How many square miles is Calvert County?
Calvert County is approximately 219 square miles; the County is 9 miles wide at its widest point, 45 miles from Washington, D.C., and 35 miles from the Anne Arundel County line to Solomons.
1-100 (2024)
How often is ethics training conducted?
All CCSO personnel are required to participate in ethics training biennially.
How often will the CCSO develop goals?
Annually each commander will provide to the Assistant Sheriff, proposed goals and objectives.
1-401 (2024)
Where does a Deputy power come from?
Deputy sheriffs are “police officers” as defined in §2-101 of the Criminal Procedure Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, and have the police powers enumerated in that Article, including the authority to make full custody arrests.
1-700 (2024)
On the order of competent authority, an employee will submit to the following:
- Fitness for Duty Evaluation
- Psychological Examination
- Polygraph Examination
- Drug/Chemical Testing
- Photo Array
Deputies, who are arrested, cited, or who are the subject of an investigation for any criminal or civil offense in this or another jurisdiction, will report this fact to his/her bureau commander within?
24 hours
1-804 (2024)
Deputies, who are named as defendants in civil lawsuits, relating to their duties with the CCSO, will notify the Assistant Sheriff within?
24 hours after receiving notice.
1-804 (2024)
All employees of the CCSO will read and be familiar with the contents of the Manual. Sworn
personnel will know from memory those sections of this Manual.
- which deal with arrest
- use of force,
- handling of prisoners,
- the emergency operation of vehicles and
- the vehicle pursuit policy.
0-104 (2024)
When ordered, an employee will submit to the following (administrative investigation):
- Fitness for Duty Evaluation
- Psychological Examination
- Polygraph Examination
- Drug/Chemical Testing
- Photo Array
1-803 (2024)
How many school deputies will we have in the schools?
The sections following pertain to procedures and reports that apply in all cases involving the loss or damage of Agency equipment, including damage to an Agency vehicle, when the apparent extent of the damage is less than_________ and there is no injury to Agency personnel or others.
3-902 (2024)
Equipment that can be identified by number is entered into the_______ computer system.
3-905 (2024)
For promotion to the rank of corporal, sergeant, or first sergeant, a__________ year promotional eligibility list will be maintained.
4-704.1 (2024)
At least_______ days prior to the conclusion of the deputy’s probation, his/her immediate supervisor will submit a Probationary Status Form with his recommendation to the Assistant Sheriff via the chain of command.
4-706 (2024)
All performance evaluation reports for the Sheriff’s Office will be retained for a period of at least______ years.
4-801 (2024)
Rating Period
January – June (Year)Due date August 15th
July – December (Year)Due date February 15th
Bi annual ratings
For all personnel, both sworn and civilian, counseling for unsatisfactory performance will be made prior to ______ days before the next scheduled evaluation of the employee.
4-805 (2024)
Any deputy who receives________consecutive below satisfactory bi-annual performance evaluations will be ineligible to receive a step increase during the next fiscal year.
4-805 (2024)
If a deputy receives______ consecutive below satisfactory performance evaluations, the Agency shall initiate procedures for termination.
4-805 (2024)
In reference to ratings, If the employee is still not satisfied, he/she may file an appeal within_______ calendar days from the date of the meeting with the reviewer.
4-808 (2024)
In the event the action of the Grievance Review Board does not satisfy the employee, he/she may, within______ working days of receiving the Board’s findings in writing, appeal the findings of the Grievance Review Board to the Sheriff.
4-906 (2024)
The Sheriff will notify the employee in writing, within______ working days, of his findings, which will be final and binding.
This record, with all attendant documents, will be preserved for not less than______ years in the main personnel file section.
Upon receipt of a written complaint, the supervisor or administrative staff will immediately conduct a complete and thorough investigation. This investigation will be completed within_____ days after receipt of the written complaint and the employee will be advised of the findings and conclusion.
Pursuant to the Maryland Rules and consistent with LEOBR, appeals shall be filed within_____ days from the date of the Agency’s decision regarding disciplinary action.
In general, supervisors will investigate allegations of violations made against their subordinates ranging from____ through____ within the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office Disciplinary Matrix
In general the Office of Professional Standards will investigate allegations made against employees ranging from____ through____ within the Sheriff’s Office Disciplinary Matrix, unless the Assistant Sheriff or the Office of Professional Standards supervisor determines another investigator would be more appropriate.
As a general rule, departmental accident investigations will be completed within____ days upon receipt by the assigned investigator.
