New study material Flashcards
Accordingly to 21-901, reckless and negligent driving laws may be enforced on private roadways?
How many feet away can someone play music before its too loud?
50 feet
13-402, says new residents of the state have to register their vehicle if the vehicle is displaying a valid registration issued by another jurisdiction is how long?
60 days
13-414, how long does a person have to notify the MVA of name and address change?
30 days
How many MPH below the posted speed limit, must a vehicle drive in the right lane of traffic?
10 MPH
21-602, a U turn may not be conducted near a curve or hill crest within_____ feet?
500 feet
How many feet do you have to use your turn signal before turning?
100 feet
How many feet to stop for a school bus using its lights?
20 feet
How many owners of a vehicle or a non profit organization must apply to the MVA for the assignment of special registration plates before the MVA will issue them?
How many points must a person accumulate on their license before the MVA tells them they must attend a driver improvement program?
5 points
How long does a deputy have to complete a use of force report after a deadly force or weapons discharge?
end of tour of duty
How many days to complete a detailed report of a deadly force situation?
5 days
How long will the sheriff’s office hold guns after the issuance of the final protective order is issued?
duration of the order
All holding cell areas to which detainees have access should be searched . Its the duty of the_____to insure the inspection is completed, documented, in writing, all repairs are made, and a_____ inspection file is maintained.
ALSB sgt, Weekly
ICS is an acronym for?
Incident command system
During a tier 2 or 3, the primary assembly area will be________?
Calvert County sheriff’s office headquarters
The large containment area that completely surrounds the inner perimeter is?
Outer perimeter
New cops probation is how many years?
1 year
Bomb threats, the radio transmission will be turned off within_____ feet?
To be a hostage negotiation, you must have at least___ years of experience?
3 years
CBRn stands for?
Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear
Holding cell inspections are documented on what?
Shift summary
Commander of the _____bureau is responsible for the command bus?
Maximum amount of days of annual leave (25 days) is granted once an employee reaches_____years of service?
Control center will hold phone and radio conversations for how many days?
AEDS are to be visually inspected by a supervisor___?
How many cash accounts?
Shoe/boot allowance is____?
100 bucks
How long will mourning bands be worn for a death of a Calvert cop?
30 days
Body armor gets replaced every___ years?
Folding knives blade cant exceed____inches?
A report of a domestic assault may be made within___ hours for a warantless arrest to be made?
48 hours
Office of professional standards fall under the direct supervisor of_____?
Ass Sheriff
How many copies of a airline notification must be carried with the deputy?
Alcohol must not be consumed____ hours before flying with a prisoners?
Juvenile offenders shall not be held in a secure area for not more than___ hours?
Juvenile has the right to have a parent with them while be questioned?
Only if it’s a non-custodial interview
Quarterly inspections must be turned into their bureau commander within___ days of the start of the new quarter?
15 days
Any weapon found after passing through the metal detector shall be held where?
Duty office area
On-duty intrastate travel is approved by who?
Bureau commander
Sheriff may take away your vehicle for unsatisfactory performance twice within a____ month period?
6 month
High risk traffic stop, vehicle parks between?
20-30 from suspects vehicle and off set by 3 feet
Deputies will submit copies of tickets when?
prior to securing of their days off
Routine hit and run accidents which are reported within ___ hours, will be investigated and reported.
In regards to a bomb threat, no search will be conducted___mins before and after the alleged detonation?
High risk traffic stops, the second police vehicle will pull up beside the first at an angle____feet from the first?
During priority 1 responses, cops will comply with transportion article___?
Bomb threat is priority___ response?
CCSO will defer payment for ____ days on vehicles towed to our impound lot, during which time a final disposition will be pursued?
How long to make an appointment with the states attorney after a felony arrest?
48 hours
In order to apply for a protective order, the act must have occurred within 30 days of the filling?
False, applies to peace orders, not protective orders
Which is not a weapon? Switchblade, razor, a penknife without a switchblade, or a star knife?
a penknife without a switchblade
Which is not a definition of a handgun? Short barreled shotgun, pistol, short barreled rifle, or rifle?
Child’s access to a firearm mean an individual under the age of___?
In order for a person to be convicted of wearing or carrying a dangerous weapon, or about the person, the weapon must be absolutely invisible?
False. Crosby V State
Oversight of the property management system is the responsibility of the______?
Assistant Sheriff.
Obstruction to a drivers view, a police officer may enforce a violation for an object, material,or obstruction hanging from the rear view mirror as a secondary action only?
A short barreled shotgun is____inches?
A short barreled rifle is_____inches?
The MVA may extend the temp registration for a vehicle for a period not to exceed_____ days?
Fleet means_____or more vehicles?
A dealership may permit the prospective buyer to drive the vehicle under that plate for a period of not more than______days from the date of delivery of the vehicle to the prospective buyer,
The person to whom a temporary parking placard was issued under this section shall return the placard to the Administration within_____ calendar days of the placard’s expiration.
The license authorizes the student to drive in the state of which he is a resident vehicles of the class he is driving in this State a new resident of this State during the first____days of residency,
Every vehicle shall emit a red tail lamp plainly visible from a distance of at least____ feet to the rear.
Change to low beam at least____ feet
before meeting oncoming vehicles.
Change to low beam when following a
vehicle at a distance of___ feet or less.
Whenever a motor vehicle equipped with required headlamps also is equipped with any auxiliary lamps or a spot lamp or any other lamp on its front projecting a beam of intensity greater than_____ candlepower, not more than___ of these lamps on the front of a vehicle may be lighted at any one time when on a highway.
300, 4
Failure to apply within___ hours for replacement of affixed (current reg. plate,
tabs) after (loss, theft, damage)
Failure to remove and return reg. plates___ days after vehicle transfer.
Commercial driver failure to notify MVA within___ days of (name, address) change
Holder of commercial driver’s license must apply for commercial driver’s license
within____days of establishing residency.
Owner failure to surrender reg. evidences within___hours after notice of suspension.
Failure of vehicle driver within___ days after accident resulting in (bodily injury, death) to furnish req. report to MVA.
Driver failure to stop vehicle__ to___ feet from nearest railroad crossing rail.
Stopping vehicle on hwy. with less than____ ft. visibility
Parking vehicle within____ feet of rail at railroad grade crossing.
Failure to notify police dept. within___ hour after (towing, removing) vehicle from lot.
How old can someone get married?
15 years old
Where is the effective date on manual page?
Lower right corner
How much is considered a volume dealer of Marijuana?
50 lbs
How long to report a death of a minor?
5 hours
How often is the property room inspected?
Age range for explorers?
Departmental shooting will be investigated by?
IID and State Police
Who is responsible for making sure employees keep Psych appointments?
Bureau commander
CCSO employees involved in a fatal departmental accident_____be required to submit to a drug and alcohol test?
How long to put a missing person into NCIC?
two hours
SMCJA established when?
5 types of written guidelines?
General orders
Personnel orders
Who is responsible for revision to the manual?
AJSB Commander.
Manual revision drafts will be circulated to who?
Asst. Sheriff
Affected bureau
What personnel can see a manual draft revision?
All personnel unless marked confidential
Can a co-signer withdrawal co-signer ship of a vehicle?
Is an antique firearm considered a firearm?
Ingestion of bodily fluid by force is a_____?
Is signing a counseling form by the employee optional?
Crash recon team time frame to finish report is when?
30 days
HAZMAT distance away is____?
1500 feet
What forms are completed by the supervisor for an exposure?
- First report of injury
- exposure form
Employee counseling form_____be placed in personnel files?
Co-signer can withdraw from juvenile provisional license with?
Signed letter to the MVA
Who approves blue team entry after supervisors approval?
Bureau commander
Failing weapons range, what happens?
