Neurotransmitterrs Flashcards
Astro Yates, oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells and microglia
Input, increase contact expanse
Dendritic spines
Increase SA for axonal contact
Cell body
Maintenance factory
Output, can reach distances far away
Myelin sheath
Insulation for electrical signaling
Synaptic buttons
Chemical signaling, neurotransmitters
Axon hillock
Action potential generated
Sensory neurons
Receptors in periphery, cell body in ganglion
Motor neurons
Cell body in CNS for skeletal motor neurons
Cell body in autonomic ganglia for smooth muscle
Contained in CNS
Travel from one brain region to another and local confined to cell body
Internal structure neurons
High protein synthesis and neurotransmitter
Ribosomes and rough ER
cytoskeleton components- microtubules, neurofilsments and microfilaments
Spinal cord circuitry
Gray matter in 10’layers, Latina
Peripheral into spinal cord via dorsal roots and dorsal root ganglia contain cell bodies of sensory axons
Ventral horn and intermediate zone contain cell bodies of motor neurons whose axons travel in ventral root
Peripheral nerves
Epineurium, perineurium snd endoneurium
Fibroblasts and collagen sheath containing peri and epineurium and peripheral axons
Connective tissue sheath containing bundles of peripheral nerve axons
Connective tissue sheath surrounding individual axons
Schwann cell
Unmyelinated in PNS
Glial cell factors
Do not form synapses
Electrically unexcitable, no action potential
Only 1 process and some divide, numerous as neurons
Provide structural matrix- blood brain barrier
Homeostasis- K and glucose, and neurotransmitters
Scar following injury
Many different types and shapes
Blood brain barrier
Surrounding capillary with endothelial cells forming tight junction
Pedicures with smooth muscle like property and astroglial end feet
Myelin producing cells
Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells
1 oligo forms many myelin segments CNS and insulate against signal degradation
Segmentally organized nodes of Ranvier
Schwann cells can act like CNS glial cells but are PNS, create ECM and can phagocytose
Ubiquitous, numerous, plasticity, immune competence- can become brain macrophages and self renewal
Ependymal cells
Line ventricular system
Circulate CSF via cilia
Choroid plexus cells produce and secrete CSF
CSF during sleep removes metabolites
Three compartments and three interfaces
CSF- blood
So glucose can pass through blood brain barrier
Cerebral cortex
6 layers
Pyramidial cells (3 and 5)
Long axons of cortex
Projects to other neurons in cerebral cortex
Projects structures outside cerebral cortex
Layer 4 is the inner granular layer and receives info from thalamus
Projection neurons
Large dendritic arborizations
Large cell bodies and long axons
Important for information processing between structures
Small neurons with smaller dendritic arborizations
Small cell bodies short axons
Project short distances
Local info processing
Hippocampal formation
3 layers, connects with thalamus, amygdala and septal nuclei
Dentate gyrus- input cells of hippocampus
CA region- pyramidial cells, output cells (hippocampus proper)
Memories of facts via connection to thalamus
Molecular, purkinje cell layer and granule layer
Granule cell axon to molecular layer as parallel fibers and synapses with dendrite of purkinje cell which is major output and connects with Brain stem and thalamus
Motor movement
Purkinje cells
Largest neurons in Brian
Receive ~100,000 synapses
Primary site for neurochemical communication
Synapse or neuroeffector junction
Electrical synapse
Fast communication, no signal amplification ( cardiac, GI, fast neural tissue)
Not target for drug action
Chemical synapses
Slower but amplification, targeted by drugs and signal computation
Axon to Nerve and dendrite or to cell body
Usually unidirectional (except nitric oxide)
Fast or slow, thousands of synapses
Active zone for rapid fusion and stored transmitter release, exocytosis
Synapse types
Fast: ligand gated ion channel
Slow: G protein coupled receptor
CNS Neurotransmitter
Endogenous substances used to transmit signals to cells across synapse
May exert excitatory and inhibitory actions on target, and response depends on if activates and the receptor effector coupling mechanism