If an employee incurs prolonged illness or injury, he/she submits an interval A and S Report every_____ days after submission of the initial report unless otherwise directed by the Assistant Sheriff or the Sheriff. When sick or accident leave is used for prolonged incapacitation, the disabled employee must provide a Disability/Return to Duty Certification form, from his/her attending physician with his/her second interval A and S Report, and every_____ days thereafter, unless otherwise authorized by the Assistant Sheriff or the Sheriff.
Vehicle accidents that are found to be preventable (sustained) will be kept_________.
Those accidents that are found to be non-preventable, will be automatically expunged after____ years.
Generally, pursuant to the LEOBR, the discovery package will be delivered to the respondent or his/her attorney at least_____ days prior to the hearing.
A deputy must satisfactorily complete a CCSO approved_____ hour basic training program in motorcycle operations.
It is the individual handler’s responsibility of each K-9 team to ensure they get the minimum______ retraining days in a year to be eligible for re-certification in October.
_______, the MVA conducts an audit of Maryland Uniform Citations assigned to the CCSO.
Once a bomb threat is received, all wireless transmissions, including radio, walkie-talkie and cellular telephone, must cease.
Bomb threat
Absent any unusual or extraordinary circumstances, respondents will be given_______ minutes to gather items at the court ordered vacated residence.
Maryland has three types of civil protective orders (also referred to as orders for protection): ______, ________ and_______ protective orders.
Interim, temporary, final
By law, an eviction cannot be executed on a Sunday or court holiday. By order of the Chief Judge, scheduled evictions for a particular day are cancelled if:
- On the scheduled date and time, there is precipitation or precipitation is clearly imminent;
- And/or the daytime high is forecast to remain at 32 degrees or below.
Deputies will make a screening appointment with the appropriate attorney from the State’s Attorney’s Office within_____ hours of making the felony arrest.
Evidence will be maintained for_____ years from the date of the exam
If the initial report of the offense is made within_____ hours of its occurrence, adult victims will be transported to the emergency room of Calvert Memorial Hospital (CMH) where a Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner (SAFE) nurse will be called.
In the case of a child victim, this examination may be conducted even if the report is not received within_____ hours of the assault.
Only approved CCSO drivers will operate the MCV any time it is deployed. MCV drivers must possess at least a class_____ license and will receive training in the operation of all equipment contained in, or carried on the MCV.
The Patrol Commander, or if he is unavailable, the command officer in charge of the scene, will arrange for a relief driver if a continuous use is anticipated to, or in fact, exceed____ hours.
Isolate the immediate scene (at least_____ feet from the spill/leak) and move people upwind. If the chemical is known, use the evacuation distances in the DOT Emergency Response Guidebook.
Approach the incident or vehicle from_____(wind at the back), if absolutely necessary, to make a rescue.
The Incident Action Plans (IAPs) also addresses tactical objectives and support activities required for one operational period, generally____ to___ hours.
When calling an alert of Tier____ or Tier____, the Sheriff or Incident Commander will designate an assembly area for responding units.
Every____months, The Special Operations Bureau Commander or his designee shall report the following information to the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention:
The investigator will complete the accident Blue Team entry prior to the_________.
End of his shift
When the vehicle is drivable, the operator of the vehicle will obtain______estimates of the cost of repairs and forward them to the accident investigator before the end of the day following the accident.
The Calvert County Sheriff’s Office Departmental____________, must be completed on every departmental accident by the investigator.
Accident checklist.
Those accidents involving an animal strike (e.g., deer, dog, cat, or other animal) will be documented with a_________________ only. They will not require a detailed report or endorsement.
Vehicle accident blue team entry
Take home car program
The deputy fails to satisfactorily improve performance in the following consecutive month, or the deputy has been verbally counseled for unsatisfactory performance_____ within a______month period.
Twice, 6
Each individual LPR system used by the CCSO will retain all reads for approximately_____ days on the hard drive of the users Panasonic Tough Book.
Article 25
Powers of State and local authority and disposition of abandoned vehicles.
Maryland motorcycle license plate size?
How big is the Maryland vehicle tag?
12x6 inch
A Blue Team entry, MAARS Accident Report, photographs of the vehicle and accident scene, a
Detailed Report and Endorsements must be completed after any accident involving a CCSO
vehicle which meets any of the following criteria:
Vehicles accident
The investigating supervisor will fill in the Departmental Accident Log Sheet, located in the
hanging tray in the deputies’ room, using the next sequential number. The investigating
supervisor will create a Blue Team entry for the accident, prior to the end of the shift, and attach
the following information to the file:
A signed detailed report from the involved deputy.
A copy of the MAARS report – the original must be submitted for supervisory review.
