Bi-Week 14: October 2 - October 15 (REVIEW) Flashcards
Cabal (n)
a small group of secret plotters, usually against some type of authority
Flout (v)
openly disregard
Indigence (n)
a state of extreme poverty
Clairvoyant (adj)
having or claiming to have the ability to perceive events in the future or beyond sensory contact
Extemporaneous (adj)
spoken or done without preparation; impromptu
Concomitant (adj)
naturally accompanying or associated
Enjoin (v)
to prescribe (a course of action) with authority or emphasis
Vitiate (v)
to impair the quality of
Purvey (v)
to provide or supply usually as a business
Congenital (adj)
present from birth
Aver (v)
to state or assert to be the case
Polemic (n)
a strong verbal or written attack on someone or something
Buttress (n/v)
a source of defence or support
Artifice (n)
clever or cunning devices or expedients, especially as used to trick or deceive others
Expedient (n)
a means to attaining an end, especially on considered immoral or improper
Fecund (adj)
very productive or creative intellectually
Putative (adj)
commonly regarded as such; reputed
Virulent (adj)
(of a disease or poison) extremely harmful in it’s effects
Inundate (v)
overwhelm (someone) with things or people to be dealt with
Consternation (n)
feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected