Informal Ax Of Cog Comm D/o Flashcards
Causes of RHD
Vascular d/o
Brain tumors
Deficits Associated with RHD
- can have superficial content of what they are discussing, they usually have flat voice, flat a ect and reduced arousal.
- During conversation, they can express themselves but it seems like they’re not interested.
- As a listener, they sometimes get only bits of information, and they fail to see the big picture of a given information. They have problems detecting language nuances (or minsan madali silang maloko)
Neurological Consequences of RHD
- Hemispatial (unilateral) Neglect
- Attention Deficits
- Emotional Prosody Deficits
- Linguistic Prosody Deficits
- Discourse Deficits
- Pragmatic Deficits
This can a ect tactile, auditory, visual information presented on the left side of the clients’ face.
Hemispatial (unilateral) Neglect
Ang nakikita lang nila is yung nasa right side so most of the information presented on the left side, hindi nila alam or makita
Hemispatial (unilateral) Neglect
ang nagkakaroon ng problem na ito is yung mga may lesions sa right parietal lobe.
Hemispatial (unilateral) Neglect
Neurological Consequences
Constructional impairments
Memory deficits
Topographical and geographical disorientation
Planning, problem solving, and organizing deficits
A screener for possible cognitive impairments
MoCA - Montreal Cognitive Assessment (Screener)
di culty recognizing faces of familiar people
unaware of their deficits
indi erence to disorders
problems in organizing and performing complicated actions in the person’s immediate surroundings so for example they have problems drawing complex patterns or building small objects from parts.
Constructional impairments
problems in verbal and working memory
Memory deficits
problems with internal representations of external environment. they have problems understanding immediate surroundings but can be confused about where they are in the world.
Topographical and geographical disorientation
problems in following sequential directions, organizing daily, weekly, or monthly schedules, keeping a checkbook current, time management.
Planning, problem solving, and organizing deficits -
An assessment battery type, maraming subtests
CLQT - Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test (Assessment Battery)
Areas of Assessment of CLQT - Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test (Assessment Battery)
● Discourse
● Pragmatic behavior
● Prosody
● Neglect
● Attention
● A ective processing
Informal Assessment (Initial Screening)
● Interview
● Scene interpretation
● Neglect
● Further testing options
Interview (Screening)
● Px’s assessment of his/her own deficits
● Events surrounding their hospitalization
● Focus of their current rehab
● Personal history
● Future plans
● Activities that day
● Distinguish between relevant and irrelevant detail
● Integrate information across the picture
● Draw inferences about the events depicted
Scene Description (Screening)