Photos of the vehicle(s) and accident scene. The photographs of the vehicles and crash
scene, if applicable, must also be attached to the original MAARS form.
Witness statements, if applicable.
Repair estimates.
Departmental Accident Checklist.
What length is considered a short barrel shotgun?
18 inches
What length is considered a short barrel rifle?
16 inches
Property recovered from a person entering the sheriff’s office should be stored where?
Duty office
Parking within_____feet of rail at railroad crossing?
50 feet
Stopping vehicle on highway with less than_____feet of visibility?
200 feet
MD vehicle law 21-106, the police officer may extend the emergency privileges set forth in this section for a dignitary escort?
Forgery is defined as the false making or the making or the material altering of a document with the intent to defraud?
How long to notify MVA of an address change?
30 days
Accordingly to Maryland vehicle law 21-1104, obstruction to a drivers view, a police officer may enforce a violation for an object hanging from the rear view mirror as a secondary action only?
A police officer, not in uniform and in an unmarked police vehicle, may not charge someone with fleeing and eluding?
A timekeeper in a speed contest is guilty of the same offense as the drivers of the vehicle?
MVA may not issue a moped operators permit to an individuals who license to drive is…
Suspended, Cancelled, or refused
Failure to activate BWC is class?
A person who receives a warning letter as a result of point accumulation must submit proof of insurance to MVA within…
30 days
Any weapon, or items found when running someone through the metal detector at the Sheriff’s office be stored where?
Duty office area
Motor vehicle accident (undetermined) is what priority response?
Prior to turning off or mutinq the BWC, deputies
shall make an oral statement noting the reason. Additionally, deputies should re-activate
the BWC at the completion of the interview/statement if the incident being investigated is
Monthly, supervisors will select and review ___ to___ body camera incidents involvinq
their personnel to ensure the BWC is beinq used properly and to ensure policy
3 to 5
A Blue Team entry, ACRS Report, photographs of the vehicle and accident scene, a Detailed
Report and Endorsements, tow bill, two estimates and wrap estimate must be completed after
any accident involving a CCSO vehicle which meets any of the following criteria:
• The accident involves injury or death to CCSO personnel or others
• The accident involves any damage to property other than a CCSO vehicle, or physically
involves another person or non-CCSO vehicle
• The CCSO vehicle is towed or involves damage to an apparent extent of $1,000.00 or
The Blue Team entry will then be forwarded to the Office of Professional Standards
Commander. If for some reason the investigating officer cannot include any of the required
information by the end of the shift, he will notify the OPS commander via email and make
arrangements to provide that information in a timely manner. All other documents shall be
forwarded to the?
Patrol Bureau Office Assistant II.
The Special Projects Coordinator reports directly to the….
CIB Commander
Maintenance of the Agency motorcycles is the responsibility of the…
CAT Supervisor
No visible tattoos will be displayed on the___, ____, ____, or_____, with the exception of ____?
Head, Neck, Face, or Hands. Ring finger tat.
A deputy, who discharges a firearm to euthanize an animal, will generate a call for service in
New World.
When responding to a report of the theft of prescription medication, deputies and or SCO’s must
advise the complainant to provide a note from the prescribing doctor of the type, amount, and
date the prescription was issued. This information must be provided to the deputy or SCO prior
to taking the report.
Theft of medication call
Deputies are required to use the BWC while working secondary employment when the
use is for law enforcement purposes.
The crime scene techs also oversee all aspects of the LiveScan finqerprintinq program:
scheduling appointments, finqerprintinq, processinq collecting fees, and maintaining records.
Crime scene techs
The Public Information Program Assistant is assigned to the Criminal Investigations Bureau and
reports directly to the?
CIB commander
Motor Vehicle Accident Reports are now available online at
within___ to____ business days after the date of the accident.
7 to 10 days
A Patrol Bureau sergeant will be responsible for the re-supplying of all forms. The Patrol
Bureau Commander will select the Patrol sergeant who will be in charge of the CCSO forms
Replacing ccso forms
Gloves worn during
regular duty assignments must be a solid color black. Gloves that are reinforced with any
“knuckle plating” or “weighted” in any way are prohibited. Knuckle plated gloves are only
allowed by the Special Operations Team and only to be used during SOT operations or training.
Glove policy
In Maryland, a child under the age of___ years may not be left unattended at home, at school, or in a car.
If a parent or guardian needs to leave a child who is younger than____ years old, the parent or guardian must ensure that a reliable person, who is at least___ years old will stay to protect the child.
8, 13
Ideally, funeral homes should provide at least____ hours notice prior to a planned