband (v)
to use frugally; conserve
Upshot (n)
the final issue, the conclusion
Sanguine (adj)
cheerfully optimistic, hopeful, or confident
Nascent (adj)
beginning to exist or develop
Haughty (adj)
disdainfully proud; snobbish
Cavalier (adj)
haughty, disdainful; offhand or unceremonious
Quixotic (adj)
unrealistic and impractical
Rejoinder (n)
a reply, a sharp or especially witty one