Neurobiology of Attention Flashcards
Taking possession of the mind, in clear and vivid form, of one out of several simultaneously possible objects or trains of thought.
Endogenous attention
Internal shift in attention
driven by intention
voluntary control
Covert attention
An internal shift of attention without moving the eyes.
Important in social interaction, sports, combat
laboratory setting - same photoreceptors activated on retina
Spatial attention
Attending to a specific location in space.
Object-based attention
Attending to multiple features of an object as a whole.
Receptive fields RF
Part of sensory space that elicits a response
Prefrontal cortex (PFC)
The region of the brain that represents abstract concepts and goals and sends feedback to visual cortices (top-down projections)
modifies incoming sensory information with a delay
Frontal Eye Field (FEF)
A region in the prefrontal cortex that elicits saccades to specific location
insert electrode in FEF - finds region the eyes are driven to
5 million cone cells in the retina
200,000 RGCs in the fovea (no. of information channels)
info entering the brain per second = 7 million bits per second
role of attention
prevents an overload of information
attention is a limited resource
overt attention
orientating by moving our eyes
filters out by looking away
shift in attention + gaze shifting
exogenous attention
something salient appears e.g. sound
bottom up
reflexive (involuntary)
feature-based attention
attend to a specific feature such as colour, orientation, direction of motion
how to record attention
MRI scanner
electrodes (monkeys)
lick port in response to stimulus (mice)
tuning curve
describes what stimuli a cell likes to fire in response to