Neuromuscular Flashcards
Loss of orientation, word finding difficulty, depression, poor judgment,
rigidity, slow movement, shuffling gait, difficulty with new learning/memorychanges/concentration
UMN: spasticity, clonus, incoordination, (+) Babinski
LMN: asymmetric weakness, fasciculation, cramping, atrophy
Loss of upper extremity more than lower extremity, loss of motor functionand pain and temperature
Anterior cord syndrome
Multiple contractures, joint dislocation, muscle atrophy, cylinder-shaped limbs with no definition/tone
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenital
Sweating, dilated pupils, bradycardia, hypertension, blurred vision, high blood pressure
Autonomic dysreflexia
Asymmetrical drooping of eyelid and mouth, drooling, dry eyes, can’t close eyelid due to weakness
Bell’s palsy
Loss of ipsilateral vibratory/position sense and contralateral pain/temperature
Brown sequard syndrome
Dysphagia, nasal regurgitations, slurred speech, choking, dysphonia,dysarthria, dysphasia
Bulbar palsy
Paresthesia in digits 1-3 and ½ of 4 including finger tips, muscle weakness inthenar eminence and volar aspect of hand, poor grip strength, night pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Flaccidity, areflexia, incontinence of bowel/bladder
Cauda equina syndrome
Upper extremity loss more than lower extremity, motor loss more thansensory loss, damage to spinothalamic and corticospinal tracts
Central cord syndrome
Abnormal muscle tone
Abnormal reflexes
I aspire dmobility
Cerebral palsy
Paresthesia in digits 1-3 and ½ of 4 including finger tips, muscle weakness inthenar eminence and volar aspect of hand, poor grip strength, night pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Flaccidity, areflexia, incontinence of bowel/bladder
Cauda equina syndrome
Symmetrical weakness and sensory loss; can involve sensory, motor, and autonomic systems; paresthesia, muscle wasting, “stocking glove”,
orthostatic hypotension, pain
Diabetic neuropathy
Mental retardation, hypotonia, hypermobility, flattened nose, narrow eyes, small mouth, scoliosis, flat feet, congenital heart disease, visual and hearing loss
Down syndrome
Abnormal heart rate, breathing, sweating, pupil size, bladder function, GI motility, excess fatigue
Sensory loss, paresthesia, pain, sensory usually less than motor loss,
progresses from lower extremities to upper extremities, may produce full quadriplegia and respiratory failure
Choreic movement, dystonia, athetoid movement, ataxia, impaired gait,
posture and balance, difficulty with speech and swallowing, incontinence,tongue protrusion
Huntington’s disease
Spasticity, fatigue, vision deficits, ataxia, incontinence, pain, cognitive deficits, paresthesia
Multiple sclerosis
Festinating gait, shuffling, anterior lean, trunk flexion, decreased trunk rotation, essential tremor, rigidity, slow movement
Parkinson’s disease
Paresthesia in the course of the root involved
Peripheral neuropathy
Symptoms only occur if the infection gets into the blood stream
Loss of pain, proprioception, 2-pt discrimination, and stereognosis
Posterior cord syndrome
Slow and progressive weakness, fatigue, muscle atrophy, pain, swallowing issues
Post polio syndrome
Motor loss below level of defect, sensory loss, tethered cord syndrome,
hydrocephalus, scoliosis, bowel & bladder dysfunction, learning disabilities
Spina bifida
Confusion, agitation, motor impairment, swallowing/speaking issues
Pain, paresthesia in the UE
Brief paroxysms of neurogenic pain (stabbing/shooting) reoccurring frequently.
Trigemial neuralgia
Decreased flexion, momentary head elevation with minimal forearm support, tracks a moving object, head usually to one side, reciprocal/symmetrical kicking, positive
support and primary walking reflexes in supported standing, hands fisted with
indwelling thumb most of time, neonatal reaching, alter, brightening expression.
1 month
Head elevation to 45° in prone, in prone on elbows with elbows behind shoulders,
head bobs in supported sitting, does not accept weight through lower extremities, responses to friendly handling.
2 months
Prone on elbows, weight bearing on forearms, elbows in line with shoulders, head
elevated to 90°, head in midline in supine, hands on chest, increased back extensionwith scapular add in supported sitting, takes some weight with toes curled in
supported standing, coos, chuckles, optical and labyrinthine head-righting present.
3 months
Rolls prone/supine to side, sits with support, no head lag in pull to sit, reaching with forearms pronated when trunk supported, ulnar-palmar grasp, laughs out loud.
4 months
Rolls from prone to supine, weight shifts from one forearm to the other in prone, head control in supported sitting.
5 months
Prone on hands, with elbows extended, weight shifts from hand to hand, rolls supineto prone, independent sitting, pulls to stand, bouncing.
6 months
Can maintain quadruped, pivots on belly, moves body in circle while prone, pivots
prone (prone extension) position, assumes sitting from quadruped, trunk rotation insitting, recognizes tone of voices, may show fear of strangers.
7 months
Belly crawls, quadruped creeping, moves quadruped to sitting, side-sitting, pulls to
stand through kneeling, cruises sideways, can stand alone. Radial digital grasp, radial palmar, 3 jaw chuck grasp and inferior pincer grasp with thumb and forefinger, can
transfer objects from one hand to the other.
8 - 9 months
Begins to walk unassisted, begins self-feeding, reaches with supination, neat pincergrasp, can release, build a tower of 2 cubes, searches for hidden toys, suspicious of
strangers, plays patty cake and peekaboo, imitates
10 - 15 months
Ascends stairs step to pattern, running more coordinated, jumps off bottom step, plays make believe
20 months
Runs God supstairs foot over foot Active Restless Tantrums
2 years
Stand on one foot briefly
Jumps with 2 feet
Kicks ball
Understands sharing
3 years
Hops on 1 foot several times
Stands on tiptoes
Throws ball overhand
Relates to friends
4 years
Kicks ball well
Dresses self
5 years