Neuromuacular System Flashcards
Type 1 a
Slow twitch adapted to lower intensity exercise. Slow contraction speed, high myoglobin and mitochondria and low fatigability.
Type 2b
Fast twitch glycolytic.
High pc and glycogen stores.
Anaerobically powered.
Low myoglobin and mitochondria.
Motor unit
A motor neurone and it’s fibres
All or none law
Either all units contract or none do . If sequence of impulses is equal or more than threshold then they contract.
Wave summation
Where there is repeated nerve stimulation with no time to rest so there is a smooth sustained contraction tetanic.
Spatial summation
Strength of contraction changes by altering the number and size of muscle motor units. Some relax delaying fatigue.
golgi tendon organs
Detect tension in muscle. Send inhibitory signals to brain telling antagonist to relax. Auto genie inhibition.
Muscle spindles
Detect how far and fast muscle stretches.
Send exciting signals to CNS and that sends signal to muscle to contract triggers stretch reflex.