Animal & Plant Responses - Muscles Flashcards
What is the cardioregulatory centre ? Structure/location?
The medulla - base of brain near top of spinal chord
medulla made up of 2 distinct parts:
- acceleratory centre- causes the heart to speed up
- inhibitory centre - causes the heart to slow down
- both centres connected to SAN by nerves that make up AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM
How is heart rate increased in acceleratory centre?
- acceleratory centre activated
- impulses sent along the sympathetic neurones to the SAN
Noradrenaline secreted at the synapse with the SAN
Noradrenaline causes SAN to increase the frequency of the electrical waves it produces - increased heart rate
How does inhibitory centre reduce heart rate?
Inhibitory centre activated
- impulses sent along PARASYMPATHETIC neurones to SAN
- ACETYLCHOLINE secreted at synapse with SAN
This causes SAN to reduce the frequency of electrical waves it produces
REDUCE ELEVATED HR to resting rate
How is heart rate controlled by cardiovascular centre during exercise?
Exercise cause internal conditions to change - create internal stimuli :
CO2 conc in blood increases - react with water to form carbonic acid - REDUCE pH
Internal stimuli (low pH) detected by CHEMORECEPTORS in aorta/carotid artery
- Receptors increase frequency of nerve impulses sent to cardiovascular centre*
Higher frequency impulses - activate acceleratory
After excercising, conc off blood CO2 falls—> reduce activity of accelerator pathway —> HEART RATE DECLINES
Increase in BP during excerise, DETECTED by baroreceptors receptors aorta/carotid artery
- if pressure is too high, stretch receptor lowers frequency of impulses sent to cardio centre (activate inhibitory centre)—> REDUCE HR
What is a gland?
Group of cells that produces/releases one or more substances - secretion
NORADERENALINE/ADRENALINE - made in adrenal gland - increase HR
THYROXINE - made in thyroid gland - increase HR
3 types of muscles?
Skeletal (striated/voluntary) - move skeleton
Smooth (involuntary)
Skeletal muscles structure ?
Made up of muscle fibres - highly specialised cell-like unit:
- muscle fibres contain contractile proteins in cytoplasm /surrounded by cell surface membrane
- muscle fibres contain many nuclei
Cell surface membrane = sarcolemma
Cytoplasm = sarcoplasm
Endoplasmic reticulum = sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
Structure of sarcolemma?
Deep tube-like projections that fold in from its outer surface - T-Tubules
- they run close to SR
Structure of sarcoplasm?
Contains mitochondria
- aerobic respiration to generate ATP for muscle contraction
Contain myofibrils - bundles of actin/myosin filaments , which slide past each other during muscle contraction
Thick filaments- myosin
Thin filaments- actin
What does the membrane of SR contain?
Protein pumps that transport Ca2+ ions into lumen of SR
Myofibril structure?
H BAND : only thick myosin filaments present
I BAND : only thin actin filaments present
A BAND : contain areas where only myosin filaments present and where myosin/actin filaments overlap
M LINE : attachment for myosin filaments
Z LINE : attachment for actin filaments
SARCOMERE : section of myofibril between 2 Z lines
Structure of involuntary (smooth) muscle?
Contain both ACTIN AND MYOSIN FILAMENTS - no banding/striation
- consists of small elongated cells/spindle shaped fibres* with 1 nucleus
Cardiac muscle properties?
Myogenic - contract without external stimulation via nerves/hormones
Doesn’t tire/fatigue so can CONTRACT CONTINUOUSLY through life
Cardiac muscle fibres form NETWORK that spread through walls of atria/ventricles
Cardiac muscle fibres connected to each other via intercalated discs
Large no. Mitochondria - generate ATP for contraction
How are impulses trasmitted across neuromuscular junction?
