Neurology Medicine 🧠✅ Flashcards
High stepping gait is a sign of which ataxia?
Sensory ataxia
Wide based gait is a sign of which ataxia
Cerebellar ataxia
GCS, eyes: spontaneous opening
Scores 4
GCS, eyes: opening to verbal command
Scores 3
GCS, eyes: opening to pain
Scores 2
GCS, eyes: no opening
GCS, voice: Elegant/appropriate speech
Scores 5
GCS, voice: confused speech
Scores 4
GCS, voice: inappropriate words
Scores 3
GCS, voice: incomprehensible sound
Scores 2
GCS, voice: voiceless
Scores 1
GCS, motor: obeys command
Scores 6
GCS, motor: localises to pain
Scores 5
GCS, motor: withdraws from pain
Scores 4
GCS, motor: decorticate
Scores 3
GCS, motor: decerebrate
Scores 2
GCS, motor: none
Scores 1
Mneumoic to remember GCS, Motor
Mneumoic to remember GCS, verbal
Mneumoic to remember GCS, Eyes
GCS 13-15… how to Mx
CT only if LOC, amnestic, disorientated
GCS 9-12 Mx
Need CT
GCS <= 12, Mx
Specific clinical findings for HSV enceph?
Altered smell, vision, aphasia, memory changes, Kluver Bucy (rest are general)
Approach to Mx of suspected HSV enceph
Start immediate Tx if high suspicion. IV acyclovir (2-3 weeks)
Gold standard Invx for HSV encephalitis
Best imaging for HSV enceph
Acute Tx of cluster headaches
Hyperbaric O2, triptans,
First line prevention of cluster headaches
Verapamil (2nd is Li or topiramate)
Cluster = CCB
Prophylactic therapy for migraine
Lifestyle, Topiramate (good!), or valproate, or BB.
2nd lines: TCA, NSAID
Indication for pharmacological intervention in migraines
> = 2 attacks a month, severe disability, >= 2 attacks a week regardless of severity
Migraine abortive therapy
Triptan best
When not to give triptans for migraine abortive therapy
If more than 10 a month, since can cause overuse headaches. Not for CAD, HTN, CVD, PVD,
Status migrainus Mx
IV fluids, antiemetic, NSAID, ergotamine, CS
Therapy for acute tension headaches
Therapy for chronic/prophylaxis of tension headaches
Amitriptyline (TCA for Tension)
When to start Abx in suspected meningitis
As soon as taken CSF results
When to give CSs in meningitis
In children to prevent deafness?
Empiric Abx for meningitis in 3mo-50yrs
Ceftriaxone +- vanco
Empiric Abx for meningitis in >-50yrs
Ceftriaxone and amoxicillin +- vanco
Abx for meningitis (meningiococci)
Abx for meningitis (pneumococci)
Ceftriaxone/benzylpenicillin or vanco if severe
Abx for HiB meningitis
Tx of viral meningitis
Supportive unless HSV (acyclovir)
Mx outlines for IC haemorrhage
Mx conservatively
- screen and prevent complications
- rarely Sx
- do cardiac telemetry and BP monitoring
Nerve conduction studies in ALS
Normal …. i think might be incorrect
Positive sharp waves and large amplitudes. Signs of fasciculation
What bedside test should be done in all patients with ALS
Swallow test
If ALS patient has positive swallow test, do what?
Video fluoroscopy to confirm dysphagia
Mx of ALS
Riluzole (3 mo survival)
MDT team to give care
Lewy body dementia vs Parkinson’s
LBD the dementia aspect of before or same time as movement signs
Clinically probable PD criteria
Max two red flags balanced with equal or more supportive criteria , and absence of absolute exclusions criteria
Clinically established PD criteria
Two or more supportive criteria and no red flags, and absence of absolute exclusions criteria
Parkinson’s diagnosis supportive criteria
Parkinson’s exclusion criteria for diagnosis
Parkinson’s patients younger than 65 should be started on which medication
DA agonist (rarely first though), or MAOi (not often levodopa due to late motor complications)
Less than 65 years old, Parkinson’s, tremor is the chief concern. Best Mx
parkinsons Patient less than 65 years old and has multiple co morbs (Mx?)
