Ingormation Processing Flashcards
Decision making
Receptor systems
Proprioceptors - kinaesthesis, equilibrium, touch
Perceptual mechanism
DCR process
Selective attention
Translatory mechanism
Decision is made using info on what action to take. Response selected as motor programme
Effector mechanism
Impulses send to relevant muscles to carry out movement.
Musclylar system
Muscles recieve the impulses and are ready
Output data
Movement is performed
Feedback data
Information about movement is received
Memory systems
WMM phonological loop, Visio spatial sketch pad and episodic snugger
Functions of WMM
- 7 +- 2
- if skill is practiced it can be stored as motor programme in LTM
- LTM has unlimited capacity
- LTM sendsmotor programme to use in situation to WMM
Ensuring effective storage
- chunking
- chaining
- mental rehearsal
- reinforcement
- enjoyment
- practice
- association
- meaningful
Reaction time
Time from onset of stimulus to insect of response
Simple or choice
Movement time
Onset of movement to completion of task
Response time
Reaction time + movement time
Hicks law
Number of choices increases so does the time it takes to react