Bi-Week 13: September 18 - October 1 (REVIEW) Flashcards
Exhort (v)
strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something
Parity (n)
the state or condition of being equal; esp. status or pay
Preclude (v)
prevent from happening; make impossible
Didactic (adj)
intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive
Inexorable (adj)
impossible to stop or prevent
Holistic (adj)
characterized as something of which it’s parts are comprehensible as being intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole; all-encompassing
Impugn (v)
dispute the truth, validity or honesty of (a statement or motive)
Proscribe (v)
forbid, especially by law
Uniequivocal (adj)
leaving no doubt; unambiguous
Excoriate (v)
censure or criticize severely
Providence (n)
the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power; (separate meaning: foresight)
Scourge (v)
to cause great suffering to (esp. whip)
Mercantilism (n)
belief in the benefits of profitable trading; commercialism
Pyrrhic victory (n)
a victory or goal achieved at too great a cost
Imbroglio (n)
a confused heap; a misunderstanding
Ignominious (adj)
deserving or causing public disgrace or shame
Travail (v)
engage in painful or laborious effort
Indemnify (v)
compensate someone for harm or loss
Magnate (n)
a wealthy and influential person, usually in business
Repudiate (v)
refuse to accept or be associated with