Levodopa and carbdopa
Patient above 65 with Parkinson’s. Mx?
Levodopa and carbdopa
Main Parkinson’s drug to decrease off periods of L dopa
When do we do deep brain stimulation in Parkinson’s
Severe symptoms, respond to L-dopa but not controlled by the meds
Suspect Huntington’s… how to invx/dx
CT or MRI, then genetic testing
Medical therapy for huntingtons. 3 things, and consider why we give each one
Clozapine, NMDA antagonists, SSRI
Diagnostic idea for MS
Clinical and MRI. CSF only if cannot diagnose
Invx of choice for MS
McDonalds criteria
For MS.
MS acute flare Tx
IV methylprednisolone
3 options for long term Mx of MS
Natalizumab, Glatiramer, IFN
Risk associated with Natalizumab Tx (in MS)
PML reactivation
Second line for acute MS flare
Diagnostic test for MG
Edrophonium test (Tensilon). Give edrophonium, which rapidly improves symptoms
Once diagnosed MG, need to do what!
Chest CT (for thymoma)
First line Tx for MG
Other than meds, consider what in MG Tx ?
Mx of Myasthenic crisis
Intubate, plasma exchange/IVIg, and long term GCs
Makes sense (remove ABs, prevent apnoea, anti inflam to prevent)
What is Lambert sign?
Diagnostic sign for lambert Eaton. Muscle strength improved with repetitive use/stimulation.
Tx for severe LEMS
Definitive Tx for LEMS
Remove CA
Mx for alcoholic cerebellar degen
Remove booze and provide nutrition (gait ≠ improve)
Post infx cerebellitis signs
Child, has VZV/measles/EBV few days ago, rapid onset ataxia
Tx for essential tremor
Propanolol (or booze!)
Status E Mx
ABC, IV lorazepam, (recall more)
Generalised clinic tonic seizure Tx
Valproate (lamotrigine/Lev if chance of pregnancy)
Focal seizure first line (Savvas)
Absence seizure first line
Myoclonic epilepsy first line
Valproate (Lam/Lev if preg chance)
Atonic seizure Mx
Valproate (Lam/Lev if preg chance)
SJS causers (from anti seizure meds)
carbamazepine lamotrigine phenytoin
First line invx for all suspected epidural cases
CT head no IV contrast
Tx Approach to patient with epidural
Craniotomy (unless very small and asymptomatic)
If epidural small and assymp… what to do?
Cereal CTs to monitor
If neurosurgeon not available, and epidural Dx’d… what to do?
Burr hole
Signs that patient 100% needs craniotomy for Epidural
More than 30ml of EDH vol, more than 5 mum midline shift, focal Neuro, GCS <8, clinical deteriation
First invx for ICP
Confirmation test for elevated ICP
Intraventricular catheter and CSF drawings drainage (no CI)
Mx for high ICP (temporarily)
Controlled hyperventilating, mannitol, consider sedation
Mx for high ICP (definitively)
Surgery/remove cause, CSF drain. Once done, so mannitol
Mx for glioblastoma M
Resect and radio/chemo, and GCs
Mx of medulloblastoma (depending if above or below 3 yo)
Children >= 3: chemo and craniospinal radiotherapy
Children < 3: chemo
First line Tx for meningioma
Surgical resection
When to do radiotherapy in mengiomas
If inoperable, as adjuvant for grade II And III, very small tumours.
When to do active surveillance in meningioma
Slow growing and elderly patient
Best initial test for SAH
CT without contrast
Confirmation test for SAH (if CT was positive)
If suspect SAH, yet CT negative?
