neurology of lower limb Flashcards
How to test lower limb nerve injuries
Spinaal root-dermatomes, myotomes
peripheral nerves-cutaneous branches, motor branches
Draw legs and shade in where each nerve distributed to and state its derivations
ref. notes
List where lower limb flexors and extensors derive from
Hip: flexor L2,3 extenror, L4,5
Knee extensor L3,L4, flexor L5, S1
Ankle: extensor, L4, L5, flexor S1, S2
Foot: inversion L4,5 Eversion L5, S1, intrinsic S2
Lumbar plexus draw
ref. notes 1,2,1,2,2,3,3 SIIGLOF T12-L4
Femoral nerve derivation and function
Derivation: L2-4
Motor Functions: Innervates the muscles: Illiacus, pectineus, sartorius, all the muscles of quadriceps femoris.
Sensory Functions: Innervates the skin on the anterior thigh and the medial leg.
Obturator nerve derivation and functionss
Derivation: L2-4
Motor Functions: Innervates the muscles: obturator externus, pectineus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, gracilis.
Sensory Functions: Innervates the skin over the medial thigh.
Why do you get referred pain in hips and knees
Hip and knee shares common innervations (femoral and obturator nerves) so pain referred from hips to knees vice versa
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve derivation and what happens if damaged
Derivation: L2-3
Damaged: paraesthesisa (pins and needles sensation)+pain, burning sensation
Sacral plexus from where to where, list derivations for tibial, common peroneal, superior gluteal, inferior gluteal, post cutaneous nerve of thigh, piriformis
Tibial (L4-S3) anterior division
common peroneal (L4-S2) posterior division
superior gluteal (L4-S1) posterior division
Inferior gluteal (L5-S2) posterior divission
Post cutaneous nerve of thigh (S2-3) direct
Piriformis (S1-2) direct
What do the gluteal nerves motor supply and state its derivations
Superior gluteal (L4-S1): gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, tensor fascia lata, hip joint Inferior gluteal (L5-S2): gluteus maximus NB no sensory function
What does the sciatic nerve split into
tibial nerve and common fibular nerve (on deep level) NB posterior cutaneous nerve runs superficial to it
How to test for sciatica
Legs up and straight and lie down to then dorsi flex foot to see if shooting pain (caused by stretching sciatic nerve) important to do wihtout bending knees because it shows how the tibial and peroneal branch arise from scciatic
What happens if tibial nerve damaged
sensory loss in solle of foot
How to damage common peroneal nerve
fracture neck of fibula
What is the root and the sensory and motor functions of the sciatic nerve
Sensory Functions:
Tibial portion: Innervates the skin on the posterolateral and medial surfaces of the foot as well as the sole of the foot.
Common fibular portion: Innervates the skin on the anterolateral surface of the leg and the dorsal aspect of the foot.
Motor Functions:
Tibial portion – Innervates the muscles in the posterior compartment of the thigh (apart from the short head of the biceps femoris), and the hamstring component of adductor magnus. Innervates all the muscles in the posterior compartment of the leg and sole of the foot.
Common fibular portion – Short head of biceps femoris, all muscles in the anterior and lateral compartments of the leg and extensor digitorum brevis.