Musculosketelal Flashcards
Burning or aching in heel, pain with activity, swelling, thickening in tendon,morning stiffness, weakness due to pain
Achilles tendonitis
Giving way/buckling
ACL sprain
Acute: pain below elbow, cant sleep, muscle guarding
Chronic: pain in brachial region, capsular stiff
Adhesive capsulitis
Slouched posture, morning stuff, back pain for more than 3 months
Ankylosing spondylitis
Cylinder/sausage like limbs
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenital
Fever, red, edema, pain, warm, tender, swollen glands, chills
Weak and parenthesis in LE progressing to UE
Charcot Marie tooth disease
Dinner fork deformity
Can compress medial nerve if excessive edema
Colle’s fracture
Asymmetrical hip ABD wit tightness and femoral shortening of involved side
Congenital hip dysplasia
SB to same side as contracture
Opposite rotation
Facial asymmetries
Congenital torticollis
No fever Red Edema Pain Itchy, open sores
Gowers maneuver, pseudohypertrophy of calf, proximal muscle weakness,inability to ambulate by 10
Mild pain deep within the shoulder, pain with overhead activities, painful arc (70-120), TTP of bicipital groove & greater trochanter
Impingement syndrome
<16 years old, painful/stiff joints; Systemic, Polyarticular, or Oligoarticular /Pauciarticulara
juvenile RA
Pain anterior/distal to lateral epicondyle that worsens with repetition and resisted wrist extension
Lateral epicondylitis
Antalgic gait
+ Trendelenburg sign
Leg Calve Perthes disease
Pain, swelling, antalgic gait, decreased ROM, feeling of instability
MCL sprain
Joint locking, catching, popping, buckling, pain, swelling
Meniscus tear
Taut palpable band of muscle that may (active) or may not (latent) be tender; trigger points
Myofascial pain syndrome
Stiffness in hands and weight bearing joints, nodes, pain after exercise, enlarged joints
Point tenderness over the patella tendon at tibial tubercle, antalgic gait, painwith increased activity
Osgood schlatter Disease
Anterior knee pain, pain with prolonged sitting, swelling, crepitus, pain with stairs
Patellafemoral syndrome