CNS Somatic motor neurons, skeletal muscle
Excitatory and used in memory
Pleasure when released to reward circuits
Movement, mood and reward
Major inhibitory neurotransmitter of Brain
Major excitatory neurotransmitter of the brain
Can also act as hormone, CNS
In peripheral, fight or flight
In Brain- attention, wakefulness, pain
Mood aggression, sensory
CNS, in spinal cord used as inhibitory pain pathway
Opioid peptides
CNS role in pain perception and mood
In addition option exert GI action
5 requirements for endogenous substance to be considered synaptic neurotransmitter
Present in presynaptic nerves sequestered in synaptic vesicles
Mechanism must exist for synthesis or accumulation of the substance within presynpatic nerve
Mechanism for inactivation must exist within synaptic region, degradation enzymes, reuptake system or other
Neurotransmitter pathways
NT formed and stored within specific nerve cells
Different classes clustered in regions of the brain
Synaptic vehicle formation, transport and NT loading
Large quantities typically stored in synaptic vesicles and held for release at presynaptic axon termini
Processes differ for small amine transmitters vs. peptide transmitters
Small molecule NT
Vesicles formed in cell body and transported to termini without NT
Synthesized locally and packaged into small clear core vesicles at Nerve terminal
Vesicles recycled and reloaded with NT after release
Neuropeptide NT
NT precursor synthesized within body on ER
Precursors and processing enzymes loaded to dense core vesicles in cell body and transported to nerve terminal with the processing enzymes
Little evidence for vesicle recycling
Chemical neurotransmission
NT formation and storage in synaptic vesicles
Synaptic transmission: stimulation of release, activation of receptors, target cell response to receptor activation, termination of NT action
Synaptic neurotransmission steps 1
- Stimulation of NT release- action potentional. Ca rush into nerve terminal which causes vesicle to fuse and release contents into extra cellular space (synapse)
Vesicle membrane re captured by endocytosis and recycled back into synaptic vesicles, vesicles then reloaded with NT
Transmitter release
Limited circumstances where there appears to be a therapeutic benefit derived from the use of agents that alter NT release
Synaptic transmission 2
NT activation of captors on postsynaptic cells
Once release NT bind and activate receptor classes which changes target cell channels, enzymes and messengers
Receptor activation can excite or inhibit target cell and then do not respond if lack appropriate receptors
Therapeutic intervention- agonists and antagonist
GABA-A Receptors
Regulate opening of Cl channels
Major inhibitory AA transmitter in CNS
excitatory AA transmitter in CNS
Drugs that mimic or enhance GLU are excitatory
CNS depression by enhanced inhibitory neurotransmission
DIAZEPAM- benzodiazepine
Sedative, enhance GABA to stimulate Cl channel opening so have membrane hyperpolarization and deceased neuronal excitability
CNS depression by reduced excitatory transmission
Blocks GLU activation of NMDA receptors
In normal animals NMDA increases Na and Ca into neurons and membrane depolarization to increase neuron excitability
Transmitter receptor activation
Vital process that is common target for numerous drugs of therapeutic importance
Synaptic neurotransmission 4
Elimination of NT from synapse
To terminate signal NT must be removed and elimination processes are conserved
Certain NT elimination processes are major targets for therapeutic drug intervention (inhibitors)
Inhibition of NT elimination will enhance NT action
Uptake reuptake transport
Termination of NT action
Act elimination
AChE enzymes
DA elimination
Uptake by dopamine transporters
Metabolic degradation- MAO
GABA elimination and GLU elimination
Uptake by glutamate transporters or metabolic degradation
NE elimination
Uptake by catecholamine transports or metabolic degradation
5-HT elimination
Uptake by serotonin receptors or metabolic degradation
Acetylcholine degradation ex
Rapidly hydrolyzed by AChE at all sites where works as NT
If inhibit half life is high