Neurology Flashcards
Criteria for Hypothermia for HIE
1. Gestation: 35 weeks or older
2. Age: less than 6 hours since birth
3. Evidence of asphyxia by at least 2 of the following
- APGAR <6 at 10 mins or ongoing need for resuscitation
- Any acute perinatal event that may cause HIE
- Cord arterial pH <7.0 or cord BE<-12 mmol or cord arterial lactate >9.4mmol/l
4. Evidence of moderate or severe HIE
- seizures or,
- 3 of 6 criteria or,
- Neonatologist concern
Pathophysiology HIE
- Reversible hypoxic ischaemic global insult
- Absent cerebral glucose/oxygen reduces ATP, producing lactic acid and neuro excitotoxicity causing necrosis and cell death
Neuronal cell death in phases
- Acute phase: hypoxic ischaemic event
- Latent period (up to 6hrs): return of aerobic metabolism and ongoing inflammation/cell death
- Secondary phase (hrs to days): cytotoxic oedema, mitochondrial failure and excitotoxicity (encephalopathy)
Effect of Therapeutic Hypothermia
- Alters course of apoptosis
- decreases cellular metabolic rate
- reduces the release of neuro-excitatory AAs and free radicals
Evidence: cooling reduces mortality or major neuro-developmental disability at 18mo without increasing the disability in survivors.
Contraindications to Therapeutic Hypothermia
Absolute Contraindication:
Germinal Matrix
location: subependymal, subventricular region
timing: 8 to 28 weeks gestation and involutes from 24 weeks, and is gone by 34 weeks
function: source of neuron and glial cells that migrate radially outward

Risk factors for IVH
Linked to fluctuation in cerebral blood flow.
- Community hospital
- Sepsis eg. chorio
- Non-optimal initial stabilisation
- Pneumothorax
- Hypotension
- Asphyxia
- Coagulopathy
Screen IVH
For babies <32 weeks or <1500g
- 50% occur within the first day
- 90% occur within the first 3 days
If IVH not diagnosed by 1 week then it is unlikely to occur
Papile Grading System
Grade IV is more likely to be a venous infarction than extension of grade III IVH.

Post haemorrhagic hydrocephalus
incidence: 1/3 of IVH but 2/3 spontaneously resolve within 4 weeks
Outcome IVH
Grade 1/2: minimal increased risk
Grade 3: 1/3 major impairment
Grade 4: 3/4 major impairment
PHH: 90% neurodevelopmental impairment, 14% seizures, 9% visual problems, 6% SNHL