Perform lumbar puncture or CTA
When does the CT lose its sensitivity for SAH
After 6 hours
How to prevent vasospasm in SAH
Initial Mx for SAH
Stabilise (ABCDE), prevent bleeding (BP, anticoag reversal), pain management, ICP management
Aneurysmal SAH Mx
Coiling (less invasive) and clipping (less bleeding)
First line invx for subdural
CT no contrast
When to do Hematoma evacuation in subdural
Hematoma large, midline shift, herniations, rapid Neuro determination, focal signs, high ICP, failed conservative Tx
Medical management for subdural
ICP management and Neuro protective measures (recall when to do Sx instead)
Diagnosis of Guillaine Barré
Clinical. Can see albuminocytologic dissociation on CSF and low nerve conduction. Do ABG and spirometry
Mx of Guillaine Barré
Supportive, (intubation), IV Ig or exchange plasmaphoresis
Dx and Mx of cauda equina
MRI to diagnose, then surgical decompression
Invx for stroke
CT non contrast
CT for stroke shows no. Haemorrhage… now what
Likely ischemia… so must do rtPA. If else’s than 4 hours since signs
When can do tPA for ischemia stroke
If less than 3-4.5 hours since signs
If ischemia stroke patient cannot have Thrombolysis (> 4.5 hrs), do what
Infra arterial Thrombolysis or thrombectomy. For CTA first
TIA probable? Do what
Post stroke Mx
Aspirin within 48 hrs, statin and anticoag. Keep BP low (recall permissive hypertension in non Thrombolysed)
BP aims in stroke patient (thombolysed vs non thrombolysed)
<185/110 if Thrombolysed
<220/120 if not Thrombolysed (permissive HTN to open collaterals)
CIs for tPA
Active internal bleeding, BP >185/110, INR > 1.7, IC haemorrhage HX, PLT > 40, stroke over 4.5 hours ago
SAH suspicion, but non diagnostic CT… do what
SAH suspicion, but non diagnostic CT… LP also negative… consider?
Aspirin, statin, BP control (2° prevention)
Headache better when lying flat?
Low pressure headache
Tx of low pressure headaches
NSAID and an epidural blood patch to clot potential hole
Dx and Tx of vestibular neuritis
Clinical and give meclizine
First line Tx for menrniere
Lifestyle changes (low alcohol, salt and caffeine)
Central vertigo signs
Pure verticle, not fatigueable, gaze fix will inhibit,
Peripheral vertigo signs
Horizontal/torsional nystagmus, fatigueable, stops with gaze fixation, abrupt onset, more N/V
Acute vertigo Mx
Meclizine best. Other antiH are ok. Antiemetic, benzos
Dx of BPV, Tx
Dix Hallpike then Epley
Dx of MS? Based on formative Q
MRI brain, spinal cord, CSF and wait for another episode
Dx for huntingtons
clinical, MRI, then genetics
not ABUL to initiate movement…. and is seen in ACA
Transcortical motor aphasia = what kind of stroke
ACA (Broca’s - but can repeat stuff)
cannot do skilled movements (ACA stroke)
lateral thalamic lossed in which stroke
Alexia without agraphia
can’t read, can write = dominant PCA
anomic aphasia
cannot name stuff = dominant PCA
cannot recog sensory stimuli (textures, objects etc.) = dominant PCA
cannot recog faces = non dominant PCA
impaired exec function is most prominent in which dementia
If new onset seizure… do what Invx
imaging = only do EEG if imaging negative
M.G., best new test to Dx (according to savvas)
single fibre EMG… then your chest xray to rule out thymoma… then find antibodies
best place for pain relief admin in palliative care
mid chest, or abdomen (esp if cachectic). Buttlefly needle subQ
CIs for lumbar puncture
ICP high signs (focal neuro, papillo, vom), coag, previous lumbar puncture, spinal joint disease, skin infx
MMSE for Alzheimer… what score or lower are we sus
24 or less