Neurology Flashcards
A patient presents with what appears to be an inability to understand speech. Which aphasia should be at the top of your differential?
Wernicke’s aphasia
List 6 medications that can be used for migraine prophylaxis?
Beta blockers, tricyclics, calcium channel blockers, NSAIDs and valproic acid.
Myasthenia Gravis
Autoimmune- AB to acetylcholine receptors. Muscle weakness & fatigability that improves w/ rest. Diplopia, ptosis, difficulty swallowing.
A patient is brought in following a seizure in which she did not loose consciousness. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Simple partial seizure
Decreased GABA and substance P should make you think of what diagnosis?
What cranial nerve is affected with Bell’s palsy?
CN VII (facial)
Elevated circulating acetylcholine receptor antibodies should make you think of what diagnosis?
Myasthenia gravis
What is the most common primary intracranial neoplasm?
A patient complains of muscle weakness and fatigability that improves with rest. What diagnosis should you be thinking of?
Myasthenia gravis
Duchenne’s and Becker’s muscular dystrophy have what genetic characteristic?
X linked recessive
What is the age range for Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy?
3-5 years old
What is autosomal recessive?
And autosomal recessive disorder means two copies of an abnormal gene must be present in order for the disease or trait to develop.
What is autosomal dominant?
If a disease is autosomal dominant, it means you only need to get the abnormal gene from one parent in order for you to inherit the disease.
What four chromosomes have been linked to dementia?
Describe Kernig’s sign.
In meningeal irritation (as in meningitis), flexion of patient’s leg at both hip and knee and then straightening of knee associated with pain and increased resistance to extending knee.
Which nerve root is responsible for the knee jerk reflex?
What is the medical treatment for a stroke in which the CT has shown no evidence of a hemorrhage?
Within the first 4 hours and with no contraindications thrombolytics should be given.
What are the most common primary cancer sites for metastasis to the brain?
Lung, breast, kidney
What is Broca’s aphasia?
Expressive aphasia, where speech is non-fluent and difficult to initiate, associated with damage to Broca’s area. Because Broca’s area is near motor cortex and underlying internal capsule, associated with a right hemiparesis and homonymous hemianopsia.
List three medications used to “treat” multiple sclerosis?
Steroids, interferon beta, copolymer 1