Bi-week 2: April 10-23 Flashcards
Profligacy (n)
reckless extravagance or wastefulness in the use of resources
Vagary (n)
an unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone’s behavior
Cormorant (n)
a greedy person; also a type of bird
Expedient (adj)
(of an action) convenient and practical, although possibly immoral or improper
Apocryphal (adj)
a doubtful authorship or authenticity
Reconnaissance (n)
preliminary surveying or research
Archipelago (n)
a large group of islands
Penury (n)
extreme poverty; destitution
Temerity (n)
reckless boldness; rashness
Anachronism (adj)
a thing belonging to or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old fashioned
Invective (n)
insulting, abusive or highly critcal language
Impunity (n)
exemption from punishment
Extradite (v)
to give up (an alleged fugitive or criminal) to another state or nation at its request
Coterie (n)
a group of people who associate closely
Incumbent (adj/n)
necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility; (of an official or regime) currently holding office
Fulmination (v)
an expression of vehement protest
Vehement (adj)
showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense
Surfeit (n)
an excessive amount of something
Commensurable (adj)
measurable by the same standard
Vociferous (adj)
(especially of a person or speech) vehement or clamorous
Bellicose (adj)
inclined or eager to fight
Obfuscate (v)
to render obscure, unclear, or unintelligible
Inveterate (adj)
having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change
Prim (adj)
stiffly formal and respectable; feeling disapproval of anything regarded as improper
Recuse (v)
challenge (a judge, prosecutor, or juror) as unqualified to perform legal duties because of a conflict of interest or bias
Surreptitious (adj)
kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of
Pedigree (n)
the recorded ancestry; usually with animals shown to be purebred
Espionage (n)
the act or practice of spying