- Retrain within 5 days
- 15 days suspended
- termination
Unexcused school absences deny your ability for a learners permit for a juvenile. How many days?
Harboring a escaped inmate is what?
Rape first degree?
Any sexual intercourse without consent and by force.
• First Degree – engaging in vaginal sexual intercourse with another without her consent by force, using weapons, strangling or inflicting serious physical injury, threatening with death, serious injury, or kidnapping, or committed with another’s help or during a burglary
Rape second degree?
In addition to vaginal intercourse, as of 10-1-2017, a
sexual act with another by force, or threat of force, without the consent of other is covered under rape.
Vaginal intercourse without consent and by force. 14 and 4
engaging in vaginal intercourse with another 1) without his or her consent by force or threat, 2) with a mentally or physically incapacitated person (includes drunk, high, or unconscious) when the defendant knows of his or her condition, or 3) the victim is under 14 years old and the defendant is at least 4 years older than the victim
Sexual Offense third degree?
…did unlawfully commit a sexual offense in the third degree upon ____(name) in violation of CR 3-307 of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
NOTE: Probable Cause is established if the defendant engaged in sexual CONTACT with another person:
- Without the consent of the other person and included one or more of the following aggravating factors:
a. Defendant employed or displayed a dangerous or deadly weapon or an object the victim reasonably believed to be such a weapon; or
b. Defendant inflicted suffocation, strangulation,
disfigurement or serious injury upon the victim or another person in the course of committing the crime; or
c. Defendant threatened or placed the victim in fear that the victim or another person known to the victim would be immediately subjected to suffocation, strangulation, disfigurement, serious physical injury,or kidnapping; or
d. Defendant had one or more co-defendants;
- Defendant engaged in sexual contact with a victim who is substantially cognitively impaired, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless and the defendant knew or should reasonably have known of the victim’s condition.
- Defendant engaged in a sexual contact with a victim was under 14 years of age and the defendant was 4 or more years older.
- Defendant engaged in sexual ACT or vaginal intercourse with another person who was 14 or 15 years of age and the defendant is at least 21 years of age.
Sexual offense fourth degree?
Sexual contact- any sexual touching without consent
Sexual act or vaginal sex 14 or 15 and suspect is 4 years older.
• Fourth Degree – any of the following:
• Engaging in sexual contact without the other’s consent
• Engaging in a sexual act or vaginal sex with a 14 or 15 year old when the defendant is at least 4 years older
• Engaging in a sexual act, sexual contact, or vaginal sex with a child under 18 who at the time of the sexual activity was a student enrolled in a school where the person was in a position of authority (i.e. a principal, coach, teacher, or counselor who’s at least 21 years old, employed by the school, and was in a supervisory position over the student)
Every headlamp on every motor vehicle, including every motorcycle, shall be located at a height of not more than____ inches nor less than____ inches.
54, 22 inches
Either a tail lamp or a separate lamp shall be constructed and placed to illuminate, with a white light, the rear registration plate and render it clearly legible from a distance of____ feet to the rear.
Consent sex
12 year old and 16 year old +?
2nd degree rape
Consent sex
13 year old and 17 year old +?
2nd degree rape
Consent sex
14 year old and 18, 19, and 20 year old?
4th degree sex offense
Consent sex
15 year old and 19, and 20 year old?
4th degree sex offense
Consent sex
14 year old and 21 year old +?
3rd degree sex offense
Consent sex
15 year old and 21 year old +?
3rd degree sex offense?
Historic tag is how old?
20 years.
Failure to remove and return registration plates_____days after vehicle transfer?
The Public Information Program Assistant (PIPA) is assigned to the_________?
Criminal Investigations Bureau
Standing or parking vehicle within____feet of flashing signal, stop or yield sign, or traffic control device?
Towing or removing from a parking lot a vehicle more than_____miles from parking lot.
Failure of vehicle driver to pass safely at a distance of at least ____feet when overtaking a bicycle, EPAMD, or motor scooter?
Operating a motor vehicle without lighted head lamps while operating windshield wipers is a _______action only?
Failure of warning lights to be visible from not less than _______feet at night?
Failure to place adequate warning device for disabled vehicle on highway within _____feet of curve?
Failure to display___red flags on roadway for disabled vehicles.
All approved MPCTC training modules require verification of an employees successful completion with a minimum score of_____% to pass?
In order to be considered a “cohabitant” the person must have had a sexual relationship with the respondent and resided with the respondent in the home for a period of at least_____days within____year of the filing?
90, 1
A person who lawfully possessed an assault pistol before June 1, 19__, and registered the weapon prior to August 1, 19__, may continue to have the pistol.
A person who is convicted of the misdemeanor crime of trespassing is subject to imprisonment not exceeding ____days or a fine not exceeding $____ or both.
90 days, $500
Lodging further than ____ miles from Prince Frederick?
FTO program lasts a minimum of____ days?
A person may not drive a Class A (passenger) or Class M (multipurpose) vehicle on a highway if the maximum speed capability of the vehicle does not exceed the posted maximum speed limit for the highway by at least____ miles per hour.
A vehicle may not be towed or otherwise removed from a parking lot to a location that is____miles away?
An individual may not drive a Class E (truck) vehicle on a highway in the State while a passenger under the age of____ years is riding in an unenclosed bed of the vehicle.
Every vehicle on a highway in this State, at any time when, due to insufficient light or unfavorable atmospheric conditions, persons and vehicles on the highway are not clearly discernible at a distance of____ feet ahead.
If the vehicle identification number on a vehicle is destroyed or obliterated, the Administration may assign a distinguishing number to the vehicle and issue to its owner a stamped or special plate bearing the distinguishing number. The plate shall be affixed to the vehicle in the position that ________?
the Administration determines.
How long are temporary registrations issued while an application for registration and certificate of title is pending, valid for?
For a period determined by the administration
What is the max time a temporary authorization certificate issued by a the administration can be valid for?
Not to exceed 15 days.
Each dealer who has applied for temporary registration plates under § 13–606 of this subtitle shall keep a record for____years of all temporary registration plates delivered to the dealer.
The dealership may permit the prospective buyer to drive the vehicle under that plate for a period of not more than____ days from the date of delivery of the vehicle to the prospective buyer, to utilize a dealer tag.
16-407, A point assessed under this subtitle shall be retained for a period of____ years from the date of violation.
If a motor vehicle strikes and injures a domestic animal, the driver of the motor vehicle immediately shall notify the appropriate State or local police of the accident.
In each volunteer fire company, no more than____ of the following officers may have their privately owned vehicles equipped with red lights or signal devices which may be displayed only while on route to or at the scene of an emergency?
If a parent or guardian needs to leave a child who is younger than____ years old, the parent or guardian must ensure that a reliable person, who is at least___ years old will stay to protect the child.
In Maryland, a child under the age of___ years may not be left unattended at home, at school, or in a car.
A Patrol Bureau________will be responsible for the re-supplying of all forms.
MVA may not issue a moped operators permit to an individuals who license to drive is…
Suspended, cancelled, or revoked
Maryland motorcycle license plate size?
Maryland tag is how big?
On request of the Respondent who is not otherwise prohibited from possessing firearms and/or ammunition, the Agency shall return the firearms and/or ammunition to the Respondent no later than:
a. 14 days after the expiration of an Interim or Temporary Order;
b. 14 days after the court terminates a Final Order; or
c. 48 hours after the expiration of the Final Order.
First-degree murder in Maryland is a deliberate, premeditated (previously considered), and willful killing of a human being committed by lying in wait for a victim, by poisoning, or while committing or attempting any of the following violent felonies:
Always Be Better Cause Everyone Keeps Making Really Really Shitty Movies
-Arson (1st degree only)
-Burning a barn, stable, or warehouse that contains cattle, horses, or goods
-Burglary (all but 4th degree)
-Escape from custody
-Rape or 1st or 2nd degree sexual offense
-Manufacturing or possession destructive devices
Parking vehicle within_____ feet of a crosswalk?
