Bi-Week 9: July 24 - August 6 Flashcards
Prodigal (adj)
spending money or resources freely and recklessly
Indelible (adj)
making marks that cannot be removed
Cognoscenti (n)
people who are considered to be especially well informed about a particular subject
Amorous (adj)
showing, feeling, or relating to sexual desire
Irascible (adj)
having or showing a tendency to be easily angered
Odious (adj)
extremely unpleasant; repulsive
Clement (adj)
mild or merciful
Execrable (adj)
utterly detestable; abominable
Assiduous (adj)
showing great care and perseverance; unremitting
Visceral (adj)
relating to deep inward feelings rather than to the intellect
Ecclesial (adj)
pertaining to a church
Pernicious (adj)
causing insidious harm or ruin (esp. in gradual or subtle way)
Portmanteau (n)
a large trunk or suitcase, typically stiff leather and opens into 2 equal parts
Abstruse (adj)
difficult to understand; obscure
Recondite (adj)
little known