Neurology Flashcards
Stroke is a T1 or T2?
CVA stands for
Cerebral Vascular Attack/ Stroke
FAST stands for
Face: facial paralysis
Arm: One arm doesn’t work
Speech: speech issues
Time: get tx during acute stroke
TIA stands for
Transient Ischemic attack (aka Mini stroke)
A mini stroke is a stroke that
Doesn’t last. Whatever causes it goes away
MS stands for
MS is a disease of ______ of a nerve
MS can be present in the eye. It is called:
Optic neuritis
Optic nerve is ____ due to swelling from MS. This causes _____ vision loss
elevated, inflamed
Optic atrophy is caused by ____.
Myasino Gravis, you get fatigued muscles because
Acetylcholine is not allowed to get into the muscle
Parkinson’s Disease is caused by a decrease in _____
Lumbar puncture or spinal tap is done at the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae due to increased
Pressure increase in CSF
Spinal tap is done for
increased intracranial pressure
Multiple Sclerosis Pathophysiology:
- Strong genetic association (no single gene is responsible)
- Demyelination with axonal damage
- Autoimmune
Demyelination with axonal damage is limited to _______, ______ and ______ in MS.
White matter; spinal cord; optic nerve
Describe the autoimmune phathophysiological effect of MS.
Antibodies are directed towards the myelin antigens and accumulation of macrophages are found in areas of myelin loss.
Typical age of onset for MS:
Young adults: 20-40 yrs
Choose one:
Women/men are affected twice more in MS.
Black people are affected twice more than other races by MS.
F: white people are.
Which gender is more affected by MS and which one has better prognosis?
Women, women
Signs and symptoms of MS:
- Slow nerve conduction
- Laermitte’s sign
- Atrophy of optic nerve, optic chiasm, axons, and spinal cord
- Focal numbness, double-vision, unilateral blurred vision
- tingling and weakness in limbs
- Shortens lifespan by a few years
- Paresthesia
Define Laermitte’s sign.
An electric shock that runs down the arms or back when bending the neck.
Name a symptom of an early stage MS.
Unsteadiness, which progresses to attacks of spinning vertigo
What is parasthesia?
An abnormal sensation, typically tingling or pricking (“pins and needles”), caused chiefly by pressure on or damage to peripheral nerves.
What are possible tests for MS?
-Presence of O-bands in CSF protein after electrophoresis test indicates presence of MS
-10 lesions
in the white matter in
2 places at 2 times
will indicate MS
-Use of interferon B1A
What are some treatments for MS?
- Azothioprine (immunosuppressant)
- Cortical steroids
What is the pathophysiology of Myasthenian Gravis (MG)?
-Immune disorder
- Antibodies in postsynaptic Ach receptors presents, preventing depolarization of membrane, which results in weakness and fatigue.
- Thymus disorders
Typical age of onset for Myasthenia Gravis is:
20-40 yr women (more common in women)
40-60 yr men
Signs and symptoms of MG:
- Weakness of voluntary muscles
- Fatigue of external ocular and facial muscles
- Insidious onset
- Difficulty chewing and swallowing
- Worsened by pregnancy and infections
- Difficulty breathing
What disease do these symptoms/effects correlate with?
- Worsened by pregnancy and infections
- Difficulty breathing
Myasthenia Gravis (MG)
Treatments for Myasthenia Gravis:
- Surgery
- Medications and plasmaphoresis
- Removal of thymus
- Corticosteroids
What causes Parkinson’s disease?
- Caused by encephalitis, drugs, and toxicity
- Loss of cells and an essential protein
- Imbalance of Ach and dopamine in corpus striatum
What is the age of onset for Parkinson’s Dz?
Older usually
signs/symptoms of Parkinson’s:
- Tremors, rigidity, and abnormal gait
- Hypokinesia (slow movement)
- Classic “Parkinson’s stare”
Treatment for Parkinson’s Dz:
- Suppress Ach and use dopamine agonists
- Surgery
- Restore balance of neurotransmitters
elevated inter-cranial pressure is caused by:
- Arterial blood flow is compromised ->ischemia + edema of the brain tissue -> ICP rises
- Herniation due to unilateral tumor and shift in brain tissue over a fixed intercranial structure.
- Brain tumor, brain abscess, encephalitis, AV malformations, MS and pseudotumor cerebri