Parking vehicle within____feet of fire hydrant?
Summary resolution may not exceed_____days suspension without pay, or a fine of_______.
3 days $150
In charging someone with reckless driving, the act must harm someone before they can be charged?
Third degree sexual offense is sexual______?
Failure to equip vehicle with the required rear red stop lamp visible from a distance of not less than____feet to the rear in normal sunlight.
Monthly, supervisors will select and review a minimum of ____body camera incidents involving their personnel to ensure the BWC is being used properly and to ensure policy compliance.
The 30 round magazines will contain____ rounds?
Burglary 1st degree?
A person may not break into a dwelling of another to commit theft.
Burglary 2nd degree
A person may not break into the storehouse of another with the intent to commit theft, a crime of violence, or arson.
3rd degree burglary
A person may not break into the dwelling of another with the intent to commit a crime.
Fourth degree burglary
A person may not break and enter the storehouse or dwelling of another.
Burglary 1st-4th.?
D. S. D. D and S.
4th-Dwelling and storehouse.
21-901 Aggressive driving needs to be____during a single event.
3 or more violations
Parking vehicle within___ inches of a curb?
A storehouse can be a_______ or_______?
Business or detached garage
Home invasion?
…did break and enter the dwelling with the intent to commit a crime of violence
A person intentionally strangling another is covered
under this charge?
1st degree assault
How much money is in the petty cash fund established by the CCSO?
Patrol supervisors or designee will visit satellite offices how often?
Once a week
How many days does a deputy need to be in an acting position to receive the pay for that position?
31 days
All performance evaluation reports for the CCSO will be retained for how long?
5 years
How many employees are selected for the drug and alcohol testing and during what part of the year?
10 employees are selected randomly; Quarterly
How long does an employee have to report to the testing facility after being notified of the random drug & alcohol test?
2 hours
Alcohol testing after an agency department accident or incident, involving death or serious bodily injury and/or property damage, will be completed within?
Within 2 hours of the accident
Citizen and internal professional standards investigations will be completed within ____days upon receipt by the assigned investigator?
Within 90 days
Departmental accident investigations will be completed within ____days upon receipt by the assigned investigator?
within 30 days
How long does an employee have to notify the TASER Coordinator to have the recorded data downloaded?
72 hours
Who oversees all proceedings involving fugitives?
CIB Commander or designee
What violations can someone 14 years and older be charged as an adult?
1st Degree Murder, 1st Degree Rape, Dynamiting/Bombing Property or Conspiracy or attempt to commit any of the listed violations
How many deputies will be present during the interview/interrogation of juvenile suspects?
Juvenile detainees must be separated by ______ and _______from adult detainees, except when they are being what?
Sight and sound; Being fingerprinted and photographed
What law gives a defendant the right to an attorney prior to their initial appearance before the District Court Commissioner?
DeWolfe v. Richmond
If someone intentionally strikes an Agency vehicle or deputy, what happens?
Criminal charges will be placed against the other driver and NO accident report will be written
A deputy, who uses the PIT maneuver, is required to complete an accident report?
All documents pertaining to departmental accident are to be submitted within _____days of the date of the accident?
As necessary, the Operations Section Chief will establish what?
Inner perimeter, Outer perimeter, Control zone, and traffic control points as necessary
Who directs the gathering of information and intelligence, which it disseminates through the Initial Action Plan or other means?
The Planning Section
MCAC stands for what?
Maryland Coordination and Analysis Center
Adult victims of a sexual assault may make an initial report if the incident occurred within?
120 hours
Who is responsible for the authorization, distribution and use of surveillance and covert equipment?
The CIB Commander
The dispatcher will check on the deputy _____ minutes after arriving on scene and every _____ minutes thereafter?
5 and 5
Supplements for open case will be submitted when?
Every 10 days until the case is successfully closed or suspended
How much Naloxone (Narcan) is placed in an individual’s nostril?
Those case that have been adjudicated with a finding of non-sustained, exonerated, or unfounded, will be expunged after _______, pursuant to LEOBR?
3 years
All overpasses that are less than _____ feet high are required to display a sign denoting the height of the overpass?
14.5 feet
A vehicle traveling on any roadway at a speed of _____ MPH must display a slow moving vehicle emblem?
A slow moving vehicle emblem must be a triangle at least _____ inches tall with a 1 3/4 inch reflective red border with a fluorescent______ center?
14, Orange
A person may not drive a vehicle that is designed with a maximum speed of more than 25 miles per hour and less than___ miles per hour on a highway unless the vehicle properly displays a limited speed vehicle emblem?
The limited speed vehicle emblem must be display on the rear of the vehicle between _____ and _____ feet from the ground?
3 and 5
A person may not stop, leave standing or park a vehicle within _____ feet of a safety zone unless otherwise indicated.
A person may not stop, leave standing or park any vehicle within _____ feet of a fire station entrance and within____feet if it is properly posted?
A person may not follow within _____ feet of any fire apparatus responding to a fire alarm?
A person may not stop within _____ feet of any fire apparatus that is stopped in response to a fire alarm?
A person may not operate a for-hire limo designed to carry _____ or fewer passengers including the driver, unless the driver has a for-hire license?
All persons operating a bicycle or motor scooter in a public bicycle area has?
All rights granted to and is subject to all the duties required of the driver of a vehicle.
A motor scooter my not be operated at a speed greater than _____ MPH?
An EPAMD may not be operate at a speed greater than _____ MPH?
A person may not operate a EPAMD on any roadway where there are sidewalks adjacent to the roadway or the posted maximum speed limit is more than _____ MPH?
Every bicycle or motor scooter must be equipped with a braking system capable of stopping from a speed of 10 MPH within ______ feet?
Any person under the age of _____ is required to wear a helmet while operating a bicycle, in a restraining seat attached to the bicycle or in a trailer being towed by the bicycle?
A person under the age of _____ may not ride on a skateboard or inline skate without wearing a helmet?
A person my not operate a bicycle, motor scooter or EPAMD while wearing _____?
Headphones, earphones or ear plugs that cover both ears
A person my not hitchhike, ______ or _____ on any “Authority Highway”?
Pick up or discharge passengers
Every tail lamp on every vehicle shall be located at a height of not more than___ inches nor less than____ inches?
72, 20
Special mobile equipment (trailer) that do not obstruct the tail lamps, stop lamps and turn signals and do not extend more than _____ feet from the rear of the towing vehicle are not required to be equipped with lamps?
Reflectors required by § 22-208 of this subtitle shall be mounted at a height of not more than___ inches nor less than___inches above the ground on which the vehicle stands?
60, 15
Every vehicle operated on a highway shall be equipped with a horn that can be heard from a distance of at least _____ feet?
Every emergency vehicle shall be equipped with a siren, whistle or bell that can be heard from a distance of at least _____ feet?
Upon notification, the administration may suspend the license of a person that is _____ days out of compliance of paying child support?
Abandoned vehicle” means any motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer left on private or public property for____hours?
Article 25?
Abandoned vehicles
According to MD vehicle law 25-113, race based reporting of traffic stops, a stop based on LPR technology does not need to be reported?
Knowingly helping another person to obtain or possess personal identifying information of another person without their consent is considered identity fraud?
K9 master and supervisor will obtain CDS from the property room_____, for training?
Legal age to consent to sex is?
Mere suspicion is not enough to establish PC?
FMLA is how many weeks?
A search warrant will be executed within____ days after it was issued?
