Musculosketelal Flashcards
Burning or aching in heel, pain with activity, swelling, thickening in tendon,morning stiffness, weakness due to pain
Achilles tendonitis
Giving way/buckling
ACL sprain
Acute: pain below elbow, cant sleep, muscle guarding
Chronic: pain in brachial region, capsular stiff
Adhesive capsulitis
Slouched posture, morning stuff, back pain for more than 3 months
Ankylosing spondylitis
Cylinder/sausage like limbs
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenital
Fever, red, edema, pain, warm, tender, swollen glands, chills
Weak and parenthesis in LE progressing to UE
Charcot Marie tooth disease
Dinner fork deformity
Can compress medial nerve if excessive edema
Colle’s fracture
Asymmetrical hip ABD wit tightness and femoral shortening of involved side
Congenital hip dysplasia
SB to same side as contracture
Opposite rotation
Facial asymmetries
Congenital torticollis
No fever Red Edema Pain Itchy, open sores
Gowers maneuver, pseudohypertrophy of calf, proximal muscle weakness,inability to ambulate by 10
Mild pain deep within the shoulder, pain with overhead activities, painful arc (70-120), TTP of bicipital groove & greater trochanter
Impingement syndrome
<16 years old, painful/stiff joints; Systemic, Polyarticular, or Oligoarticular /Pauciarticulara
juvenile RA
Pain anterior/distal to lateral epicondyle that worsens with repetition and resisted wrist extension
Lateral epicondylitis
Antalgic gait
+ Trendelenburg sign
Leg Calve Perthes disease
Pain, swelling, antalgic gait, decreased ROM, feeling of instability
MCL sprain
Joint locking, catching, popping, buckling, pain, swelling
Meniscus tear
Taut palpable band of muscle that may (active) or may not (latent) be tender; trigger points
Myofascial pain syndrome
Stiffness in hands and weight bearing joints, nodes, pain after exercise, enlarged joints
Point tenderness over the patella tendon at tibial tubercle, antalgic gait, painwith increased activity
Osgood schlatter Disease
Anterior knee pain, pain with prolonged sitting, swelling, crepitus, pain with stairs
Patellafemoral syndrome
May be asymptomatic, swelling, mild pain, feeling of femur sliding off the tibia
PCL sprain
TTP at insertion, heel spur, pain is worse in morning or after periods of
prolonged inactivity, difficulty with prolonged standing, pain when walking inbare feet
Plantar fasciitis
Arm positioned in internal rotation and adduction, TTP greater tubercle and acromion, tone in anterior shoulder structures; limited shoulder flex and
Rotator cuff tear
Groin pain, thigh/knee pain, waddling gait, lower range of motion
Forefoot ADD
Hindfoot varus
Ankle equinus
Talipes equinovarus
Proximal symmetrical muscle weakness, face rash, Gottron papules (circles of red rash over MCP, PIP, and DIP)
Abnormal scar and wound healing, fragile thin blood vessels; soft, stretchy skin that bruises easily, overly flexible joints
Ehler Danlos Syndrome
People who are tall, thin, loose jointed, flat feet, scoliosis; weak aorta, leaking heartvalves
Marfan syndrome
Pathological fractures, brittle bones, hypermobility, bowing of long bones, weakness,scoliosis, decreased respiratory function
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Calcium deposits in skin, Raynaud’s, red spots on hand/face; swelling of esophagus
Red butterfly rash on face, easily fatigued, worse w/ stress, arthralgia, malaise
Tendinosis nerve issue would present as:
Weak and painless
ROm difference for tendonitis vs bursitis
With bursitis, BOTH AROM and PROM are painful. Tendonitis only AROM is painful and with resistance at end range.
Degenerative fraying Bicep insertion
remains attached
SLAP type?
SLAP type 1
Bucket-handle tear of the labrum
Bicep tendon remains
SLAP type?
SLAP type 3
Least common type Intra-substance tear of the biceps tendon Bucket-handle tear of the superior aspect of the labrum
SLAP type?
SLAP type 4
Most common type
Detachment of super labral/biceps from glenoid rim
SLAP type?
SLAP type 2
Achilles’ tendon rupture surgery concerns, PLOF?
Surgery then cast or brace for 6-8 weeks.
Without surgery, serial cast for 10 weeks then heel lift for 3-6 months.
PLOF by 6-7 months.
ACL surgical concerns and PLOF
Post op ROM is 0 -70.
Week 6: 0 - 120
Hinged brace take off between 2-4 weeks.
PLOF by 4-5 months
Bicipital tendonitis PLOF
6-8 weeks
Carpal tunnel syndrome surgical concerns and PLOF
After surgery: modalities, tendon gliding, AROM.
After 4 weeks, progress to active wrist flex, putty, light strengthening.
4-6 weeks for decerase in Sx. Rehab may last up to 8 weeks.
Erbs palsy surgery and prognosis
Without spontaneous recovery in 3-4 months, surgery required but wont go back to PLOF.
Splint for 4 weeks after surgery.
90% can recover with conservative treatment.
Labral tear surgery and guidelines
PROM allowed, strengthen biceps and RTC.
4 weeks in sling.
Start sport specific exercises 6 weeks.
Full recovery 3-4 months.
MCL sprain prognosis
4-8 weeks
Medial meniscus tear: partial vs repair and prognosis
Partial meniscectomy: best for avascular or complex tears.
Meniscus repair: tears on outer edges.
Limit WB and full knee flex for 6-10 weeks.
Prognosis: 12 weeks
TOS surgery and prognosis
Most dont need surgery.
Conservative treatment for 4-8 weeks.
GI ulcers Abdominal pain Reye syndrome in children
Side effects for?
Watch out for stomach pain Patient will have masked pain that allows for movement beyond limitations
Mood swings
Side effect of?
Watch out for what with opioids? When do you start PT?
May cause respiratory depression; watch for addiction;
Begin PT 2 hours after administering opioid
Side effects of what med: Muscle atrophy Glaucoma HTN Drug induced Cushing syndrome
Side effects of what med:
Joint pain
What is Charcot Marie tooth disease?
Peroneal muscular atrophy
Neuropathy affection sensory and motor nerves