Gynaecology Medicine 🚺 Flashcards
Extreme cervical motion tenderness is seen where? (Chandelier sign)
Can PID be a clinical diagnosis?
Yes. Can do swab or US, but it’s not needed
Main use of US IN PID?
To check for tuboovarian abscess
First invx in PID suspect
HCG (you know the drill)
Outpatient treatment for PID?
Doxy Foxy
(IM Ceftriaxone and oral doxycycline)
When do we add metronidazole to PID therapy regime
If signs of vaginitis or recent gynae instrumentation
When to hospitalise a PID patient
Outpatient therapy didn’t work, non compliance risk, severe N/V, tuboovarian abscess, pregnancy
Inpatient PID therapy
IM doxy foxy (doxycycline and Ceftriaxone) for 7 days
What is uterine procidentia
Whole uterus has protruded out of level of introitus
Pelvic organ prolapse diagnosis?
Is the first line management for pelvic organ prolapse, conservative or surgery
3 conservative treatment ideas for pelvic organ prolapse
Vaginal pessary (not long term Tx), reduce risk factors (weight loss, laxative), Kegels
When is surgery indicated for pelvic organ prolapse
If conservative treatment fails for symptomatic cases
Some surgeries for pelvic organ prolapse
Obliterative surgery (colpocleisis), or reconstructive surgery (sacrocolpexy, suspension, colporrhaphy,
Risk factors for ovarian cyst rupture
Large cysts, repro age, intercourse, physical activity
Imaging of choice to diagnose ovarian cyst rupture. And what do you see
Transabdominal or transvaginal US. See free fluid in pouch of Douglas
If transabd/transvag ultrasound non conclusive for ovarian cyst rupture, what invx can you do next
CT with IV contrast (see the hemoperitoneium)
Hemodynamically unstable case of ovarian cyst rupture. Mx? When do we do oophorectomy
Emergency exploratory laparotomy or laparoscopy to get hemostasis. Suture/cauterise where needed. Oophorectomy if intractable
Hemodynamically stable patient with ruptured ovarian cyst. We observe and give analgesics. When do we do do inpatient vs outpatient therapy
Outpatient: only small Hemoperitoneum and no ongoing bleeding
Inpatient: significant blood loss and/or it’s ongoing
Imaging of choice for ovarian torsion.
Transabd/transvag ultrasound with Doppler
First Mx (not Invx) of ovarian torsion patient (in all patients)
Emergency exploratory laparoscopy
Premenopausal woman comes with ovarian torsion. How should she be managed in Sx
detort, to preserve ovary. Only remove ovary if necrotic
Postmenapausal woman comes with ovarian torsion. How should she be managed in Sx
Salpingo oophorectomy
Initial diagnosis work up for adenomyosis.
Hx and Exam etc. transvaginal US (MRI ok too). Diagnosis is clinical though
How to confirm adenomyosis diagnosis
Conservative therapy options for adenomyosis
Prog only pill, COCP, NSAID
Definitive therapy for adenomyosis
Best initial test for endometriosis
Transvaginal US
Confirmatory test for endometriosis
Laparoscopy and biopsy (recall pathology)
Endometriosis medical therapy first line
COCP (can give NSAID too)
Endometriosis medical therapy (if patient wants pregnancy)
Endometriosis medical therapy for severe cases
GnRH antag or ag
Endometriosis surgical therapy first line?
Laparoscopic excision and ablation of endometriosis implants. Done when medical therapy hasn’t helped
Endometriosis surgical therapy second line?
Open surgery with hysterectomy (+/-) bilateral salpingo oophorectomy
Definition of infertility
Cannot achieve pregnancy after 12 months of unprotected sex in women <35, and after 6 months in women >35 (times a tickin’)
Antibody to test for potential male infertility
Anti sperm ABs
Ways to invx potential male infertility
TSH, prolactin, karyotype, semen analysis
Name 5 hormone tests we could do to assess female infertility
Midluteal progesterone, androgen levels, early follicular FSH (high in ovarian insufficiency), TSH, prolactin
Aside from hormone tests, what else can be done to invx female infertility at first
Ovarian US (Antral follicle count), endometrial biopsy (done 1-3 days before Mense)
If initial female infertility workup is negative, how should we invx next? (note, initial workup usually looks at hormones)
Screen for tubal/uterine abnormalities
3 ways to invx for structural causes of female infertility
Hysterosalpingography, sonohysterosalpingography, hysteroscopy
4 drugs to help induce ovulation
Clomiphene, GnRH (pulsatile), gonadotropins, tamoxifen
In vitro fertilisation process
Follicular stimulation, retrieve egg, mix egg with sperm, transfer 2-5 embryos into mother
What is intracytoplasmic sperm injection
Single sperm injected into oocyte
What is intrauterine insemination
Washed and concentrated sperm introduced direct into uterus
Signs and symptoms of OHSS
Abdomen pain and distension, N/V, 3rd spacing. Ultrasound will show enlarged ovaries and maybe ascites
OHSS is due to what, and when
After HCG/clomifene treatment. Usually 3-9 days after
Management/monitoring and advice for mild/moderate OHSS
Acetaminophen for pain. Limit activity, monitor body weight, and urine output.