In accordance with the Education Article (ED §7-303 (b)) of the Annotated Code of Maryland, if
a student who is enrolled in the public school system is arrested for a reportable offense or an
offense that is related to the student’s membership in a criminal gang, the deputy making the
arrest shall notify the superintendent of Calvert County Public Schools of the arrest and the
charges within_____ hours of the arrest or as soon as practicable?
_______, prior to the beginning of each school year, the school liaison deputies meet with
various members of the school administrations to review the events and issues of the previous
school year to determine what changes/improvements can be made?
To be charged as an accessory after the fact, the accessory must take some action to assist the felon avoid the consequences of his crime, and must not be guilty of the underlying felony principal?
Adopting a false identity in order to avoid arrest is not a crime as long as the identity assumed is fake?
Identity fraud may include assuming the identity of another to avoid apprehension or with fraudulent intent to get something of value?
Pursuant to the Maryland Rules and consistent with LEOBR, appeals shall be filed within_____ days from the date of the Agency’s decision regarding disciplinary action.
A copy of the written reprimand____ be
retained in the employee’s personnel file.
The 4 types of formal disciplinary action are?
Written reprimand
Summary Resolution
Trial Board
A deputy so suspended will be entitled to a prompt hearing generally within____ hours
during normal working hours.
After completing the Property Inventory Sheet, the supervisor will then submit the property to include the firearm to the__________.
Property manager
The suspended employee shall also call in with the Agency’s designated contact person at____ hours and_____ hours each normal business day.
1000 hours and 1400 hours
The Disciplinary Matrix separates
discipline recommendations into (6) categories labeled A through F, with____ as the lowest
level of discipline and____ as the highest.
A, F
The Office of Professional Standards will conduct a_____ audit of each secondary employment request.
Deputies shall not work more than____ hours per day during their regular tour of duty.
________, the Office of Professional Standards Commander will provide the Sheriff with a
statistical report of Office of Professional Standards matters undertaken during the previous
Vehicle accidents that are found to be preventable (sustained) will be kept_______?
Those accidents that are found to be non-preventable, will be automatically expunged after____ years?
INFORMAL GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES will be reported to supervisor within _____ days of the occurrence?
FORMAL GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES will be written on a detailed report within_____days, to Bureau commander?
BWC- Evidentiary Recordings for how long?
3 years
BWC- Non-Evidentiary Recordings for how long?
1 year
BWC -Recordings capturing evidence in a homicide or police involved shooting for how long?
The specimen of breath or blood will be taken within____ hours after the accused person is
The suspect must be seen by the DRE within_____ hours of arrest?
How long will we keep accident reports?
5 years
A K9 handler has three attempts to pass the fitness
test, then what happens?
a. the initial test;
b. one within 30 days following the initial test; and
c. one within 90 days following the initial test, the date to be determined by the K-9 Supervisor.
If failed, termination from K9.
_____ hours of motorcycle operation in-service must be satisfactorily completed annually in order to maintain certification.
The Administration shall issue a salvage certificate within____ days after the date of settlement?
A special registration number assigned under this section may consist of any combination of not more than___ letters and numerals?
Special disability registration plates can be issued to someone unable to walk____ feet without stopping to rest?
Any person to whom special registration plates have been issued under the law relating to common carriers, as set forth in § 13-423(a) of this title, may, after notifying the Administration of his intention to do so: Transfer, for a period of not more than____ days, the registration plates to a motor vehicle owned by a manufacturer; and Operate the vehicle over the existing route or routes for a trial or demonstration period.
If a person is convicted of driving or attempting to drive a motor vehicle while the driver’s license of the person is suspended or revoked the Administration may, after a hearing, suspend, for not more than____ days, the registration of the motor vehicle.
On issuance in this State of an original or subsequent certificate of title for a vehicle, the vehicle is exempt from the excise tax imposed by this part, if it is a mobile home over___ feet long?
“Farmer” means any person who raises, grows, and produces farm products on a farm of at least____ acres; or Keeps at least____ hives of bees for the pollination of orchards and farm crops and the commercial production of honey?
3, 25
“vintage registration plate” means a Maryland registration plate that was actually issued for display on a motor vehicle in a year not less than___ years prior to January 1 of each calendar year.
In this section, “street rod” means a motor vehicle that Is___ years old or older?
The Administration may not issue a Class M license to an individual under the age of____ years unless the individual has also completed satisfactorily a motorcycle safety course?
The Administration may not issue a provisional license to any individual who has not reached the age of__ years,_____ months.
16 and 6
The Administration may not issue a driver’s license to an individual who is____ years old or older and applying for a new license?
On application, the Administration shall issue a moped operator’s permit to an applicant who is___ years of age or older?
The driver education program approved under Subtitle 5 of this title, consisting of at least___ hours of classroom instruction and at least___ hours of highway driving instruction?
30, 6
A license issued under this title to a driver under the age of 21 years shall expire not later than____ days after the driver’s 21st birthday?
The Administration shall expunge the public driving record of a licensee if the licensee has not been convicted of a moving violation or a criminal offense involving a motor vehicle for the preceding___ years?
If a regulated firearm that is lost or stolen, the owner shall report the loss or theft to the local law enforcement agency within_____ hours after the owner first discovers the loss or theft?
72 hours
On the order of competent authority, an employee will submit to the following:
• Fitness for Duty Evaluation
• Drug/Chemical Testing
• Psychological Examination
• Polygraph Examination
• Photo Array
In accordance with LEOBR, complaints alleging brutality will be notarized and filed within____
days of the date of the alleged incident.
The Sheriff’s Office will recognize the following categories of force when investigating
complaints of alleged brutality?
-Unnecessary Force
-Aggressive Force
-Excessive Force
Courtesy complaints apply to any coarse, profane, or insolent language and/or an action performed by an Agency employee, acting in their official capacity, which is deemed offensive to another person. Complaints of this nature_____ require the written complaint to be notarized.
Will not
Employee counseling forms are an
official record that_____ inserted into the employee’s F&I file for that performance rating period.
will be
An employee serving a probationary period on initial appointment is not covered under LEOBR, except in the case of alleged______ by a sworn employee.
police brutality
The bureau commander will review the detailed report, endorse it with the recommended discipline and forward it to the Assistant Sheriff.
LEOBR discipline
Pursuant to the provisions of the LEOBR, a deputy may appeal a decision rendered by a hearing board to the __________ and then the_______?
Circuit Court of Calvert County, and then the Court of Special Appeals.
The_______ will have the sole responsibility for conducting the suspension hearing.
Hearing Officer
Complaints of a minor nature (categories A – C) will be reported at least______?
Deputy getting into trouble.
The Assistant Bureau commander, the Bureau commander, and the Assistant Sheriff all have ____ days to endorse the discipline actions against an
Generally, pursuant to the LEOBR, the discovery package will be delivered to the respondent or his/her attorney at least____ days prior to the hearing.
A portion of the Unidentified Person file (Missing Person) records will be validated______, as described in the NCIC users manual, if not located in NCIC.
____ grams or more of cocaine?
_____ grams or more of any mixture containing a detectable amount, as scientifically measured using representative sampling methodology, of cocaine?
____ grams or more of cocaine base, commonly known as “crack”?
____ grams or more of fentanyl or any structural variation of fentanyl that is scheduled by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration;
___ ounces or more of phencyclidine in liquid form?
May operate the golf cart only on a highway on which the maximum posted speed limit does not exceed ____miles per hour?
In the event the action of the Grievance Review Board does not satisfy the employee, he/she may, within______ working days of receiving the Board’s findings in writing, appeal the findings of the Grievance Review Board to the Sheriff.
The Sheriff will notify the employee in writing, within______ working days, of his findings, which will be final and binding.
This record, with all attendant documents, will be preserved for not less than______ years in the main personnel file section.
