New Flashcards
We will miss you all
Os echaremos de menos
If at any time you all want to inf
Si en cualquier momento quereis inf
I am so sorry that
Siento mucho que
Don’t get involved
No te metas
La aprobación
As if it were that easy
Como si fuera tan fácil
As if
Como si
To interfere
Don’t be annoying
No seas pesado/a
Just don’t interfere
Solo no interfieras
She never changes her mind
Nunca cambia de parecer
On top of it all
Para colmo
I don’t think you’ve (Singular) seen it (+ VERB)
No creo que lo hayas visto (SUBJ)
I doubt that they’ve repaired the cracks
Dudo que hayan reparado las grietas
I’m sorry you were scammed with that house
Lamento que hayas sido estafado con esa casa
The Blocked faucet
El grifo tapado
The weeds, undergrowth
La maleza
Your fence didn’t turn out well.
La cerca no te quedó bien.
It bothers me that they weren’t careful
(Haven’t been)
Me molesta que no hayan sido cuidadosos
I don’t like that they removed the fence.
No me gusta que hayan quitado la cerca.
He isn’t allowed to shout (verb form)
Tiene prohibido gritar (inf)
to be in danger
correr peligro
por poco
Drag himself out
Sale arrastrándose
Don’t take it badly
No lo tomes a mal
Yes a mal
He already got (found) another excuse
Ya encontró otro pretexto
I think it needs to be changed
Creo que hace falta cambiarlo
I wasn’t familiar with her ambitious side
No conocía su lado ambicioso
Honestly I’ve had a lot of luck
De verdad he tenido mucha suerte
You’ve completely changed
Has cambiado por completo
Who would have thought it
Quién lo diría
And to think that… !
Y pensar que…!
To be stingy
Ser tacaño
My life changed for the better
Mi vida cambia por mejor
Again and again
Una y otra vez
The plot
La trama
De mala gana
To be distressed
Estar angustiado
It’s just that
Es que
To over sleep
Quedarse dormida
To expect
Six o’clock is approaching soon
Ya falta poco para las seis
I don’t have anything to do at the weekend
No tengo nada que hacer el fin de
To animate /to cheer up
Levantarse el ánimo
To get depressed
To plan
How frustrating not being able to go out
Qué frustrante no poder salir
Let’s break the monotony
Rompamos la monotonía
But I’ve had s beard for a long time
Pero hace mucho que tengo barba
How different they look (as in changed)
Qué cambiadas se ven
A small country/ car
Un país chico, un coche chico