Management for severe OHSS
MDT approach
If have ovarian mass. First Invx?
Signs of concerning ovarian cyst on US
Thick septations, projections, papillae, >8cm
Signs of benign ovarian cyst on US
Round, thin wall, dark fluid, homogenous, <8cm
Management of concerning looking cyst on US?
Sx likely
Treatment of follicular cyst (generally)
No Tx
Patient has ovarian cyst with thin walls and little vasc. And has endometrial growth/irreg bleeding. Likely Dx?
Follicular cyst
Patient has ovarian cyst with thick walls and high vascularity. And has missed periods. Likely Dx?
Corpus luteal cyst
Ultrasound finding for Corpus luteal cyst
Ring of fire on Doppler
Patient had molar preg and now has bilateral ovarian cysts. Dx?
Theca luteal cysts
Simple cyst in premenopausal woman. < 5cm. Mx
Nothing, this is quite normal
Simple cyst in premenopausal woman. > 5cm. Mx
Follow up
Simple ovarian cyst in postmenapausal woman. < 3 cm. Mx
Quick CA 125 check
Simple cyst in postmenapausal woman. > 3 cm. Mx
Follow up (cancer risk)
Rotterdam criteria for PCOS
At least 2:
Hyperandrogenism signs
Enlarged ovaries on ultrasound or presence of cysts
Main lab study for PCOS patients
Confirm hyperandrogenism. And I guess an LH:FSH >2
What would you see in PCOS for progestin challenge
Patient will bleed. Sign of anovulation
What metabolic screening should we do in PCOS patients
Weight, height, waist circumference, BMI (if high, check lipids and sleep apnoea), BP, glycemic status
First line therapy for PCOS (not planning to conceive)
First line therapy for PCOS (planning to conceive)
Aside from PCOS treatment; some advice for patients
BMI < 25, eat well, excersize,
Endometrial hyperplasia and no atypia. Mx?
Observe +- progestins
Endometrial hyperplasia with atypia. Mx?
Hysterectomy (or progestins until had kids)
First imaging to explore endometrial cancer
Transvaginal US
How to Dx endometrial cancer
Endometrial cancer management in woman not intending pregnancy
Total hysterectomy and bilateral saloingooophorectomy
Management of endometrial cancer in early stage or wanting to preserve fertility if can
Progestins (with it without radio/chemo)
Pyometra diagnosis and treatment
Dx with imaging (US/CT), Tx with draining and cervical dilation
Pap testing summary (routine)
25-65 year olds every three years.
Once above 30, can do HPV test too (called a co test, and we do every 5 years).
Don’t screen less than 21
If patient has positive Pap test (atypical cells), do what?
Colposcopy and biopsy. If patient above 35, do endometrial biopsy too (can also be endometrial cells)
What is acetowhite epithelium in cervical cancer testing
During colposcopy, we add acetic acid to cervical cells, and see they become white if atypical/dysplastic. Requires 2-4 punch biopsies after
If inadequate PAP, do what? Then if inadequate again?
Repeat again in 3 mo. If again, do colposcopy.
Patient above 65. Do you Pap her?
Not if all previous tests were negative and she doesn’t smoke (and is not high risk)
If patient is HPV positive and Pap negative… do we do colposcopy?
No, only when Pap positive
If diagnosed cervical cancer, what management do we do?
Cold knife conization or loop electro surgical excision procedure (LEEP)
First line management of vulval carcinoma. When do radio/chemo therapy
Local excision and surgical resection. Do adjunct chemo/radio when there is mets
Lichen simplex chronicus Dx
Colposcopy and biopsy. Will have done this to rule out malignancy
Lichen simplex chronicus Mx
GC cream
May excize or ablate… depends on severity
If do colposcopy on vagina and get abnormal cytology, despite no lesion per se… what do you do
Biopsy made every 6 mo for 2 years
Best treatment for vaginal carcinoma