Sexual harassments complaints
Upon receipt of a written complaint, the supervisor or administrative staff will immediately conduct a complete and thorough investigation. This investigation will be completed within_____ days after receipt of the written complaint and the employee will be advised of the findings and conclusion.
An employee may accrue up to a maximum of how many Comp time hours per year?
For recertification as a law enforcement officer, the CCSO complies with the MPCTC standard that requires a deputy receive at least?
18 hours
Employees, who reside within the _____-mile boundary outside of the Calvert County line, will not use their police vehicles in an “off-duty” capacity in another county.
A person may not secure a bicycle, an EPAMD, or a motor scooter to a pole, meter, or device located within____ feet of any intersection.
21-1305 Handlebars are in excess of more than____ inches.
The Sheriff will schedule a hearing with the Grievance Review Board within______ working days.
The determination of the Board shall be by majority vote. At the conclusion of their
deliberations, and within___ working days of the hearing, the Board will inform the
grievant in writing of its findings and any action to be taken by management.
The Assistant Sheriff will present a written
response within____working days.
Follow-up inspections of vehicles, uniforms, etc. should not exceed how many days?
Employees may elect to accept compensation rather than time off for up to ___ days of annual leave each year?
Approved military leave shall be paid at the regular rate of pay for not more than ___ workdays per year?
Absences of ____ or more consecutive working days due to illness or injury will not be credited to sick leave until the employee has submitted a Disability/Return to Duty Certification from the employee’s physician?
The requirement, made by the Sheriff, to have the Disability/Return to Duty form completed after every usage of sick leave for an employee abusing sick leave, cannot be imposed unless the employee has been absent on sick leave at least ____ occurrences in a 12 month period?
Who is responsible for the CCSO Recruitment Program?
AJSB Commander
The training received in order to be considered a basic reconstructionist will be no less than____ hours?
All CCSO personnel who are selected and trained as instructors will be expected to be available as instructors for a minimum of how many years?
Tests for DFC will be administered biannually when?
1st Tuesday June and December
For an informal grievance, the supervisor shall attempt to resolve the issue and respond in writing to the employee when?
Within 5 working days of the discussion
The determination of the Grievance Review Board will be by?
Majority vote
OSHA requires these records be held for how long?
The duration of employment plus 30 years
A complaint concerning the Sheriff should be made to whom?
The State Prosecutor’s Office
Should an investigation not be completed within ____days, the OPS Commander will be notified via a ______from the investigating officer explaining why the investigation is incomplete?
120, Detailed report
After the Asst. Sheriff makes his/her final recommendation, he/she will forward the investigation file to whom?
AJSB Commander
How many days does the AJSB Commander have to commence resolution?
After resolution, the Bureau Commander will forward the investigation file to whom?
The Office of Professional Standards
The use of force must be what?
Necessary and proportional
Who is responsible to ensure an appointment is made with an Agency appointed psychologist/psychiatrist for evaluation and consultation of a deputy who inflicts a fatal or serious physical injury as a result of use of force in official capacity?
AJSB commander
A deputy, who is suspended, is required to surrender all weapons issued to him by the CCSO, to
the___________ for the period of suspension.
Office of Professional Standards
The parents or guardians of a juvenile taken into custody shall be notified when?
As soon as practical
An example of places considered to be with curtilage of a dwelling is a farmer’s barn, separated by a driveway from his house how far away?
70 yards
How often does the noise meter need to be calibrated?
once a year
The Assistant Sheriff will ensure that all personnel receive mental refresher training at least
Juveniles arrested for a jailable traffic offense will be charged on what?
Youth report
A full DUI/DWI report must be completed and submitted when?
3 days
Children _____ years of age or younger will ride in the rear seat of a CCSO vehicle?
How many flares will be maintained in a patrol vehicle?
After the Asst. Patrol Commander adds his/her endorsement to the Blue Team entry, when will it be sent back to the Office of Professional Standards within____days
Who gives the final endorsement on a departmental accident?
Ass Sheriff
Command responsibility for the
Mobile Command Vehicle is assigned to the______ or his designee.
Patrol commander
Who is responsible for the management of all tactical operations directly related to the primary mission?
The Operations Section Chief (OSC)
How often will the primary driver of the MCV conduct inspections, inventory and test all equipment assigned to the MCV?
ALSB personnel will make every effort to schedule evictions to give tenants a minimum of _____ notice?
48 hours
Detainees will not be held longer than ____ in the courthouse holding facility?
8 hours
An employee who intends to use sick leave must notify the duty officer not less than____hours prior the employee’s normal reporting time each day?
FTO eligible?
To be eligible, a deputy must have at least_____ years of law enforcement experience?
A certificate of title is not required for a trailer, other than a camping trailer, rated by the manufacturer as having a gross vehicle weight of_____ pounds or less?
When the Assurance Fund reaches $25,000, any money in excess of that amount shall be transferred to the?
Transportation Trust Fund
Exceptions for foreign harvest vehicles
The vehicle is being used as an incidental part of harvesting operations within a distance of not more than__ miles from the source of the crop?
Class A vehicle
Passenger vehicle
Class D vehicle
Class F vehicle
Class G vehicle
Class L vehicle
Class N vehicle
Street rod
Registration plates may be reflectorized and shall be manufactured of a material warranted to have a durability of at least __years?
Object framing or bordering the edges of a registration plate is a ______ violation?
A transferee who has been given written permission to use the existing registration plates, may drive and permit the vehicle to be driven with those plates for not more than___ days from the date of the transfer?
Temp plates expire in _____ days from the date the temporary plate was issued?
Class B vehicle
Business “for hire”
Class C vehicle
funeral and ambo
Class Q
Class H
Class R
Low speed vehicle
A license issued under this title to a driver at least 21 years old shall expire on the birth date of the licensee at the end of a period of not more than___ years?
MVA can send a warning letter to each individual who accumulates___ points?
Suspend the license of each individual who accumulates___ points?
Revoke the license of each individual who accumulates ___ points?
The driver of an emergency vehicle, while parking or backing the emergency vehicle, may use flashing lights within_____ feet of the entrance ramp to a:
1. Fire station; or
2. Rescue station.
The overtaking vehicle shall return to an authorized lane of travel as soon as practicable and, if the passing movement uses a lane authorized for vehicles approaching from the opposite direction, before coming within_____ feet of any approaching vehicle.
The driver of a vehicle may not drive on the left side of any roadway if, the vehicle is crossing or approaching within_____ feet of any intersection or railroad grade crossing
At the request of any farmer whose land is divided by a highway and who regularly drives livestock across the highway, the State Highway Administration may place a sign at approximately_____ feet from each side of the crossing, giving notice of the presence of the crossing.
“Speed monitoring system” means a device with one or more motor vehicle sensors producing recorded images of motor vehicles traveling at speeds at least___ miles per hour above the posted speed limit.
Unless the Administration has been notified that an action to recover on the bond is pending, the bond and any deposit accompanying it shall be returned either at the end of___ years?
If a person recovers an original certificate of title for which a duplicate has been issued, the person_____ shall surrender the original certificate to the Administration.
Assurance Fund Claims
The amount of payment made for a claim under this section may not exceed?
Grounds for refusing registrations
A law enforcement agency has attempted, but failed, to serve on the individual named in the warrant due to the inability to locate the individual; and is at least___ days old.
A temporary authorization certificate:
(i) Shall be issued for a period determined by the Administration not to exceed___ days?
Class K vehicle
However, the person entitled to possession of the vehicle, or his authorized representative, may drive the vehicle on highways in this State for a distance of not more than____ miles, but only from the place that the person or his authorized representative obtained possession of the vehicle to the person’s place of business, residence, or other place where the vehicle is to be kept.
Dealer tags issuance
Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, the Administration may design temporary registration plates and furnish them to any licensed dealer who:
(1) On the form that the Administration requires, applies for at least___ of these plates?