1. Impulse travels along AXON of motor neurone + arrives at presysnaptic membrane
2. AP cause Ca2+ ions to diffuse into neurone
- stimulates vesicles containing (ACh) to fuse with presynaptic membrane
3. ACh released diffuses across neuromuscular junction + bind to receptor proteins on sarcolemma
4. Stimulate ion channels to open in SARCOLEMMA , Na+ DIFFUSES in
5. DEPOLARISES SARCOLEMMA , generating AP that pass down T-tubules towards centre of muscle fibre
- This AP cause VOLTAGE GATED Ca2+ channel proteins in SR to OPEN
6. Ca2+ diffuse OUT SR and INTO sarcoplasm
7. Ca2+ binds to troponin molecules - causes them to change shape
Starts process of muscle contraction
How is muscle contraction stopped?
ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE enzyme in synaptic cleft breaks down ACETYLCHOLINE
- Ca2+ pumped back into SR when SARCOLEMMA, T TUBULES,SR are no longer polarised
- movement of Ca2+ ions terminates muscle contraction
Is the neuromuscular junction excitatory or inhibitory? What happens if only a few impulses sent via small no. Motor neurones ?
- the total no. Muscle fibres that contract will be minimal
Where is the neuromuscular junction located ?
Between a neurone and muscle cell
How does the sliding filament model of muscle contraction occur? Step 1-3
An AP arrives at the neuromuscular junction + all steps follow
1. Ca2+ ions released from SR into sarcoplasm by diffusion
2. Ca2+ ions bind to troponin molecules - they change shape
- causes troponin and tropomyosin proteins to change position on the actin filaments
3. Myosin binding sites are exposed on the actin molecules
Structure of thick filament in myofibril ?
- made up of myosin molecules
- Fibrous proteins with globular head
- fibrous part of myosin molecule anchors the molecule into the thick filament
- in filament, many myosin molecules lie next to each other with their globular heads pointing away from the M line
Structure of thin filaments in myofibril?
Made up of actin molecules
- globular protein molecules
2 actin chains twist tgt to form 1 thin filament
- fibrous protein - TROPOMYOSIN- twisted around the 2 actin chains
- troponin protein attached to actin chain at regular intervals
Role of ATP in muscular contraction?
ATP binds to myosin to detach from ACTIN
ATP hydrolysis allows myosin heads to return to original shape
Also used for active transport - returning Ca2+ ions into SR
Role of PHOSPHOCREATINE in muscle contraction?
Molecule stored by muscles that is used for rapid production of ATP
ADP + phosphocreatine —> ATP + creatine
This allows for muscles to continue contracting for short time, until mitochondria can supply ATP
What happens when phosphocreatine is used up?
Rate of muscle contraction must = rate of ATP production for both AEROBIC/ANAEROBIC respiration
Sliding filament theory step 4-8 ?
- globular heads of myosin molecules bind to sites- form cross-bridges between actin/myosin
- myosin heads bend/ pull actin filaments towards the centre of the sarcomere - the muscle contracts a small distance
movement of the myosin heads - power-stroke - When myosin heads bend, releases ADP
- ATP binds to the myosin head—> can detach from actin
- myosin head acts as ATPase enzyme —> hydrolyse ATP into ADP and Pi ; energy released allows myosin head to return to its original position
Sliding filament theory step 9-10?
- The myosin head now binds to a new binding site on actin filaments
- myosin heads move again, pulling the actin filaments even closer to the centre of the sarcomere - sarcomere shortens further
As long as troponin and tropomyosin not blocking the binding sites/ muscle has a supply of ATP,process repeats until the muscle is fully contracted
Role of noradrenaline?
Increase HR/BP
Widen pupils
PRACTICAL: Monitor Muscle fatigue
- Attach 2 electrodes to places on muscle you want to record. 3rd electrde goes on INACTIVE point as a control (bony wrist)
- Switch off any other electrical equipment not needed, as noises interfere with electrical signal from muscle
- Connect electrodes to amplifier /computer
- Keep muscle relaxed - straight line on electromyogram
- Contract muscle - spikes in graph appear as MOTOR units activated to contract muscle
Lifting weights increases amplitude of trace —> more electrical signals as more motor units needs to lift weight
7 continuing to hold the weight- muscle fatigues . On Electromyogram , amplitude of trace increases further (as brain tries to activate more motor units to generate force needed to hold weight up