Neuronal Communiation Flashcards
What are neurones and nerves?
Specialised cells of nervous system which carry electrical impulses around body
Bundle of neurones = NERVE
Features fund in all types of neurone?
Cell body - contains nucleus/other cellular structures
Axon terminal - end of axon , contain many nerve endings
These nerve endings allow neurones to connect to many other neurones /receive impulses from them , forming network for easy communication
What is meant when some neurones are myelinated? How is it beneficial?
Axon is INSULATED by a myelin sheath , with small uninsulated sections along its length —> NODES OF RANVIER
Myelin sheath made of specialised cells —> Schwann cells
So electrical impulses don’t travel down whole axon- jump from one node to next , reducing time wasted transferring impulse from 1 cell to another
Why does impulse travel more slowly non myelinated neurones ?
Axon is uninsulated so impulse travels along entire length of axon
- travels more slowly
- whole axon must be depolarised
3 types of neurone and function?
Sensory : carry impulses from RECEPTORS —> CNS (brain or spinal chord)
Relay : found within CNS and connect SENSORY —> MOTOR NEURONES
Motor: carry impulses from CNS —> EFFECTORS
Structure of 3 types of neurone?
Motor : large cell body at one end that lies in SPINAL CHORD/BRAIN
- nucleus in cell body
- highly branched dendrites extending from cell body —> large SA for axon terminals of other neurones when communicating
Relay : short, high branched axons and dendrites
Sensory: cell body that branches off middle of cell
- single long dendron carries impulses TO cell body /axon that carries impulse AWAY from cell body
What is a stimulus and a receptor cell?
Stimulus: Detectable change in internal/external environment of an organism
Receptor cells respond to a stimulus
- they are transducers - convert energy from one form into energy in an electrical impulse within sensory neurone
What are pacinian corpuscles ?
Found at ends of sensory neurone axons - made of layers of membrane around end of neurone separated by a gel
- gel between layers contain sodium ions (na+)
Section of axon surrounded by layers of membrane contain stretch-mediated sodium ion channels - OPEN when SUFFICIENT PRESSURE APPLIED
- allows Na+ to flow into neurone - electrical potential difference across axon membrane established - GENERATOR POTENTIAL
What is resting potential?
In a resting axon (not transmitting impulses) , INSIDE of axon always has NEGATIVE electrical potential compared to OUTSIDE
- this potential difference is usually -70mV inside axon
Sodium potassium pumps* - actively transport USING ATP , 3Na+ ions OUT of axon and 2 K+ ions INTO axon
Differential membrane permeability - membrane not as permeable to Na+ ions - channels mainly closed- so cant diffuse back in —> CREATES SODIUM ION ELECTROCHEMCIAL GRADIENT
K+ ION CHANNELS are mainly open so membrane permeable to K+ ions - diffuse back OUT axon down electrochemical grad (HIGH —> LOW)
- More NEGATIVE inside neurone - increase ELECTROCHEMICAL GRAD
2 factors contributing to establishing/maintaining resting potential?
- Active transport of sodium ions and potassium ions
- Differential membrane permeability
What are action potentials caused by?
Rapid movement of sodium and potassium ions across the membrane of axon
What are voltage gated channel proteins?
Channel proteins in axon membrane that changes shape to allow sodium and potassium ions to pass through
- open and close depending on voltage (electrical potential) across axon membrane
Closed when *axon membrane at resting potential
Stage 1 of an action potential?
STIMULUS (electrical impulse/chemical change to membrane of neurone)
- triggers Na+ ion channels in membrane to open —> Na+ ions diffuse into neurone down ELECTROCHEMICAL GRADIENT
When large enough stimulus detected by neurone, RESTING POTENTIAL —> ACTION POTENTIAL
Stage 2 of an action potential?
Threshold of -55mV is reached , an action potential is stimulated and so:
Voltage-gated sodium ion channels in the axon membrane open
Sodium ions pass into the axon down the electrochemical gradient (high conc -> low conc)
- inside of the axon is - , attracting the + charged sodium ions
The movement of sodium ions reduces the potential difference across the axon membrane as the inside of the axon becomes less negative – depolarisation
Depolarisation triggers more channels to open, allowing more sodium ions to enter and causing more depolarisation - positive feedback
The action potential will reach a potential of around +30mV
Stage 3 of an action potential?
Once pd reached 30mV , all Na+ voltage gated channel proteins CLOSE in this section , stopping further diffusion of Na+ into axon
K+ ion voltage gated channel proteins in this section OPEN —> diffusion of K+ OUT of axon (DOWN CONC GRAD)
- returns pd to Normal (-70mV)- REPOLARISATION /example of negative feedback