A moped operator’s permit expires at the end of a period of not more than___ years determined in regulations adopted by the Administration.
An individual who holds a provisional license may not receive a license sooner than___ months?
Provisional license driver can’t drive between the hours of ____ and ____?
Midnight and 5am.
A temporary license issued under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be valid for___ days?
The Administration shall expunge the public driving record of a licensee if:
(1) The licensee has not been convicted of a moving violation or a criminal offense involving a motor vehicle for the preceding__ years,
If the holder of a provisional driver’s license who is under the age of 18 years accumulates___ or more points in a ___month period, the Administration shall suspend the individual’s driver’s license
5, 12
A weapon (short barreled Shotgun or Rifle) that has an overall length of ____inches?
Children between__ and ___ years old are presumed incapable of criminal intent?
7, 13
Right to counsel LEOBR
The interrogation shall be suspended for a period not exceeding___ business days until representation is obtained?
Right to counsel LEOBR
On completion of the investigation, and on request of the officer or his lawyer, a copy of the recording of the interrogation shall be made available at least ___ days before a hearing?
Right to counsel LEOBR
If a deputy is asked to test, examination, or interrogation, the results are_______ in criminal proceedings?
not admissible
Right to counsel LEOBR
A copy of the final report of the polygraph is made available to the deputy not exceeding____days after the polygraph exam?
The agency may not bring administrative charges against an officer unless the agency files charges within___ year after the act?
The 1 year limitation does not apply to charges that relate to_____ and _____?
Criminal activity and Excessive force
It is illegal to hunt, shoot or trap wildlife within___ yards of any building or camp occupied by human beings without permission of the owner or occupant.
The Master K-9 Trainer is a full-time training position and falls under the _______ Bureau?
Slow moving vehicle less than 25MPH is what color triangle?
Slow moving vehicle between 25 MPH and 55 MPH is what color triangle?
All employees are responsible for the submission of a Report of Training form through the chain of command within_____ days from completion?
The Hostage Negotiations Team will retrain at a minimum____ times per year to practice their special skills and hone their abilities to function as a team.
The Hostage Negotiations Team and the
Special Operations Team will train together at a minimum ___ time per year to ensure that both teams work effectively as a unit.
5 things a Deputy will remember from memory?
Use of force
Handling of prisoners
Arrest procedures
Vehicle pursuit policy
Emergency operation of vehicles
Each member of the Bike Patrol Unit will be required to attend at a minimum___ retraining days per year?
The polygraph examiner in training will conduct a minimum of ___ examinations to include applicant and criminal specific tests?
In Maryland, a parent or other person who has care or custody for the supervision of a child under the age of____must not recklessly or intentionally fail to notify the police within____ hours after the person knows or should have known the child is missing.
Marijuana weights will not be recorded on the form MSP 67 or Kapak bag by anyone other than the chemist during analysis?
Property Room
After____ days all found, recovered or abandoned property that remains unclaimed in Property Held will be purged.
Property Room
After___ year all lawfully confiscated, seized and evidentiary property, which is no longer needed for prosecution purposes, and remains unclaimed, will be purged.
Property will be released from the Property Room only between the hours of___ and____, Monday through Friday?
0800- 1400 hours
All inquiries by the media regarding internal investigations will be directed to the??
Sheriff or his designee.
The Agency _____________ will arrange for the maintenance of the fixed LPR system equipment?
LPR Program Coordinator
The Administration, in cooperation with the Behavioral Health Administration, shall establish an alcohol and drug education program to educate driver’s license applicants who are subject to the provisions, The program shall provide___ hours of instruction in:
(1) The hazards of driving while impaired or intoxicated
“Expressway” means a major highway of___ or more traffic lanes in each direction that is designed to eliminate principal traffic hazards?
Insufficient light or unfavorable atmospheric conditions?
On the front, with a lamp that emits a white light visible from a distance of at least____ feet to the front
A person may operate a bicycle or a motor scooter that is equipped with a bell or other device capable of giving a signal audible for a distance of at least__ feet.
Should at any time an employee’s status to carry a firearm change, the employee will notify the_______ immediately?
Ass Sheriff
The Independent Investigative Unit will be notified ______ should a Dep Sheriff actions during the performance of their duty result in the death or serious physical injury that could lead to death?
The “IID” and the_____ will lead the investigation of all alleged or potential officer-involved deaths?
State Police
The Sheriff’s Office Radar/laser coordinator will coordinate a ______calibrations of all radar/lasers devices and tuning forks?
The Field Training Program for new hires, shall be a minimum of___ hours?
The maximum time a trainee can remain in the Sheriff’s Office Field Training Program is___ hours.
For deputies with prior law enforcement experience, commonly referred to as a “lateral”, the Field Training Program will be a minimum of___ hours and a maximum of___ hours.
168, 420
Who is in charge of the Prescription Take-Back locker?
CIB Bureau Commander
A bicycle or bicyclist may be equipped with a functioning lamp that acts as a reflector and emits a red light or a flashing amber light visible from a distance of____ feet to the rear instead of or in addition to the red reflector required by paragraph (1) of this subsection.
Lamps and other equipment on scooters and bicycles
On the rear, with a red reflector of a type approved by the Administration and visible from all distances from ___feet to ___ feet to the rear when directly in front of lawful upper beams of head lamps on a motor vehicle.
600, 100
An individual may not operate for hire a limousine designed to carry_____ or fewer individuals, including the driver, unless the individual holds a valid for–hire driver’s license issued by the Public Service Commission.
Media inquires pertaining to IA investigations go to who?
Who is in charge of research and planning for the Sheriffs Office?
Ass Sheriff
Who is in charge of impartial police training and how often ?
Ass Sheriff, Annually
A commander can call another jurisdiction to handle a call with conflicting parties?
False, Sheriff can
Mdvr routine traffic stop deleted when?
90 days
Animal shooting requires blue team?
How many days to get an accident report from the Sheriff’s Office?
7-10 days
Handicap door business?
36 inches
Learners driver needs to be with someone with___ years experience?
Commercial vehicles have____ or more passengers?
Who must pre-approve the installation or transfer of any LPR system?
The Patrol Commander or his designee
Violate a Protective order, an officer may arrest?
False, Shall arrest
Sex assaults are kept for___ years?
Marijuana weights_____ be recorded on the form MSP 67 or Kapak bag by anyone other than the chemist during analysis?
Will not
To be considered a parking lot, you need at least____ parking spots?
Who’s decision is it to evacuate the courthouse?
The judges primarily-clerks in their absence.
What is a commissioned officer? 0-401
LT or higher-no overtime
What is a non-commissioned officer? 0-401
F/Sgt or Detective Sgt or lower
Who is responsible for the covert fund and master ledger of transactions? 3-104.4
DEU supervisor
Annual leave must be requested by? 4-319.2
30 days in advance
infancy leave must be requested by when? 4-320.2
24 hours in advance
Holiday leave requests? 4-321.2
24 hours in advance or N/A if does not cause manpower issues
When do you report pregnancy? 4-327.9/5-202
As soon as verified
Tuition reimbursement? 4-332.5.1
a. No more than 6 credits per semester and no more than 15 per fiscal year
B. Requires at least a C or Pass for AA or Bachelors, B for Graduate
What happens at the end of the probationary period? 4-505
at least 30 days prior to end of prob. Period an End of Probation Report
Actions from below sat evals? 4-805
a. Counsel prior to 90 days of next eval period to allow time to correct
b. Two unsat evals?
