Promotion increase is what?
6 % and 12% for the rank of Lt. 6% to Captain, 2% for SDFC and MDFC.
FTO’s get how much pay increase per hour?
Annual leave accrual?
- 0-2 years of service: 10 leave days per year
- 3-5 years of service: 12 leave days per year
- 6-10 years of service: 15 leave days per year
- 11-19 years of service: 20 leave days per year
- 20 or more years of service: 25 leave days per year
Annual leave requests must be presented to the supervisor utilizing the chain of command at least?
30 days notice
Personal leave requests must be presented to the supervisor how many hours in advance?
24 hours
An employee may accrue up to a maximum of how many Comp time hours per year?
240 hours a year
An employee who intends to use sick leave must notify the duty officer not less than?
3 hours before work
An employee who intends to use FML which is foreseeable as a result of birth or placement of a child, must give his/her employer at least?
30 days written notice before the date leave is to begin.
Who is responsible for the CCSO recruitment program?
The Commander of the Bureau of Administrative and Judicial Services
Every newly-appointed law enforcement officer must complete a period of how many years probation?
2 years
Lodging may be provided to employees who are required to attend a business function, which is more than?
60 miles from Prince Frederick
After successful completion of the basic academy training, the deputy will be assigned to a Field Training Officer (FTO) for a minimum of?
60 days
For recertification as a law enforcement officer, the CCSO complies with the MPCTC standard that requires a deputy receive at least?
18 hours of training each year.
Promotion to the rank of deputy first class (DFC) requires what?
3 years of experience, 2 of those years must be with Calvert County and a 70% on the written test.
To be eligible for CORPORAL.
The candidate must have completed four years of progressively responsible law enforcement experience, THREE YEARS of service which MUST have been as a deputy sheriff with the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office, and one year of which must have been in the previous rank.
To be eligible for SERGEANT.
The candidate must have completed five years of progressively responsible law enforcement experience, FOUR YEARS of service which MUST have been as a deputy sheriff with the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office, and one year of which must have been in the previous rank.
When an individual is promoted to the next higher rank, that individual will be considered in a probationary status for a period of?
six months
The grievable subject shall be discussed with the employee’s supervisor within five (5) working days of the occurrence. The supervisor shall attempt to resolve the issue and respond in writing to the employee within five (5) working days of the discussion.
The formal grievance process will be initiated through a Detailed Report to the bureau commander of the grieved employee, and only after participation in the informal grievance procedures. The grievance must be filed within ten (10) working days of the conclusion of the informal grievance.
In accordance with LEOBR, complaints alleging brutality will be notarized and filed within ?
90 days of the incident
The (4) types of formal disciplinary action available and their definitions are described in policy to follow.
- Written Reprimand
- Emergency Suspension
- Summary Punishment
- Trial Board Action
What is a summary punishment?
Summary punishment may not exceed three days suspension without pay, or a fine of $150.00.
How many hours can a deputy work during their regular day work shift?
Deputies shall not work more than 16 hours per day during their regular tour of duty.
Training and/or education Physical examination Mediation Psychological Services Written counseling
More than 15 days loss of leave/suspension without pay and/or fine of $500.00 or more and/or demotion or dismissal.
Sworn employees accrue the formulated hourly rate of 4.616 hours per pay period, totaling_____
work days of sick leave per year.
Interval A and S Reports are submitted under the following circumstances:
Every seven (7) days after the submission of the previous report.
After an employee’s duty status changed.
When an employee is admitted to or released from a hospital.
When an employee returns to duty and is not fully recovered.
When information must be added or when information appearing on any previous
report must be amended.
How many days can you use for sick leave until you need a doctors note?
Absences of three or more consecutive working days due to illness or injury will not be
credited to sick leave until the employee has submitted a Disability/Return to Duty
Certification from the employee’s physician.
The Sheriff may grant an employee an unpaid leave of absence not to exceed 30 calendar days
per occurrence, if the leave shall not jeopardize the County’s best interests. Requests
exceeding 30 calendar days must be approved by the County Administrator.
The County Administrator, upon recommendation of the department head and Director of
Personnel, may grant an employee an unpaid leave of absence not to exceed 90 calendar days
per occurrence.
The Board of County Commissioners, upon recommendation of the department head, Director
of Personnel, and County Administrator may grant an employee an unpaid leave of absence not
to exceed 12 calendar months.
FMLA is how many weeks of leave?
