Neurology: Other Common Conditions Flashcards
What 3 presentations does diabetic foot disease include?
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Ischaemia e.g. absent pulses, reduced ABPI, intermittent claudication
- Complications e.g. calluses, ulceration, Charcot’s arthropathy, osteomyelitis, gangrene
*See Yr3 medicine endocrinology FC for more
Describe the typical presentation of peripheral diabetic neuropathy
- Typically sensory loss (motor loss to lesser extent)
- Glove & stocking distribution affecting lower legs first
- Neuropathic pain
Discuss the management of peripheral diabetic neuropathy
- Improve glycaemic control (diet, medications)
- Neuropathic pain medications:
- First line: amitriptyline, duloxetine, gabapentin, pregabalin
- Second line: try one of others above
- Topical capsaicin for those who don’t want or tolerate oral treatments with localised neuropathic pain
- Education about diabetes and diabetic neuropathy
- Advise to check feet regularly
- Annual screening
Patients with diabetes can also get autonomic neuropathy, state some symptoms associated with this (categorise based on organ system affected)
- GI symptoms: metoclopramide, domperidone, erythromycin (prokinetic)
- Gustatory sweating: antimuscarinics
- Erectile dysfunction: phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors
For Brown-Sequard syndrome, discuss:
- What it is
- Tracts affected
- Presentation
- Injury to half of spine (hemi section of spinal cord)
- Tracts affected on one side:
- Lateral corticospinal tract
- Dorsal columns
- Lateral spinothalamic tract
- Presentation:
- Ipsilateral motor loss at and below lesion
- Ipsilateral segmental anaesthesia
- Ipsilateral loss of DC modalities (proprioception, vibration, fine touch, two point discrimination) below lesion
- Contralateral loss of ST modalities (crude touch, pain, temperature) below lesion
For subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord, discuss:
- What it is
- Tracts affected
- Presentation/clinical features
- A neurological complication of vitamin B12 deficiency. It is characterized by degeneration of the posterior and lateral spinal cord due to demyelination
Tracts affected:
- Dorsal columns
- Lateral corticospinal tracts
- Spinocerebellar tracts
- Presentation/features:
- Bilateral motor weakness/spastic paresis
- Bilateral loss of DC modalities (proprioception, vibration, fine touch, two point discrimination)
- Bilateral limb ataxia
For syringomyelia, discuss:
- What it is
- Tracts affected
- Presentation/clinical features
- Fluid filled cyst forms on spinal cord. Usually occurs in cervicothoracic cord
- Tracts affected depend where the cyst is, but if near central canal then:
- Lateral spinothalamic
- Ventral horns
- Presentation/clinical features:
- Loss of pain & proprioception in cape like distribution
- Flacid paresis (typically in hands)
For anterior spinal artery occlusion, discuss:
- What it is
- Tracts affected (main ones for you to be aware of)
- Presentation/clinical features
- Occlusion of anterior spinal artery which supplies anterior ⅔ of spinal cord leading to damage to parts of cord supplied by this artery
- Tracts affected:
- Lateral corticospinal
- Lateral spinothalamic
- Presentation/clinical features:
- Muscle weakness/spastic paresis
- Bilateral loss of ST modalities (pain, temp, crude touch)
Which part of spinal cord does neurosyphilis affect?
Dorsal columns
Loss of proprioception, vibration, fine touch & 2 point discrimination
Define radiculopathy
Conduction block in axons of spinal nerve or it its root; results in weakness (when impacts of motor neurones) and parasthesia or anaesthesia (when impacts on sensory neurones)
Define radicular pain
Radicular pain= pain deriving from damage or irritation of the spinal nerve tissue- particularly dorsal root ganglion
*NOTE: different from radiculopathy wich can be thought of as a state of neurologial loss and may or may not be associated with radicular pain
Define myelopathy
Myelopathy is neurological signs & symptoms due to pathology of the spinal cord
*NOTE: must be compressing spinal cord e.g. therefore not cauda equina
State some potential causes of radiculopathy
Most commonly a result of nerve compression which can be due to:
- Intervertebral disc prolapse (lumbar spine most common)
- Degenerative diseases of spine which lead to neuroforaminal or spinal canal stenosis (cervical spine most common as it is most mobile)
- Fracture (trauma or pathological)
- Malignancy (most commonly metastatic)
- Infection (e.g. extradural abscesses, osteomyelitis, herpes zoster)
Describe clinical features of radiculopathy
- Sensory features: parasthesia, numbness
- Motor features: weakness
- Radicular pain (deep, burning, strap like pain. Can be intermittent)
- Red flag symptoms
Discuss the general principles of the management of radiculopathy
- Depends on underlying cause.
- Main one to identify quickly/rule out is CES as it requires emergency surgical treatment.
For cervical spondylosis, discuss:
- What it is
- Presentation
- Managment
- Cervical spondylosis is an age-related degeneration (‘wear and tear’) of the bones (vertebrae) and discs in the neck.
- Presentation:
- Neck pain
- Neck stiffness
- Headaches
- Pins and needles
- Clumsiness of hands/difficulty fine movements of hands
- Management:
- Analgesia (paracetamol, NSAIDs, weak opioids e.g. codeine, neuropathic pain meds)
- Physiotherapy
- Advise to use firm supportive pillow when sleeping
Remind yourself of the following for facial nerve:
- Path
- Function
- Exits brainstem at cerebellopontine angle, travels through temporal bone and parotid gland. Then divides into 5 branches: temporal, zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular, cervical
- Function:
- Motor: muscles of facial expression, stapedius, posterior digastric, stylohyoid and platysma
- Sensory: taste anterior ⅔ tongue
- Parasympathetic: submandibular, sublingual and lacrimal glands
State some potential causes of facial nerve palsy (think about UMN &LMN causes)
- Stroke
- Tumours
- MND (would cause bilateral palsy- rare)
- Bell’s palsy
- Ramsey-Hunt syndrome
- Infection:
- Otitis media
- Malignant otitis media
- Systemic disease
- MS
- Guillian-Barre syndrome
- Diabetes
- Tumours
- Acoustic neuroma
- Parotid tumourr
- Cholesteatoma
- Trauma
- Direct
- Damage in surgery
- Base of skull fractures