-Ineligible for step next budget year
c. 3 unsat evals?-Termination process began
What is the maximum light duty status per calendar year? 5-203
28 days
Deputy involved in death or serious physical injury to another?
a. Placed on a non-duty status with pay-Admin Leave
b. Within 10 days of occurrence Admin Bureau Commander will ensure that affected deputy attends an initial counseling session
Deputies must turn in aviation letter no less than__hr prior to flight
High school age juvenile arrest?
Contact school liaison officer by email or copy of report.
Is a road block considered deadly force?
yes. Only unoccupied police vehicles
How often are you to download your in car video? 11-607
Once per week unless on extended leave
How often are supervisors to review subordinates video?11-608
At least once per week- view an appropriate sampling
How often are you to verify the functionality of your AED? 11-1302
At least once per four day tour of duty
What is the minimum age for a ride along? 11-1602
16 years and have parent or guardian sign waiver
How many days do you have to serve a court order EP signed by a judge of District or Circuit Ct? 11-1804
5 days
What is the expiration date of physician ordered EP’s?
When are LPR monthly reports to be turned over to patrol commander? 12-414.3
By the 10th of each month
How old could a LPR hit be? 12-414.1
48 hours
How long is property held following completion of cases? 16-203.1
After 1 year
How long is found property held? 16-203.1
After 90 days it will be purged
What is writ of replevin? 17-105.5 (REPO)
Directs the sheriff to take possession of property in the writ from the defendant and return it to the plaintiff
How long do you have to report a missing minor under 13 years old? 3-608
within 24 hrs
What is considered a weapon? 4-101
dirk knife, bowie knife, switchblade knife, star knife, sandclub, metal knuckles, razor and nunchaku (not exceeding 24 inches)
What is not considered a weapon? 4-101
a handgun or a penknife without a switchblade
All employees shall sign the evaluation or be subject to discipline? 4-822
True, signing on indicates review not concurrence
The following is created when a DEU investigator uses money from Covert Fund? 3-104.4
a chit
Completed inspection checklists are turned into? 3-800 and kept for ___years, then destroyed?
a. respective bureau commander each quarter
b. kept on file for 2 years and then destroyed
Sick Leave incentive pay? 4-327.3
use 2 or fewer sick days and get incentive bonus of one days pay
Attendance control officer? 4-327.5
Exec admin aide
Performance evals are conducted? 4-804
bi-annually through the rank of 1/sgt
Performance evals for the rank of LT are conducted? 4-806
annually-either sat or unsat results
Routine patrol checks of a deputy line of duty death residence conducted for how long? 4-1407
6 weeks after the funeral
For a trespass warning, this should also be completed? 11-1210
minimum number of flares required? 13-110
12 in a car
6 on a bike
Conservers are to be done between what hours? 17-105.6
0800-2200 hrs- 20 minutes to gather items
A learner’s permit expires_____ days after issuance if you are trying to get a different class license? TA 16-105
Crime of violence in presence of minor? How old for the minor??
includes sight or hearing, a minor includes a child at a minimum of 2yrs old
Detachable magazines may not exceed?
10 rounds
A handicapped placard in valid for?
Life 13.616.6
Abandoned vehicle in a parking garage?
10 days
If a person is rejected by MAIF, they have____ days to provide proof of insurance?
Automated Enforcement Program Administrator 2-525is responsible for?
responsible for body cam, in car video and speed monitoring programs (Julie Murphy)
Limit of alcohol while driving a commercial vehicle? TA 16-813
.04 or greater
Hours in which a speed camera can operate? TA 21-809
0600-2000 hours
Who is responsible for coordinating CCSO response to critical incidents? 14-101
Commander of SOT or On Call Commander in his absence
What caliber is not allowed to test fired in the CCSO? SOP 2.1
.22 caliber
How many test fires are done when conducted? SOP 2.2
The administration may require a licensee to submit to reexamination on at least ____days written notice?
Summary Resolution may include?
Loss of leave, fine, suspension, transfer, mediation, etc.
Summary Resolution will be presented to the deputy in writing by their bureau commander and the deputy will have____ days to accept or deny the offer.
5 days
Within ____ days after the date of issuance of a decision by a trial board, the deputy may appeal that decision to the Circuit Court in which the law enforcement agency is located.
30 days
Complaints against personnel are NO LONGER considered personnel files.
OPS complaints
The Sheriff or their designee will notify the employee that they’re suspended without pay.
OPS suspension
Rating periods for evaluations are___?
Due August 15th and February 15th
Shootings that result in death or potential death will be investigated by____?
IID (Independent Investigations Division)
In cases where unusual circumstances exist, the_______ shall be notified. Additionally, a CIB supervisor shall be notified, and the CIB supervisor will determine if an immediate response by detective is warranted.
patrol supervisor
A record of a missing person regardless of age shall be entered into Ncic using one of the appropriate categories listed above within___hours of receipt of the minimum data required to enter and Ncic records.
A patrol supervisor or design will contact a CIB supervisor with notifications of a missing person‘s case where unusual circumstances exist, or the missing person has been missing more than ___hours.
A semi automatic centerfield rifle that has a fixed magazine with the capacity to except more than___rounds?
A semi-automatic center fire rifle that has an overall length of at least___ inches?
A person may not manufacture, sell offer for sale purchase, receive or transfer a detachable magazine that has a capacity of more than___ rounds of ammunition for a firearm?
Civil process specialist balances, the accounts, at least_____?
If the transfers of a vehicle is a licensed dealer holds the vehicle for sale, the dealer within___days of the date of the transfer to the dealer of the vehicle
If a person changes their name legally, they have___days to notify the administration 
The security interest is perfected at the time of his creation, if the delivery and payment to the ministration are completed within___days of the date of his creation
Exceptions for foreign harvest vehicles, the exemption permit is valid for ___days from the date of issue 
A nonresident may driver permit the driving of a foreign vehicle in the state, without registering the vehicle in the state, if in the custody of any resident from more than____ days during any registration year 
If it licensed dealer holds in low speed vehicle for sale and transfers, the vehicle to a person other than another license dealer, the dealer within___days, the date of delivery of the lowest P vehicle electronically transmit the application 
Rented or leased vehicles Not exceeding___ days and registered in another state. 
Application eligibility, a person may apply to the administration for temporary parking placard on a form provided by the administration, if the applicants ability to walk for at least____ weeks and is so severe that the applicant wouldn’t end her a hardship
A fleet of trailers consist of at least___ vehicles 
Farm area motor vehicle means a motor vehicle owned by a farmer and operated only on a farm or on a highway within a___ mile radius of the farm
Island vehicle means a motor vehicle other than a golf cart, operated exclusively on an island that contains less than___ miles of highways
Clas J Vehicle
Driver education program. At least__ hours,___hours,which must occur during the period beginning___ minutes before sunset and and____minutes after sunrise. 
60, 10, 30, 30
Learners permit expires after___years 
Eye test:
Medical advisory board review. An Applicant seeking a license under section shall successfully complete a driving training course, consisting of at least___ hours 
Licensee to apply for duplicate license requiring photo. If the duplicate license being applied for is of a type requiring a photo, the licensee is absent from the state the ministration may issue a regular license, bearing the notion that is valid without a photo until___days after the licensee returns to the state 
Notice of change of address or name. If a licensee is required to surrender his license to the administration to record to change the administration ,shall issue him without a charge, a temporary license valid for not more than___days from the date it is issued. 
If the police officer stops a person who has qualified immunity from the United States government, the police officer must submit within___working days, the vehicle accident report, or any other citations 
Business district highway, ___feet 
Intersection means divided highway includes two roadways that are___feet or more a part 
A wheelchair means that it does not exceed____inches in width and___inches in length when measured___inches above the ground 
30, 48, 2
Audible signal
Railroad train approaching within___feet of the crossing.
School zones are within a____radius of any school. 