Family and medical leave (FML) is the equivalent of 12 workweeks of job
All receipts for all expenses, except
meals paid by per diem, even if no out-of-pocket expenses were incurred, will be submitted to
the Executive Administrative Aide for reimbursement within?
24 hours of return from training.
Lesson plans will be submitted to and approved by the Director/Board of Directors of the
Southern Maryland Criminal Justice Academy.
and resubmitted every three (3) years for renewal of approval
Among the criteria used to determine the need for remedial
training are:
Complaints from prosecutors, citizens, or fellow employees.
Recommendation from a supervisor based on, but not limited to:
o Poor job performance
o Improper conduct
o Poor personal appearance
o Physical, emotional, or mental inability to perform job-related duties
o In-service or specialized training test results below the passing level
There are two basic types of remedial training:
- Training, which requires administrative approval and/or supervision
- Training, which may be handled within the shift or bureau
For recertification as a law enforcement officer, the CCSO complies with the MPCTC standard
that requires a deputy receive at least
18 hours
Who has to attend inservice?
All deputies below the rank of first sergeant are required to attend state mandated
in-service training, 18 hours each year.
Should a sworn deputy whose name appears on the respective eligibility list receive a sustained
complaint for a ______ violation or higher, the name of that deputy will be removed from
consideration for promotion during that promotional cycle.
Category “C” violation
A deputy so suspended will be entitled to a prompt hearing generally within:
24 hours
How long do you have to download your taser after a discharge?
72 hours.
A Calvert County Sheriff’s deputy may discharge a firearm:
To kill a dangerous animal that is jeopardizing the safety of the deputy or the public.
To kill an injured wild or domestic animal, if the deputy has the consent of the owner, or
has been requested to do so by a veterinarian. When a reasonable attempt to locate the
owner has failed or a veterinarian is not readily available, the deputy may use discretion
in deciding whether to kill the animal to relieve its suffering.
To give an alarm or to call assistance when no other means are available.
In practice on the firing range.
X2/M26 TASER - An electro-muscular disruption weapon that utilizes a compressed nitrogen
cartridge to propel two small probes out to a range of:
21 feet
Arrangements will be made by the Warrant Unit Supervisor, or his/her designee. A letter will be
prepared for the Sheriff’s signature to the airline security office. The letter will include the
Airline and flight numbers
Name of the deputies transporting prisoner
Verification that the deputies are sworn law enforcement officers of the CCSO
Verification that the deputies have attended the Federal Aviation Flying Armed Training
Name of the prisoner being transported
deputies will carry five (5) copies of the letter with original signatures, while traveling.
Portable and mobile radio transmitters will be turned off within_____feet of the location of
the alleged bomb until the scene is secured and determined to be safe. Necessary
communications will be made by “land line” telephone (not cellular or portable phone) or
by going a safe distance away from the scene to use the radio.
With the emergency and flasher lights operating, position the patrol car about 12’ behind
and offset 2’ to the left or right of the violator’s vehicle, depending on the roadway and
environmental conditions.
Normal stop
Position the police vehicle behind the suspect’s vehicle and stop approximately 20-
30 feet behind the suspect’s vehicle, offset approximately 3 feet.
High risk
The second police vehicle will pull up beside the first and stop on an angle
approximately____ feet from the first.
Maryland Motor Vehicle Law permits the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) to re-examine a
person’s driving privilege under the following criteria:
The licensee is involved in an accident resulting in the death of another; and / or
The MVA has good cause to believe that the licensee is unfit, unsafe, or otherwise not
qualified to drive.
Subject to the availability of deputies to perform the service without diminishing essential law
enforcement capabilities, the CCSO will provide routine escorts for:
Public officials Dignitaries Funerals Oversized vehicles Hazardous or unusual cargo
The Calvert County Sheriff’s Office vehicle impound lot shall only be used for the temporary
storage of vehicles in the following situations:
Vehicle is needed for evidence.
Vehicle is pending forfeiture
The Calvert County Sheriff’s Office vehicle impound lot shall only be used for the temporary
storage of vehicles in the following situations:
Vehicle is needed for evidence.
Vehicle is pending forfeiture
Traffic Stop, as defined by the law, means any instance when a law enforcement officer stops
the driver of a motor vehicle and detains the driver for any period of time for a violation of the
Maryland Vehicle Law. It does not include:
A checkpoint or roadblock stop
A stop of multiple vehicles due to a traffic accident or emergency situation requiring the
stopping of vehicles for public safety purposes
A stop based on the use of radar, laser, or VASCAR technology
A stop based on the use of License Plate Reader (LPR) technology