Neuropathologies In ALCD Flashcards
Acute-Onset that Remain Stable/Improve
● Acute Ischemic Stroke
● Intracerebral hemorrhage
● Subarachnoid hemorrhage
● Traumatic brain injury
● Abscesses
● Encephalitis
● Acute disseminate encephalomyelitis
deals with the higher mental
processes such as thinking, decision making,
and planning.
Frontal Lobe
deals with the processes
involved in sensory information that has to
do with taste, temperature, and touch.
Parietal Lobe
deals with processing auditory information (e.g. mga naririnig mo,
anything regarding auditory information).
Temporal Lobe
used for processing visual
Occipital lobe
used for the coordination of voluntary movements
controls the di erent cranial
nerves and motor control of the body; the other motor control,
Brain Stem
involved in production of speech sound
- Also called the Brodmann Area 44 til and 45.
involved in Understanding of speech
- Also known as the Brodmann Area 22. It is for the comprehension of speech.
controls the Movements of muscles
Motor Cortex
connects Wernicke’s area to Broca’s area.
Arcuate Fasciculus
There is a blockage or infarct
Ischemic stroke
The blockage is moving
Embolic IS
Blood clot in specific area
Thrombotic Stroke
happens if there’s a smaller than 1 to 1.5 cm in size;
Lacunar Stroke
are regions of the brain that simultaneously receive blood supply from 2 types of arteries.
Watershed areas
obstruction caused by blood clot (thrombus)
one or more heart valves does not work properly
Valve Disease
Contralateral, hemiparesis, sensory loss, homonymous hemianopsia, dysarthria
MCA stroke
(R) - neglect, anosognosia, asomatognosia, aprosodia, flat effect
(L) - aphasia, alexia, agraphia, acalculia, apraxia
MCA stroke
Contralateral leg paresis, abulia, disinhibition, exec dysfunction, akinetic mutism
ACA stroke
occipital - contralateral homonymous hemianopsia, cortical blindness (bilateral)
Medial temporal - LTM and STM deficits, behavior alteration
Thalamus - contralateral sensory loss, aphasia, exec dysfunction, decreased level of consciousness, memory impairment
PCA stroke
Lesion: Sup div LMCA
Broca’s aphasia
Lesion: Inferior div LMCA
Wernicke’s Aphasia
Lesion: Watershed bet LMCA and LACA
Transcortical motor aphasia
Lesion: Watershed bet LMCA and LPCA:
Transcortical sensory aphasia
Cog-comm d/o
Intracerebral Hemorrhage: (L) basal ganglia, internal capsule, white matter
articulatory impairment + comprehension and naming impairments ang patient
Intracerebral hemorrhage: L) thalamus
Naming and repetition impairments
Intracerebral hemorrhage: (R) thalamus
Narrative deficits
Amyloid angiopathy - when a amyloid proteins build up on the walls of the arteries in the brain, causing
Dementia or stroke
Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) - blood vessels are being tangled, nagkakaroon ng problem connecting arteries and veins causing
Abnormal connection
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Possible magkaroon ng:
Aneurysmal SAH
CN III palsy, CN VI palsy, bilateral LE weakness, abulia, visuospatial neglect, hemiparesis, and aphasia is due to
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Can also cause aphasia or other focal
neurological deficits due to blood pushing
on the brain, inhibiting cortical function
Subdural Hematoma
Can be because of:
○ Blows to the head
○ Closed head injuries (CHI)
Nonspecific dull headache, mental status changes, focal neurological deficits, fever (because there is an infection)
Brain Abscesses
E ffects: Cognitive impairments (particularly the memory), sustained attention, information processing speech, executive function
Multiple Sclerosis
Beta-amyloid plaques (increases) and neurofibrillary tangles (caused by the tau protein)
Alzheimer’s Disease
Presence of slowly progressive memory impairment
Also develop apraxia, agnosia, executive dysfunction, aphasia
Dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra
Trouble processing long, complex sentences, verb generation di culties, impaired semantic priming
3 core clinical features: resting tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity… eventually postural instability
Gradual impairment of language production, object naming syntax, and/or word comprehension
Eventually may develop cognitive deficits, parkinsonism, and behavioral di culties
Change in a ffect, lack of basic emotions, repetitive, stereotyped behaviors, changes in eating habits, executive dysfunction
Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia
Gait isntability, impairment of eye movements, spastic dysarthria, aphasia (nonfluent), bradykinesia, rigidity, frontal behavior changes
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Tumors in dominant hemisphere ->
Tumors is nondominant hemisphere ->
Prosody and discourse comprehension deficits
Exposes arteries in head and neck Opaque fluid is injected
Injected sa blood to see all the arteries Ischemia-vessels seem to disappear beyond occlusion (Parang mga threads)
Alterations in expected densities of brain structures
Magnetic fields and radio frequency Picture of electromagnetic signals More sensitive than CT
Non-Invasive but more time consuming
Electroencephalography (EEG)
Electrodes on patient’s scalp
Lesion is indicated by irregular electrical activity
Direct measure of metabolism
Radioactive tracers with oxygen and or glucose are injected into arteries
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Gold standard for identifying dysfunctional Brain tissue.
PET scan