Half mile
Max speed at a crossing guard intersection may not exceed___mph 
Requirements on posting signage about towing or removal need to be at least___ inches high and____inches wide 
Signs need to be provided at least one sign for every____ ft.² of parking space in the parking lot 
Minimum engine size requirement for motorcycles capacity of less than___cm³ 
Unattended vehicles that are left on any authority highway may not be left unintended for ____hours or more 
The deputy will climb over a barrier:
•The deputy will demonstrate the ability to traverse up and down at least___flights of stairs;
• The deputy will pull/drag a 150-pound person or dummy substitute at least___feet; and
• The deputy will demonstrate the ability to run a distance of at least___feet (100 yards).
2, 15, 300
K9 reports are kept for how long?
10 years
Case reports are kept for how long?
Children___ years and younger will not be charged with a crime?
Children between the age of ___and ___, will be charged with serious crime only?
10-12 years old
Children___ years old and older will be charged with all crimes?
Personal use of cannabis is ____ounces and ___grams?
1.5, 42.5 grams
Civil amount of cannabis is___ounces and____grams?
2.5, and 71 grams
Jan - July?
Personal use of Cannabis is a_____ fine?
Jan- July?
Civil amount of Cannabis is ____fine?
Starting July 1st
Personal amount of cannabis is _____ fine?
Starting July 1st
Civil amount of cannabis is _____fine?
Under 21 years old
Personal and civil fine amount of cannabis is _____ for personal and_____for civil amount?
100, 250.
For the purpose of a test or tests for determining drug or controlled dangerous substance content of the person’s blood, the specimen of blood shall be taken within___ hours after the person accused is apprehended.
A claim for payment under the section may not be made, unless it has filed with the administration within____years from the date, the cause of action of arose.
If an owner transfers, his title or interest in a vehicle that is to be scrapped, dismantled or destroyed the owner______ shall mail or deliver the registration card and registration plates of the vehicle to the administration for cancellation 
The following Vehicle ‘s may apply for a special personalized registration numbers?
Class A, D, E , G , L, M, N
Class i vehicle
Charter bus
Class p vehicle
Passenger bus
The cost to replace a title is how much?
Established by the administration
The notice of Jeopardy assessment is not paid within____days of the service of the notice 
Zero-emission plug in vehicle had a max speed of at least?
55 mph
A holder of a provisional license is guilty of high risk driving if they commit the following?
Reckless and negligent driving
Aggressive driving
And racing
Urban district means?
100 feet, quarter mile.
Required security lapse in insurance will take effect at____days?
A personal delivery device may operate where sidewalks and crosswalks are available at the speed of____ mph?
A no–knock search warrant shall be executed between__a.m. and __p.m., absent exigent circumstances.
A search warrant must be approved by a_____ and______?
Supervisor and State’s attorney
A child under___ years old should be using a child safety seat unless the child is ___ ft___inches or taller?
8, 4, 9,
A person may not transport a person under____ years old unless they wear a seatbelt?
OPS will ensure that the PAB Charging Committee is contacted within____ days and is made aware of any complaint of misconduct involving a citizen?
Complaints that are mediated_____ not be forwarded to the PAB CHARGING COMMITTEE.
Will not
Consent is_____ required when a citizen asks a deputy to stop recording their BWC when the deputy is carrying out a lawful function?
CISM means what?
Critical incident stress management team
CISD (critical incident stress debrief) is usually held within ____ days?
Peer support and cism team will consist of members with at least ____ years of service?
This process will last at least ___ mins?
Will be held within ____ to ____hours of the incident?
8-48 hours
If a deputy returning to active duty as a police officer has not qualified with an authorized firearm within____consecutive calendar years
Serious injury or shooting
It shall be the responsibility of the employee’s bureau commander or his designee to see this session occurs as quickly as possible, preferably within____ days of the occurrence of the event necessitating it.
The sergeant of SOT may also be given additional duties such as acting as Agency Taser Coordinator?
Data from the taser CEW shall be downloaded once every ____ months?
Formal written counseling
Letter of reprimand
Discipline matrix is how many?
6, A-F
Demotion can be considered for violation of category____and ___?
D, and E
Where do complainants and professional standard investigations go?
Professionals standards files
Agency fit test
Documents of participation or non-participation will be documented by the sheriffs office evaluator. Records will be forwarded to the____ and kept for how long?
AJSB commander and 3 years
The holder of a learners permit may not take the drivers test sooner than____ days?
Mirrors on a vehicle need to see_____ feet?
Undivided highways have a max speed of____mph?
Department accidents must submit a detailed report within____ days?
Shooting or serious injury, must submit a detailed report within____ days?
No knock warrant case law?
State v Lee
Child abuse
How many hours to report abuse?
Child abuse
How many days to report neglect?
5 days
How many hours to implement procedures to add additional resources to locate a missing child?
12 hours
If someone is exposed to an infectious disease, they will be notified with the results in___days?
Business district speed limit?
Undivided Highway in a residential district?
Divided Highway in residential district speed limit ?
May not move any vehicle that has a max speed of____ mph over a railroad crossing and is at least____inches in height?
10, 9
Grievances are kept with who?
Exec admin aide
A person between___ and ____ years old can renew their license electronically?
May not move the towed vehicle from one tow lot to another tow lot within____ hours?
A k9 dog must be___ years old through____years old?
18 months, 4 years
Nunchucks may not exceed_____inches?
How long does CIB keep employment applications?
7 years
All records to be obtained under the public information act should be forwarded to who?
Assistant sheriff
All requests for records or information made by a member of the media should be directed to who?
All requests for copies of CCSO telephone conversations should be directed to who?
Who is in control of the flow of Maryland uniform complainant and citations?
Commander of patrol
Impoundment of a vehicle on private property is approved by who?
Patrol commander
Deputies may work more than 16 hours if authorized by who?
Their supervisor
Agency support program
In order to cancel the sot contract, they need____ months notice?
A request for illness of a family member or employee must be supported by a medical certification statement form with____days and the employer may request recertification not more often than every_____ days?
15, 30
How many terrorist codes are there?
When and who conducts the annual inspection of the property room?
By December 31st, CIB commander, annually
Civil process specialist will balance the electronic ledger_____ and forward to the county treasurer.
Evidence involving large number of pills must be randomly tested of _____ pills, and take a ____% should be submitted?
Interim protective order is for how long?
2 business days
Temporary protective order is for how long?
7 days
Final protective order is for how long?
Up to 1 year
If the employee is not satisfied with their rating, they can appeal within____days?
Workload assessment?
Sheriff, as needed
Budget recommendations?
Ass sheriff, annual
Inspect petty cash, finger printing, and process accounts?
Exec admin aid, quarterly
Expungements will be kept for how long?
5 years
How long are leave slips kept?
3 years
Personnel files kept?
Property held ledger kept?
Information conducted by CIB will only be released to the media with permission from?
CIB commanders
The following vehicles can be driven in the HOV lane at all times no matter what, regardless of the occupants?
Bus, motorcycle, plug in electric vehicles.
Malicious DOP over $1000, is what?
All traffic collection data shall be submitted to the Maryland Statistical Analysis Center no later than when?
March 1st of the following year.
Following a domestic violence incident with serious injuries or felony charges, the state attorney should be notified when?
As soon as possible
Following a police involved death, who can make a statement to the public?
Following a police officer involved death who notified the next of kin?
Who holds copies of radar certificates files?
Patrol commander
Who maintains all reliable towing services for the agency?
All requests for routine escorts will be forwarded to who?
Patrol commander
All funerals escorts will be forwarded to who ?
Who will be tasked with monitoring monthly vehicle usage?
Patrol commander
Who is the agency fleet supervisor?
Patrol commander
Abandoned vehicle on a controlled access highway?
24 hours
Aggravated cruelty to animals is what?
Abuse or neglect of an animal is what?